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"contracts\\CardPaymentProcessorStorage.sol:50" + } + ], + "types": { + "t_address": { + "label": "address", + "numberOfBytes": "20" + }, + "t_bool": { + "label": "bool", + "numberOfBytes": "1" + }, + "t_bytes32": { + "label": "bytes32", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_mapping(t_address,t_bool)": { + "label": "mapping(address => bool)", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_mapping(t_bytes32,t_struct(RoleData)24_storage)": { + "label": "mapping(bytes32 => struct AccessControlUpgradeable.RoleData)", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(AccessControlStorage)34_storage": { + "label": "struct AccessControlUpgradeable.AccessControlStorage", + "members": [ + { + "label": "_roles", + "type": "t_mapping(t_bytes32,t_struct(RoleData)24_storage)", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(BlocklistableStorage)1951_storage": { + "label": "struct BlocklistableUpgradeable.BlocklistableStorage", + "members": [ + { + "label": "blocklisted", + "type": "t_mapping(t_address,t_bool)", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(InitializableStorage)145_storage": { + "label": "struct Initializable.InitializableStorage", + "members": [ + { + "label": "_initialized", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "_initializing", + "type": "t_bool", + "offset": 8, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(PausableStorage)291_storage": { + "label": "struct PausableUpgradeable.PausableStorage", + "members": [ + { + "label": "_paused", + "type": "t_bool", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(RoleData)24_storage": { + "label": "struct AccessControlUpgradeable.RoleData", + "members": [ + { + "label": "hasRole", + "type": "t_mapping(t_address,t_bool)", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "adminRole", + "type": "t_bytes32", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "1" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "64" + }, + "t_uint64": { + "label": "uint64", + "numberOfBytes": "8" + }, + "t_array(t_uint256)43_storage": { + "label": "uint256[43]", + "numberOfBytes": "1376" + }, + "t_enum(PaymentStatus)7373": { + "label": "enum ICardPaymentProcessorTypes.PaymentStatus", + "members": [ + "Nonexistent", + "Active", + "Revoked", + "Reversed" + ], + "numberOfBytes": "1" + }, + "t_mapping(t_address,t_struct(AccountCashbackState)7252_storage)": { + "label": "mapping(address => struct ICardPaymentCashbackTypes.AccountCashbackState)", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_mapping(t_bytes32,t_struct(Payment)7400_storage)": { + "label": "mapping(bytes32 => struct ICardPaymentProcessorTypes.Payment)", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(AccountCashbackState)7252_storage": { + "label": "struct ICardPaymentCashbackTypes.AccountCashbackState", + "members": [ + { + "label": "totalAmount", + "type": "t_uint72", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "capPeriodStartAmount", + "type": "t_uint72", + "offset": 9, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "capPeriodStartTime", + "type": "t_uint32", + "offset": 18, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_struct(Payment)7400_storage": { + "label": "struct ICardPaymentProcessorTypes.Payment", + "members": [ + { + "label": "status", + "type": "t_enum(PaymentStatus)7373", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "reserve1", + "type": "t_uint8", + "offset": 1, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "payer", + "type": "t_address", + "offset": 2, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "cashbackRate", + "type": "t_uint16", + "offset": 22, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "confirmedAmount", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 24, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "sponsor", + "type": "t_address", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "1" + }, + { + "label": "subsidyLimit", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 20, + "slot": "1" + }, + { + "label": "reserve2", + "type": "t_uint32", + "offset": 28, + "slot": "1" + }, + { + "label": "baseAmount", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "2" + }, + { + "label": "extraAmount", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 8, + "slot": "2" + }, + { + "label": "cashbackAmount", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 16, + "slot": "2" + }, + { + "label": "refundAmount", + "type": "t_uint64", + "offset": 24, + "slot": "2" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "96" + }, + "t_struct(PaymentStatistics)7414_storage": { + "label": "struct ICardPaymentProcessorTypes.PaymentStatistics", + "members": [ + { + "label": "totalUnconfirmedRemainder", + "type": "t_uint128", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "reserve1", + "type": "t_uint128", + "offset": 16, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "label": "reserve2", + "type": "t_uint256", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "1" + } + ], + "numberOfBytes": "64" + }, + "t_uint128": { + "label": "uint128", + "numberOfBytes": "16" + }, + "t_uint16": { + "label": "uint16", + "numberOfBytes": "2" + }, + "t_uint256": { + "label": "uint256", + "numberOfBytes": "32" + }, + "t_uint32": { + "label": "uint32", + "numberOfBytes": "4" + }, + "t_uint72": { + "label": "uint72", + "numberOfBytes": "9" + }, + "t_uint8": { + "label": "uint8", + "numberOfBytes": "1" + } + }, + "namespaces": { + "erc7201:openzeppelin.storage.Pausable": [ + { + "contract": "PausableUpgradeable", + "label": "_paused", + "type": "t_bool", + "src": "@openzeppelin\\contracts-upgradeable\\utils\\PausableUpgradeable.sol:21", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "erc7201:cloudwalk.storage.Blocklistable": [ + { + "contract": "BlocklistableUpgradeable", + "label": "blocklisted", + "type": "t_mapping(t_address,t_bool)", + "src": "contracts\\base\\BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol:33", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "erc7201:openzeppelin.storage.AccessControl": [ + { + "contract": "AccessControlUpgradeable", + "label": "_roles", + "type": "t_mapping(t_bytes32,t_struct(RoleData)24_storage)", + "src": "@openzeppelin\\contracts-upgradeable\\access\\AccessControlUpgradeable.sol:61", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + } + ], + "erc7201:openzeppelin.storage.Initializable": [ + { + "contract": "Initializable", + "label": "_initialized", + "type": "t_uint64", + "src": "@openzeppelin\\contracts-upgradeable\\proxy\\utils\\Initializable.sol:69", + "offset": 0, + "slot": "0" + }, + { + "contract": "Initializable", + "label": "_initializing", + "type": "t_bool", + "src": "@openzeppelin\\contracts-upgradeable\\proxy\\utils\\Initializable.sol:73", + "offset": 8, + "slot": "0" + } + ] + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/contracts/CardPaymentProcessor.sol b/contracts/CardPaymentProcessor.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fee0581 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/CardPaymentProcessor.sol @@ -0,0 +1,1384 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity 0.8.24; + +import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; +import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; +import { UUPSExtUpgradeable } from "./base/UUPSExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { BlocklistableUpgradeable } from "./base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol"; +import { PausableExtUpgradeable } from "./base/PausableExtUpgradeable.sol"; +import { RescuableUpgradeable } from "./base/RescuableUpgradeable.sol"; +import { AccessControlExtUpgradeable } from "./base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol"; +import { Versionable } from "./base/Versionable.sol"; + +import { CardPaymentProcessorStorage } from "./CardPaymentProcessorStorage.sol"; +import { ICardPaymentProcessor } from "./interfaces/ICardPaymentProcessor.sol"; +import { ICardPaymentCashback } from "./interfaces/ICardPaymentCashback.sol"; + +/** + * @title CardPaymentProcessor contract + * @dev A wrapper contract for the card payment operations. + */ +contract CardPaymentProcessor is + CardPaymentProcessorStorage, + AccessControlExtUpgradeable, + BlocklistableUpgradeable, + PausableExtUpgradeable, + RescuableUpgradeable, + UUPSExtUpgradeable, + ICardPaymentProcessor, + ICardPaymentCashback, + Versionable +{ + using SafeERC20 for IERC20; + + // ------------------ Constants ------------------------------- // + + /// @dev The role of this contract owner. + bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256("OWNER_ROLE"); + + /// @dev The role of executor that is allowed to execute the card payment operations. + bytes32 public constant EXECUTOR_ROLE = keccak256("EXECUTOR_ROLE"); + + /// @dev The number of decimals that is used in the underlying token contract. + uint256 public constant TOKE_DECIMALS = 6; + + /** + * @dev The factor to represent the cashback rates in the contract, e.g. number 15 means 1.5% cashback rate. + * + * The formula to calculate cashback by an amount: `cashbackAmount = cashbackRate * amount / CASHBACK_FACTOR`. + */ + uint256 public constant CASHBACK_FACTOR = 1000; + + /// @dev The maximum allowable cashback rate in units of `CASHBACK_FACTOR`. + uint256 public constant MAX_CASHBACK_RATE = 500; + + /** + * @dev The coefficient used to round the cashback according to the formula: + * `roundedCashback = ((cashback + coef / 2) / coef) * coef`. + * + * Currently, it can only be changed by deploying a new implementation of the contract. + */ + uint256 public constant CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF = 10 ** (TOKE_DECIMALS - 2); + + /// @dev The cashback cap reset period. + uint256 public constant CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD = 30 days; + + /// @dev The maximum cashback for a cap period. + uint256 public constant MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD = 300 * 10 ** TOKE_DECIMALS; + + /// @dev Event addendum flag mask defining whether the payment is sponsored. + uint256 internal constant EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED = 1; + + /// @dev Default version of the event addendum. + uint8 internal constant EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION = 1; + + // ------------------ Events ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev Emitted when the cash-out account is changed. + event CashOutAccountChanged( + address oldCashOutAccount, + address newCashOutAccount + ); + + // ------------------ Errors ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev The zero payer address has been passed as a function argument. + error AccountZeroAddress(); + + /// @dev The cashback operations are already enabled. + error CashbackAlreadyEnabled(); + + /// @dev The cashback operations are already disabled. + error CashbackAlreadyDisabled(); + + /// @dev The cashback treasury address is the same as previously set one. + error CashbackTreasuryUnchanged(); + + /// @dev The cashback treasury address is not configured. + error CashbackTreasuryNotConfigured(); + + /// @dev The zero cashback treasury address has been passed as a function argument. + error CashbackTreasuryZeroAddress(); + + /// @dev The provided cashback rate exceeds the allowed maximum. + error CashbackRateExcess(); + + /// @dev A new cashback rate is the same as previously set one. + error CashbackRateUnchanged(); + + /// @dev The cash-out account is not configured. + error CashOutAccountNotConfigured(); + + /// @dev A new cash-out account is the same as the previously set one. + error CashOutAccountUnchanged(); + + /// @dev Thrown if the provided new implementation address is not of a card payment processor contract. + error ImplementationAddressInvalid(); + + /// @dev The requested confirmation amount does not meet the requirements. + error InappropriateConfirmationAmount(); + + /** + * @dev The payment with the provided ID has an inappropriate status. + * @param paymentId The ID of the payment that does not exist. + * @param currentStatus The current status of the payment. + */ + error InappropriatePaymentStatus(bytes32 paymentId, PaymentStatus currentStatus); + + /// @dev The requested refunding amount does not meet the requirements. + error InappropriateRefundingAmount(); + + /// @dev The requested or result or updated sum amount (base + extra) does not meet the requirements. + error InappropriateSumAmount(); + + /// @dev The requested subsidy limit is greater than the allowed maximum to store. + error OverflowOfSubsidyLimit(); + + /// @dev The requested or result or updated sum amount (base + extra) is greater than the allowed maximum to store. + error OverflowOfSumAmount(); + + /// @dev The zero payer address has been passed as a function argument. + error PayerZeroAddress(); + + /// @dev The payment with the provided ID already exists and is not revoked. + error PaymentAlreadyExistent(); + + /// @dev The array of payment confirmations is empty. + error PaymentConfirmationArrayEmpty(); + + /** + * @dev The payment with the provided ID does not exist. + * @param paymentId The ID of the payment that does not exist. + */ + error PaymentNonExistent(bytes32 paymentId); + + /// @dev Zero payment ID has been passed as a function argument. + error PaymentZeroId(); + + /// @dev The sponsor address is zero while the subsidy limit is non-zero. + error SponsorZeroAddress(); + + /// @dev The zero token address has been passed as a function argument. + error TokenZeroAddress(); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable . + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The passed token address must not be zero. + * + * @param token_ The address of a token to set as the underlying one. + */ + function initialize(address token_) external initializer { + __CardPaymentProcessor_init(token_); + } + + /** + * @dev The internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {CardPaymentProcessor-initialize}. + */ + function __CardPaymentProcessor_init(address token_) internal onlyInitializing { + __Context_init_unchained(); + __ERC165_init_unchained(); + __AccessControl_init_unchained(); + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + __Blocklistable_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + __Pausable_init_unchained(); + __PausableExt_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + __Rescuable_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + __UUPSUpgradeable_init_unchained(); + + __CardPaymentProcessor_init_unchained(token_); + } + + /** + * @dev The internal unchained initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {CardPaymentProcessor-initialize}. + */ + function __CardPaymentProcessor_init_unchained(address token_) internal onlyInitializing { + if (token_ == address(0)) { + revert TokenZeroAddress(); + } + + _token = token_; + + _setRoleAdmin(OWNER_ROLE, OWNER_ROLE); + _setRoleAdmin(EXECUTOR_ROLE, OWNER_ROLE); + + _grantRole(OWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /// @dev Contains parameters of a payment making operation. + struct MakingOperation { + bytes32 paymentId; + address payer; + address sponsor; + uint256 cashbackRate; + uint256 baseAmount; + uint256 extraAmount; + uint256 subsidyLimit; + uint256 cashbackAmount; + uint256 payerSumAmount; + uint256 sponsorSumAmount; + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The payment account address must not be zero. + * - The payment ID must not be zero. + * - The payment linked with the provided ID must be revoked or not exist. + * - The requested cashback rate must not exceed the maximum allowable cashback rate defined in the contract. + * - The sum of the provided base and extra amounts must not exceed the max 64-bit unsigned integer. + * - The provided subsidy limit must not exceed the max 64-bit unsigned integer. + * - The provided confirmation amount must not exceed the sum amount of the payment. + */ + function makePaymentFor( + bytes32 paymentId, + address payer, + uint256 baseAmount, + uint256 extraAmount, + address sponsor, + uint256 subsidyLimit, + int256 cashbackRate_, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + if (payer == address(0)) { + revert PayerZeroAddress(); + } + uint256 cashbackRateActual; + if (cashbackRate_ < 0) { + cashbackRateActual = _cashbackRate; + } else { + cashbackRateActual = uint256(cashbackRate_); + if (cashbackRateActual > MAX_CASHBACK_RATE) { + revert CashbackRateExcess(); + } + } + MakingOperation memory operation = MakingOperation({ + paymentId: paymentId, + payer: payer, + sponsor: sponsor, + cashbackRate: cashbackRateActual, + baseAmount: baseAmount, + extraAmount: extraAmount, + subsidyLimit: subsidyLimit, + cashbackAmount: 0, + payerSumAmount: 0, + sponsorSumAmount: 0 + }); + + _makePayment(operation); + if (confirmationAmount > 0) { + _confirmPaymentWithTransfer(paymentId, confirmationAmount); + } + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The payment account address must not be zero. + * - The payment ID must not be zero. + * - The payment linked with the provided ID must be revoked or not exist. + */ + function makeCommonPaymentFor( + bytes32 paymentId, + address payer, + uint256 baseAmount, + uint256 extraAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + if (payer == address(0)) { + revert PayerZeroAddress(); + } + + MakingOperation memory operation = MakingOperation({ + paymentId: paymentId, + payer: payer, + sponsor: address(0), + cashbackRate: _cashbackRate, + baseAmount: baseAmount, + extraAmount: extraAmount, + subsidyLimit: 0, + cashbackAmount: 0, + payerSumAmount: 0, + sponsorSumAmount: 0 + }); + + _makePayment(operation); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + * - The the new base amount plus the new extra amount must not be less than the the existing refund amount. + */ + function updatePayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 newBaseAmount, + uint256 newExtraAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _updatePayment( + paymentId, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount, + UpdatingOperationKind.Full + ); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + */ + function reversePayment(bytes32 paymentId) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _cancelPayment(paymentId, PaymentStatus.Reversed); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + */ + function revokePayment(bytes32 paymentId) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _cancelPayment(paymentId, PaymentStatus.Revoked); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + */ + function confirmPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) public whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _confirmPaymentWithTransfer(paymentId, confirmationAmount); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input array must not be empty. + * - All payment IDs in the input array must not be zero. + */ + function confirmPayments( + PaymentConfirmation[] calldata paymentConfirmations + ) public whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + if (paymentConfirmations.length == 0) { + revert PaymentConfirmationArrayEmpty(); + } + + uint256 totalConfirmedAmount = 0; + for (uint256 i = 0; i < paymentConfirmations.length; i++) { + totalConfirmedAmount += _confirmPayment( + paymentConfirmations[i].paymentId, + paymentConfirmations[i].amount + ); + } + + _paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder = uint128( + uint256(_paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder) - totalConfirmedAmount + ); + IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_requireCashOutAccount(), totalConfirmedAmount); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + * - The the new base amount plus the new extra amount must not be less than the the existing refund amount. + */ + function updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 newBaseAmount, + uint256 newExtraAmount, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _updatePayment( + paymentId, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount, + UpdatingOperationKind.Lazy + ); + _confirmPaymentWithTransfer(paymentId, confirmationAmount); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The input payment ID must not be zero. + * - The result refund amount of the payment must not be higher than the new extra amount plus the base amount. + */ + function refundPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 refundingAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + _refundPayment(paymentId, refundingAmount); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The contract must not be paused. + * - The caller must have the {EXECUTOR_ROLE} role. + * - The account address must not be zero. + */ + function refundAccount( + address account, + uint256 refundingAmount + ) external whenNotPaused onlyRole(EXECUTOR_ROLE) { + if (account == address(0)) { + revert AccountZeroAddress(); + } + + emit AccountRefunded( + account, + refundingAmount, + bytes("") + ); + + IERC20(_token).safeTransferFrom(_requireCashOutAccount(), account, refundingAmount); + } + + /** + * @dev Sets the cash-out account address. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {OWNER_ROLE} role. + * - The new cash-out account must differ from the previously set one. + */ + function setCashOutAccount(address newCashOutAccount) external onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + address oldCashOutAccount = _cashOutAccount; + + if (newCashOutAccount == oldCashOutAccount) { + revert CashOutAccountUnchanged(); + } + + _cashOutAccount = newCashOutAccount; + + emit CashOutAccountChanged(oldCashOutAccount, newCashOutAccount); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {OWNER_ROLE} role. + * - The new cashback treasury address must not be zero. + * - The new cashback treasury address must not be equal to the current set one. + */ + function setCashbackTreasury(address newCashbackTreasury) external onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + address oldCashbackTreasury = _cashbackTreasury; + + // This is needed to allow cashback changes for any existing active payments. + if (newCashbackTreasury == address(0)) { + revert CashbackTreasuryZeroAddress(); + } + if (oldCashbackTreasury == newCashbackTreasury) { + revert CashbackTreasuryUnchanged(); + } + + _cashbackTreasury = newCashbackTreasury; + + emit CashbackTreasuryChanged(oldCashbackTreasury, newCashbackTreasury); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {OWNER_ROLE} role. + * - The new rate must differ from the previously set one. + * - The new rate must not exceed the allowable maximum specified in the {MAX_CASHBACK_RATE} constant. + */ + function setCashbackRate(uint256 newCashbackRate) external onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + uint256 oldCashbackRate = _cashbackRate; + if (newCashbackRate == oldCashbackRate) { + revert CashbackRateUnchanged(); + } + if (newCashbackRate > MAX_CASHBACK_RATE) { + revert CashbackRateExcess(); + } + + _cashbackRate = uint16(newCashbackRate); + + emit CashbackRateChanged(oldCashbackRate, newCashbackRate); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {OWNER_ROLE} role. + * - The cashback operations must not be already enabled. + * - The address of the current cashback treasury must not be zero. + */ + function enableCashback() external onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + if (_cashbackEnabled) { + revert CashbackAlreadyEnabled(); + } + if (_cashbackTreasury == address(0)) { + revert CashbackTreasuryNotConfigured(); + } + + _cashbackEnabled = true; + + emit CashbackEnabled(); + } + + /** + * @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + * + * @dev Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {OWNER_ROLE} role. + * - The cashback operations must not be already disabled. + */ + function disableCashback() external onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + if (!