- Added the ability to opt-in to user private Brave ads. (#4209)
- Added ability to clear browsing data when exiting Brave. (#492)
- Added prompt when websites request Widevine permissions. (#1940)
- Added global navigation bar under brave://settings. (#956)
- Added brave://rewards-internals to assist with rewards support. (#1174)
- Updated buttons throughout Brave to match product branding. (#3378)
- Updated checkboxes throughout Brave to match Brave color palette. (#3377)
- Fixed characters being removed from URL when typing into omnibox. (#3756)
- Fixed intermittent hang on mobile.twitter.com when right clicking the page. (#2410)
- Fixed not being able to auto-contribute even though the required BAT is available. (#3897)
- Fixed auto-contribution table remains corrupted after upgrading Brave in certain cases. (#3510)
- Fixed YouTube publisher information not being displayed under the rewards panel in certain cases. (#3335)
- Fixed favicon for verified publishers not being displayed correctly under the rewards panel. (#3783)
- Fixed special characters in YouTube channel names not being displayed correctly under the rewards panel.(#2028)
- Fixed attention percentage not immediately being updated under the rewards panel. (#3497)
- Fixed auto-contribution table not being updated under brave://rewards in certain cases. (#2911)
- Fixed not being able to exclude sites from auto-contribution table under brave://rewards. (#2943)
- Fixed translations on the rewards panel for various locales. (#3426)
- Fixed restored publishers being removed from auto-contribution table when brave://rewards is opened in multiple windows. (#3264)
- Fixed publishers that are excluded being toggled back to included in certain cases. (#3551)
- Fixed bookmarks not propagating to other devices in certain cases. (#3777)
- Fixed sync process initiating before the sync chain can be fully created. (#2687)
- Fixed bookmarks being synced when there's no devices associated with sync chain. (#3509)
- Fixed crash when opening brave://sync in Tor window. (#3003)
- Fixed crash when opening brave://sync in Guest window. (#3522)
- Fixed being able to access brave://rewards and brave://sync using the settings menu under Tor window. (#3410)
- Fixed brave:// pages being added into browsing history. (#3493)
- Fixed not being able to install Brave under Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo". (#4157)
- Fixed several UI issues on the rewards panel for Manjaro/Arch Linux distros. (#1555)
- Fixed loss of "clickable area" under the New Tab Page for top site tiles. (#3487)
- Fixed bookmark and pin buttons under the New Tab Page for top site tiles. (#3347)
- Fixed not being able to print under wsj.com. (#2286)
- Fixed videos not playing under videoportal.joj.sk. (#2931)
- Upgraded Chromium to 74.0.3729.108. (#4192)
- Upgraded Chromium to 73.0.3683.103. (#4031)
- Added Widevine support for Linux. (#413)
- Added social media blocking for Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. (#3489)
- Added ability for Brave to use system theme on macOS. (#1189)
- Reduced retry timer when publisher list fails to download. (#3639)
- Changed auto-contribution remove icons from X to trash icons under Rewards. (#3178)
- Updated the manual page under Linux. (#392)
- Updated resource blocking to return HTTP 200 instead of redirect. (#2554)
- Fixed issue where users couldn't create Brave wallet. (#3046)
- Fixed users not being able to create wallets due to "Wallet creation failed" error. (#2997)
- Fixed "insufficient funds" and "unable to contribute" notifications being displayed despite having enough BAT. (#3640)
- Fixed monthly tips not being displayed in summary when accessing from tip panel. (#3177)
- Fixed "Try again" button not working if wallet creation fails. (#3440)
- Fixed "Backup Wallet" notification not directing users to the backup page under Rewards. (#2739)
- Fixed download toolbar not always respecting current theme. (#3708)
- Fixed macOS system UI within Brave not matching Brave theme colour. (#1289)
- Fixed sync not propagating changes to other devices in certain situations. (#3515)
- Fixed bookmarks not being synced in correct order in certain situations. (#3216)
- Fixed crash when trying to open brave://sync in private window. (#2852)
- Fixed different behaviour when loading chrome:// vs brave:// in private windows. (#2853)
- Fixed chrome:// being displayed instead of brave:// when editing the URL. (#1616)
- Fixed internal brave:// pages being added into new tab page. (#3710)
