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Adding an MLeap Spark Transformer

Hollin Wilkins edited this page Dec 25, 2016 · 2 revisions


This section discusses how to add MLeap support for an existing Spark transformer or a custom transformer.


Implementing MLeap support for an existing Spark transformer is a 5 step process:

  1. Build the core model - the actual logic of the model
  • feature
  • clustering
  • classification
  • regression
  1. Build an MLeap transformer around the model - this takes in the data frame and outputs a new one with the transformed fields: Transformer

  2. Implement Bundle.ML serialization for MLeap model/transformer example op serializers

  3. Implement Bundle.ML serializer for the Spark model/transformer example Spark ops

  4. Make sure to add your MLeap/Spark serialization Ops to the reference.conf files MLeap, Spark, Extending

  5. Add tests for everything

Detailed Process

1. Core Model

Create a case class that implements the createTransformFunc or transform method of the spark transformer. The case class should have the apply method that executes the transformer.

Naming convention: the case class should be called Model.

Code attribution: If you are borrowing the model code from Spark, make sure to attribute the source code with a @SparkCode url annotation.

Note 1: Spark transformers that have inputs/outputs of Array[T] should be implemented with Seq[T] instead.

Example Linear Regression Model

package ml.combust.mleap.core.regression


/** Class for linear regression model.
  * @param coefficients coefficients for linear regression
  * @param intercept intercept for regression
case class LinearRegressionModel(coefficients: Vector,
                                 intercept: Double) extends Serializable {
  /** Alias for [[ml.combust.mleap.core.regression.LinearRegressionModel#predict]]
    * @param features features for prediction
    * @return prediction
  def apply(features: Vector): Double = predict(features)

  /** Predict a value using this linear regression.
    * @param features features for prediction
    * @return prediction
  def predict(features: Vector): Double = {, coefficients) + intercept

Example String Indexer Model

package ml.combust.mleap.core.feature

/** Class for string indexer model.
  * String indexer converts a string into an integer representation.
  * @param labels list of labels that can be indexed
case class StringIndexerModel(labels: Seq[String]) extends Serializable {
  private val stringToIndex: Map[String, Int] = labels.zipWithIndex.toMap

  /** Convert a string into its integer representation.
    * @param value label to index
    * @return index of label
  def apply(value: String): Double = stringToIndex(value)

  /** Create a [[ml.combust.mleap.core.feature.ReverseStringIndexerModel]] from this model.
    * @return reverse string indexer of this string indexer
  def toReverse: ReverseStringIndexerModel = ReverseStringIndexerModel(labels)

2. Build the MLeap transformer around the model

The MLeap transformer allows you to execute your transformer on a LeapFrame. This process actually operates on something called a TransformBuilder, which is just an abstraction over the transformation process that allows you to transform over any data structure.

All transformers inherit from Transformer and must supply a unique identifier string called uid. Transformers must also supply an implementation of the #transform method. For simple feature transformers that have only one input and output value, you can inherit from FeatureTransformer and implement the #exec value, which is an MLeap UserDefinedFunction. For more complex transformers, such as RandomForestClassifier, additional work will need to be done to implement the #transform method.

Example Feature Transformer

package ml.combust.mleap.example.transformer

import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.function.UserDefinedFunction
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.transformer.{FeatureTransformer, Transformer}

/** Simple feature transformer.
  * Takes in an input column with a Double value.
  * Outputs a string column with a prefix and suffix around the input double.
case class ExampleFeatureTransformer(override val uid: String = Transformer.uniqueName("example"),
                              override val inputCol: String,
                              override val outputCol: String,
                              prefix: String,
                              suffix: String) extends FeatureTransformer {
  override val exec: UserDefinedFunction = {
    (value: Double) => s"$prefix.$value.$suffix"

Example Transformer with Multiple Inputs

package ml.combust.mleap.example.transformer

import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.function.UserDefinedFunction
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.transformer.{FeatureTransformer, Transformer}

/** Simple feature transformer with multiple inputs.
  * input1 is a double
  * input2 is a string
  * the output is double appended to the string
case class ExampleTransformer(override val uid: String = Transformer.uniqueName("example"),
                              inputCol1: String,
                              inputCol2: String,
                              outputCol: String) extends Transformer {
  override def transform[TB <: TransformBuilder[TB]](builder: TB): Try[TB] = {
    builder.withOutput(outputCol, inputCol1, inputCol2) {
      (v1: Double, v2: String) => s"$v2.$v1"

User Defined Functions

In the above two examples, we are making use of MLeap's UserDefinedFunction and implicit conversion from Scala functions. This is a powerful tool for quickly writing data frame transformations. All data types supported by MLeap are supported for use in a user defined function. MleapReflection provides the conversion mechanism for Scala to MLeap data types.

The supported types are:

Scala Type MLeap Type Notes
Boolean BooleanType
String StringType
Int IntType
Long LongType
Double DoubleType
Seq[A] ListType
linalg.Vector TensorType 1-dimensional Double tensor
Any AnyType mostly needed internally by MLeap
Custom CustomType Bundle.ML and MLeap support custom types

3. Implement Bundle.ML serialization for MLeap

Serialization classes for MLeap transformers are located in mleap-runtime (ml.combust.mleap.bundle) and should have a name ending with Op. Example ops are:

  • StringIndexerOp
  • LinearRegressionOp
  • KMeansOp

The Op extends ml.combust.bundle.op.OpNode, that requires you to specify a Context, Transformer and Transformer Model.