_cashbackEnabled) { + revert CashbackAlreadyDisabled(); + } + + _cashbackEnabled = false; + + emit CashbackDisabled(); + } + + // ------------------ View functions -------------------------- // + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + function cashOutAccount() external view returns (address) { + return _cashOutAccount; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + function token() external view returns (address) { + return _token; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + function getPayment(bytes32 paymentId) external view returns (Payment memory) { + return _payments[paymentId]; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + function getPaymentStatistics() external view returns (PaymentStatistics memory) { + return _paymentStatistics; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + function cashbackTreasury() external view returns (address) { + return _cashbackTreasury; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + function cashbackEnabled() external view returns (bool) { + return _cashbackEnabled; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + function cashbackRate() external view returns (uint256) { + return _cashbackRate; + } + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentCashback + function getAccountCashbackState(address account) external view returns (AccountCashbackState memory) { + return _accountCashbackStates[account]; + } + // ------------------ Pure functions -------------------------- // + + /// @inheritdoc ICardPaymentProcessor + function proveCardPaymentProcessor() external pure {} + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /// @dev Making a payment internally. + function _makePayment(MakingOperation memory operation) internal { + if (operation.paymentId == 0) { + revert PaymentZeroId(); + } + + Payment storage storedPayment = _payments[operation.paymentId]; + + PaymentStatus status = storedPayment.status; + if (status != PaymentStatus.Nonexistent && status != PaymentStatus.Revoked) { + revert PaymentAlreadyExistent(); + } + + _processPaymentMaking(operation); + _sendCashback(operation); + _storeNewPayment(storedPayment, operation); + + address sponsor = operation.sponsor; + uint256 eventFlags = _defineEventFlags(sponsor); + bytes memory addendum = abi.encodePacked( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION, + uint8(eventFlags), + uint64(operation.baseAmount), + uint64(operation.extraAmount), + uint64(operation.payerSumAmount) + ); + if (eventFlags & EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED != 0) { + addendum = abi.encodePacked( + addendum, + sponsor, + uint64(operation.sponsorSumAmount) + ); + } + emit PaymentMade( + operation.paymentId, + operation.payer, + addendum + ); + } + + /// @dev Kind of a payment updating operation. + enum UpdatingOperationKind { + Full, // 0 The operation is executed fully regardless of the new values of the base amount and extra amount. + Lazy // 1 The operation is executed only if the new amounts differ from the current ones of the payment. + } + + /// @dev Updates the base amount and extra amount of a payment internally. + function _updatePayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 newBaseAmount, + uint256 newExtraAmount, + UpdatingOperationKind kind + ) internal { + if (paymentId == 0) { + revert PaymentZeroId(); + } + + Payment storage storedPayment = _payments[paymentId]; + Payment memory payment = storedPayment; + + if ( + kind == UpdatingOperationKind.Lazy && + payment.baseAmount == newBaseAmount && + payment.extraAmount == newExtraAmount + ) { + return; + } + + _checkActivePaymentStatus(paymentId, payment.status); + _checkPaymentSumAmount(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount, payment.refundAmount); + + PaymentDetails memory oldPaymentDetails = _definePaymentDetails(payment, PaymentRecalculationKind.None); + uint256 oldBaseAmount = payment.baseAmount; + uint256 oldExtraAmount = payment.extraAmount; + payment.baseAmount = uint64(newBaseAmount); + payment.extraAmount = uint64(newExtraAmount); + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails = _definePaymentDetails(payment, PaymentRecalculationKind.Full); + + _processPaymentChange(paymentId, payment, oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + _storeChangedPayment(storedPayment, payment, newPaymentDetails); + _updatePaymentStatistics(oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + + address sponsor = payment.sponsor; + uint256 eventFlags = _defineEventFlags(sponsor); + bytes memory addendum = abi.encodePacked( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION, + uint8(eventFlags), + uint64(oldBaseAmount), + uint64(newBaseAmount), + uint64(oldExtraAmount), + uint64(newExtraAmount), + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.payerSumAmount), + uint64(newPaymentDetails.payerSumAmount) + ); + if (eventFlags & EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED != 0) { + addendum = abi.encodePacked( + addendum, + sponsor, + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.sponsorSumAmount), + uint64(newPaymentDetails.sponsorSumAmount) + ); + } + emit PaymentUpdated( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + addendum + ); + } + + /// @dev Cancels a payment internally. + function _cancelPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + PaymentStatus targetStatus + ) internal { + if (paymentId == 0) { + revert PaymentZeroId(); + } + + Payment storage storedPayment = _payments[paymentId]; + Payment memory payment = storedPayment; + + _checkActivePaymentStatus(paymentId, payment.status); + + PaymentDetails memory oldPaymentDetails = _definePaymentDetails(payment, PaymentRecalculationKind.None); + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails; // All fields are zero + + _processPaymentChange(paymentId, payment, oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + _updatePaymentStatistics(oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + + storedPayment.status = targetStatus; + + address sponsor = payment.sponsor; + uint256 eventFlags = _defineEventFlags(sponsor); + bytes memory addendum = abi.encodePacked( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION, + uint8(eventFlags), + uint64(payment.baseAmount), + uint64(payment.extraAmount), + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.payerRemainder) + ); + if (eventFlags & EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED != 0) { + addendum = abi.encodePacked( + addendum, + sponsor, + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder) + ); + } + + if (targetStatus == PaymentStatus.Revoked) { + emit PaymentRevoked( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + addendum + ); + } else { + emit PaymentReversed( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + addendum + ); + } + } + + /// @dev Confirms a payment internally. + function _confirmPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) internal returns (uint256) { + if (paymentId == 0) { + revert PaymentZeroId(); + } + Payment storage payment = _payments[paymentId]; + _checkActivePaymentStatus(paymentId, payment.status); + + if (confirmationAmount == 0) { + return confirmationAmount; + } + + uint256 remainder = uint256(payment.baseAmount) + uint256(payment.extraAmount) - uint256(payment.refundAmount); + uint256 oldConfirmedAmount = payment.confirmedAmount; + uint256 newConfirmedAmount = oldConfirmedAmount + confirmationAmount; + if (newConfirmedAmount > remainder) { + revert InappropriateConfirmationAmount(); + } + + payment.confirmedAmount = uint64(newConfirmedAmount); + _emitPaymentConfirmedAmountChanged( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + payment.sponsor, + oldConfirmedAmount, + newConfirmedAmount + ); + + return confirmationAmount; + } + + /// @dev Confirms a payment internally with the token transfer to the cash-out account. + function _confirmPaymentWithTransfer( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) internal { + confirmationAmount = _confirmPayment(paymentId, confirmationAmount); + _paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder = uint128( + uint256(_paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder) - confirmationAmount + ); + IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_requireCashOutAccount(), confirmationAmount); + } + + /// @dev Makes a refund for a payment internally. + function _refundPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 refundingAmount + ) internal { + if (paymentId == 0) { + revert PaymentZeroId(); + } + + Payment storage storedPayment = _payments[paymentId]; + Payment memory payment = storedPayment; + _checkActivePaymentStatus(paymentId, payment.status); + + uint256 newRefundAmount = uint256(payment.refundAmount) + refundingAmount; + if (newRefundAmount > uint256(payment.baseAmount) + uint256(payment.extraAmount)) { + revert InappropriateRefundingAmount(); + } + + PaymentDetails memory oldPaymentDetails = _definePaymentDetails(payment, PaymentRecalculationKind.None); + payment.refundAmount = uint64(newRefundAmount); + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails = _definePaymentDetails(payment, PaymentRecalculationKind.Full); + + _processPaymentChange(paymentId, payment, oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + _storeChangedPayment(storedPayment, payment, newPaymentDetails); + _updatePaymentStatistics(oldPaymentDetails, newPaymentDetails); + + address sponsor = payment.sponsor; + uint256 eventFlags = _defineEventFlags(sponsor); + bytes memory addendum = abi.encodePacked( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION, + uint8(eventFlags), + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.payerSumAmount - oldPaymentDetails.payerRemainder), // oldPayerRefundAmount + uint64(newPaymentDetails.payerSumAmount - newPaymentDetails.payerRemainder) // newPayerRefundAmount + ); + if (eventFlags & EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED != 0) { + addendum = abi.encodePacked( + addendum, + sponsor, + uint64(oldPaymentDetails.sponsorSumAmount - oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder),//oldSponsorRefundAmount + uint64(newPaymentDetails.sponsorSumAmount - newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder) //newSponsorRefundAmount + ); + } + + emit PaymentRefunded( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + addendum + ); + } + + /// @dev Executes token transfers related to a new payment. + function _processPaymentMaking(MakingOperation memory operation) internal { + uint256 sumAmount = operation.baseAmount + operation.extraAmount; + if (sumAmount > type(uint64).max) { + revert OverflowOfSumAmount(); + } + if (operation.sponsor == address(0) && operation.subsidyLimit != 0) { + revert SponsorZeroAddress(); + } + if (operation.subsidyLimit > type(uint64).max) { + revert OverflowOfSubsidyLimit(); + } + (uint256 payerSumAmount, uint256 sponsorSumAmount) = _defineSumAmountParts(sumAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + IERC20 erc20Token = IERC20(_token); + operation.payerSumAmount = payerSumAmount; + operation.sponsorSumAmount = sponsorSumAmount; + + erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(operation.payer, address(this), payerSumAmount); + if (operation.sponsor != address(0)) { + erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(operation.sponsor, address(this), sponsorSumAmount); + } + } + + /// @dev Checks if the status of a payment is active. Otherwise reverts with an appropriate error. + function _checkActivePaymentStatus(bytes32 paymentId, PaymentStatus status) internal pure { + if (status == PaymentStatus.Nonexistent) { + revert PaymentNonExistent(paymentId); + } + if (status != PaymentStatus.Active) { + revert InappropriatePaymentStatus(paymentId, status); + } + } + + /// @dev Checks if the payment sum amount and the refund amount meet the requirements. + function _checkPaymentSumAmount(uint256 sumAmount, uint256 refundAmount) internal pure { + if (refundAmount > sumAmount) { + revert InappropriateSumAmount(); + } + if (sumAmount > type(uint64).max) { + revert OverflowOfSumAmount(); + } + } + + /// @dev Executes token transfers related to changes of a payment and emits additional events. + function _processPaymentChange( + bytes32 paymentId, + Payment memory payment, + PaymentDetails memory oldPaymentDetails, + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails + ) internal { + IERC20 erc20Token = IERC20(_token); + + // Cash-out account token transferring + if (newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount < oldPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount) { + uint256 amount = oldPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount - newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount; + erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(_requireCashOutAccount(), address(this), amount); + _emitPaymentConfirmedAmountChanged( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + payment.sponsor, + oldPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount, + newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount + ); + } + + // Increase cashback ahead of payer token transfers to avoid conner cases with lack of payer balance + if (newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount > oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount) { + uint256 amount = newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount - oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount; + CashbackOperationStatus status; + (status, amount) = _increaseCashback(payment.payer, amount); + newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount = oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount + amount; + emit CashbackIncreased( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + status, + oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount, + newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount + ); + } + + // Payer token transferring + { + int256 amount = -(int256(newPaymentDetails.payerRemainder) - int256(oldPaymentDetails.payerRemainder)); + int256 cashbackChange = int256(newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount) - int256(oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount); + if (cashbackChange < 0) { + amount += cashbackChange; + } + if (amount < 0) { + erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(payment.payer, address(this), uint256(-amount)); + } else if (amount > 0) { + erc20Token.safeTransfer(payment.payer, uint256(amount)); + } + } + + // Cashback processing if the cashback amount decreases + if (newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount < oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount) { + uint256 amount = oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount - newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount; + CashbackOperationStatus status; + (status, amount) = _revokeCashback(payment.payer, amount); + newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount = oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount - amount; + emit CashbackRevoked( + paymentId, + payment.payer, + status, + oldPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount, + newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount + ); + } + + // Sponsor token transferring + address sponsor = payment.sponsor; + if (payment.sponsor != address(0)) { + if (newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder > oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder) { + uint256 amount = newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder - oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder; + erc20Token.safeTransferFrom(sponsor, address(this), amount); + } else if (newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder < oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder) { + uint256 amount = oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder - newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder; + erc20Token.safeTransfer(sponsor, amount); + } + } + } + + /// @dev Emits an appropriate event when the confirmed amount is changed for a payment. + function _emitPaymentConfirmedAmountChanged( + bytes32 paymentId, + address payer, + address sponsor, + uint256 oldConfirmedAmount, + uint256 newConfirmedAmount + ) internal { + uint256 eventFlags = _defineEventFlags(sponsor); + bytes memory addendum = abi.encodePacked( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_DEFAULT_VERSION, + uint8(eventFlags), + uint64(oldConfirmedAmount), + uint64(newConfirmedAmount) + ); + if (eventFlags & EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED != 0) { + addendum = abi.encodePacked( + addendum, + sponsor + ); + } + + emit PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged( + paymentId, + payer, + addendum + ); + } + + /// @dev Sends cashback related to a payment. + function _sendCashback(MakingOperation memory operation) internal { + if (operation.cashbackRate == 0) { + return; + } + // Condition (treasury != address(0)) is guaranteed by the current contract logic. So it is not checked here + if (_cashbackEnabled) { + uint256 basePaymentAmount = _definePayerBaseAmount(operation.baseAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + uint256 amount = _calculateCashback(basePaymentAmount, operation.cashbackRate); + CashbackOperationStatus status; + (status, amount) = _increaseCashback(operation.payer, amount); + emit CashbackSent( + operation.paymentId, + operation.payer, + status, + amount + ); + operation.cashbackAmount = amount; + } else { + operation.cashbackRate = 0; + } + } + + /// @dev Revokes partially or fully cashback related to a payment. + function _revokeCashback( + address payer, + uint256 amount + ) internal returns (CashbackOperationStatus status, uint256 revokedAmount) { + address treasury = _cashbackTreasury; + // Condition (treasury != address(0)) is guaranteed by the current contract logic. So it is not checked here + status = CashbackOperationStatus.Success; + (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = _token.call( + abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20.transfer.selector, treasury, amount) + ); + bool transferred = success && (returnData.length == 0 || abi.decode(returnData, (bool))); // Test coverage tip + if (transferred) { + _reduceTotalCashback(payer, amount); + revokedAmount = amount; + } else { + status = CashbackOperationStatus.Failed; + revokedAmount = 0; + } + } + + /// @dev Increases cashback related to a payment. + function _increaseCashback( + address payer, + uint256 amount + ) internal returns (CashbackOperationStatus status, uint256 increasedAmount) { + address treasury = _cashbackTreasury; + // Condition (treasury != address(0)) is guaranteed by the current contract logic. So it is not checked here + (status, increasedAmount) = _updateAccountCashbackState(payer, amount); + if (status == CashbackOperationStatus.Success || status == CashbackOperationStatus.Partial) { + (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = _token.call( + abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20.transferFrom.selector, treasury, payer, increasedAmount) + ); + bool transferred = success && (returnData.length == 0 || abi.decode(returnData, (bool))); + if (!transferred) { + _reduceTotalCashback(payer, increasedAmount); + status = CashbackOperationStatus.Failed; + increasedAmount = 0; + } + } + } + + /// @dev Updates the account cashback state and checks the cashback cap. + function _updateAccountCashbackState( + address account, + uint256 amount + ) internal returns (CashbackOperationStatus cashbackStatus, uint256 acceptedAmount) { + AccountCashbackState storage state = _accountCashbackStates[account]; + + uint256 totalAmount = state.totalAmount; + uint256 capPeriodStartTime = state.capPeriodStartTime; + uint256 capPeriodStartAmount = state.capPeriodStartAmount; + uint256 capPeriodCollectedCashback = 0; + + unchecked { + uint256 blockTimeStamp = uint32(block.timestamp); // take only last 32 bits of the block timestamp + if (uint32(blockTimeStamp - capPeriodStartTime) > CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD) { + capPeriodStartTime = blockTimeStamp; + } else { + capPeriodCollectedCashback = totalAmount - capPeriodStartAmount; + } + + if (capPeriodCollectedCashback < MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD) { + uint256 leftAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - capPeriodCollectedCashback; + if (leftAmount >= amount) { + acceptedAmount = amount; + cashbackStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Success; + } else { + acceptedAmount = leftAmount; + cashbackStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Partial; + } + } else { + cashbackStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Capped; + } + } + + if (capPeriodCollectedCashback == 0) { + capPeriodStartAmount = totalAmount; + } + + state.totalAmount = uint72(totalAmount) + uint72(acceptedAmount); + state.capPeriodStartAmount = uint72(capPeriodStartAmount); + state.capPeriodStartTime = uint32(capPeriodStartTime); + } + + /// @dev Reduces the total cashback amount for an account. + function _reduceTotalCashback(address account, uint256 amount) internal { + AccountCashbackState storage state = _accountCashbackStates[account]; + state.totalAmount = uint72(uint256(state.totalAmount) - amount); + } + + /// @dev Stores the data of a newly created payment. + function _storeNewPayment( + Payment storage storedPayment, + MakingOperation memory operation + ) internal { + PaymentStatus oldStatus = storedPayment.status; + storedPayment.status = PaymentStatus.Active; + storedPayment.payer = operation.payer; + storedPayment.cashbackRate = uint16(operation.cashbackRate); + storedPayment.confirmedAmount = 0; + if (oldStatus != PaymentStatus.Nonexistent || operation.sponsor != address(0)) { + storedPayment.sponsor = operation.sponsor; + storedPayment.subsidyLimit = uint64(operation.subsidyLimit); + } + storedPayment.baseAmount = uint64(operation.baseAmount); + storedPayment.extraAmount = uint64(operation.extraAmount); + storedPayment.cashbackAmount = uint64(operation.cashbackAmount); + storedPayment.refundAmount = 0; + + _paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder += uint128(operation.baseAmount + operation.extraAmount); + } + + /// @dev Stores the data of a changed payment. + function _storeChangedPayment( + Payment storage storedPayment, + Payment memory changedPayment, + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails + ) internal { + storedPayment.baseAmount = changedPayment.baseAmount; + storedPayment.extraAmount = changedPayment.extraAmount; + storedPayment.cashbackAmount = uint64(newPaymentDetails.cashbackAmount); + storedPayment.refundAmount = changedPayment.refundAmount; + + if (newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount != changedPayment.confirmedAmount) { + storedPayment.confirmedAmount = uint64(newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount); + } + } + + /// @dev Updates statistics of all payments. + function _updatePaymentStatistics( + PaymentDetails memory oldPaymentDetails, + PaymentDetails memory newPaymentDetails + ) internal { + int256 paymentReminderChange = + (int256(newPaymentDetails.payerRemainder) + int256(newPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder)) - + (int256(oldPaymentDetails.payerRemainder) + int256(oldPaymentDetails.sponsorRemainder)); + int256 paymentConfirmedAmountChange = + int256(newPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount) - int256(oldPaymentDetails.confirmedAmount); + + int256 unconfirmedReminderChange = paymentReminderChange - paymentConfirmedAmountChange; + + // This is done to protect against possible overflow/underflow of the `totalUnconfirmedRemainder` variable + if (unconfirmedReminderChange >= 0) { + _paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder += uint128(uint256(unconfirmedReminderChange)); + } else { + _paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder = uint128( + uint256(_paymentStatistics.totalUnconfirmedRemainder) - uint256(-unconfirmedReminderChange) + ); + } + } + + /// @dev Calculates cashback according to the amount and the rate. + function _calculateCashback(uint256 amount, uint256 cashbackRate_) internal pure returns (uint256) { + uint256 cashback = (amount * cashbackRate_) / CASHBACK_FACTOR; + return ((cashback + CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF / 2) / CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF) * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + } + + /// @dev Contains details of a payment. + struct