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{"name":"SLProject","tagline":"SLProject is a plattform independent 3D computer graphics scene graph library","body":"Welcome to the SLProject\r\n========\r\n\r\nSLProject is a plattform independent 3D computer graphics scene graph library\r\n\r\nSL stands for Scene Library. It is developed at the [Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH)](http://www.bfh.ch/en/studies/bachelor/engineering_and_information_technology/information_technology.html) and used for student projects in the [cpvrLab](https://www.cpvrlab.ti.bfh.ch/). The various applications show what you can learn in one semester about 3D computer graphics in real time rendering and ray tracing. During the semester we built this framework in C++ and OpenGL ES 2.0. The framework runs without changes on Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, Android (>=2.3.3) and Apple iOS (>=5). The framework can render alternatively with ray tracing which provides in addition high quality transparencies, reflections and soft shadows. You can find the demo app also on the [Android Market](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.fhnw.comgr&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNoLmZobncuY29tZ3IiXQ).\r\n\r\n\r\n![image missing](http://slproject.googlecode.com/svn/images/platforms-small.png)\r\n\r\n###Framework Features\r\n\r\n - **Platform independent real time 3D rendering** with OpenGL ES 2.0 on Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, Android and Apple iOS5.\r\n - **99% of the code is in platform independent C++** or **GLSL** (OpenGL Shading Language).\r\n - **Hierarchical scene graph** with grouping and referencing.\r\n - **3DS file format import**.\r\n - **Sorted alpha blending** for transparencies.\r\n - **View frustum culling** for optimal rendering of large scenes.\r\n - **Standard GLSL shaders** for vertex lighting, pixel lighting, bump mapping, parallax mapping, water and glass shading.\r\n - Turntable and first person camera animation.\r\n - **Stereo rendering** with anaglyphs, side-by-side or Oculus Rift rendering.\r\n - **Simple 2D GUI** buttons for hierarchical menus.\r\n - **Space partitioning** with axis aligned bounding volume hierarchy combined with uniform grids.\r\n - **Object picking** with fast ray casting.\r\n - Alternative rendering with **ray tracing**.\r\n - On desktop OS and iOS the ray tracing is optimally **paralleled using C++ 11 threads**.\r\n - **Distributed ray tracing** for anti aliasing, soft shadows and depth of field.\r\n - The project repository contains all dependencies and is **ready to compile**.\r\n - Read the wiki [BuildVisualStudio](https://code.google.com/p/slproject/wiki/BuildVisualStudio) for build instructions with MS Visual Studio.\r\n - Read the wiki [BuildQtCreator](https://code.google.com/p/slproject/wiki/BuildQtCreator) for build instructions with QtCreator? under Windows, OSX or Linux.\r\n - Read the wiki [BuildAndroid](https://code.google.com/p/slproject/wiki/BuildAndroid) for build instructions for the Android build with Visual Studio.\r\n - Read the wiki [BuildAppleiOS](https://code.google.com/p/slproject/wiki/BuildAppleiOS) for build instructions for the iOS build with Apple XCode.\r\n - Read the wiki FolderStructure for an overview of the repository folder structure.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n###Minimal OpenGL ES2 Apps in 4 Languages\r\n - Minimal OpenGL application in **C++, C#, Java & WebGL**.\r\n - The projects can serve as entry points for core profile OpenGL programming newbies.\r\n - The apps show a simple rectangle with texture that can be rotated with the mouse implemented in:\r\n - C++ with the GLFW library for GUI.\r\n - C# with the OpenTK GL wrapper.\r\n - Java with the JOGL GL wrapper.\r\n - WebGL in JavaScript\r\n - The code in the 4 Languages is as identical as possible.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n###Minimal 3D App without OpenGL\r\n - For learning 3D vector and matrix math you don't need OpenGL.\r\n - A spinning wireframe cube in 3D is created with 2D .Net drawing.\r\n - Is uses the same vector and matrix classes in C# as the SLProject uses in C++.\r\n - Perspective projection transform is implemented in the matrix class.\r\n\r\n","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}