- Fixed http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ automatically being added to sources.list on Linux. (#1084)
- Fixed not being enable to disable Brave Shield when URL includes a port number. (#1896)
- Upgraded Chromium to 73.0.3683.86. (#3813)
- Added new setting that allows Brave Rewards icon in the URL to be hidden if Rewards is inactive. (#2975)
- Added new confirmation banner after first establishing a monthly tip that indicates amount and date of first tip. (#3023)
- Added support for specifying custom enable/disable feature switches when launching Brave using terminal/command line interface. (#3209)
- Updated design for Rewards onboarding when enabling Rewards for the first time. (#3123)
- Improved user interface performance for Rewards when reconciliation (tipping/auto-contribution) is in progress. (#3393)
- Improved tab separator thickness. (#3081)
- Fixed two-factor authentication using Yubikey not working with Brave. (#3558)
- Fixed Tor .onion domain leaks (Windows only). (#3249)
- Fixed instances of Tor not working after a clean install. (#3058)
- Fixed instances of Tor not being used while using Tor. (#3349)
- Fixed "Brave is out of date" dialog using incorrect URL. (#2942)
- Fixed incorrect attention percentage being displayed in the auto-contribution table when excluding websites. (#3341)
- Fixed YouTube publishers with custom URLs not being displayed correctly under Rewards panel. (#1886)
- Fixed "Minimum visits for publisher relevancy" under Rewards setting not being respected. (#2110)
- Fixed auto-contribute table not being visually updated after reactivating Rewards. (#2892)
- Fixed incorrect attention value in auto-contribute table when "Allow contribution to non-verified sites" is changed under Rewards setting. (#3015)
- Fixed Rewards panel showing "Include in Auto-Contribute" as enabled when auto-contribution has been disabled globally. (#3103)
- Fixed several issues when using two Rewards banners at the same time. (#3125)
- Fixed zombie devices being left behind after sync chain is deleted. (#3225)
- Fixed media publishers being displayed as YouTube if you have visited the publisher in a previous contribution cycle. (#3244)
- Fixed "No internet connection" dialog appearing while syncing even though there is a connection. (#3278)
- Fixed publisher verification inconsistencies between YouTube channel page and on video page. (#3312)
- Fixed removal notification not being dismissed automatically when removing top sites from new tab page. (#2772)
- Fixed opening new tabs flashing white when using the dark theme. (#3362)
- Fixed chrome://sync autocompletes to chrome://sync-internals. (#2603)
- Fixed videos not playing under cbsnews.com. (#3562)
- Upgraded Chromium to 73.0.3683.75. (#3669)
- Upgraded Chromium to 72.0.3626.121. (#3546)
- Upgraded Chromium to 72.0.3626.119. (#3447)
- Added ability to tip Twitch publishers. (#1814)
- Added backup wallet notification under reward panel that notifies users who have not backed up their wallet. (#1164)
- Added notification under reward panel that appears three days before contribution if wallet has insufficient BAT. (#1479)
- Added recurring date within the tip table under Brave Rewards. (#1834)
- Changed rewards publisher list being fetched every 48 hours to 24 hours. (#3171)
- Updated default search engine list. (#3316)
- Updated new tab page background images and refined design. (#2504)
- Updated icons under new tab page. (#1593)
- Fixed summary under rewards panel being cleared when restarting Brave. (#3055)
- Fixed insufficient funds notification being displayed when wallet has more than enough BAT. (#3212)
- Fixed being able to tip even though Brave Rewards is disabled. (#2214)
- Fixed auto-contribution table not working if "Minimum page time before logging visit" is set to one minute. (#3320)
- Fixed HTTPS Everywhere not working correctly on some websites. (#1535)
- Fixed public content settings not being inherited by private window. (#1373)
- Fixed sizing of several action icons that appear in the URL bar. (#2295)
- Fixed tipping option in certain cases not being displayed under rewards panel. (#2089)
- Fixed Twitch icons under rewards panel not being displayed in certain cases. (#1521)
- Fixed whitespace at the beginning or end of the recovery key prevents successful wallet recovery. (#2665)
- Fixed being able to tip YouTube publishers in certain cases even though "Allow contributions to videos" is disabled. (#2463)
- Fixed URL and icons under reward panel mismatching in some cases. (#2073)
- Fixed "add funds" link not working under rewards panel when wallet has insufficient BAT for tip. (#2628)
