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kekayan edited this page May 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the FabFit wiki!

Here I ll share How i developed this application .So it will helpful for the contributors around the globe to contribute.

1. Best way to create a Splash Screen

 [Follow the article](

which is nicely written about common mistakes and solution.

2.Login / Signup

Don't reinvent the wheel

So I chose the firebase as the database where i don't need to write a backend logic and it's faster and we can get analytics. Further Contributors can extend to social network mobile logins too.

Firebase provide best and optimized UI for authentication follow here

3.Main Activity

It hosts the all the five fragments

  1. Steps
  2. Tweets
  3. History/Achievements
  4. Settings
  5. Profile

and i used bottom navigation bar to navigate to those fragments.

steps fragment

I used EazeGraphLibrary for pie and bar charts in Histroy fragment

to be continued...

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