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Nginx Guard - Verification of the JWT Token with mapping of the token claims values to the HTTP Headers

This library is under development, it is not ready for production use yet.

Map claims values from the JWT Token to the HTTP Headers request, with the ability to specify a custom mapping.


  • via opm: opm get dailymotion/lua-nginx-guard-jwt

Table of Contents


# nginx.conf

http {
  server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    location = / {
      access_by_lua '
        local j = require "guardjwt"
        local validators = require "resty.jwt-validators"

            foo = {
              validators = validators.equals_any_of({ "bar", "baz" }),
              header = "X-DM-Foo"
            secret = "guardjwt",
            is_token_mandatory = false

      proxy_pass http://target/;

This example above will:

  1. Decrypt JWT token with the secret guardjwt
  2. Get claim's value from the key foo
  3. Verify if its value is equals to either "bar" or "baz"
  4. Map the value to the X-DM-Foo HTTP Header.

Schema of GuardJWT


This library implements a simple way to map the claim's values from a JWT Token to the HTTP's Headers request.

Under the hood, this library uses:

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API - Methods

  local guard = require "guardjwt"

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syntax: guard.GuardJWT.verify_and_map(claim_spec [, config])

Verify JTW Token from the 'Authorization' header with a specific specification. Then, map claim values with associated header.

claim_spec format

  foo: {
    validators: [resty.jwt-validators] validator.
    header: optional [string] Header name used to map the claim value.
  bar: {
    validators: [resty.jwt-validators] validator.
    header: optional [string] Header name used to map the claim value.

Validators documentation is available directly on the cdbattags repository.

config format

  secret: [string] which describe private key to decode JWT,
  is_token_mandatory: [bool][default=false] is token is mandatory & valid.
  clear_authorization_header: [bool][default=true] Clear "Authorization" header

secret: Private key to decode JWT, if not present, the value is guessed from the JWT_SECRET environment variable. is_token_mandatory: Is token is mandatory & valid, false by default. clear_authorization_header: Clear the "Authorization" header, true by default.


local j = require "guardjwt"
local validators = require "resty.jwt-validators"

    foo = {
      validators = validators.equals_any_of({ "bar" }),
      header = "X-DM-Foo"
    secret = "guardjwt",
    is_token_mandatory = true,
    clear_authorization_header = true


syntax: guard.GuardJWT.raw_verify_and_map(nginx, claim_spec [, config])

Verify JTW Token from the 'Authorization' header with a specific specification. Then, map claim values with associated header.

  • nginx: the NGINX object.
  • claim_spec & config: Formats described above.

Example: Gateway

You can try the guardjwt module through the Gateway example (./example/gateway).

# Run the target container (Where the traffic will be proxify)
docker-compose up target

# Run the gateway
docker-compose up gateway

When both containers are ready, you can send an HTTP Request to the gateway with a JWT Token.

curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIifQ.DFmxCulxIMpi4fWbVbhnZLCJxvfSb6PhkGDQYsIyOks' http://localhost:8080/

You can see the HTTP Request proxify on the target log, with the decoded headers.

target_1   | http GET /
target_1   | host: target
target_1   | connection: close
target_1   | user-agent: curl/7.47.1
target_1   | accept: */*
target_1   | x-dm-foo: bar

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Example: How to develop on GuardJWT ?

As the method describe above, you have to start the target container first. It will be used to handle proxify request. You should take a look of the logs to debug the guardjwt module.

docker-compose up target

To develop, just update the file (./lib/guardjwt.lua) and execute this commands.

make develop-run

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