- Fixed 2FA with Google Accounts when Brave Shields are enabled. (#1356)
- Fixed publisher "Thank you" banner displaying incorrect letter after tipping. (#2718)
- Fixed publisher "Thank you" banner showing generic favicon instead of custom publisher image. (#2668)
- Fixed deleted publishers not always being restored when using "Restore All" under auto-contribution table. (#2551)
- Fixed notification under the rewards panel being displayed when rewards is disabled. (#2957)
- Fixed crash reporting under Windows 7. (#1188)
- Fixed crash reporting under Linux. (#1251)
- Fixed WebTorrent becoming unresponsive when resizing window. (#3034)
- Fixed auto-play issues on rainwa.com and cheddar.com. (#2522)
- Fixed videos not working under sportsnet.ca. (#2843)
- Fixed stats on new tab page overlapping when resizing window. (#341)
- Fixed display issues when hovering over icons on new tab page. (#494)
- Upgraded Chromium to 72.0.3626.109. (#3358)
- Fixed issue with sync library. (#3207)
- Added Sync. (#3180)
- Added ability to claim BAT grants using the reward panel. (#1783)
- Added support for custom tip amounts for publishers. (#2645)
- Added ability to enable and disable WebTorrent via Brave settings. (#897)
- Added request confirmation before opening external applications. (#542)
- Added dark theme support for Developer Tools. (#784)
- Improved the Brave welcome experience. (#1847)
- Enabled viz service display compositor. (#3105)
- Reduced user fingerprint by always returning constant values for navigator.mimeTypes and navigator.plugins. (#1549)
- Replaced several icons under Brave Rewards with new icons. (#1825)
- Fixed auto-contribution table being corrupted when changing "Minimum page time before logging a visit" via Brave Rewards settings. (#3134)
- Fixed publishers being removed from the auto-contribution table when "Minimum page time before logging a visit" is changed and Brave is upgraded or restarted. (#3162)
- Fixed reward panel not always displaying Welcome screen on first click which caused issues creating wallets. (#2962)
- Fixed several instances of incorrect crypto addresses being displayed in Brave Rewards. (#2172)
- Fixed weight for each publisher within auto-contribution not being calculated correctly. (#3163)
- Fixed Widevine notifications not appearing under YouTube and Amazon Prime when viewing premium content and Widevine is not installed. (#1985)
- Fixed PDFs being opened in Brave even though "Download PDF files instead of automatically opening them in Brave" has been enabled in Brave settings. (#1531)
- Fixed disabling auto-contribution also disabled YouTube tipping. (#2084)
- Fixed notifications under Brave panel not being dismissible in certain instances. (#2883)
- Fixed several instances of rewards panel not displaying YouTube publishers due to different URLs. (#2820)
- Fixed pending contributions to unverified publishers not being dynamically updated under Brave Rewards. (#2890)
- Fixed Brave Rewards summary sometimes displaying incorrect tip amounts. (#2332)
- Fixed non-verified publishers not being displayed in Brave panel when unchecking "Allow contributions to non-verified sites" in Brave Rewards settings. (#2653)
- Fixed "Next Contribution Date" under Brave Rewards displaying incorrect dates in some instances. (#2206)
- Fixed non-verified sites being added into auto-contribution table when "Allow contributions to non-verified sites" has been disabled. (#2111)
- Fixed "Send My Tip" button under Brave panel not displaying cursor. (#2744)
- Fixed specific headers for promotional campaigns not being used when Brave first starts up. (#3143)
- Fixed not being able to make Brave the default browser under Linux. (#1274)
- Fixed favicon not appearing on several custom brave:// pages. (#1466)
- Fixed Brave Shields blocking images when device language is set to Japanese. (#2482)
- Fixed several strings under the hamburger menu not being translated. (#2831)
- Fixed several icons under the toolbar that appeared too thick when not using retina screens. (#2327)
- Upgraded Tor to (#1974)
- Upgraded Chromium to 72.0.3626.81. (#3146)
- Added new contribution flow for unverified publishers. (#2836)
- Removed icon fetching for unverified media publishers. (#2717)
- Fixed several CORS issues due to Brave Shields. (#2252)
- Fixed JavaScript being able to load Brave schemes. (#2861)
- Fixed not being able to exclude websites from the auto-contribute table under Rewards. (#1693)
- Fixed auto-contribution table not being updated correctly in certain situations. (#2882)