PaymentDetails { + uint256 confirmedAmount; + uint256 cashbackAmount; + uint256 payerSumAmount; + uint256 sponsorSumAmount; + uint256 payerRemainder; + uint256 sponsorRemainder; + } + + /// @dev Kind of a payment recalculation operation. + enum PaymentRecalculationKind { + None, + Full + } + + /// @dev Defines details of a payment. + function _definePaymentDetails( + Payment memory payment, + PaymentRecalculationKind kind + ) internal pure returns (PaymentDetails memory) { + uint256 sumAmount; + unchecked { + sumAmount = uint256(payment.baseAmount) + uint256(payment.extraAmount); + } + uint256 payerBaseAmount = _definePayerBaseAmount(payment.baseAmount, payment.subsidyLimit); + (uint256 payerSumAmount, uint256 sponsorSumAmount) = _defineSumAmountParts(sumAmount, payment.subsidyLimit); + uint256 sponsorRefund = _defineSponsorRefund(payment.refundAmount, payment.baseAmount, payment.subsidyLimit); + uint256 payerRefund = uint256(payment.refundAmount) - sponsorRefund; + uint256 cashbackAmount = payment.cashbackAmount; + uint256 confirmedAmount = payment.confirmedAmount; + if (kind != PaymentRecalculationKind.None) { + confirmedAmount = _defineNewConfirmedAmount(confirmedAmount, sumAmount - payment.refundAmount); + cashbackAmount = _defineNewCashback(payerBaseAmount, payerRefund, payment.cashbackRate); + } + PaymentDetails memory details = PaymentDetails({ + confirmedAmount: confirmedAmount, + cashbackAmount: cashbackAmount, + payerSumAmount: payerSumAmount, + sponsorSumAmount: sponsorSumAmount, + payerRemainder: payerSumAmount - payerRefund, + sponsorRemainder: sponsorSumAmount - sponsorRefund + }); + return details; + } + + /// @dev Defines the payer part of a payment base amount according to a subsidy limit. + function _definePayerBaseAmount(uint256 paymentBaseAmount, uint256 subsidyLimit) internal pure returns (uint256) { + if (paymentBaseAmount > subsidyLimit) { + return paymentBaseAmount - subsidyLimit; + } else { + return 0; + } + } + + /// @dev Defines the payer and sponsor parts of a payment sum amount according to a subsidy limit. + function _defineSumAmountParts( + uint256 paymentSumAmount, + uint256 subsidyLimit + ) internal pure returns (uint256 payerSumAmount, uint256 sponsorSumAmount) { + if (subsidyLimit >= paymentSumAmount) { + sponsorSumAmount = paymentSumAmount; + payerSumAmount = 0; + } else { + sponsorSumAmount = subsidyLimit; + payerSumAmount = paymentSumAmount - subsidyLimit; + } + } + + /// @dev Defines the sponsor refund amount according to a subsidy limit. + function _defineSponsorRefund( + uint256 refundAmount, + uint256 baseAmount, + uint256 subsidyLimit + ) internal pure returns (uint256) { + if (baseAmount > subsidyLimit) { + refundAmount = (refundAmount * subsidyLimit) / baseAmount; + } + if (refundAmount > subsidyLimit) { + refundAmount = subsidyLimit; + } + return refundAmount; + } + + /// @dev Defines the new confirmed amount of a payment according to the new old confirmed amount and the remainder. + function _defineNewConfirmedAmount( + uint256 oldConfirmedAmount, + uint256 commonRemainder + ) internal pure returns (uint256) { + if (oldConfirmedAmount > commonRemainder) { + return commonRemainder; + } else { + return oldConfirmedAmount; + } + } + + /// @dev Defines the new cashback amount of a payment according to the payer base amount and refund amount. + function _defineNewCashback( + uint256 payerBaseAmount, + uint256 payerRefund, + uint256 cashbackRate_ + ) internal pure returns (uint256) { + if (cashbackRate_ == 0 || payerBaseAmount <= payerRefund) { + return 0; + } + return _calculateCashback(payerBaseAmount - payerRefund, cashbackRate_); + } + + /// @dev Checks if the cash-out account exists and returns if it does. Otherwise reverts the execution. + function _requireCashOutAccount() internal view returns (address account) { + account = _cashOutAccount; + if (account == address(0)) { + revert CashOutAccountNotConfigured(); + } + } + + /// @dev Defines event flags according to the input parameters. + function _defineEventFlags(address sponsor) internal pure returns (uint256) { + uint256 eventFlags = 0; + if (sponsor != address(0)) { + eventFlags |= EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAG_MASK_SPONSORED; + } + return eventFlags; + } + + /** + * @dev The upgrade validation function for the UUPSExtUpgradeable contract. + * @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation. + */ + function _validateUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal view override onlyRole(OWNER_ROLE) { + try ICardPaymentProcessor(newImplementation).proveCardPaymentProcessor() {} catch { + revert ImplementationAddressInvalid(); + } + } + + // ------------------ Service functions ----------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The version of the standard upgrade function without the second parameter for backward compatibility. + * @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow-reachable delegatecall + */ + function upgradeTo(address newImplementation) external { + upgradeToAndCall(newImplementation, ""); + } +} diff --git a/contracts/CardPaymentProcessorStorage.sol b/contracts/CardPaymentProcessorStorage.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2723a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/CardPaymentProcessorStorage.sol @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { ICardPaymentProcessorTypes } from "./interfaces/ICardPaymentProcessor.sol"; +import { ICardPaymentCashbackTypes } from "./interfaces/ICardPaymentCashback.sol"; + +/// @title CardPaymentProcessor storage version 1 +abstract contract CardPaymentProcessorStorageV1 is ICardPaymentProcessorTypes, ICardPaymentCashbackTypes { + /// @dev The address of the underlying token. + address internal _token; + + /// @dev The account to transfer confirmed tokens to. + address internal _cashOutAccount; + + /// @dev The mapping of a payment for a given payment ID. + mapping(bytes32 => Payment) internal _payments; + + /// @dev The payment statistics. + PaymentStatistics internal _paymentStatistics; + + /// @dev The address of the cashback treasury. + address internal _cashbackTreasury; + + /// @dev The enable flag of the cashback operations for new payments. Does not affect the existing payments. + bool internal _cashbackEnabled; + + /// @dev The default cashback rate for new payments in units of `CASHBACK_FACTOR`. + uint16 internal _cashbackRate; + + /// @dev The mapping of an account cashback structure for a given account address. + mapping(address => AccountCashbackState) internal _accountCashbackStates; +} + +/** + * @title CardPaymentProcessor storage + * @dev Contains storage variables of the {CardPaymentProcessor} contract. + * + * We are following Compound's approach of upgrading new contract implementations. + * See https://github.com/compound-finance/compound-protocol. + * When we need to add new storage variables, we create a new version of CardPaymentProcessorStorage + * e.g. CardPaymentProcessorStorage, so finally it would look like + * "contract CardPaymentProcessorStorage is CardPaymentProcessorStorageV1, CardPaymentProcessorStorageV2". + */ +abstract contract CardPaymentProcessorStorage is CardPaymentProcessorStorageV1 { + /** + * @dev This empty reserved space is put in place to allow future versions to add new + * variables without shifting down storage in the inheritance chain. + */ + uint256[43] private __gap; +} diff --git a/contracts/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol b/contracts/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..449beb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { AccessControlUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/AccessControlUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title AccessControlExtUpgradeable base contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev Extends the OpenZeppelin's {AccessControlUpgradeable} contract by adding the `grantRoleBatch` and + * `revokeRoleBatch` function. + * + * This contract is used through inheritance. It introduces the `grantRoleBatch` and `revokeRoleBatch` functions + * that is allowed to grant and revoke roles in batch. + */ +abstract contract AccessControlExtUpgradeable is AccessControlUpgradeable { + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function __AccessControlExt_init() internal onlyInitializing { + __Context_init_unchained(); + __ERC165_init_unchained(); + __AccessControl_init_unchained(); + + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + } + + /** + * @dev The unchained internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {AccessControlExtUpgradeable-__AccessControlExt_init}. + */ + function __AccessControlExt_init_unchained() internal onlyInitializing {} + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Grants `role` to `account` in batch. + * + * If `accounts` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} + * event. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. + * + * May emit a {RoleGranted} event for each account. + */ + function grantRoleBatch(bytes32 role, address[] memory accounts) public virtual onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) { + for (uint i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { + _grantRole(role, accounts[i]); + } + } + + /** + * @dev Revokes `role` from `account` in batch. + * + * If `accounts` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. + * + * May emit a {RoleRevoked} event for each account. + */ + function revokeRoleBatch(bytes32 role, address[] memory accounts) public virtual onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) { + for (uint i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { + _revokeRole(role, accounts[i]); + } + } +} diff --git a/contracts/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol b/contracts/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..599f505 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { AccessControlExtUpgradeable } from "./AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title BlocklistableUpgradeable base contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev Allows to blocklist and unblocklist accounts using the {BLOCKLISTER_ROLE} role. + * + * This contract is used through inheritance. It makes available the modifier `notBlocklisted`, + * which can be applied to functions to restrict their usage to not blocklisted accounts only. + */ +abstract contract BlocklistableUpgradeable is AccessControlExtUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of the blocklister that is allowed to blocklist and unblocklist accounts. + bytes32 public constant BLOCKLISTER_ROLE = keccak256("BLOCKLISTER_ROLE"); + + /** + * @dev The first storage slot of the contract data. + * + * Calculated as: + * keccak256(abi.encode(uint256(keccak256("cloudwalk.storage.Blocklistable")) - 1)) & ~bytes32(uint256(0xff)) + */ + bytes32 private constant BlocklistableStorageLocation = + 0x9a5d41467ec00b9c4ff3b10f2ab1b7fef3c7f16bd8fba9cd308a28e3cd7ef400; + + /** + * @dev The structure that contains all the data of the Blocklistable contract. + * @custom:storage-location erc7201:cloudwalk.storage.Blocklistable + */ + struct BlocklistableStorage { + mapping(address => bool) blocklisted; // Mapping of presence in the blocklist for a given address. + } + + // ------------------ Events ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev Emitted when an account is blocklisted. + event Blocklisted(address indexed account); + + /// @dev Emitted when an account is unblocklisted. + event UnBlocklisted(address indexed account); + + /// @dev Emitted when an account is self blocklisted. + event SelfBlocklisted(address indexed account); + + // ------------------ Errors ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev The account is blocklisted. + error BlocklistedAccount(address account); + + // ------------------ Modifiers ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Throws if called by a blocklisted account. + * @param account The address to check for presence in the blocklist. + */ + modifier notBlocklisted(address account) { + if (_getBlocklistableStorage().blocklisted[account]) { + revert BlocklistedAccount(account); + } + _; + } + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function __Blocklistable_init(bytes32 blocklisterRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + __Context_init_unchained(); + __ERC165_init_unchained(); + __AccessControl_init_unchained(); + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + + __Blocklistable_init_unchained(blocklisterRoleAdmin); + } + + /** + * @dev The unchained internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {BlocklistableUpgradeable-__Blocklistable_init}. + */ + function __Blocklistable_init_unchained(bytes32 blocklisterRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + _setRoleAdmin(BLOCKLISTER_ROLE, blocklisterRoleAdmin); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Adds an account to the blocklist. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {BLOCKLISTER_ROLE} role. + * + * Emits a {Blocklisted} event. + * + * @param account The address to blocklist. + */ + function blocklist(address account) public onlyRole(BLOCKLISTER_ROLE) { + BlocklistableStorage storage s = _getBlocklistableStorage(); + if (s.blocklisted[account]) { + return; + } + + s.blocklisted[account] = true; + + emit Blocklisted(account); + } + + /** + * @dev Removes an account from the blocklist. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {BLOCKLISTER_ROLE} role. + * + * Emits an {UnBlocklisted} event. + * + * @param account The address to remove from the blocklist. + */ + function unBlocklist(address account) public onlyRole(BLOCKLISTER_ROLE) { + BlocklistableStorage storage s = _getBlocklistableStorage(); + if (!s.blocklisted[account]) { + return; + } + + s.blocklisted[account] = false; + + emit UnBlocklisted(account); + } + + /** + * @dev Adds the message sender to the blocklist. + * + * Emits a {SelfBlocklisted} event. + * Emits a {Blocklisted} event. + */ + function selfBlocklist() public { + address sender = _msgSender(); + BlocklistableStorage storage s = _getBlocklistableStorage(); + + if (s.blocklisted[sender]) { + return; + } + + s.blocklisted[sender] = true; + + emit SelfBlocklisted(sender); + emit Blocklisted(sender); + } + + // ------------------ View functions -------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Checks if an account is blocklisted. + * @param account The address to check for presence in the blocklist. + * @return True if the account is present in the blocklist. + */ + function isBlocklisted(address account) public view returns (bool) { + return _getBlocklistableStorage().blocklisted[account]; + } + + // ------------------ Private functions ----------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Returns the contract storage structure. + */ + function _getBlocklistableStorage() private pure returns (BlocklistableStorage storage $) { + assembly { + $.slot := BlocklistableStorageLocation + } + } +} diff --git a/contracts/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.sol b/contracts/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..358295d --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { PausableUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/utils/PausableUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { AccessControlExtUpgradeable } from "./AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title PausableExtUpgradeable base contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev Extends the OpenZeppelin's {PausableUpgradeable} contract by adding the {PAUSER_ROLE} role. + * + * This contract is used through inheritance. It introduces the {PAUSER_ROLE} role that is allowed to + * trigger the paused or unpaused state of the contract that is inherited from this one. + */ +abstract contract PausableExtUpgradeable is AccessControlExtUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of pauser that is allowed to trigger the paused or unpaused state of the contract. + bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function __PausableExt_init(bytes32 pauserRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + __Context_init_unchained(); + __ERC165_init_unchained(); + __AccessControl_init_unchained(); + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + __Pausable_init_unchained(); + + __PausableExt_init_unchained(pauserRoleAdmin); + } + + /** + * @dev The unchained internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {PausableExtUpgradeable-__PausableExt_init}. + */ + function __PausableExt_init_unchained(bytes32 pauserRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + _setRoleAdmin(PAUSER_ROLE, pauserRoleAdmin); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Triggers the paused state of the contract. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {PAUSER_ROLE} role. + */ + function pause() public onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE) { + _pause(); + } + + /** + * @dev Triggers the unpaused state of the contract. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {PAUSER_ROLE} role. + */ + function unpause() public onlyRole(PAUSER_ROLE) { + _unpause(); + } +} diff --git a/contracts/base/RescuableUpgradeable.sol b/contracts/base/RescuableUpgradeable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec9cb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/RescuableUpgradeable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { IERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; +import { SafeERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol"; + +import { AccessControlExtUpgradeable } from "./AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title RescuableUpgradeable base contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev Allows to rescue ERC20 tokens locked up in the contract using the {RESCUER_ROLE} role. + * + * This contract is used through inheritance. It introduces the {RESCUER_ROLE} role that is allowed to + * rescue tokens locked up in the contract that is inherited from this one. + */ +abstract contract RescuableUpgradeable is AccessControlExtUpgradeable { + using SafeERC20 for IERC20; + + /// @dev The role of rescuer that is allowed to rescue tokens locked up in the contract. + bytes32 public constant RESCUER_ROLE = keccak256("RESCUER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function __Rescuable_init(bytes32 rescuerRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + __Context_init_unchained(); + __ERC165_init_unchained(); + __AccessControl_init_unchained(); + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + + __Rescuable_init_unchained(rescuerRoleAdmin); + } + + /** + * @dev The unchained internal initializer of the upgradable contract. + * + * See {RescuableUpgradeable-__Rescuable_init}. + */ + function __Rescuable_init_unchained(bytes32 rescuerRoleAdmin) internal onlyInitializing { + _setRoleAdmin(RESCUER_ROLE, rescuerRoleAdmin); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Withdraws ERC20 tokens locked up in the contract. + * + * Requirements: + * + * - The caller must have the {RESCUER_ROLE} role. + * + * @param token The address of the ERC20 token contract. + * @param to The address of the recipient of tokens. + * @param amount The amount of tokens to withdraw. + */ + function rescueERC20( + address token, + address to, + uint256 amount + ) public onlyRole(RESCUER_ROLE) { + IERC20(token).safeTransfer(to, amount); + } +} diff --git a/contracts/base/UUPSExtUpgradeable.sol b/contracts/base/UUPSExtUpgradeable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d7e7e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/UUPSExtUpgradeable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title UUPSExtUpgradeable base contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. (See https://www.cloudwalk.io) + * @dev Extends the OpenZeppelin's {UUPSUpgradeable} contract by adding additional checks for + * the new implementation address. + * + * This contract is used through inheritance. It introduces the virtual `_validateUpgrade()` function that must be + * implemented in the parent contract. + */ +abstract contract UUPSExtUpgradeable is UUPSUpgradeable { + // ------------------ Errors ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev Thrown if the provided new implementation address is not a contract. + error UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressNotContract(); + + /// @dev Thrown if the provided new implementation contract address is zero. + error UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressZero(); + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The upgrade authorization function for UUPSProxy. + * @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation. + */ + function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal override { + if (newImplementation == address(0)) { + revert UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressZero(); + } + + if (newImplementation.code.length == 0) { + revert UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressNotContract(); + } + + _validateUpgrade(newImplementation); + } + + /** + * @dev Executes further validation steps of the upgrade including authorization and implementation address checks. + * @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation. + */ + function _validateUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal virtual; +} diff --git a/contracts/base/Versionable.sol b/contracts/base/Versionable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d98f03 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/base/Versionable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.0; + +import "../interfaces/IVersionable.sol"; + +/** + * @title Versionable contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. (See https://cloudwalk.io) + * @dev Defines the contract version. + */ +abstract contract Versionable is IVersionable { + // ------------------ Pure functions -------------------------- // + + /** + * @inheritdoc IVersionable + */ + function $__VERSION() external pure returns (Version memory) { + return Version(2, 1, 0); + } +} diff --git a/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentCashback.sol b/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentCashback.