Use this tool for generating PNGs of the Codestar logo at various sizes and options.
For guidelines about which color versions to use, refer to the parent directory in this repository.
For convenience, PNG images are always generated with a @2x
"retina" variant.
You will need Python 3 (brew install python3
Installing the dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then, you can use the tool either by calling it directly: ./ [OPTIONS]
or by invoking it through python: python3 [OPTIONS]
$ ./ --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-c, --color [standard|light|dark|monochrome|all] Color of the logo to generate (Repeatable).
-o, --option [tagline] Additional feature to add to the logo (Repeatable, all apply at
-f, --format [png|svg] Desired image file format (Repeatable). [required]
-H, --height INTEGER Desired logo height, only for non-vector formats (Repeatable).
-W, --width INTEGER Desired logo width, only for non-vector formats (Repeatable).
-nz, --no-zip Don't package output in an archive.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Generating all color variants in SVG, with tagline, in a zip file:
./ -c all -f svg -o tagline
Generating monochrome logos with no taglines at various widths, in a local directory:
./ -c monochrome -f png -W 128 -W 256 -W 512 -nz
Generating light and dark theme logos at a fixed height:
./ -c light -c dark -H 200