Encode/Decode data using various encoding schemes.
$ npm install dencodeme
$ npm install -g dencodeme
$ encodeme --help
Usage: encodeme [options] [command]
Encodes data using various encoding schemes.
$ decodeme --help
Usage: decodeme [options] [command]
Decodes data using various encoding schemes.
-v, --version Outputs the current version
-h, --help Outputs this help menu
base|radix [options] <radix> <input> Decodes the specified input data from the specified base/radix
base32|b32 [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 32
base36|b36 [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 36
base64|b64 [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 64
binary|bin [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 2
decimal|dec [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 10
hexadecimal|hex [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 16
octal|oct [options] <input> Decodes the specified input data from base 8
help [command] Outputs help for command
The package can be imported using CJS or ESM syntax.
const dencodeme = require("dencodeme");
import * as dencodeme from "dencodeme";
const dencodeme = require("dencodeme");
dencodeme.binary.encode("hello yall"); // 01101000011001010110110001101100011011110010000001111001011000010110110001101100
dencodeme.decimal.encode("hello yall"); // 104101108108111032121097108108
dencodeme.hexadecimal.encode("hello yall"); // 68656c6c6f2079616c6c
dencodeme.base(5).encode("hello yall"); // 0404040104130413042101120441034204130413
const dencodeme = require("dencodeme");
dencodeme.binary.decode("01101000011001010110110001101100011011110010000001111001011000010110110001101100"); // hello yall
dencodeme.decimal.decode("104101108108111032121097108108"); // hello yall
dencodeme.hexadecimal.decode("68656c6c6f2079616c6c"); // hello yall
dencodeme.base(5).decode("0404040104130413042101120441034204130413"); // hello yall
The documentation can be found here.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.