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..773d225 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentCashback.sol @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.0; + +/// @title CardPaymentCashback types interface +interface ICardPaymentCashbackTypes { + /** + * @dev Statuses of a cashback operation as an enum. + * + * The possible values: + * + * - Undefined - The operation does not exist (the default value). + * - Success --- The operation has been successfully executed with a full amount transfer. + * - Partial --- The operation has been successfully executed but with a partial amount transfer. + * - Capped ---- The operation has been refused because the cap for the period has been reached. + * - Failed ---- The operation has been refused because the token transfer has failed. + */ + enum CashbackOperationStatus { + Undefined, // 0 + Success, // 1 + Partial, // 2 + Capped, // 3 + Failed // 4 + } + + /// @dev Structure with cashback-related data for a single account. + struct AccountCashbackState { + uint72 totalAmount; + uint72 capPeriodStartAmount; + uint32 capPeriodStartTime; + } +} + +/** + * @title CardPaymentCashback interface + * @dev The interface of the wrapper contract for the card payment cashback operations. + */ +interface ICardPaymentCashback is ICardPaymentCashbackTypes { + // ------------------ Events ---------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Emitted when the cashback rate is changed. + * @param oldRate The value of the old cashback rate. + * @param newRate The value of the new cashback rate. + */ + event CashbackRateChanged(uint256 oldRate, uint256 newRate); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when the cashback treasury address is changed. + * @param oldTreasury The address of the old cashback treasury. + * @param newTreasure The address of the new cashback treasury. + */ + event CashbackTreasuryChanged(address oldTreasury, address newTreasure); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a cashback sending request executed, successfully or not. + * @param paymentId The associated card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param recipient The address of the cashback recipient. + * @param status The status of the cashback operation. + * @param amount The actual amount of the sent cashback. + */ + event CashbackSent( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed recipient, + CashbackOperationStatus indexed status, + uint256 amount + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a cashback revocation request executed, successfully or not. + * @param paymentId The associated card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param recipient The address of the cashback recipient. + * @param status The status of the cashback operation. + * @param oldCashbackAmount The cashback amount before the operation. + * @param newCashbackAmount The cashback amount after the operation. + * + */ + event CashbackRevoked( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed recipient, + CashbackOperationStatus indexed status, + uint256 oldCashbackAmount, + uint256 newCashbackAmount + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a cashback increase request executed, successfully or not. + * @param paymentId The associated card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param recipient The address of the cashback recipient. + * @param status The status of the cashback operation. + * @param oldCashbackAmount The cashback amount before the operation. + * @param newCashbackAmount The cashback amount after the operation. + */ + event CashbackIncreased( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed recipient, + CashbackOperationStatus indexed status, + uint256 oldCashbackAmount, + uint256 newCashbackAmount + ); + + /// @dev Emitted when cashback operations for new payments are enabled. Does not affect the existing payments. + event CashbackEnabled(); + + /// @dev Emitted when cashback operations for new payments are disabled. Does not affect the existing payments. + event CashbackDisabled(); + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Sets a new address of the cashback treasury. + * + * Emits a {CashbackTreasuryChanged} event. + * + * @param newCashbackTreasury The address of the new cashback treasury. + */ + function setCashbackTreasury(address newCashbackTreasury) external; + + /** + * @dev Sets a new default cashback rate for new payments. + * + * Emits a {CashbackRateChanged} event. + * + * @param newCashbackRate The value of the new cashback rate. + */ + function setCashbackRate(uint256 newCashbackRate) external; + + /** + * @dev Enables the cashback operations. + * + * Emits a {CashbackEnabled} event. + */ + function enableCashback() external; + + /** + * @dev Disables the cashback operations. + * + * Emits a {CashbackDisabled} event. + */ + function disableCashback() external; + + // ------------------ View functions -------------------------- // + + /// @dev Returns the current cashback treasury address. + function cashbackTreasury() external view returns (address); + + /// @dev Checks if the cashback operations are enabled. + function cashbackEnabled() external view returns (bool); + + /// @dev Returns the current cashback rate. + function cashbackRate() external view returns (uint256); + + /** + * @dev Returns a structure with cashback-related data for a single account. + * @param account The account address to get the cashback state for. + */ + function getAccountCashbackState(address account) external view returns (AccountCashbackState memory); +} diff --git a/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentProcessor.sol b/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentProcessor.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b341202 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/interfaces/ICardPaymentProcessor.sol @@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.0; + +/// @title CardPaymentProcessor types interface +interface ICardPaymentProcessorTypes { + /** + * @dev Possible statuses of a payment as an enum. + * + * The possible values: + * + * - Nonexistent - The payment does not exist (the default value). + * - Active ------ The status immediately after the payment making. + * - Revoked ----- The payment was cancelled due to some technical reason. + * The related tokens have been transferred back to the payer and (optionally) sponsor. + * The payment can be made again with the same ID. + * All further operations with this payment except making again are prohibited. + * - Reversed ---- The payment was cancelled due to the decision of the off-chain card processing service. + * The related tokens have been transferred back to the payer and (optionally) sponsor. + * The payment cannot be made again with the same ID. + * All further operations with this payment are prohibited. + */ + enum PaymentStatus { + Nonexistent, // 0 + Active, // 1 + Revoked, // 2 + Reversed // 3 + } + + /** @dev Structure with data of a single payment. + * + * The following additional payment parameters can be derived from the structure fields: + * + * - sumAmount = baseAmount + extraAmount = payerSumAmount + sponsorSumAmount. + * - commonRemainder = sumAmount - refundAmount = payerRemainder + sponsorRemainder. + * - unconfirmedAmount = commonRemainder - confirmedAmount. + * - payerBaseAmount = (baseAmount > subsidyLimit) ? (baseAmount - subsidyLimit) : 0. + * - payerSumAmount = (sumAmount > subsidyLimit) ? (sumAmount - subsidyLimit) : 0. + * - sponsorSumAmount = sumAmount - payerSumAmount. + * - assumedSponsorRefundAmount = (baseAmount > subsidyLimit) + * ? (refundAmount * subsidyLimit / baseAmount) + * : refundAmount. + * - sponsorRefundAmount = (assumedSponsorRefundAmount < subsidyLimit) ? assumedSponsorRefundAmount : subsidyLimit. + * - payerRefundAmount = refundAmount - sponsorRefundAmount. + * - payerRemainder = payerSumAmount - payerRefundAmount. + * - sponsorRemainder = sponsorSumAmount - sponsorRefundAmount. + * - cashbackAmount = (payerBaseAmount > payerRefundAmount) + * ? (payerBaseAmount - payerRefundAmount) * cashbackRate + * : 0. + * + * The following restrictions are applied to a payment: + * - `refundAmount <= sumAmount`. + * - `commonReminder >= confirmedAmount`. + */ + struct Payment { + // Slot1 + PaymentStatus status; // The current status of the payment. + uint8 reserve1; // The reserved filed for future changes. + address payer; // The account who made the payment. + uint16 cashbackRate; // The cashback rate in units of `CASHBACK_FACTOR`. + uint64 confirmedAmount; // The confirmed amount that was transferred to the cash-out account. + // Slot2 + address sponsor; // The sponsor of the payment if it is subsidized. Otherwise the zero address. + uint64 subsidyLimit; // The subsidy limit of the payment if it is subsidized. Otherwise zero. + uint32 reserve2; // The reserved filed for future changes. + // Slot3 + uint64 baseAmount; // The base amount of tokens in the payment. + uint64 extraAmount; // The extra amount of tokens in the payment, without a cashback. + uint64 cashbackAmount; // The cumulative cashback amount that was granted to payer related to the payment. + uint64 refundAmount; // The total amount of all refunds related to the payment. + } + + /// @dev Structure with data of a single confirmation operation. + struct PaymentConfirmation { + bytes32 paymentId; // The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + uint256 amount; // The amount to confirm for the payment. + } + + /// @dev Structure with statistics of all payments. + struct PaymentStatistics { + uint128 totalUnconfirmedRemainder; // The total remainder of all payments that are not confirmed yet. + uint128 reserve1; // The reserved filed for future changes. + uint256 reserve2; // The reserved filed for future changes. + } +} + +/** + * @title CardPaymentProcessor interface + * @dev The interface of the wrapper contract for the card payment operations. + */ +interface ICardPaymentProcessor is ICardPaymentProcessorTypes { + // ------------------ Events ---------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a payment is made. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(baseAmount) -- the base amount of the payment. + * - uint64(extraAmount) -- the extra amount of the payment. + * - uint64(payerSumAmount) -- the payer sum amount part. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(sponsorSumAmount) -- the sponsor sum amount part or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentMade( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a payment is updated inside a function whose name started with the `update` word. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(oldBaseAmount) -- the old base amount of the payment. + * - uint64(newBaseAmount) -- the new base amount of the payment. + * - uint64(oldExtraAmount) -- the old extra amount of the payment. + * - uint64(newExtraAmount) -- the new extra amount of the payment. + * - uint64(oldPayerSumAmount) -- the old payer sum amount part. + * - uint64(newPayerSumAmount) -- the new payer sum amount part. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(oldSponsorSumAmount) -- the old sponsor sum amount part or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(newSponsorSumAmount) -- the new sponsor sum amount part or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentUpdated( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a payment is revoked. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(baseAmount) -- the base amount of the payment. + * - uint64(extraAmount) -- the extra amount of the payment. + * - uint64(payerRemainder) -- the payer remainder part of the payment. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(sponsorRemainder) -- the sponsor remainder part or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentRevoked( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a payment is reversed. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(baseAmount) -- the base amount of the payment. + * - uint64(extraAmount) -- the extra amount of the payment. + * - uint64(payerRemainder) -- the payer remainder part of the payment. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(sponsorRemainder) -- the sponsor remainder part or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentReversed( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when the confirmed amount of a payment is changed. It can be emitted during any operation. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(oldConfirmedAmount) -- the old confirmed amount of the payment. + * - uint64(newConfirmedAmount) -- the new confirmed amount of the payment. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when a payment is refunded inside a function whose name started with the `refund` word. + * + * Some data is encoded in the `addendum` parameter as the result of calling of the `abi.encodePacked()` + * function as described in https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html#non-standard-packed-mode + * with the following arguments (addendum fields): + * + * - uint8(version) -- the version of the event addendum, for now it equals `0x01`. + * - uint8(flags) -- the flags that for now define whether the payment is subsidized (`0x01`) or not (`0x00`). + * - uint64(oldPayerRefundAmount) -- the old payer refund amount of the payment. + * - uint64(newPayerRefundAmount) -- the new payer refund amount of the payment. + * - address(sponsor) -- the address of the sponsor or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(oldSponsorRefundAmount) -- the old sponsor refund amount or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * - uint64(newSponsorRefundAmount) -- the new sponsor refund amount or skipped if the payment is not subsidized. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param addendum The data of the event as described above. + */ + event PaymentRefunded( + bytes32 indexed paymentId, + address indexed payer, + bytes addendum + ); + + /** + * @dev Emitted when an account is refunded inside the `refundAccount()` function. + * @param account The account that is refunded. + * @param refundingAmount The amount of tokens to refund. + * @param addendum Empty. Reserved for future possible additional information. + */ + event AccountRefunded( + address indexed account, + uint256 refundingAmount, + bytes addendum + ); + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Makes a card payment for a given account initiated by a service account. + * + * The payment can be subsidized with full or partial reimbursement from a specified sponsor account. + * If cashback is disabled in the contract it will not be sent in any case. + * + * Transfers the underlying tokens from the payer and/or sponsor to this contract. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentMade} event. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event if the payment is confirmed immediately after making. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param baseAmount The base amount of tokens to transfer because of the payment. + * @param extraAmount The extra amount of tokens to transfer because of the payment. No cashback is applied. + * @param sponsor The address of a sponsor if the payment is subsidized, otherwise zero. + * @param subsidyLimit The amount of tokens that the sponsor is compensating for the payment. + * @param cashbackRate If positive then it is a special cashback rate for the payment in units of `CASHBACK_FACTOR`. + * If negative then the contract settings are used to determine cashback. + * If zero then cashback is not sent. + * @param confirmationAmount The amount to confirm for the payment immediately after making. + * Zero if confirmation is not needed. + */ + function makePaymentFor( + bytes32 paymentId, + address payer, + uint256 baseAmount, + uint256 extraAmount, + address sponsor, + uint256 subsidyLimit, + int256 cashbackRate, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Makes a common card payment for a given account initiated by a service account. + * + * It is the same as the `makePaymentFor()` function but with less parameters. + * The payment is not subsidized, with the cashback defined by the contract settings, and without a confirmation. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param payer The account on that behalf the payment is made. + * @param baseAmount The base amount of tokens to transfer because of the payment. + * @param extraAmount The extra amount of tokens to transfer because of the payment. No cashback is applied. + */ + function makeCommonPaymentFor( + bytes32 paymentId, + address payer, + uint256 baseAmount, + uint256 extraAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Updates a previously made payment. + * + * Transfers the underlying tokens from the payer and/or sponsor to this contract or vise versa. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentUpdated} event. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event if the confirmed amount of the payment is changed. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param newBaseAmount The new base amount of the payment. + * @param newExtraAmount The new extra amount of the payment. + */ + function updatePayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 newBaseAmount, + uint256 newExtraAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Performs the revocation of a previously made card payment. + * + * Does not finalize the payment: it can be made again with the same paymentId. + * Transfers tokens back from this contract or cash-out account to the payer and/or sponsor. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentRevoked} event. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event if the confirmed amount of the payment is changed. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + */ + function revokePayment(bytes32 paymentId) external; + + /** + * @dev Performs the reverse of a previously made card payment. + * + * Finalizes the payment: no other operations can be done for the payment after this one. + * Transfers tokens back from this contract or cash-out account to the payer and/or sponsor. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentReversed} event. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event if the confirmed amount of the payment is changed. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + */ + function reversePayment(bytes32 paymentId) external; + + /** + * @dev Confirms a single previously made card payment. + * + * Does mot finalizes the payment: any other operations can be done for the payment after this one. + * Transfers tokens gotten from a payer and a sponsor to a dedicated cash-out account for further operations. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param confirmationAmount The amount to confirm for the payment. + */ + function confirmPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Confirms multiple previously made card payment. + * + * Does mot finalizes the payments: any other operations can be done for the payments after this one. + * Transfers tokens gotten from payers and sponsors to a dedicated cash-out account for further operations. + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event for each payment. + * + * @param paymentConfirmations The array of structures with payment confirmation parameters. + */ + function confirmPayments(PaymentConfirmation[] calldata paymentConfirmations) external; + + /** + * @dev Executes updating and confirmation operations for a single previously made card payment. + * + * Updating of the base amount and extra amount executes lazy, i.e. only if any of the provided new amounts differ + * from the current once of the payment. Otherwise the update operation is skipped. + * + * This function can be called by a limited number of accounts that are allowed to execute processing operations. + * + * Emits a {PaymentUpdated} event if the update operation is executed. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param newBaseAmount The new base amount of the payment. + * @param newExtraAmount The new extra amount of the payment. + * @param confirmationAmount The amount to confirm for the payment. + */ + function updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 newBaseAmount, + uint256 newExtraAmount, + uint256 confirmationAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Makes a refund for a previously made card payment. + * + * Emits a {PaymentRefunded} event. + * Emits a {PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged} event if the confirmed amount of the payment is changed. + * + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + * @param refundingAmount The amount of tokens to refund. + */ + function refundPayment( + bytes32 paymentId, + uint256 refundingAmount + ) external; + + /** + * @dev Makes a refund for an account where the refund cannot be associated with any card payment. + * + * During this operation the needed amount of tokens is transferred from the cash-out account to the target account. + * + * Emits a {AccountRefunded} event. + * + * @param account The address of the account to refund. + * @param refundingAmount The amount of tokens to refund. + */ + function refundAccount( + address account, + uint256 refundingAmount + ) external; + + // ------------------ View functions -------------------------- // + + /// @dev Returns the address of the underlying token. + function token() external view returns (address); + + /// @dev Returns the address of the cash-out account. + function cashOutAccount() external view returns (address); + + /** + * @dev Returns payment data for a card transaction payment ID. + * @param paymentId The card transaction payment ID from the off-chain card processing backend. + */ + function getPayment(bytes32 paymentId) external view returns (Payment memory); + + /// @dev Returns statistics of all payments. + function getPaymentStatistics() external view returns (PaymentStatistics memory); + + /// @dev Proves the contract is the card payment processor one. A marker function. + function proveCardPaymentProcessor() external pure; +} diff --git a/contracts/interfaces/IVersionable.sol b/contracts/interfaces/IVersionable.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a28eb --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/interfaces/IVersionable.sol @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.0; + +/** + * @title IVersionable interface + * @author CloudWalk Inc. (See https://cloudwalk.io) + * @dev Defines the function of getting the contract version. + */ +interface IVersionable { + /** + * @dev The struct for the contract version. + */ + struct Version { + uint16 major; // -- The major version of contract + uint16 minor; // -- The minor version of contract + uint16 patch; // -- The patch version of contract + } + + /** + * @dev Returns the version of the contract. + */ + function $__VERSION() external pure returns (Version memory); +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..473596f --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { AccessControlExtUpgradeable } from "../../base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev An implementation of the {AccessControlExtUpgradeable} contract for test purposes. + */ +contract AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock is AccessControlExtUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of this contract owner. + bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256("OWNER_ROLE"); + bytes32 public constant USER_ROLE = keccak256("USER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initialize function of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function initialize() public initializer { + _grantRole(OWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()); + _setRoleAdmin(USER_ROLE, OWNER_ROLE); + __AccessControlExt_init(); + + // Only to provide the 100 % test coverage + _authorizeUpgrade(address(0)); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize() public { + __AccessControlExt_init(); + } + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the unchained initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize_unchained() public { + __AccessControlExt_init_unchained(); + } + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /// @dev The upgrade authorization function for UUPSProxy. + function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal pure override { + newImplementation; // Suppresses a compiler warning about the unused variable + } +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/base/BlocklistableUpgradeableMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/base/BlocklistableUpgradeableMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16d5351 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/base/BlocklistableUpgradeableMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { BlocklistableUpgradeable } from "../../base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title BlocklistableUpgradeableMock contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev An implementation of the {BlocklistableUpgradeable} contract for test purposes. + */ +contract BlocklistableUpgradeableMock is BlocklistableUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of this contract owner. + bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256("OWNER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Events ---------------------------------- // + + /// @dev Emitted when a test function of the `notBlocklisted` modifier executes successfully. + event TestNotBlocklistedModifierSucceeded(); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initialize function of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function initialize() public initializer { + _grantRole(OWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()); + __Blocklistable_init(OWNER_ROLE); + + // Only to provide the 100 % test coverage + _authorizeUpgrade(address(0)); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize() public { + __Blocklistable_init(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the unchained initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize_unchained() public { + __Blocklistable_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + /** + * @dev Checks the execution of the {notBlocklisted} modifier. + * If that modifier executed without reverting emits an event {TestNotBlocklistedModifierSucceeded}. + */ + function testNotBlocklistedModifier() external notBlocklisted(_msgSender()) { + emit TestNotBlocklistedModifierSucceeded(); + } + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /// @dev The upgrade authorization function for UUPSProxy. + function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal pure override { + newImplementation; // Suppresses a compiler warning about the unused variable + } +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/base/PausableExtUpgradeableMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/base/PausableExtUpgradeableMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..563d334 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/base/PausableExtUpgradeableMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { PausableExtUpgradeable } from "../../base/PausableExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title PausableExtUpgradeableMock contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev An implementation of the {PausableExtUpgradeable} contract for test purposes. + */ +contract PausableExtUpgradeableMock is PausableExtUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of this contract owner. + bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256("OWNER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initialize function of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function initialize() public initializer { + _grantRole(OWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()); + __PausableExt_init(OWNER_ROLE); + + // Only to provide the 100 % test coverage + _authorizeUpgrade(address(0)); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize() public { + __PausableExt_init(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the unchained initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize_unchained() public { + __PausableExt_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /// @dev The upgrade authorization function for UUPSProxy. + function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal pure override { + newImplementation; // Suppresses a compiler warning about the unused variable + } +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/base/RescuableUpgradeableMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/base/RescuableUpgradeableMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..194cc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/base/RescuableUpgradeableMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSUpgradeable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/proxy/utils/UUPSUpgradeable.sol"; + +import { RescuableUpgradeable } from "../../base/RescuableUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title RescuableUpgradeableMock contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. + * @dev An implementation of the {RescuableUpgradeable} contract for test purposes. + */ +contract RescuableUpgradeableMock is RescuableUpgradeable, UUPSUpgradeable { + /// @dev The role of this contract owner. + bytes32 public constant OWNER_ROLE = keccak256("OWNER_ROLE"); + + // ------------------ Initializers ---------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initialize function of the upgradable contract. + * + * See details https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/writing-upgradeable. + */ + function initialize() public initializer { + _grantRole(OWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()); + __Rescuable_init(OWNER_ROLE); + + // Only to provide the 100 % test coverage + _authorizeUpgrade(address(0)); + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize() public { + __Rescuable_init(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + /** + * @dev Needed to check that the unchained initialize function of the ancestor contract + * has the 'onlyInitializing' modifier. + */ + function call_parent_initialize_unchained() public { + __Rescuable_init_unchained(OWNER_ROLE); + } + + // ------------------ Internal functions ---------------------- // + + /// @dev The upgrade authorization function for UUPSProxy. + function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal pure override { + newImplementation; // Suppresses a compiler warning about the unused variable + } +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/base/UUPSExtUpgradableMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/base/UUPSExtUpgradableMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e5dcc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/base/UUPSExtUpgradableMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { UUPSExtUpgradeable } from "../../base/UUPSExtUpgradeable.sol"; + +/** + * @title UUPSExtUpgradableMock contract + * @author CloudWalk Inc. (See https://www.cloudwalk.io) + * @dev An implementation of the {UUPSExtUpgradable} contract for test purposes. + */ +contract UUPSExtUpgradeableMock is UUPSExtUpgradeable { + /// @dev Emitted when the internal `_validateUpgrade()` function is called with the parameters of the function. + event MockValidateUpgradeCall(address newImplementation); + + /** + * @dev Executes further validation steps of the upgrade including authorization and implementation address checks. + * @param newImplementation The address of the new implementation. + */ + function _validateUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal virtual override { + emit MockValidateUpgradeCall(newImplementation); + } +} diff --git a/contracts/mocks/tokens/ERC20TokenMock.sol b/contracts/mocks/tokens/ERC20TokenMock.sol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d62f496 --- /dev/null +++ b/contracts/mocks/tokens/ERC20TokenMock.sol @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +pragma solidity ^0.8.20; + +import { ERC20 } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol"; + +/** + * @title ERC20TokenMock contract + * @dev An implementation of the {ERC20Upgradeable} contract for testing purposes + */ +contract ERC20TokenMock is ERC20 { + /// @dev A special amount when the transfer functions should return `false`. + uint256 public specialAmountToReturnFalse; + + /// @dev A special amount when the transfer functions should revert. + uint256 public specialAmountToRevert; + + // ------------------ Constructor ----------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev The initialize function of the upgradable contract. + * @param name_ The name of the token to set for this ERC20-comparable contract. + * @param symbol_ The symbol of the token to set for this ERC20-comparable contract. + */ + constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_) ERC20(name_, symbol_) { + specialAmountToReturnFalse = type(uint256).max; + specialAmountToRevert = type(uint256).max; + } + + // ------------------ Functions ------------------------------- // + + /** + * @dev Calls the appropriate internal function to mint needed amount of tokens for an account. + * @param account The address of an account to mint for. + * @param amount The amount of tokens to mint. + */ + function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external { + _mint(account, amount); + } + + /// @dev The variation of the standard transfer function that returns `false` if the special amount is passed. + function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) { + if (amount == specialAmountToRevert) { + revert("ERC20TokenMock: The special amount has been used inside the 'transfer()' function"); + } else if (amount == specialAmountToReturnFalse) { + return false; + } else { + return super.transfer(to, amount); + } + } + + /// @dev The variation of the standard transfer from function that returns `false` if the special amount is passed. + function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) public override returns (bool) { + if (amount == specialAmountToRevert) { + revert("ERC20TokenMock: The special amount has been used inside the 'transferFrom()' function"); + } else if (amount == specialAmountToReturnFalse) { + return false; + } else { + return super.transferFrom(from, to, amount); + } + } + + /// @dev Configures the special amount when the transfer functions should return `false`. + function setSpecialAmountToReturnFalse(uint256 newSpecialAmount) external { + specialAmountToReturnFalse = newSpecialAmount; + } + + /// @dev Configures the special amount when the transfer functions should revert. + function setSpecialAmountToRevert(uint256 newSpecialAmount) external { + specialAmountToRevert = newSpecialAmount; + } +} diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40817f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,9268 @@ +{ + "name": "brlc-card-payment-processor-v2", + "lockfileVersion": 3, + "requires": true, + "packages": { + "": { + 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contract name + const TOKEN_ADDRESS: string = ""; // TBD: Enter token contract address + + const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory(CONTRACT_NAME); + const proxy = await upgrades.deployProxy( + factory, + [TOKEN_ADDRESS], + { kind: "uups" } + ); + + await proxy.waitForDeployment(); + + console.log("Proxy deployed:", await proxy.getAddress()); +} + +main().then().catch(err => { + throw err; +}); diff --git a/scripts/prepareUpgrade.ts b/scripts/prepareUpgrade.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edf2afc --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/prepareUpgrade.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { ethers, upgrades } from "hardhat"; + +async function main() { + const CONTRACT_NAME: string = ""; // TBD: Enter contract name + const PROXY_ADDRESS: string = ""; // TBD: Enter proxy address + + const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory(CONTRACT_NAME); + const response = await upgrades.prepareUpgrade(PROXY_ADDRESS, factory, { + unsafeAllowRenames: false, + unsafeSkipStorageCheck: false + }); + + console.log("Upgrade prepared:", response); +} + +main().then().catch(err => { + throw err; +}); diff --git a/scripts/upgradeProxy.ts b/scripts/upgradeProxy.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90cea1d --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/upgradeProxy.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { ethers, upgrades } from "hardhat"; + +async function main() { + const CONTRACT_NAME: string = ""; // TBD: Enter contract name + const PROXY_ADDRESS: string = ""; // TBD: Enter proxy address + + const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory(CONTRACT_NAME); + await upgrades.upgradeProxy(PROXY_ADDRESS, factory, { + unsafeAllowRenames: false, + unsafeSkipStorageCheck: false + }); + + console.log("Proxy upgraded"); +} + +main().then().catch(err => { + throw err; +}); diff --git a/scripts/validateUpgrade.ts b/scripts/validateUpgrade.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40b72cf --- /dev/null +++ b/scripts/validateUpgrade.ts @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +import { ethers, upgrades } from "hardhat"; + +async function main() { + const CONTRACT_NAME: string = ""; // TBD: Enter contract name + const PROXY_ADDRESS: string = ""; // TBD: Enter proxy address + + const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory(CONTRACT_NAME); + await upgrades.validateUpgrade(PROXY_ADDRESS, factory, { + unsafeAllowRenames: false, + unsafeSkipStorageCheck: false + }); + + console.log("Successfully validated"); +} + +main().then().catch(err => { + throw err; +}); diff --git a/test-utils/README.md b/test-utils/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..524e078 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-utils/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +## Test utils directory + +This directory contains custom utilities used for smart contracts testing. diff --git a/test-utils/checkers.ts b/test-utils/checkers.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f67c3d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-utils/checkers.ts @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +import { expect } from "chai"; + +export interface EventParameterCheckingOptions { + showValuesInErrorMessage?: boolean; + caseInsensitiveComparison?: boolean; + convertToJson?: boolean; +} + +interface Stringable { + toString(): string; +} + +function checkEventParameter( + fieldName: string, + expectedValue: T | string | undefined | null, + options: EventParameterCheckingOptions = {} +): (value: T) => boolean { + const f = function (value: T | string): boolean { + if (options.convertToJson) { + value = JSON.stringify(value); + expectedValue = JSON.stringify(expectedValue); + } + let errorMessage = `The "${fieldName}" field of the event is wrong`; + if (options.showValuesInErrorMessage) { + errorMessage += ` (actual: ${value} ; expected: ${expectedValue})`; + } + if (options.caseInsensitiveComparison) { + value = value.toString().toLowerCase(); + expectedValue = expectedValue?.toString()?.toLowerCase(); + } + expect(value).to.equal(expectedValue, errorMessage); + return true; + }; + Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { value: `checkEventField_${fieldName}`, writable: false }); + return f; +} + +function checkEventParameterNotEqual( + fieldName: string, + notExpectedValue: T | string | undefined | null, + options: EventParameterCheckingOptions = {} +): (value: T | string) => boolean { + const f = function (value: T | string): boolean { + if (options.convertToJson) { + value = JSON.stringify(value); + notExpectedValue = JSON.stringify(notExpectedValue); + } + let errorMessage = + `The "${fieldName}" field of the event is wrong because it is equal ${notExpectedValue} but should not`; + if (options.showValuesInErrorMessage) { + errorMessage += ` (actual: ${value} ; not expected: ${notExpectedValue})`; + } + if (options.caseInsensitiveComparison) { + value = value.toString().toLowerCase(); + notExpectedValue = notExpectedValue?.toString()?.toLowerCase(); + } + expect(value).not.to.equal(notExpectedValue, errorMessage); + return true; + }; + Object.defineProperty(f, "name", { value: `checkEventFieldNot_${fieldName}`, writable: false }); + return f; +} + +function checkEquality>(actualObject: T, expectedObject: T, index?: number) { + const indexString = !index ? "" : ` with index: ${index}`; + Object.keys(expectedObject).forEach(property => { + const value = actualObject[property]; + if (typeof value === "undefined" || typeof value === "function" || typeof value === "object") { + throw Error(`Property "${property}" is not found in the actual object` + indexString); + } + expect(value).to.eq( + expectedObject[property], + `Mismatch in the "${property}" property between the actual object and expected one` + indexString + ); + }); +} + +export { + checkEventParameter, + checkEventParameterNotEqual, + checkEquality +}; diff --git a/test-utils/eth.ts b/test-utils/eth.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..365c392 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-utils/eth.ts @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +import { ethers, upgrades, network } from "hardhat"; +import { BaseContract, BlockTag, Contract, ContractFactory, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { time } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { expect } from "chai"; + +export async function checkContractUupsUpgrading( + contract: Contract, + contractFactory: ContractFactory, + upgradeFunctionSignature: string = "upgradeToAndCall(address,bytes)" +) { + const contractAddress = await contract.getAddress(); + const oldImplementationAddress = await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(contractAddress); + const newImplementation = await contractFactory.deploy(); + await newImplementation.waitForDeployment(); + const expectedNewImplementationAddress = await newImplementation.getAddress(); + + if (upgradeFunctionSignature === "upgradeToAndCall(address,bytes)") { + await proveTx(contract[upgradeFunctionSignature](expectedNewImplementationAddress, "0x")); + } else { + await proveTx(contract[upgradeFunctionSignature](expectedNewImplementationAddress)); + } + + const actualNewImplementationAddress = await upgrades.erc1967.getImplementationAddress(contractAddress); + expect(actualNewImplementationAddress).to.eq(expectedNewImplementationAddress); + expect(actualNewImplementationAddress).not.to.eq(oldImplementationAddress); +} + +export function connect(contract: BaseContract, signer: HardhatEthersSigner): Contract { + return contract.connect(signer) as Contract; +} + +export function getAddress(contract: Contract): string { + const address = contract.target; + if (typeof address !== "string" || address.length != 42 || !address.startsWith("0x")) { + throw new Error("The '.target' field of the contract is not an address string"); + } + return address; +} + +export async function getBlockTimestamp(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise { + const block = await ethers.provider.getBlock(blockTag); + return block?.timestamp ?? 0; +} + +export async function getLatestBlockTimestamp(): Promise { + return getBlockTimestamp("latest"); +} + +export async function getTxTimestamp(tx: Promise): Promise { + const receipt = await proveTx(tx); + const block = await ethers.provider.getBlock(receipt.blockNumber); + return Number(block?.timestamp ?? 0); +} + +export async function increaseBlockTimestampTo(targetTimestamp: number) { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + await time.increaseTo(targetTimestamp); + } else if (network.name === "stratus") { + await ethers.provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [targetTimestamp]); + await ethers.provider.send("evm_mine", []); + } else { + throw new Error(`Setting block timestamp for the current blockchain is not supported: ${network.name}`); + } +} + +export async function increaseBlockTimestamp(increaseInSeconds: number) { + if (increaseInSeconds <= 0) { + throw new Error(`The block timestamp increase must be greater than zero, but it equals: ${increaseInSeconds}`); + } + const currentTimestamp = await getLatestBlockTimestamp(); + await increaseBlockTimestampTo(currentTimestamp + increaseInSeconds); +} + +export async function proveTx(txResponsePromise: Promise): Promise { + const txResponse = await txResponsePromise; + const txReceipt = await txResponse.wait(); + if (!txReceipt) { + throw new Error("The transaction receipt is empty"); + } + return txReceipt as TransactionReceipt; +} diff --git a/test-utils/misc.ts b/test-utils/misc.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5138e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-utils/misc.ts @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +function createBytesString(baseString: string | number | undefined, byteLength: number) { + baseString = !baseString ? "" : baseString.toString(); + if (baseString.length > byteLength * 2) { + throw new Error( + `Creating of bytes string failed. ` + + `The length of the base string if greater than allowed maximum length. ` + + `The base string: '${baseString}'. ` + + `The target byte length: '${byteLength}'` + ); + } + if (!(/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/).test(baseString)) { + throw new Error( + `Creating of bytes string failed. ` + + `The base string content is incorrect. ` + + `The base string: '${baseString}'` + ); + } + + return "0x" + "0".repeat(byteLength * 2 - baseString.length) + baseString.toLowerCase(); +} + +export { createBytesString }; diff --git a/test/CardPaymentProcessor.test.ts b/test/CardPaymentProcessor.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b55f728 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/CardPaymentProcessor.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,4897 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory, TransactionReceipt, TransactionResponse } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { anyValue } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-chai-matchers/withArgs"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { + checkContractUupsUpgrading, + connect, + getAddress, + getTxTimestamp, + increaseBlockTimestamp, + proveTx +} from "../test-utils/eth"; +import { createBytesString } from "../test-utils/misc"; +import { + checkEquality, + checkEventParameter, + checkEventParameterNotEqual, + EventParameterCheckingOptions +} from "../test-utils/checkers"; + +const MAX_UINT256 = ethers.MaxUint256; +const MAX_INT256 = ethers.MaxInt256; +const MAX_UINT64 = BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"); +const ZERO_ADDRESS = ethers.ZeroAddress; +const ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT = 0; +const ZERO_PAYER_ADDRESS = ethers.ZeroAddress; +const ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT = 0; +const ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS = ethers.ZeroAddress; +const ZERO_SUBSIDY_LIMIT = 0; +const BYTES32_LENGTH: number = 32; +const CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT = -1; +const TOKE_DECIMALS = 6; +const CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF = 10 ** (TOKE_DECIMALS - 2); +const DIGITS_COEF = 10 ** TOKE_DECIMALS; +const INITIAL_USER_BALANCE = 1000_000 * DIGITS_COEF; +const INITIAL_SPONSOR_BALANCE = INITIAL_USER_BALANCE * 2; +const CASHBACK_FACTOR = 1000; +const CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; +const MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD = 300 * 10 ** TOKE_DECIMALS; + +const EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE = "01"; +const EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED = "00"; +const EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED = "01"; +const EVENT_ADDENDUM_CHARS_FOR_AMOUNT = 16; + +const eventAddendumCheckingOptions: EventParameterCheckingOptions = { + showValuesInErrorMessage: true, + caseInsensitiveComparison: true +}; + +const EVENT_NAME_ACCOUNT_REFUNDED = "AccountRefunded"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_CHANGED = "CashOutAccountChanged"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_ENABLED = "CashbackEnabled"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_DISABLED = "CashbackDisabled"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_INCREASED = "CashbackIncreased"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_RATE_CHANGED = "CashbackRateChanged"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_REVOKED = "CashbackRevoked"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_TREASURY_CHANGED = "CashbackTreasuryChanged"; +const EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_SENT = "CashbackSent"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_CONFIRMED_AMOUNT_CHANGED = "PaymentConfirmedAmountChanged"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_MADE = "PaymentMade"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REFUNDED = "PaymentRefunded"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REVERSED = "PaymentReversed"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REVOKED = "PaymentRevoked"; +const EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_UPDATED = "PaymentUpdated"; + +enum PaymentStatus { + // Nonexistent = 0, is not used in the tests. + Active = 1, + Revoked = 2, + Reversed = 3 +} + +enum CashbackOperationStatus { + Undefined = 0, + Success = 1, + Partial = 2, + Capped = 3, + Failed = 4 +} + +interface PaymentConfirmation { + paymentId: string; + amount: number; +} + +interface TestPayment { + id: string; + payer: HardhatEthersSigner; + baseAmount: number; + extraAmount: number; +} + +interface PaymentModel { + paymentId: string; // Does not exist in the contract + status: PaymentStatus; + payer: HardhatEthersSigner; + cashbackEnabled: boolean; + cashbackRate: number; + confirmedAmount: number; + sponsor?: HardhatEthersSigner; + subsidyLimit: number; + baseAmount: number; + extraAmount: number; + cashbackAmount: number; + refundAmount: number; +} + +interface AccountCashbackState { + totalAmount: bigint; + capPeriodStartAmount: bigint; + capPeriodStartTime: number; +} + +enum CashbackOperationKind { + Undefined = 0, + None = 1, + Sending = 2, + Increase = 3, + Revocation = 4 +} + +enum OperationKind { + Undefined = 0, + Making = 1, + Updating = 2, + Revoking = 3, + Reversing = 4, + Confirming = 5, + Refunding = 6 +} + +enum UpdatingOperationKind { + Full = 0, + Lazy = 1 +} + +interface PaymentOperation { + kind: OperationKind; + paymentId: string; + paymentStatus: PaymentStatus; + sender?: HardhatEthersSigner; + payer: HardhatEthersSigner; + oldBaseAmount: number; + newBaseAmount: number; + oldExtraAmount: number; + newExtraAmount: number; + oldConfirmationAmount: number; + newConfirmationAmount: number; + oldRefundAmount: number; + newRefundAmount: number; + oldRemainder: number; + newRemainder: number; + oldCashbackAmount: number; + oldPayerSumAmount: number; + newPayerSumAmount: number; + oldPayerRefundAmount: number; + newPayerRefundAmount: number; + oldPayerRemainder: number; + newPayerRemainder: number; + cashbackEnabled: boolean; + cashbackOperationKind: CashbackOperationKind; + cashbackOperationStatus: CashbackOperationStatus; + cashbackRequestedChange: number; // From the user point of view, if "+" then the user earns cashback + cashbackActualChange: number; // From the user point of view, if "+" then the user earns cashback + cashbackRate: number; + sponsor?: HardhatEthersSigner; + subsidyLimit: number; + oldSponsorSumAmount: number; + newSponsorSumAmount: number; + oldSponsorRefundAmount: number; + newSponsorRefundAmount: number; + oldSponsorRemainder: number; + newSponsorRemainder: number; + senderBalanceChange: number; + cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange: number; + cashOutAccountBalanceChange: number; + payerBalanceChange: number; + sponsorBalanceChange: number; + updatingOperationKind: UpdatingOperationKind; + relatedPaymentIds: string[]; +} + +interface Fixture { + cardPaymentProcessor: Contract; + tokenMock: Contract; +} + +interface AmountParts { + payerBaseAmount: number; + payerExtraAmount: number; + payerSumAmount: number; + sponsorBaseAmount: number; + sponsorExtraAmount: number; + sponsorSumAmount: number; +} + +interface RefundParts { + payerRefundAmount: number; + sponsorRefundAmount: number; +} + +enum CashbackConditionType { + CashbackEnabled = 0, + CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking = 1, + CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking = 2, + CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails = 3, + CashbackEnabledButRevokingReverts = 4, + CashbackEnabledButIncreasingFails = 5, + CashbackEnabledButIncreasingReverts = 6, + CashbackEnabledButIncreasingPartial = 7 +} + +class CardPaymentProcessorModel { + #cashbackEnabled: boolean; + readonly #cashbackRate: number; + #paymentPerId: Map = new Map(); + #totalBalance: number = 0; + #totalConfirmedAmount: number = 0; + #totalUnconfirmedRemainder: number = 0; + #paymentMakingOperations: PaymentOperation[] = []; + #paymentOperations: PaymentOperation[] = []; + #cashbackIncreaseStatus: CashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Success; + #cashbackIncreaseAmountResult: number = -1; // As expected by default cashback calculation + #cashbackRevocationStatus: CashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Success; + #cashbackSendingStatus: CashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Success; + #cashbackSendingAmountResult: number = -1; // As expected by default cashback calculation + #cashbackTotalPerAccount: Map = new Map(); + #capPeriodStartAmount: number = 0; + + constructor(props: { + cashbackRate: number; + cashbackEnabled: boolean; + }) { + this.