- Fixed auto-contribution still occurring when Rewards is disabled or the auto-contribution toggle is toggled off within Rewards. (#2804)
- Fixed recurring tipping still occurring when Rewards is disabled. (#2815)
- Fixed not being able to play media on Reddit. (#1999)
- Fixed images failing to upload on GitHub. (#2034)
- Fixed not being able to login into https://riot.im. (#2521)
- Fixed videos failing to load on https://d.tube. (#1581)
- Fixed not being able to login into https://www.skill-capped.com. (#2411)
- Fixed not being able to search on namecheap.com. (#2341)
- Fixed behance.net not loading in Brave. (#2864)
- Fixed "Save Link As..." being disabled under the right click context menu when selecting "brave://sync" in settings. (#2849)
- Added text snippets under the tip panel and tip banner when a publisher hasn't been verified. (#2697)
- Removed all images for unverified publishers on Brave Rewards. (#2696)
- Removed YouTube favicons for unverified publishers in tip table under Brave Rewards. (#2715)
- Added support for custom publisher branded Reward banners. (#1923)
- Added the ability to import search settings from muon. (#2415)
- Added notification under Rewards panel that only appears once if user hasn't enabled Brave Rewards. (#1439)
- Added the ability to restore another wallet if the current wallet has been corrupted or is missing data. (#2183)
- Added Copy / Print / Save as File actions under the "Backup your wallet" modal window in Brave Rewards. (#929)
- Added a deep link for "Add Funds" under the Rewards panel. (#1480)
- Added a relaunch dialog for macOS when updating via the hamburger menu. (#2477)
- Added timeout to the "Thank You" banner so it's dismissed automatically after sending a tip. (#1742)
- Added more information in "Add Funds" under Brave Rewards to make the experience more intuitive. (#1935)
- Removed the reload button under the Rewards panel. (#1598)
- Fixed extensions not being able to override the new tab page. (#993)
- Fixed several crashes when updating to a new version on macOS. (#1745)
- Fixed Brave not relaunching on macOS after updating to a new version. (#977)
- Fixed crash when opening "Rewards Settings" in certain situations. (#2375)
- Fixed PDFs not loading on certain websites when they are behind basic authentication. (#1788)
- Fixed import failing when denying Brave keychain access. (#2513)
- Fixed import failing when bookmark from muon fails to import. (#2517)
- Fixed import failing when Brave Payments (muon) fails to import. (#2421)
- Fixed import failing / hanging when Brave is already opened. (#2503)
- Fixed tips not being shown in summary table under Brave Rewards when Brave Payments (muon) data imported. (#2368)
- Fixed auto-contribute table under Brave Rewards clearing at the beginning of the month. (#2333)
- Fixed Reward summary table not being cleared when restoring another wallet. (#1559)
- Fixed stats under the new tab page being cleared when navigating back to the new tab page using the back button. (#307)
- Fixed DuckDuckGo being reset when using the navigation back button when using private windows. (#1490)
- Fixed wrong search engine being used in private windows when searching using the context menu. (#1037)
- Fixed wrong search engine being used in Tor windows when searching using the context menu. (#1758)
- Fixed stats count incrementally increasing under new tab page on certain websites. (#1311)
- Fixed pasting magnet links into the URL initiating search instead of loading WebTorrent. (#1435)
- Fixed torrent URLs being handled by Brave only when the WebTorrent extension is enabled. (#2043)
- Fixed removed publishers not always being restored in Brave Rewards when using the "Restore All" feature. (#1441)
- Fixed tooltip overlapping and preventing access to the exclude button under Brave Rewards. (#1850)
- Fixed double clicking on "X" to exclude publisher in the auto-contribute table incrementing total by two instead of one. (#1873)
- Fixed not being able to restore excluded publishers into the auto-contribution table in certain situations. (#1883)
- Fixed tips panel under Brave Rewards not displaying "on YouTube" text next to YouTube publishers. (#1976)
- Fixed "Sadly, no tokens yet" message appearing under the Rewards Summary table when importing Payments from Brave (muon) with a non-zero balance. (#2379)
- Fixed the formatting of the clock under the new tab page so AM / PM are displayed correctly. (#2439)
- Fixed the "X" button under the Rewards banner to make it more visible. (#2614)
- Upgraded Chromium to 71.0.3578.98. (#2556)
