make base-images
export CHROMIUM=96.0.4664.110
docker buildx build -t chromium-buildenv --build-arg='CHROMIUM=$CHROMIUM' .
Get the Chromium source code:
git clone --depth=1 --branch=$CHROMIUM \ workspace/src
concc-boot -C workspace -i chromium-buildenv -s scripts -l \
concc gclient config --unmanaged
concc-boot -C workspace -i chromium-buildenv -s scripts -l \
concc gclient sync --force
This may take several hours depending on your network environment.
Increase the VM memory more than 8GB before running the commands above if you use Docker Desktop for Mac.
Create workspacefs.override.yaml
cat <<EOF >workspace/workspacefs.override.yaml
- src/out/*
Generate Ninja files:
concc-boot -C workspace -i chromium-buildenv -s scripts -l \
concc -C src \
'gn gen out/Default --args="clang_base_path=\"/opt/clang\" cc_wrapper=\"concc-exec\"" is_debug=false'
Then, build a target with worker containers:
concc-boot -C workspace -i chromium-buildenv -s scripts \
concc -C src \
'autoninja -C out/Default -j $(concc-worker-pool limit) chrome'
Specify worker hosts when building with remote worker containers:
concc-boot -C workspace -i gcc-buildenv -s scripts -w remote \
concc -C src \
'autoninja -C out/Default -j $(concc-worker-pool limit) chrome'
where remote
must be accessible via SSH.
Building chrome takes a long time depending on your environment. We recommend to build nasm instead of it if you like to save the build time for confirmation.