an embedded key/value database
- embedded - in-process library
- standalone - separate service
- leveldb
- sqlite
- berkeleydb
- postgresql
- mysql
- mongodb
- couchdb
Since leveldb is a standalone databse, you can just install it with npm:
npm install level
var level = require('level');
var db = level('./whatever.db');
set a value for a key with .put()
var level = require('level');
var db = level('./whatever.db');
db.put('key', 'value', function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err);
load a value for a key with .get()
var level = require('level');
var db = level('./whatever.db');
db.get('key', function (err, value) {
if (err) console.error(err);
else console.log('value=', value);
delete a value at a key with .del()
either all transactions succeed or all transactions fail
atomicity is important to enforce consistency
Suppose a user has just signed up. We might need to create:
- a record for their
- a record for their login username and password
insert multiple records at a time, atomically
gt: "a",
lt: "m"
- gt - greater than
- lt - less than
keys are sorted by their string values:
- aaaaa
- bb
- ccccc
- "1"
- "12"
- "3"
- "4"
- "555"
- "6"
a nicer way of handling lexicographic values
sorting for numbers happens as you might expect:
- 1
- 3
- 4
- 6
- 12
- 555
and there is also a hierarchy of types.
is the first type to sort and undefined
is the
- null
- numbers
- strings
- arrays
- objects
- undefined
Arrays are sorted component-wise, which means we can make keys like:
[ 'user', 'substack' ]
and then to query all users we can do:
gt: [ 'user', null ],
lt: [ 'user', undefined ]
key/value structure we might use for a user/post system:
[{"key":"user!substack","value":{"bio":"beep boop"}},
{"key":"post!substack!2015-01-04 11:45","value":"cool beans"}]
{"key":"post!maxogden!2015-01-03 17:33","value":"soup."}]
This will let us efficiently query for a user's posts:
gt: "post!substack",
lt: "post!substack!~"
or with bytewise:
[{"key":["user","substack"],"value":{"bio":"beep boop"}},
{"key":["post","substack","2015-01-04 11:45"],"value":"cool beans"}]
{"key":["post","maxogden","2015-01-03 17:33"],"value":"soup."}]
gt: ["post","substack",null],
lt: ["post","substack",undefined]
In either case, what if we want to get ALL the posts on the system?
We can use .batch()
to create multiple keys for each post:
var now = new Date().toISOString();
var id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
var subkey = now + '!' + id;
now to get all the posts system-wide sorted by date, we can do:
start: "post!",
end: "post!~"
we can create nested sub-databases with subleveldown:
var level = require('level');
var sublevel = require('subleveldown');
var db = level('whatever.db');
var catsdb = sublevel(db, 'cats');
var robodb = sublevel(db, 'robots');
catsdb.put('msg', 'meow');
robodb.put('msg', 'beep boop');
and catsdb
and robodb
will each key a unique namespace
for a msg
Instead of building in a lot of features, in leveldb you can use npm to install packages:
Making user accounts is actually surprisingly tricky!
You've got to remember:
- only create a user if the name hasn't been taken
- hash passwords with a unique salt for each user
- lock records to prevent account creation race conditions
- extensibility points for more login methods in the future