- Updated Brave (Muon) import: you can now import Brave Payments, Windows and Tabs, and data related to the referral program. (#2402)
- Added notifications when contributions or donations fail. (#1483)
- Fixed memory leak in Brave Rewards. (#2213)
- Fixed certain PDFs failing to open in Brave. (#1033)
- Fixed certain extensions breaking when using Brave's default shields settings. (#1380)
- Fixed stub installers failing to download Brave under Windows 7. (#2129)
- Fixed hard refresh not fetching new Tor identities. (#1137)
- Fixed third party cookies being blocked even if per site shield is set to allow all cookies. (#2095)
- Fixed not being able to access premium Dow Jones content until restarting after claiming promotion. (#2020)
- Fixed not being able to login into Pocket using Google accounts. (#2164)
- Fixed not being able to close Guest/Tor windows using Brave's action buttons on Linux. (#1643)
- Fixed several Brave Rewards notifications. (#2114)
- Fixed opening Tor windows causing Brave to become unresponsive on Linux. (#1791)
- Fixed size of profile icon next to hamburger menu. (#1856)
- Fixed media publisher name and favicon in site banner not appearing correctly in certain cases. (#1924)
- Fixed shield block count overlapping text when going beyond three digits. (#1951)
- Fixed shields being expandable only when there is blocked items. (#1957)
- Added shields deep link to brave://settings/shields. (#1959)
- Fixed localization for various strings and web-ui pages. (#2035)
- Fixed custom amounts for Brave Rewards not appearing in drop down. (#2152)
- Created and automatically publish silent installers for Windows on GitHub. (#2210)
- Updated translations for various strings. (#2254)
- Upgraded Chromium to 71.0.3578.80. (#2352)
- Upgraded to Chromium 70.0.3538.110. (#2200)
- Upgraded to Chromium 70.0.3538.102. (#2099)
- Updated the Brave shields panel with a new design. (#1339)
- Added support for direct YouTube donations using the Rewards panel. (#1282)
- Added global Brave shield settings into preferences. (#1288)
- Added exclude / include option to the Rewards panel. (#1283)
- Added "Creating Wallet" message when enabling Rewards for the first time using the Rewards panel.(#1502)
- Added search engine shortcut keys. (#731)
- Fixed Hulu not playing in Brave. (#1242)
- Fixed PDFs protected by cookie based login not loading. (#1287)
- Fixed scripts not being blocked when disabling / re-enabling Brave shields. (#1991)
- Fixed favicons not being displayed for media publisher in the Rewards panel. (#1887)
- Fixed contrast so text under Rewards settings is more visible. (#1824)
- Fixed several issues with the Dow Jones promotion (#287)
- Fixed exclude / include not working when the publisher is not listed in the auto-contribution table. (#1797)
- Fixed websites not being added into the auto-contribution table after contribution has been made. (#1796)
- Fixed verified icon not being displayed for verified YouTube channels.(#1795)
- Fixed grant notifications being displayed even though there's no grants available. (#1793)
- Fixed favicons not loading correctly when enabling Rewards using the Rewards panel. (#1792)
- Fixed publisher information not appearing under the Rewards panel after restarting Brave. (#1777)
- Fixed onboarding links not being opened in new tabs. (#1739)
- Fixed Flash not properly blocking after clearing browser data. (#1727)
- Fixed websites not being added to the auto-contribute table if Rewards is enabled using Rewards Panel. (#1719)
- Fixed "learn more" link for WebRTC under preferences. (#1690)
- Fixed explanatory text in private window not displaying the correct macOS keyboard shortcuts for Tor windows. (#1688)
- Fixed Qwant in private windows and Tor windows for certain regions. (#1666)
- Fixed incorrect publisher being displayed under the Rewards panel on YouTube. (#1660)
- Fixed incorrect attention values for websites visited after auto-contribution. (#1656)
- Fixed auto-contribute entries sometimes containing "on YouTube" text twice. (#1565)
- Fixed several alignment issues under the Rewards page when minimizing the window. (#1556)
- Fixed deleted publishers being re-added into the auto-contribution table when they are revisited. (#1440)
- Fixed auto-contribution values not recalculating after removing entries from the auto-contribution table. (#1410)
- Fixed WebTorrent sometimes going blank when switching tabs/windows. (#1400)
- Fixed torrent files being downloaded twice when clicking on "Save Torrent File". (#1399)
- Fixed Brave shields not working after re-enabling in private browsing mode. (#1198)