#cashbackRate = props.cashbackRate; + this.#cashbackEnabled = props.cashbackEnabled; + } + + makePayment( + payment: TestPayment, + props: { + sponsor?: HardhatEthersSigner; + subsidyLimit?: number; + cashbackRate?: number; + confirmationAmount?: number; + sender?: HardhatEthersSigner; + } = {} + ): number { + const paymentModel: PaymentModel = this.#createPayment(payment); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(paymentModel, OperationKind.Making); + operation.sender = props.sender ?? payment.payer; + operation.oldBaseAmount = 0; + operation.oldExtraAmount = 0; + operation.oldRemainder = 0; + operation.sponsor = props.sponsor; + operation.subsidyLimit = !operation.sponsor ? 0 : (props.subsidyLimit ?? 0); + operation.cashbackOperationKind = CashbackOperationKind.Sending; + operation.newConfirmationAmount = props.confirmationAmount ?? 0; + if (!!props.cashbackRate && props.cashbackRate > 0) { + operation.cashbackRate = props.cashbackRate ?? 0; + } else if (props.cashbackRate === 0) { + operation.cashbackEnabled = false; + operation.cashbackRate = 0; + } + this.#checkPaymentConfirming(operation); + this.#definePaymentOperation(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentMakingOperation(operation, paymentModel); + } + + updatePayment( + paymentId: string, + newBaseAmount: number, + newExtraAmount: number, + updatingOperationKind: UpdatingOperationKind = UpdatingOperationKind.Full + ): number { + const payment: PaymentModel = this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(payment, OperationKind.Updating); + operation.newBaseAmount = newBaseAmount; + operation.newExtraAmount = newExtraAmount; + operation.updatingOperationKind = updatingOperationKind; + this.#checkPaymentUpdating(operation); + this.#definePaymentOperation(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentOperation(operation, payment); + } + + revokePayment(paymentId: string): number { + const payment: PaymentModel = this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(payment, OperationKind.Revoking); + operation.newBaseAmount = 0; + operation.newExtraAmount = 0; + operation.newConfirmationAmount = 0; + operation.newRefundAmount = 0; + this.#checkPaymentCanceling(operation); + this.#definePaymentOperation(operation); + this.#updateModelDueToPaymentCancelingOperation(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentCancelingOperation(operation, payment, PaymentStatus.Revoked); + } + + reversePayment(paymentId: string): number { + const payment: PaymentModel = this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(payment, OperationKind.Reversing); + operation.newBaseAmount = 0; + operation.newExtraAmount = 0; + operation.newConfirmationAmount = 0; + operation.newRefundAmount = 0; + this.#checkPaymentCanceling(operation); + this.#definePaymentOperation(operation); + this.#updateModelDueToPaymentCancelingOperation(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentCancelingOperation(operation, payment, PaymentStatus.Reversed); + } + + confirmPayment(paymentId: string, confirmationAmount: number): number { + const payment: PaymentModel = this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(payment, OperationKind.Confirming); + operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange = -confirmationAmount; + operation.cashOutAccountBalanceChange = confirmationAmount; + operation.newConfirmationAmount = operation.oldConfirmationAmount + confirmationAmount; + this.#checkPaymentConfirming(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentOperation(operation, payment); + } + + refundPayment( + paymentId: string, + refundingAmount: number + ): number { + const payment: PaymentModel = this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + const operation: PaymentOperation = this.#createPaymentOperation(payment, OperationKind.Refunding); + operation.newRefundAmount = operation.oldRefundAmount + refundingAmount; + this.#checkPaymentRefunding(operation); + this.#definePaymentOperation(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentOperation(operation, payment); + } + + disableCashback() { + this.#cashbackEnabled = false; + } + + set capPeriodStartAmount(startAmount: number) { + this.#capPeriodStartAmount = startAmount; + } + + getPaymentModelsInMakingOrder(): PaymentModel[] { + const paymentNumber = this.#paymentMakingOperations.length; + const paymentModels: PaymentModel[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < paymentNumber; ++i) { + const paymentModel: PaymentModel = this.#getPaymentByMakingOperationIndex(i); + paymentModels.push(paymentModel); + } + return paymentModels; + } + + getPaymentById(paymentId: string): PaymentModel { + const payment = this.#paymentPerId.get(paymentId); + if (!payment) { + throw Error(`A payment is not in the model. Payment id = ${paymentId}`); + } + return payment; + } + + get totalBalance(): number { + return this.#totalBalance; + } + + get totalConfirmedAmount(): number { + return this.#totalConfirmedAmount; + } + + get totalUnconfirmedRemainder(): number { + return this.#totalUnconfirmedRemainder; + } + + get cashbackRate(): number { + return this.#cashbackRate; + } + + get capPeriodStartAmount(): number { + return this.#capPeriodStartAmount; + } + + getPaymentOperation(operationIndex: number): PaymentOperation { + return this.#getOperationByIndex(this.#paymentOperations, operationIndex, ""); + } + + setCashbackIncreaseStatus(newStatus: CashbackOperationStatus) { + this.#cashbackIncreaseStatus = newStatus; + } + + setCashbackIncreaseAmountResult(newAmountResult: number) { + this.#cashbackIncreaseAmountResult = newAmountResult; + } + + setCashbackRevocationStatus(newStatus: CashbackOperationStatus) { + this.#cashbackRevocationStatus = newStatus; + } + + setCashbackSendingStatus(newStatus: CashbackOperationStatus) { + this.#cashbackSendingStatus = newStatus; + } + + setCashbackSendingAmountResult(newAmountResult: number) { + this.#cashbackSendingAmountResult = newAmountResult; + } + + calculateCashback(baseAmount: number, refundAmount?: number, cashbackRate?: number) { + refundAmount = refundAmount ?? 0; + cashbackRate = cashbackRate ?? this.#cashbackRate; + if (baseAmount < refundAmount) { + return 0; + } + const amount = baseAmount - refundAmount; + const cashback = Math.floor(amount * cashbackRate / CASHBACK_FACTOR); + return this.#roundCashback(cashback, CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF); + } + + getCashbackTotalForAccount(account: string): number { + return this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.get(account) ?? 0; + } + + #createPayment(payment: TestPayment): PaymentModel { + const currentPayment: PaymentModel | undefined = this.#paymentPerId.get(payment.id); + if (currentPayment && currentPayment.status != PaymentStatus.Revoked) { + throw new Error( + `A payment with the provided ID already exists in the model and its status is not "Revoked".` + + `Payment id=${payment.id}` + ); + } + return { + paymentId: payment.id, + status: PaymentStatus.Active, + payer: payment.payer, + cashbackEnabled: this.#cashbackEnabled, + cashbackRate: this.#cashbackRate, + confirmedAmount: 0, + sponsor: undefined, + subsidyLimit: 0, + baseAmount: payment.baseAmount, + extraAmount: payment.extraAmount, + cashbackAmount: 0, + refundAmount: 0 + }; + } + + #createPaymentOperation(payment: PaymentModel, kind: OperationKind): PaymentOperation { + const remainder = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount - payment.refundAmount; + const amountParts: AmountParts = + this.#defineAmountParts(payment.baseAmount, payment.extraAmount, payment.subsidyLimit); + const refundParts: RefundParts = + this.#defineRefundParts(payment.refundAmount, payment.baseAmount, payment.subsidyLimit); + const sponsorRemainder: number = amountParts.sponsorSumAmount - refundParts.sponsorRefundAmount; + return { + kind, + paymentId: payment.paymentId, + paymentStatus: payment.status, + sender: undefined, + payer: payment.payer, + oldBaseAmount: payment.baseAmount, + newBaseAmount: payment.baseAmount, + oldExtraAmount: payment.extraAmount, + newExtraAmount: payment.extraAmount, + oldConfirmationAmount: payment.confirmedAmount, + newConfirmationAmount: payment.confirmedAmount, + oldRefundAmount: payment.refundAmount, + newRefundAmount: payment.refundAmount, + oldRemainder: remainder, + newRemainder: remainder, + oldPayerSumAmount: amountParts.payerSumAmount, + newPayerSumAmount: amountParts.sponsorSumAmount, + oldPayerRefundAmount: refundParts.payerRefundAmount, + newPayerRefundAmount: refundParts.payerRefundAmount, + oldPayerRemainder: remainder - sponsorRemainder, + newPayerRemainder: remainder - sponsorRemainder, + cashbackEnabled: payment.cashbackEnabled, + oldCashbackAmount: payment.cashbackAmount, + cashbackOperationKind: CashbackOperationKind.Undefined, + cashbackOperationStatus: CashbackOperationStatus.Undefined, + cashbackRequestedChange: 0, + cashbackActualChange: 0, + cashbackRate: payment.cashbackRate, + sponsor: payment.sponsor, + subsidyLimit: payment.subsidyLimit, + oldSponsorSumAmount: amountParts.sponsorSumAmount, + newSponsorSumAmount: amountParts.sponsorSumAmount, + oldSponsorRefundAmount: refundParts.sponsorRefundAmount, + newSponsorRefundAmount: refundParts.sponsorRefundAmount, + oldSponsorRemainder: sponsorRemainder, + newSponsorRemainder: sponsorRemainder, + senderBalanceChange: 0, + cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange: 0, + cashOutAccountBalanceChange: 0, + payerBalanceChange: 0, + sponsorBalanceChange: 0, + updatingOperationKind: UpdatingOperationKind.Full, + relatedPaymentIds: [] + }; + } + + #definePaymentOperation(operation: PaymentOperation) { + const newAmountParts: AmountParts = + this.#defineAmountParts(operation.newBaseAmount, operation.newExtraAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + const newRefundParts: RefundParts = + this.#defineRefundParts(operation.newRefundAmount, operation.newBaseAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + const oldPayerRemainder: number = operation.oldRemainder - operation.oldSponsorRemainder; + const newPayerRemainder: number = newAmountParts.payerSumAmount - newRefundParts.payerRefundAmount; + const newSponsorRemainder: number = newAmountParts.sponsorSumAmount - newRefundParts.sponsorRefundAmount; + const newRemainder: number = operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount - operation.newRefundAmount; + if (newRemainder < operation.newConfirmationAmount) { + operation.newConfirmationAmount = newRemainder; + } + + operation.newRemainder = newRemainder; + operation.newPayerSumAmount = newAmountParts.payerSumAmount; + operation.newSponsorSumAmount = newAmountParts.sponsorSumAmount; + operation.newPayerRefundAmount = newRefundParts.payerRefundAmount; + operation.newSponsorRefundAmount = newRefundParts.sponsorRefundAmount; + operation.newPayerRemainder = newPayerRemainder; + operation.newSponsorRemainder = newSponsorRemainder; + operation.payerBalanceChange = oldPayerRemainder - newPayerRemainder; + operation.sponsorBalanceChange = operation.oldSponsorRemainder - newSponsorRemainder; + operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange -= (operation.payerBalanceChange + operation.sponsorBalanceChange); + operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange -= + (operation.newConfirmationAmount - operation.oldConfirmationAmount); + operation.cashOutAccountBalanceChange = operation.newConfirmationAmount - operation.oldConfirmationAmount; + + this.#defineCashbackOperation(operation); + + if (!operation.cashbackEnabled) { + return; + } + + if ( + operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Increase || + operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Sending + ) { + operation.payerBalanceChange += operation.cashbackActualChange; + } + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Revocation) { + operation.payerBalanceChange += operation.cashbackRequestedChange; + operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange -= + (operation.cashbackRequestedChange - operation.cashbackActualChange); + } + + if (operation.sender === operation.payer) { + operation.senderBalanceChange = operation.payerBalanceChange; + } + } + + #defineCashbackOperation(operation: PaymentOperation) { + if (!operation.cashbackEnabled) { + operation.cashbackRate = 0; + operation.cashbackOperationKind = CashbackOperationKind.None; + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Undefined; + operation.cashbackRequestedChange = 0; + operation.cashbackActualChange = 0; + return; + } + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind !== CashbackOperationKind.None) { + const newAmountParts: AmountParts = + this.#defineAmountParts(operation.newBaseAmount, operation.newExtraAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + const refundParts: RefundParts = + this.#defineRefundParts(operation.newRefundAmount, operation.newBaseAmount, operation.subsidyLimit); + const newCashbackAmount = this.calculateCashback( + newAmountParts.payerBaseAmount, + refundParts.payerRefundAmount, + operation.cashbackRate + ); + operation.cashbackRequestedChange = newCashbackAmount - operation.oldCashbackAmount; + } + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind === CashbackOperationKind.Undefined) { + if (operation.cashbackRequestedChange > 0) { + operation.cashbackOperationKind = CashbackOperationKind.Increase; + } else if (operation.cashbackRequestedChange < 0) { + operation.cashbackOperationKind = CashbackOperationKind.Revocation; + } else { + operation.cashbackOperationKind = CashbackOperationKind.None; + } + } + operation.cashbackActualChange = 0; + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Undefined; + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Increase) { + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = this.#cashbackIncreaseStatus; + if ( + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Success || + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Partial + ) { + if (this.#cashbackIncreaseAmountResult < 0) { + operation.cashbackActualChange = operation.cashbackRequestedChange; + } else { + operation.cashbackActualChange = this.#cashbackIncreaseAmountResult; + if (operation.cashbackRequestedChange > operation.cashbackActualChange) { + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Partial; + } + } + } + } else if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Revocation) { + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = this.#cashbackRevocationStatus; + if (operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Success) { + operation.cashbackActualChange = operation.cashbackRequestedChange; + } + } else if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Sending) { + if (operation.cashbackRequestedChange < 0) { + throw new Error("The cashback amount change is negative during the cashback sending operation"); + } + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = this.#cashbackSendingStatus; + if ( + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Success || + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Partial + ) { + if (this.#cashbackSendingAmountResult < 0) { + operation.cashbackActualChange = operation.cashbackRequestedChange; + } else { + operation.cashbackActualChange = this.#cashbackSendingAmountResult; + if (operation.cashbackRequestedChange > operation.cashbackActualChange) { + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Partial; + } + } + } + } + + // Check the periodical cap + if ( + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Success || + operation.cashbackOperationStatus === CashbackOperationStatus.Partial + ) { + const totalCashback = + (this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.get(operation.payer.address) ?? 0) - this.#capPeriodStartAmount; + if (totalCashback + operation.cashbackActualChange > MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD) { + if (totalCashback >= MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD) { + operation.cashbackActualChange = 0; + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Capped; + } else { + operation.cashbackActualChange = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - totalCashback; + operation.cashbackOperationStatus = CashbackOperationStatus.Partial; + } + } + } + } + + #registerPaymentOperation(operation: PaymentOperation, payment: PaymentModel): number { + payment.baseAmount = operation.newBaseAmount; + payment.extraAmount = operation.newExtraAmount; + payment.refundAmount = operation.newRefundAmount; + payment.confirmedAmount = operation.newConfirmationAmount; + payment.cashbackAmount += operation.cashbackActualChange; + this.#totalBalance += operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange; + this.#totalConfirmedAmount += operation.cashOutAccountBalanceChange; + this.#totalUnconfirmedRemainder += (operation.newRemainder - operation.oldRemainder); + this.#totalUnconfirmedRemainder -= (operation.newConfirmationAmount - operation.oldConfirmationAmount); + const totalCashback = this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.get(operation.payer.address) ?? 0; + this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.set(operation.payer.address, totalCashback + operation.cashbackActualChange); + return this.#paymentOperations.push(operation) - 1; + } + + #registerPaymentMakingOperation(operation: PaymentOperation, payment: PaymentModel): number { + payment.cashbackEnabled = operation.cashbackEnabled; + payment.cashbackRate = operation.cashbackRate; + if (operation.sponsor) { + payment.sponsor = operation.sponsor; + payment.subsidyLimit = operation.subsidyLimit; + } + this.#paymentPerId.set(payment.paymentId, payment); + this.#paymentMakingOperations.push(operation); + return this.#registerPaymentOperation(operation, payment); + } + + #roundCashback(cashback: number, roundingCoefficient: number): number { + return Math.floor(Math.floor(cashback + roundingCoefficient / 2) / roundingCoefficient) * roundingCoefficient; + } + + #getPaymentByMakingOperationIndex(paymentMakingOperationIndex: number): PaymentModel { + const paymentOperation: PaymentOperation = this.#paymentMakingOperations[paymentMakingOperationIndex]; + const paymentId = paymentOperation.paymentId; + return this.getPaymentById(paymentId); + } + + #checkPaymentUpdating(operation: PaymentOperation) { + if (operation.paymentStatus !== PaymentStatus.Active) { + throw new Error( + `The payment has inappropriate status: ${operation.paymentStatus}` + ); + } + if (operation.newRefundAmount > operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount) { + throw new Error( + `The new sum amount is wrong for the payment with the id=${operation.paymentId}. ` + + `The new sum amount: ${operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount}. ` + + `The old sum amount: ${operation.oldBaseAmount + operation.oldExtraAmount}. ` + + `The payment refund amount: ${operation.newRefundAmount}` + ); + } + } + + #getOperationByIndex(operations: PaymentOperation[], index: number, kind: string): PaymentOperation { + if (index < 0) { + index = operations.length + index; + } + if (index >= operations.length) { + throw new Error( + `A payment ${kind} operation with index ${index} does not exist. ` + ); + } + return operations[index]; + } + + #checkPaymentCanceling(operation: PaymentOperation) { + if (operation.paymentStatus !== PaymentStatus.Active) { + throw new Error( + `The payment has inappropriate status: ${operation.paymentStatus}` + ); + } + } + + #updateModelDueToPaymentCancelingOperation(operation: PaymentOperation) { + this.#totalBalance += operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange; + this.#totalConfirmedAmount += operation.cashOutAccountBalanceChange; + this.#totalUnconfirmedRemainder += (operation.newRemainder - operation.oldRemainder); + this.#totalUnconfirmedRemainder -= (operation.newConfirmationAmount - operation.oldConfirmationAmount); + const totalCashback = this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.get(operation.payer.address) ?? 0; + this.#cashbackTotalPerAccount.set(operation.payer.address, totalCashback + operation.cashbackActualChange); + } + + #registerPaymentCancelingOperation(operation: PaymentOperation, payment: PaymentModel, targetStatus: PaymentStatus) { + payment.status = targetStatus; + return this.#paymentOperations.push(operation) - 1; + } + + #checkPaymentConfirming(operation: PaymentOperation) { + if (operation.paymentStatus !== PaymentStatus.Active) { + throw new Error( + `The payment has inappropriate status: ${operation.paymentStatus}` + ); + } + const remainder: number = operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount - operation.newRefundAmount; + if (operation.newConfirmationAmount > remainder) { + throw new Error( + `The confirmation amount is wrong for the payment with id=${operation.paymentId}. ` + + `The old payment confirmed amount: ${operation.oldConfirmationAmount}. ` + + `The new confirmation amount: ${operation.newConfirmationAmount}. ` + + `The payment remainder: ${remainder}.