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Multi-environment deployment

In this sample, we show you how to use the same worklow in different environments such as staging and prod.

As a concrete example, instead of hardcoding the URLs called from the workflow, we show you how to replace the URLs with staging and prod URLs depending on where the workflow is being deployed.

We'll explore 3 different ways of replacing URLs.

Option 1: Use URLs as runtime arguments

Option 1

In the first option, you define URLs as runtime arguments and use them whenever you need to call a service:

  params: [args]
    - init:
          - url1: ${args.urls.url1}
          - url2: ${args.urls.url2}

You can deploy workflow1.yaml as an example:

gcloud workflows deploy multi-env1 --source workflow1.yaml

Run the workflow in staging environment with staging URLs:

gcloud workflows run multi-env1 --data='{"urls":{"url1": "", "url2": ""}}'

Run the workflow in prod environment with prod URLs:

gcloud workflows run multi-env1 --data='{"urls":{"url1": "", "url2": ""}}'

Option 2: Use Cloud Build to deploy multiple versions

Option 2

In the second option, you can use Cloud Build to deploy multiple versions of the workflow with the appropriate staging and prod URLs replaced at deployment time.

Run to enable required services and grant necessary roles.

Define workflow2.yaml that has placeholder values for URLs:

    - init:
          - url1: REPLACE_url1
          - url2: REPLACE_url2

Define cloubuild.yaml that has a step to replace placeholder URLs and a deployment step:

- id: 'replace-urls'
  name: ''
  entrypoint: bash
    - -c
    - |
      sed -i -e "s~REPLACE_url1~$_URL1~" workflow2.yaml
      sed -i -e "s~REPLACE_url2~$_URL2~" workflow2.yaml
- id: 'deploy-workflow'
  name: ''
  args: ['workflows', 'deploy', 'multi-env2-$_ENV', '--source', 'workflow2.yaml']

Deploy the workflow in the staging environment with staging URLs:

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=_ENV=staging,_URL1="",_URL2=""

Deploy the workflow in the prod environment with prod URLs:

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=_ENV=prod,_URL1="",_URL2=""

Now, we have 2 workflows ready to run in staging and prod environments:

gcloud workflows run multi-env2-staging
gcloud workflows run multi-env2-prod

Option 3: Use Terraform to deploy multiple versions

Option 2

In the third option, you can use Terraform to deploy multiple versions of the workflow with the appropriate staging and prod URLs replaced at deployment time.

Define workflow3.yaml that has placeholder values for URLs:

    - init:
          - url1: ${url1}
          - url2: ${url2}

Define that creates staging and prod workflows:

variable "project_id" {
  type = string

variable "url1" {
  type = string

variable "url2" {
  type = string

locals {
  env = ["staging", "prod"]

# Define and deploy staging and prod workflows
resource "google_workflows_workflow" "multi-env3-workflows" {
  for_each = toset(local.env)

  name            = "multi-env3-${each.key}"
  project         = var.project_id
  region          = "us-central1"
  source_contents = templatefile("${path.module}/workflow3.yaml", { url1 : "${var.url1}-${each.key}", url2 : "${var.url2}-${each.key}" })

Initialize Terraform:

terraform init

See planned changes:

terraform plan -var="project_id=YOUR-PROJECT-ID" -var="url1=" -var="url2="

Deploy the workflow in the staging environment with staging URLs and prod environment with prod URLs:

terraform apply -var="project_id=YOUR-PROJECT-ID" -var="url1=" -var="url2="

Now, we have 2 workflows ready to run in staging and prod environments:

gcloud workflows run multi-env3-staging
gcloud workflows run multi-env3-prod

Pros and cons

Option1 is a simpler setup (a single workflow deployment) but a more complicated execution, as you need to pass in URLs in every execution. If you have a lot of URLs, executions can get too verbose with all the runtime arguments for URLs. Also, you can't tell which URLs your workflow will call until you actually execute the workflow.

Option2 is a more complicated setup with multiple workflow deployments with Cloud Build. However, the workflow contains the URLs being called and that results in a simpler execution.

Option3 is pretty much the same as Option 2 but for Terraform users.