This tutorial was created by Caroline T. Schroeder, licensed CC-BY-NC 4.0. Last updated 4 April 2023.
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This tutorial is for Omeka classic, not Omeka S.
An Exhibit Buildewr plug-in for Omeka exists. The Exhibits Builder enables you to curate content as online exhibits, selecting itmes and adding information in a visually pleasing way. You can divide your Exhibit into multiple pages or just have a single page.
I have already activated the plug-in for our Omeka site. If you are creating your own site: click on Plugins on the top menu in the administrative back end for your site; locate the Exhibit Builder plugin and click Activate to activate it.
Review the themes and questions we have raised about our text/topic.
Come up with three possible Exhibits for your group to create; have preliminary titles/topics for these three, and be sure there are Items in our Collections that can address these topics. (Items can be featured in more than one Exhibit.)
As a class, we will decide on the final Exhibits. In groups working on your assigned Exhibit(s):
• Write up on a shared document (possibly a Google doc?) the questions and themes related to your exhibit
• Begin working out which Items might be appropriate for the Exhibit
• Begin thinking about items you might want in your Exhibit that we don’t HAVE
• Map out a plan of the Exhibit with pages or subsections (assign a page/subtopic to each person)
Click on Exhibits > Add Exhibit to create your Exhibit – come up with a good title!
Fill out the rest of the boxes.
In your Exhibit admin, add a Page for each person in your group
• You pick the layout for your Page. You will see several options for Content "Blocks" for your page. You can use as many content blocks as you like in any order.
- Select the Layout you want.
- Click the large button to "Add New Content Block"
- Repeat as necessary
- For Blocks with Files, Click on the icon "Add Item" to select the item you want to include there on that page.
- For Blocks with text, you will see an interface to type and stylize narrative text.
• You write the text and add the Items
• In the text:
- explain/analyze the theme in one paragraph or more
- how the item(s) illustrate(s) your theme
- Make a substantive reference to BOTH the original text AND the secondary source by Cohick & Hughes and cite appropriately
• You must cite and link to source(s) you use for information. No matter what: if you take material word for word from somewhere else, you must put those words in quotation marks and give the source. If you take ideas and/or information from somewhere else (but not word-for-word) you need a citation. Cite the chapter of the original primary source if you reference our common text.
**You do not need to use other sources besides
- Cohick & Hughes
- The Martyrdom of Perpetua & Felicitas
- Information that might be on the museum page/original page where your items are from Please do not do other research.
• Have at least one item/image on your page
Be sure to save your changes!
When you are ready, Edit your Page and Exhibit. On each be sure the "Public" box is checked so that your Exhibit and Pages are publicly visible.