` + ); + } + } + + #checkPaymentRefunding(operation: PaymentOperation) { + if (operation.paymentStatus !== PaymentStatus.Active) { + throw new Error( + `The payment has inappropriate status: ${operation.paymentStatus}` + ); + } + if (operation.newRefundAmount > (operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount)) { + throw new Error( + `The new refund amount is wrong for the payment with id=${operation.paymentId}. ` + + `The old refund amount: ${operation.oldRefundAmount}. ` + + `The new refund amount: ${operation.newRefundAmount}. ` + + `The payment sum amount: ${operation.newBaseAmount + operation.newExtraAmount}` + ); + } + } + + #defineAmountParts(paymentBaseAmount: number, paymentExtraAmount: number, subsidyLimit: number): AmountParts { + const result: AmountParts = { + payerBaseAmount: paymentBaseAmount, + payerExtraAmount: paymentExtraAmount, + payerSumAmount: paymentBaseAmount + paymentExtraAmount, + sponsorBaseAmount: 0, + sponsorExtraAmount: 0, + sponsorSumAmount: 0 + }; + if (subsidyLimit >= (paymentBaseAmount + paymentExtraAmount)) { + result.sponsorBaseAmount = paymentBaseAmount; + result.payerBaseAmount = 0; + result.sponsorExtraAmount = paymentExtraAmount; + result.payerExtraAmount = 0; + } else if (subsidyLimit >= paymentBaseAmount) { + result.sponsorBaseAmount = paymentBaseAmount; + result.payerBaseAmount = 0; + result.sponsorExtraAmount = subsidyLimit - paymentBaseAmount; + result.payerExtraAmount = paymentExtraAmount - result.sponsorExtraAmount; + } else { + result.sponsorBaseAmount = subsidyLimit; + result.payerBaseAmount = paymentBaseAmount - result.sponsorBaseAmount; + result.sponsorExtraAmount = 0; + result.payerExtraAmount = paymentExtraAmount; + } + result.payerSumAmount = result.payerBaseAmount + result.payerExtraAmount; + result.sponsorSumAmount = result.sponsorBaseAmount + result.sponsorExtraAmount; + return result; + } + + #defineRefundParts(paymentRefundAmount: number, paymentBaseAmount: number, subsidyLimit: number): RefundParts { + let sponsorRefundAmount; + if (subsidyLimit === 0) { + sponsorRefundAmount = 0; + } else if (subsidyLimit >= paymentBaseAmount) { + sponsorRefundAmount = paymentRefundAmount; + } else { + sponsorRefundAmount = Math.floor(paymentRefundAmount * subsidyLimit / paymentBaseAmount); + if (sponsorRefundAmount > subsidyLimit) { + sponsorRefundAmount = subsidyLimit; + } + } + return { + payerRefundAmount: paymentRefundAmount - sponsorRefundAmount, + sponsorRefundAmount + }; + } +} + +interface OperationResult { + operationIndex: number; + tx: Promise; + txReceipt: TransactionReceipt; +} + +interface OperationConditions { + confirmationAmountChangedInAnyOperation: boolean; + cashbackSendingRequestedInAnyOperation: boolean; + cashbackIncreaseRequestedInAnyOperation: boolean; + cashbackRevocationRequestedInAnyOperation: boolean; +} + +interface Version { + major: number; + minor: number; + patch: number; + + [key: string]: number; // Indexing signature to ensure that fields are iterated over in a key-value style +} + +class CardPaymentProcessorShell { + contract: Contract; + model: CardPaymentProcessorModel; + executor: HardhatEthersSigner; + + constructor(props: { + cardPaymentProcessorContract: Contract; + cardPaymentProcessorModel: CardPaymentProcessorModel; + executor: HardhatEthersSigner; + }) { + this.contract = props.cardPaymentProcessorContract; + this.model = props.cardPaymentProcessorModel; + this.executor = props.executor; + } + + async disableCashback() { + this.model.disableCashback(); + await proveTx(this.contract.disableCashback()); + } + + async makeCommonPayments( + payments: TestPayment[], + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationResults: OperationResult[] = []; + for (const payment of payments) { + const operationIndex = this.model.makePayment(payment, { sender }); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract).makeCommonPaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + operationResults.push({ + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }); + } + return operationResults; + } + + async makePaymentFor( + payment: TestPayment, + props: { + sponsor?: HardhatEthersSigner; + subsidyLimit?: number; + cashbackRate?: number; + confirmationAmount?: number; + sender?: HardhatEthersSigner; + } = {} + ): Promise { + if (!props.sender) { + props.sender = this.executor; + } + if (!props.subsidyLimit) { + props.sponsor = undefined; + } + const operationIndex = this.model.makePayment(payment, props); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(props.sender) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + props.sponsor?.address ?? ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS, + props.subsidyLimit ?? 0, + props.cashbackRate ?? CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + props.confirmationAmount ?? 0 + ); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } + + async updatePayment( + payment: TestPayment, + newBaseAmount: number, + newExtraAmount: number = payment.extraAmount, + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationIndex = this.model.updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount, + UpdatingOperationKind.Full + ); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount + ); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } + + async revokePayment( + payment: TestPayment, + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationIndex = this.model.revokePayment(payment.id); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract).revokePayment(payment.id); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } + + async reversePayment( + payment: TestPayment, + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationIndex = this.model.reversePayment(payment.id); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract).reversePayment(payment.id); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } + + async confirmPayment( + payment: TestPayment, + confirmationAmount: number, + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationIndex = this.model.confirmPayment(payment.id, confirmationAmount); + const tx = (this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract).confirmPayment(payment.id, confirmationAmount); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } + + async refundPayment( + payment: TestPayment, + refundAmount: number, + sender: HardhatEthersSigner = this.executor + ): Promise { + const operationIndex = this.model.refundPayment( + payment.id, + refundAmount + ); + const contractConnected = this.contract.connect(sender) as Contract; + const tx = contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, refundAmount); + const txReceipt: TransactionReceipt = await proveTx(tx); + return { + operationIndex, + tx, + txReceipt + }; + } +} + +function encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(amount: number): string { + if (!Number.isSafeInteger(amount)) { + throw new Error(`The provided amount is not valid for encoding as an addendum field of an event: ${amount}`); + } + return amount.toString(16).padStart(EVENT_ADDENDUM_CHARS_FOR_AMOUNT, "0"); +} + +function encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(address: string | undefined): string { + if (!address) { + throw new Error(`The provided address is not valid for encoding as an addendum field of an event: ${address}`); + } + if (address.startsWith("0x")) { + if (address.length != 42) { + throw new Error(`The provided address is not valid for encoding as an addendum field of an event: ${address}`); + } + return address.slice(2); + } else { + if (address.length != 40) { + throw new Error(`The provided address is not valid for encoding as an addendum field of an event: ${address}`); + } + return address; + } +} + +function defineEventAddendum(...parts: string[]): string { + return "0x" + parts.join(""); +} + +class TestContext { + tokenMock: Contract; + cardPaymentProcessorShell: CardPaymentProcessorShell; + cashOutAccount: HardhatEthersSigner; + cashbackTreasury: HardhatEthersSigner; + payments: TestPayment[]; + + constructor(props: { + fixture: Fixture; + cashbackRateInPermil: number; + cashbackEnabled: boolean; + cashOutAccount: HardhatEthersSigner; + cashbackTreasury: HardhatEthersSigner; + cardPaymentProcessorExecutor: HardhatEthersSigner; + payments: TestPayment[]; + }) { + this.tokenMock = props.fixture.tokenMock; + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell = new CardPaymentProcessorShell({ + cardPaymentProcessorContract: props.fixture.cardPaymentProcessor, + cardPaymentProcessorModel: new CardPaymentProcessorModel({ + cashbackRate: props.cashbackRateInPermil, + cashbackEnabled: props.cashbackEnabled + }), + executor: props.cardPaymentProcessorExecutor + }); + this.cashOutAccount = props.cashOutAccount; + this.cashbackTreasury = props.cashbackTreasury; + this.payments = props.payments; + } + + async setUpContractsForPayments(payments: TestPayment[] = this.payments) { + const accounts: Set = new Set(payments.map(payment => payment.payer)); + for (const account of accounts) { + await proveTx(this.tokenMock.mint(account.address, INITIAL_USER_BALANCE)); + const allowance: bigint = await this.tokenMock.allowance( + account.address, + getAddress(this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract) + ); + if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { + await proveTx( + (this.tokenMock.connect(account) as Contract).approve( + getAddress(this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract), + MAX_UINT256 + ) + ); + } + } + } + + async checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx: Promise, paymentOperationIndexes: number[] = [-1]) { + const operations: PaymentOperation[] = paymentOperationIndexes.map( + index => this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentOperation(index) + ); + const operationConditions: OperationConditions = this.defineOperationConditions(operations); + + for (const operation of operations) { + await this.checkMainEvents(tx, operation); + await this.checkConfirmationEvents(tx, operation, operationConditions); + await this.checkCashbackEvents( + operation, + tx, + operationConditions + ); + } + + await this.checkBalanceChanges(tx, operations); + } + + defineOperationConditions(operations: PaymentOperation[]): OperationConditions { + const result: OperationConditions = { + cashbackIncreaseRequestedInAnyOperation: false, + cashbackRevocationRequestedInAnyOperation: false, + cashbackSendingRequestedInAnyOperation: false, + confirmationAmountChangedInAnyOperation: false + }; + operations.forEach(operation => { + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Sending) { + result.cashbackSendingRequestedInAnyOperation = true; + } else if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Increase) { + result.cashbackIncreaseRequestedInAnyOperation = true; + } else if (operation.cashbackOperationKind == CashbackOperationKind.Revocation) { + result.cashbackRevocationRequestedInAnyOperation = true; + } + if (operation.newConfirmationAmount != operation.oldConfirmationAmount) { + result.confirmationAmountChangedInAnyOperation = true; + } + }); + + return result; + } + + async checkMainEvents( + tx: Promise, + operation: PaymentOperation + ) { + switch (operation.kind) { + case OperationKind.Undefined: + break; + case OperationKind.Making: + await this.checkMakingEvents(tx, operation); + break; + case OperationKind.Updating: + await this.checkUpdatingEvents(tx, operation); + break; + case OperationKind.Revoking: + await this.checkCancelingEvents(tx, operation); + break; + case OperationKind.Reversing: + await this.checkCancelingEvents(tx, operation); + break; + case OperationKind.Confirming: + // Do nothing. It will be checked in another function. + break; + case OperationKind.Refunding: + await this.checkRefundingEvents(tx, operation); + break; + default: + throw new Error( + `An unknown operation kind was found: ${operation.kind}` + ); + } + } + + async checkConfirmationEvents( + tx: Promise, + operation: PaymentOperation, + operationConditions: OperationConditions + ) { + const expectedAddendum: string = defineEventAddendum( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE, + !operation.sponsor ? EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED : EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED, + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldConfirmationAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newConfirmationAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(operation.sponsor?.address) + ); + + if (operation.newConfirmationAmount != operation.oldConfirmationAmount) { + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_CONFIRMED_AMOUNT_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } else if (operationConditions.confirmationAmountChangedInAnyOperation) { + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_CONFIRMED_AMOUNT_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameterNotEqual("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } else { + await expect(tx).not.to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_CONFIRMED_AMOUNT_CHANGED + ); + } + } + + async checkCashbackEvents( + operation: PaymentOperation, + tx: Promise, + operationConditions: OperationConditions + ) { + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind === CashbackOperationKind.Sending) { + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_SENT + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("recipient", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("status", operation.cashbackOperationStatus), + checkEventParameter("amount", operation.cashbackActualChange) + ); + } + + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind === CashbackOperationKind.Revocation) { + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_REVOKED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("recipient", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("status", operation.cashbackOperationStatus), + checkEventParameter("oldCashbackAmount", operation.oldCashbackAmount), + checkEventParameter("oldCashbackAmount", operation.oldCashbackAmount + operation.cashbackActualChange) + ); + } + + if (operation.cashbackOperationKind === CashbackOperationKind.Increase) { + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_INCREASED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("recipient", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("status", operation.cashbackOperationStatus), + checkEventParameter("oldCashbackAmount", operation.oldCashbackAmount), + checkEventParameter("oldCashbackAmount", operation.oldCashbackAmount + operation.cashbackActualChange) + ); + } + + if (!operationConditions.cashbackSendingRequestedInAnyOperation) { + await expect(tx).not.to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_SENT + ); + } + + if (!operationConditions.cashbackIncreaseRequestedInAnyOperation) { + await expect(tx).not.to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_INCREASED + ); + } + + if (!operationConditions.cashbackRevocationRequestedInAnyOperation) { + await expect(tx).not.to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_REVOKED + ); + } + } + + private async checkBalanceChanges(tx: Promise, operations: PaymentOperation[]) { + const cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange = operations + .map(operation => operation.cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange) + .reduce((sum: number, currentValue: number) => sum + currentValue); + const cashbackTreasuryBalanceChange = operations + .map(operation => -operation.cashbackActualChange) + .reduce((sum: number, currentValue: number) => sum + currentValue); + const cashOutAccountBalanceChange = operations + .map(operation => operation.cashOutAccountBalanceChange) + .reduce((sum: number, currentValue: number) => sum + currentValue); + const balanceChangePerAccount: Map = this.#getBalanceChangePerAccount(operations); + const accounts: HardhatEthersSigner[] = Array.from(balanceChangePerAccount.keys()); + const accountBalanceChanges: number[] = accounts.map(user => balanceChangePerAccount.get(user) ?? 0); + + await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances( + this.tokenMock, + [ + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + this.cashOutAccount, + this.cashbackTreasury, + ...accounts + ], + [ + cardPaymentProcessorBalanceChange, + cashOutAccountBalanceChange, + cashbackTreasuryBalanceChange, + ...accountBalanceChanges + ] + ); + } + + async checkCardPaymentProcessorState() { + await this.#checkPaymentStructures(); + await this.#checkTokenBalances(); + } + + async checkMakingEvents(tx: Promise, operation: PaymentOperation) { + const expectedAddendum: string = defineEventAddendum( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE, + !operation.sponsor ? EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED : EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED, + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newBaseAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newExtraAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newPayerSumAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(operation.sponsor?.address), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newSponsorSumAmount) + ); + + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_MADE + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } + + async checkUpdatingEvents(tx: Promise, operation: PaymentOperation) { + if ( + operation.updatingOperationKind === UpdatingOperationKind.Full || + operation.newBaseAmount !== operation.oldBaseAmount || + operation.newExtraAmount !== operation.oldExtraAmount + ) { + const expectedAddendum: string = defineEventAddendum( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE, + !operation.sponsor ? EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED : EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED, + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldBaseAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newBaseAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldExtraAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newExtraAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldPayerSumAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newPayerSumAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(operation.sponsor?.address), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldSponsorSumAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newSponsorSumAmount) + ); + + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_UPDATED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } else { + await expect(tx).not.to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_UPDATED + ); + } + } + + async checkCancelingEvents( + tx: Promise, + operation: PaymentOperation + ) { + const mainEventName: string = operation.kind === OperationKind.Revoking + ? EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REVOKED + : EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REVERSED; + + const expectedAddendum: string = defineEventAddendum( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE, + !operation.sponsor ? EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED : EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED, + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldBaseAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldExtraAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldPayerRemainder), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(operation.sponsor?.address ?? ZERO_ADDRESS), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldSponsorRemainder) + ); + + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + mainEventName + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } + + async checkRefundingEvents(tx: Promise, operation: PaymentOperation) { + const expectedAddendum: string = defineEventAddendum( + EVENT_ADDENDUM_VERSION_DEFAULT_VALUE, + !operation.sponsor ? EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_NON_SUBSIDIZED : EVENT_ADDENDUM_FLAGS_SUBSIDIZED, + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldPayerRefundAmount), + encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newPayerRefundAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAddress(operation.sponsor?.address ?? ZERO_ADDRESS), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.oldSponsorRefundAmount), + !operation.sponsor ? "" : encodeEventAddendumFieldForAmount(operation.newSponsorRefundAmount) + ); + + await expect(tx).to.emit( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_PAYMENT_REFUNDED + ).withArgs( + checkEventParameter("paymentId", operation.paymentId), + checkEventParameter("payer", operation.payer.address), + checkEventParameter("addendum", expectedAddendum, eventAddendumCheckingOptions) + ); + } + + async presetCashbackForAccount(account: HardhatEthersSigner, cashbackAmount: number): Promise { + const accountCashbackOld: AccountCashbackState = + await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getAccountCashbackState(account.address); + const cashbackAmountDiff = Number(BigInt(cashbackAmount) - accountCashbackOld.totalAmount); + if (cashbackAmountDiff < 0) { + throw new Error("Cannot set the expected cashback for account because current cashback is already higher"); + } + const preliminarilyPaymentAmount = Math.floor( + cashbackAmountDiff * CASHBACK_FACTOR / this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.cashbackRate + ); + const payment: TestPayment = { + id: ethers.id("cashbackPresetPayment"), + payer: account, + baseAmount: preliminarilyPaymentAmount, + extraAmount: 0 + }; + + const operationResult = await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const accountCashbackNew: AccountCashbackState = + await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getAccountCashbackState(account.address); + expect(accountCashbackNew.totalAmount).to.equal(cashbackAmount); + + return operationResult; + } + + async #checkPaymentStructures() { + const expectedPayments: PaymentModel[] = this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentModelsInMakingOrder(); + const paymentNumber = expectedPayments.length; + const checkedPaymentIds: Set = new Set(); + for (let i = 0; i < paymentNumber; ++i) { + const expectedPayment: PaymentModel = expectedPayments[i]; + if (checkedPaymentIds.has(expectedPayment.paymentId)) { + continue; + } + checkedPaymentIds.add(expectedPayment.paymentId); + const actualPayment = await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getPayment(expectedPayment.paymentId); + this.