Cloud Resume Challenge Requirements
- 1. Certification - Prove Your AWS Knowledge
- 2. HTML - Structured Content
- 3. CSS - Stylish Presentation
- 4. Static Website - AWS S3 Hosting
- 5. HTTPS - Secure Your Site
- 6. DNS - Custom Domain
- 7. JavaScript - Visitor Counter
- 8. Database - Amazon DynamoDB
- 9. API - AWS API Gateway and Lambda
- 10. Python - Lambda Function
- 11. Tests - Python Code Testing
- 12. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) - AWS SAM or Terraform
- 13. Source Control - GitHub Repository
- 14. CI/CD (Back end) - Automate Deployments
- 15. CI/CD (Front end) - Keep Your Site Updated
- 16. Blog Post - Share Your Journey
locals { mime_types = { "css" = "text/css" "html" = "text/html" "ico" = "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" "js" = "application/javascript" "json" = "application/json" "map" = "application/json" "png" = "image/png" "svg" = "image/svg+xml" "txt" = "text/plain" } }
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "website_bucket" { bucket = "${var.bucket_name}"
tags = { Domain = var.user_domain } }
resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "allow_access_from_cloudfront" { bucket = aws_s3_bucket.website_bucket.id policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.allow_access_from_cloudfront.json }
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "allow_access_from_cloudfront" { statement { sid = "AllowCloudFrontServicePrincipal" principals { type = "Service" identifiers = ["cloudfront.amazonaws.com"] } actions = ["s3:GetObject"] resources = ["${aws_s3_bucket.website_bucket.arn}/*"] effect = "Allow" condition { test = "StringEquals" variable = "AWS:SourceArn" values = ["${aws_cloudfro- Clouflare account: Before using this Terraform module, ensure you have a Cloudflare account. If not, you can sign up here.
- Clouflare api token: To authnt_distribution.s3_distribution.arn}"] } } }
resource "aws_s3_object" "upload_public" { for_each = fileset("${var.public_path}/", "*.{jpg,png,gif,css,html,js}") bucket = aws_s3_bucket.website_bucket.bucket key = "${each.key}" source = "${var.public_path}/${each.key}" content_type = lookup(tomap(local.mime_types), element(split(".", each.key), length(split(".", each.key)) - 1)) etag = filemd5("${var.public_path}/${each.key}") }
Welcome to the Cloud Resume Challenge! This GitHub repository is your gateway to mastering cloud technologies and enhancing your resume. Below, you'll find a concise breakdown of the key requirements and best practices for completing this challenge.
To start, your resume must showcase the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification. While more advanced AWS certifications are impressive, the Cloud Practitioner certification provides a solid foundation. You can take this exam online through AWS Training and Certification.
Craft your resume using HTML, not conventional document formats like Word or PDF. Here's an example HTML resume to get you started.
Apply CSS to style your resume. While it doesn't need to be extravagant, a polished appearance is essential to make your resume stand out. CSS Tutorial
Host your HTML resume as a static website using Amazon S3. AWS S3 provides a reliable and cost-effective platform for web hosting.
Ensure your S3 website URL uses HTTPS for security. You'll achieve this by integrating Amazon CloudFront, which provides content delivery and HTTPS capabilities.
Give your resume a professional touch by pointing a custom DNS domain name to your CloudFront distribution. Services like Amazon Route 53 can assist in domain management.
Enhance the user experience by implementing a visitor counter on your resume webpage. This requires writing a bit of JavaScript. Here's a helpful tutorial to get you started.
Manage your visitor counter's data using Amazon DynamoDB, a NoSQL database service. Opt for on-demand pricing to keep costs minimal. Access a free DynamoDB course.
Create an API to mediate interactions between your web app and the database. Utilize AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda for this purpose. AWS offers cost-effective solutions for our requirements.
While you can use JavaScript for the Lambda function, it's advisable to explore Python, a common language for backend programming. AWS SDK for Python (boto3) simplifies AWS integration. Here's a free Python tutorial{:target="_blank"}.
Include robust tests for your Python code to ensure reliability and accuracy. Learn about writing effective Python tests here.
For efficient resource management, define your AWS resources, including DynamoDB tables, API Gateway, and Lambda functions, in an AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) template. Deploy them using the AWS SAM CLI. Alternatively, consider using Terraform if it aligns better with your preferences and requirements.
Maintain version control by creating a dedicated GitHub repository for your backend code. This practice ensures code collaboration and safety.
Implement GitHub Actions for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). When you push updates to your SAM template or Python code, run Python tests, package the SAM application, and deploy it to AWS automatically.
Create a separate GitHub repository for your website code. Set up GitHub Actions so that when you push new website code, the S3 bucket is automatically updated. Remember to avoid committing AWS credentials to source control for security reasons.
Incorporate a link to a blog post within your resume, where you share insights and lessons learned throughout this project. Platforms like Dev.to and Hashnode are excellent for publishing if you don't have a personal blog.
That's the comprehensive breakdown of the Cloud Resume Challenge requirements and best practices. Embrace these guidelines to enhance your cloud skills, build an impressive resume, and advance your career in the world of cloud computing.