- rework home/profile page
- bootstrapdatepicker doesn't work on iphone
- figure out pdf export issue..
- make the table manually with divs instead of the table so that I can handle pagebreaks better.
- user mailer on account creation is created, but commented out. need to make the email a little nicer (Add some styling!)
- add a guest account feature: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Create-a-guest-user
- figure out timezone thing!
- implement devise confirmation emails
- investigate omniauth for google sign-in
- paginate notes
- add notes for classes
- allow classes to be archived (still accessible, but not on the front-page, and in a separate list on the user's profile)
- add links to GOTO student
- add new note form to student page
- investigate Ajax solution for selecting class lists on home page