These are just some things I learned while trying to get a ListList box up on heroku from scratch. One important thing to know before getting started is that our ListList heroku account costs ~$70 per month.
CyrusLists runs on Heroku in production. It also depends on several Heroku addons. Our Heroku configuraton uses a web dyno and an additional worker dyno which is responsible for retrieving messages from the archive.
The following environment variables need to be set with `heroku config:set VAR=VALUE`. See for more info.
This service posts each email it recieves to the app’s /incoming route. However, without a paid account they will only do this for emails sent to an email address they provide. We have a paid account so that messages sent to * are serialized and posted to
Archived messages are cached by Memcachier.
Resque is used to create background tasks for retrieving archived emails. Resque relies on redis so the Redis To Go plugin must be enabled in heroku for archives to work.
Used to run periodic tasks:
`rake update_archives` (daily)
`rake incremental_update` (every 10m)
Cloud email service. Necessary since we can’t install our own mail server on heroku.