Hint: if you're using intelliJ, you can quickly select members to implement using a shortcut (Command + I by default).

Note: if implementing a vanilla Spark transformer, make sure to add the opName to ml.combust.bundle.dsl.Bundle.BuiltinOps.

Example OpNode for String Indexer

package ml.combust.mleap.bundle.ops.feature

import ml.combust.bundle.BundleContext
import ml.combust.mleap.core.feature.StringIndexerModel
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.transformer.feature.StringIndexer
import ml.combust.bundle.op.{OpModel, OpNode}
import ml.combust.bundle.dsl._
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.MleapContext

  * Created by hollinwilkins on 8/22/16.
class StringIndexerOp extends OpNode[MleapContext, StringIndexer, StringIndexerModel] {
  override val Model: OpModel[MleapContext, StringIndexerModel] = new OpModel[MleapContext, StringIndexerModel] {
    override val klazz: Class[StringIndexerModel] = classOf[StringIndexerModel]

    override def opName: String = Bundle.BuiltinOps.feature.string_indexer

    override def store(model: Model, obj: StringIndexerModel)
                      (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): Model = {
      model.withAttr("labels", Value.stringList(obj.labels))

    override def load(model: Model)
                     (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): StringIndexerModel = {
      StringIndexerModel(labels = model.value("labels").getStringList)

  override val klazz: Class[StringIndexer] = classOf[StringIndexer]

  override def name(node: StringIndexer): String = node.uid

  override def model(node: StringIndexer): StringIndexerModel = node.model

  override def load(node: Node, model: StringIndexerModel)
                   (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): StringIndexer = {
    StringIndexer(uid =,
      inputCol =,
      outputCol =,
      model = model)

  override def shape(node: StringIndexer): Shape = Shape().withStandardIO(node.inputCol, node.outputCol)

4. Implement Bundle.ML serializer for the Spark Transformer

Serialization classes for vanilla Spark transformers are located in mleap-spark and should be named the same as in mleap-runtime.

The Op also extends OpNode, but now you have to specify specify the SparkBundleContext, Spark Transformer and Spark Transformer Model (a lot of times the same as the Spark Transformer).


  • The opName should be the same as the op name from mleap-runtime serialization.
  • The load method of Model should just set the uid to ""

Example OpNode for Spark One Hot Encoder

package ml.combust.mleap.bundle.ops.feature

import ml.combust.bundle.BundleContext
import ml.combust.bundle.dsl._
import ml.combust.bundle.op.{OpModel, OpNode}
import ml.combust.mleap.core.feature.OneHotEncoderModel
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.MleapContext
import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.transformer.feature.OneHotEncoder

  * Created by hollinwilkins on 10/24/16.
class OneHotEncoderOp extends OpNode[MleapContext, OneHotEncoder, OneHotEncoderModel] {
  override val Model: OpModel[MleapContext, OneHotEncoderModel] = new OpModel[MleapContext, OneHotEncoderModel] {
    override val klazz: Class[OneHotEncoderModel] = classOf[OneHotEncoderModel]

    override def opName: String = Bundle.BuiltinOps.feature.one_hot_encoder

    override def store(model: Model, obj: OneHotEncoderModel)
                      (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): Model = {
      model.withAttr("size", Value.long(obj.size)).
        withAttr("drop_last", Value.boolean(obj.dropLast))

    override def load(model: Model)
                     (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): OneHotEncoderModel = {
      OneHotEncoderModel(size = model.value("size").getLong.toInt,
        dropLast = model.value("drop_last").getBoolean)

  override val klazz: Class[OneHotEncoder] = classOf[OneHotEncoder]

  override def name(node: OneHotEncoder): String = node.uid

  override def model(node: OneHotEncoder): OneHotEncoderModel = node.model

  override def load(node: Node, model: OneHotEncoderModel)
                   (implicit context: BundleContext[MleapContext]): OneHotEncoder = {
    OneHotEncoder(uid =,
      inputCol =,
      outputCol =,
      model = model)

  override def shape(node: OneHotEncoder): Shape = Shape().withStandardIO(node.inputCol, node.outputCol)

5. Update reference.conf

The reference.conf file is what let's Bundle.ML know about all the different transformers that are serializable to a bundle file. If you implement a transformer, you will have to let Bundle.ML know about it before you can start serializing/deserializing with it. In addition, if you are implementing custom data types, you will also need to let Bundle.ML know about it.

For MLeap transformers that should be part of the core feature offering (any vanilla Spark transformers fall into this category, make sure to add the OpNode to the reference.conf file in mleap-runtime.

For vanilla Spark transformers, make sure to add your OpNode to the reference.conf file in the mleap-spark module.

If you are implementing custom transformers, you will want to append your OpNode's to the existing reference.conf files. See the reference.conf in mleap-spark-extension for a good example of this.

Test Classes

Tests should use FunSpec and should test the apply method in the transformer.

  • mleap-core:

MLeap Spark Extensions

The mleap-spark-extension module provides several extension transformers to Spark. The extensions include:

  • SVM - support vector machine ML wrapper around the MLlib model
  • OneVsRest - custom OneVsRest model that allows users to output the winning probability in addition to the winning label
  • OneHotEncoder - functions just like the Spark OneHotEncoder, except it uses and estimator and model so the transformation does not rely on meta data in the data frame to execute the model transformer

In addition to these extensions, if we find other useful transformers to implement for Spark, we will place them here.