. - matches any character
? - zero or one time
* - zero or more times
+ - one or more times
[] - character class
^ - anchor at the beginning
$ - anchor to the end
(a|b) - match a or b
() capture group
(?:) non capture group
\d -> digit [0-9]
\w -> word [A-Za-z0-9_]
\s -> whitespace [ \t\r\n\f]
Some FLAGS are:
- i - case insensitive
- g - match all occurences (global)
Use regex.test()
to check whether a pattern matches.
var str = process.argv[2];
if (/c(at|ow)/.test(str)) {
else console.log('no match');
$ node test.js cow
$ node test.js dog
no match
Use regex.exec(str)
or str.match(regex)
to return a match object
with any capture groups that matched.
Use square brackets to refer to a capture group by number starting at 1:
var str = process.argv[2];
var m = /best in the (\w+)/i.exec(str);
$ node exec.js 'Best in the west.'
$ node exec.js 'Best in the forest.'
Replace occurences of regex
with rep
var str = process.argv[2];
var newstr = str.replace(/whal(e|ing)/gi, 'SPACE');
$ node replace 'Whale, the final frontier. Whaling.'
SPACE, the final frontier. SPACE.