- Product Page: LIDAR-Lite v3 - See product page for operating manual
- Product Support - Direct all support issues to Garmin's Support Team
This library provides quick access to basic functions of LIDAR-Lite via the Raspberry Pi platform. It has been tested on RPi 3 B+ running Raspbian kernel 4.14. Additionally, it can provide a user of any platform with a template for their own application code.
From a command shell, launch the configuration editor
sudo raspi-config
From the menu, select
- Interfacing Options
- P5 I2C
- Enable the interface
- Select Finish
- Reboot the Raspberry Pi
On the 40-pin header make the following connections -
* LLv3 Blue (SDA) - RPi pin 2
* LLv3 Green (SCL) - RPi pin 3
* LLv3 Red (5V ) - RPi pin 4
* LLv3 Black (GND) - RPi pin 6
- Wire a 680uF capacitor across pins 4 and 6
Additionally, see the following tutorials for other information concerning I2C on Raspberry Pi
Copyright (c) 2019 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for further details.