#checkPaymentsEquality(actualPayment, expectedPayment, i); + const expectedTotalCashback = + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getCashbackTotalForAccount(expectedPayment.payer.address); + const actualAccountCashbackState: AccountCashbackState = + await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getAccountCashbackState(expectedPayment.payer.address); + expect(actualAccountCashbackState.totalAmount).to.equal(expectedTotalCashback); + expect(actualAccountCashbackState.capPeriodStartAmount).to.equal( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.capPeriodStartAmount + ); + } + } + + #checkPaymentsEquality( + actualOnChainPayment: Record, + expectedPayment: PaymentModel, + paymentIndex: number + ) { + expect(actualOnChainPayment.status).to.equal( + expectedPayment.status, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].status is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.reserve1).to.equal( + 0, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].reserve1 is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.payer).to.equal( + expectedPayment.payer.address, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].payer is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.cashbackRate).to.equal( + expectedPayment.cashbackRate, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].cashbackRate is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.confirmedAmount).to.equal( + expectedPayment.confirmedAmount, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].confirmedAmount is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.sponsor).to.equal( + expectedPayment.sponsor?.address ?? ZERO_ADDRESS, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].sponsor is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.subsidyLimit).to.equal( + expectedPayment.subsidyLimit, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].subsidyLimit is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.reserve2).to.equal( + 0, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].reserve2 is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.baseAmount).to.equal( + expectedPayment.baseAmount, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].baseAmount is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.extraAmount).to.equal( + expectedPayment.extraAmount, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].extraAmount is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.cashbackAmount).to.equal( + expectedPayment.cashbackAmount, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].cashbackAmount is wrong` + ); + expect(actualOnChainPayment.refundAmount).to.equal( + expectedPayment.refundAmount, + `payment[${paymentIndex}].refundAmount is wrong` + ); + } + + async #checkTokenBalances() { + expect( + await this.tokenMock.balanceOf(getAddress(this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract)) + ).to.equal( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.totalBalance, + `The card payment processor token balance is wrong` + ); + + expect( + await this.tokenMock.balanceOf(this.cashOutAccount.address) + ).to.equal( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.totalConfirmedAmount, + `The cash-out account token balance is wrong` + ); + + expect( + (await this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getPaymentStatistics()).totalUnconfirmedRemainder + ).to.equal( + this.cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.totalUnconfirmedRemainder, + `The total unconfirmed remainder is wrong` + ); + } + + #getBalanceChangePerAccount(operations: PaymentOperation[]) { + const result: Map = new Map(); + operations.forEach(operation => { + let balanceChange: number = result.get(operation.payer) ?? 0; + balanceChange += operation.payerBalanceChange; + result.set(operation.payer, balanceChange); + + const sponsor = operation.sponsor; + if (sponsor) { + balanceChange = result.get(sponsor) ?? 0; + balanceChange += operation.sponsorBalanceChange; + result.set(sponsor, balanceChange); + } + }); + return result; + } +} + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contract 'CardPaymentProcessor'", async () => { + const ZERO_PAYMENT_ID: string = createBytesString("00", BYTES32_LENGTH); + const CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1 = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"; + const CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB2 = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002"; + const CASHBACK_RATE_MAX = 500; // 50% + const CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT = 100; // 10% + const CASHBACK_RATE_ZERO = 0; + const EXPECTED_VERSION: Version = { + major: 2, + minor: 1, + patch: 0 + }; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID = "InvalidInitialization"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED = "EnforcedPause"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_ERC20_TOKEN_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_BALANCE = "ERC20InsufficientBalance"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT = "AccessControlUnauthorizedAccount"; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_ACCOUNT_ZERO_ADDRESS = "AccountZeroAddress"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_ALREADY_ENABLED = "CashbackAlreadyEnabled"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_ALREADY_DISABLED = "CashbackAlreadyDisabled"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_UNCHANGED = "CashbackTreasuryUnchanged"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_NOT_CONFIGURED = "CashbackTreasuryNotConfigured"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_ZERO_ADDRESS = "CashbackTreasuryZeroAddress"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_RATE_EXCESS = "CashbackRateExcess"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_RATE_UNCHANGED = "CashbackRateUnchanged"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIGURED = "CashOutAccountNotConfigured"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_UNCHANGED = "CashOutAccountUnchanged"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_INVALID = "ImplementationAddressInvalid"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT = "InappropriateConfirmationAmount"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_REFUNDING_AMOUNT = "InappropriateRefundingAmount"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS = "InappropriatePaymentStatus"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_SUM_AMOUNT = "InappropriateSumAmount"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW_OF_SUBSIDY_LIMIT = "OverflowOfSubsidyLimit"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW_OF_SUM_AMOUNT = "OverflowOfSumAmount"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYER_ZERO_ADDRESS = "PayerZeroAddress"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ALREADY_EXISTENT = "PaymentAlreadyExistent"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_ARRAY_EMPTY = "PaymentConfirmationArrayEmpty"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_NON_EXISTENT = "PaymentNonExistent"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID = "PaymentZeroId"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_SPONSOR_ZERO_ADDRESS = "SponsorZeroAddress"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_TOKEN_ZERO_ADDRESS = "TokenZeroAddress"; + + const ownerRole: string = ethers.id("OWNER_ROLE"); + const blocklisterRole: string = ethers.id("BLOCKLISTER_ROLE"); + const pauserRole: string = ethers.id("PAUSER_ROLE"); + const rescuerRole: string = ethers.id("RESCUER_ROLE"); + const executorRole: string = ethers.id("EXECUTOR_ROLE"); + + let cardPaymentProcessorFactory: ContractFactory; + let tokenMockFactory: ContractFactory; + + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + let cashOutAccount: HardhatEthersSigner; + let cashbackTreasury: HardhatEthersSigner; + let executor: HardhatEthersSigner; + let sponsor: HardhatEthersSigner; + let user1: HardhatEthersSigner; + let user2: HardhatEthersSigner; + + before(async () => { + [deployer, cashOutAccount, cashbackTreasury, executor, sponsor, user1, user2] = await ethers.getSigners(); + + // Contract factories with the explicitly specified deployer account + cardPaymentProcessorFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("CardPaymentProcessor"); + cardPaymentProcessorFactory = cardPaymentProcessorFactory.connect(deployer); + tokenMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("ERC20TokenMock"); + tokenMockFactory = tokenMockFactory.connect(deployer); + }); + + async function deployTokenMock(): Promise<{ tokenMock: Contract }> { + const name = "ERC20 Test"; + const symbol = "TEST"; + + let tokenMock: Contract = await tokenMockFactory.deploy(name, symbol) as Contract; + await tokenMock.waitForDeployment(); + tokenMock = connect(tokenMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { tokenMock }; + } + + async function deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor(): Promise<{ + cardPaymentProcessor: Contract; + tokenMock: Contract; + }> { + const { tokenMock } = await deployTokenMock(); + + let cardPaymentProcessor: Contract = + await upgrades.deployProxy(cardPaymentProcessorFactory, [getAddress(tokenMock)]); + await cardPaymentProcessor.waitForDeployment(); + cardPaymentProcessor = connect(cardPaymentProcessor, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { + cardPaymentProcessor, + tokenMock + }; + } + + async function deployAndConfigureAllContracts(): Promise { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor(); + + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.grantRole(executorRole, executor.address)); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.grantRole(pauserRole, deployer.address)); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(cashbackTreasury.address)); + await proveTx(connect(tokenMock, cashbackTreasury).approve(getAddress(cardPaymentProcessor), MAX_UINT256)); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT)); + + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(cashOutAccount.address)); + await proveTx(connect(tokenMock, cashOutAccount).approve(getAddress(cardPaymentProcessor), MAX_UINT256)); + + await proveTx(tokenMock.mint(cashbackTreasury.address, MAX_INT256)); + await proveTx(tokenMock.mint(sponsor.address, INITIAL_SPONSOR_BALANCE)); + await proveTx(connect(tokenMock, sponsor).approve(getAddress(cardPaymentProcessor), MAX_UINT256)); + + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback()); + + return { + cardPaymentProcessor, + tokenMock + }; + } + + async function pauseContract(contract: Contract) { + if (!(await contract.hasRole(pauserRole, deployer.address))) { + await proveTx(contract.grantRole(pauserRole, deployer.address)); + } + await proveTx(contract.pause()); + } + + function createTestPayments(numberOfPayments: number = 1): TestPayment[] { + const testPayments: TestPayment[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < numberOfPayments; ++i) { + const payment: TestPayment = { + id: createBytesString(i + 1, BYTES32_LENGTH), + payer: (i % 2 > 0) ? user1 : user2, + baseAmount: Math.floor(123.456789 * DIGITS_COEF + i * 123.456789 * DIGITS_COEF), + extraAmount: Math.floor(132.456789 * DIGITS_COEF + i * 132.456789 * DIGITS_COEF) + }; + expect(payment.baseAmount).greaterThan(10 * DIGITS_COEF); + expect(payment.extraAmount).greaterThan(10 * DIGITS_COEF); + testPayments.push(payment); + } + return testPayments; + } + + async function prepareForPayments(props: { paymentNumber: number } = { paymentNumber: 1 }): Promise { + const fixture: Fixture = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureAllContracts); + const payments = createTestPayments(props.paymentNumber); + return new TestContext({ + fixture, + cashbackRateInPermil: CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT, + cashbackEnabled: true, + cashOutAccount, + cashbackTreasury, + cardPaymentProcessorExecutor: executor, + payments + }); + } + + async function beforeMakingPayments(props: { paymentNumber: number } = { paymentNumber: 1 }): Promise { + const context = await prepareForPayments(props); + await context.setUpContractsForPayments(); + return context; + } + + describe("Function 'initialize()'", async () => { + it("Configures the contract as expected", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + // The underlying contract address + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.token()).to.equal(getAddress(tokenMock)); + + // The admins of roles + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.getRoleAdmin(ownerRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.getRoleAdmin(blocklisterRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.getRoleAdmin(pauserRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.getRoleAdmin(rescuerRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.getRoleAdmin(executorRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + + // The deployer should have the owner role, but not the other roles + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.hasRole(ownerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(true); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.hasRole(blocklisterRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.hasRole(pauserRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.hasRole(rescuerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.hasRole(executorRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + + // The initial contract state is unpaused + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.paused()).to.equal(false); + + // Cashback related values + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackTreasury()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackEnabled()).to.equal(false); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackRate()).to.equal(0); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.MAX_CASHBACK_RATE()).to.equal(CASHBACK_RATE_MAX); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.CASHBACK_FACTOR()).to.equal(CASHBACK_FACTOR); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.TOKE_DECIMALS()).to.equal(TOKE_DECIMALS); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF()).to.equal(CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD()).to.equal(CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD()).to.equal(MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD); + + // The cash-out account + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashOutAccount()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); + + // Additional constrains + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.MAX_CASHBACK_RATE()).to.be.lessThanOrEqual(0xFFFF); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called a second time", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.initialize(getAddress(tokenMock)) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the passed token address is zero", async () => { + const anotherCardPaymentProcessor: Contract = + await upgrades.deployProxy(cardPaymentProcessorFactory, [], { initializer: false }); + + await expect( + anotherCardPaymentProcessor.initialize(ZERO_ADDRESS) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorFactory, REVERT_ERROR_IF_TOKEN_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + }); + + describe("Function '$__VERSION()'", async () => { + it("Returns expected values", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + const cardPaymentProcessorVersion = await cardPaymentProcessor.$__VERSION(); + checkEquality(cardPaymentProcessorVersion, EXPECTED_VERSION); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'upgradeToAndCall()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await checkContractUupsUpgrading(cardPaymentProcessor, cardPaymentProcessorFactory); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller is not the owner", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect(connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).upgradeToAndCall(cardPaymentProcessor, "0x")) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the provided implementation address is not a card payment processor contract", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect(cardPaymentProcessor.upgradeToAndCall(getAddress(tokenMock), "0x")) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_INVALID); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'upgradeTo()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await checkContractUupsUpgrading(cardPaymentProcessor, cardPaymentProcessorFactory, "upgradeTo(address)"); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller is not the owner", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect(connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).upgradeTo(cardPaymentProcessor)) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the provided implementation address is not a card payment processor contract", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect(cardPaymentProcessor.upgradeTo(getAddress(tokenMock))) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_INVALID); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'setCashOutAccount()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(cashOutAccount.address) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + ZERO_ADDRESS, + cashOutAccount.address + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashOutAccount()).to.equal(cashOutAccount.address); + + // Can be set to the zero address + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(ZERO_ADDRESS) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + cashOutAccount.address, + ZERO_ADDRESS + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashOutAccount()).to.equal(ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the owner role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).setCashOutAccount(cashOutAccount.address) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(user1.address, ownerRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the new cash-out account is the same as the previous set one", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(ZERO_ADDRESS) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_UNCHANGED); + + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(cashOutAccount.address)); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashOutAccount(cashOutAccount.address) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_UNCHANGED); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'setCashbackTreasury()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + expect( + await tokenMock.allowance(getAddress(cardPaymentProcessor), CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1) + ).to.equal(0); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_TREASURY_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + ZERO_ADDRESS, + CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1 + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackTreasury()).to.equal(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB2) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_TREASURY_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1, + CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB2 + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackTreasury()).to.equal(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB2); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the owner role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(user1.address, ownerRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the new cashback treasury address is zero", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(ZERO_ADDRESS) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the cashback treasury is not changed", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1)); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_UNCHANGED); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'setCashbackRate()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_RATE_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + CASHBACK_RATE_ZERO, + CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackRate()).to.equal(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_ZERO) + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_RATE_CHANGED + ).withArgs( + CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT, + CASHBACK_RATE_ZERO + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackRate()).to.equal(CASHBACK_RATE_ZERO); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the owner role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(user1.address, ownerRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the new rate exceeds the allowable maximum", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_MAX + 1) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_RATE_EXCESS); + }); + + it("Is reverted if called with the same argument twice", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT)); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackRate(CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_RATE_UNCHANGED); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'enableCashback()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1)); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback() + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_ENABLED + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackEnabled()).to.equal(true); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the owner role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).enableCashback() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(user1.address, ownerRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the cashback treasury was not configured", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_TREASURY_NOT_CONFIGURED); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the cashback operations are already enabled", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1)); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback()); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_ALREADY_ENABLED); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'disableCashback()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.setCashbackTreasury(CASHBACK_TREASURY_ADDRESS_STUB1)); + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessor.enableCashback()); + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackEnabled()).to.equal(true); + + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.disableCashback() + ).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessor, + EVENT_NAME_CASHBACK_DISABLED + ); + + expect(await cardPaymentProcessor.cashbackEnabled()).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the owner role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, user1).disableCashback() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(user1.address, ownerRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the cashback operations are already disabled", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessor } = await setUpFixture(deployTokenMockAndCardPaymentProcessor); + await expect( + cardPaymentProcessor.disableCashback() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessor, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_ALREADY_DISABLED); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'makePaymentFor()'", async () => { + async function checkPaymentMakingFor( + context: TestContext, + props: { + sponsor?: HardhatEthersSigner; + subsidyLimit?: number; + cashbackEnabled?: boolean; + cashbackRate?: number; + confirmationAmount?: number; + } = {} + ) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + if (props.cashbackEnabled === false) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + } + + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.makePayment( + payment, + { + sponsor: props.sponsor, + subsidyLimit: props.subsidyLimit, + cashbackRate: props.cashbackRate, + confirmationAmount: props.confirmationAmount, + sender: executor + } + ); + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + props.sponsor?.address ?? ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS, + props.subsidyLimit ?? ZERO_SUBSIDY_LIMIT, + props.cashbackRate ?? CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + props.confirmationAmount ?? ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The payment is not immediately confirmed, and", async () => { + describe("The payment is not sponsored, and", async () => { + describe("The cashback rate is determined by the contract settings, and", async () => { + describe("Cashback is enabled, and the base and extra payment amounts are", async () => { + it("Both nonzero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + + it("Both nonzero, and if the subsidy limit argument is zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + + it("Both zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].baseAmount = 0; + context.payments[0].extraAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + + it("Different: base is zero, extra is nonzero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].baseAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + + it("Different: base is nonzero, extra is zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].extraAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + + it("Both nonzero, and cashback is partially sent with non-zero amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment], cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + const sentCashbackAmount = 2 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - sentCashbackAmount; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackSendingAmountResult(sentCashbackAmount); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + }); + describe("Cashback is disabled, and the base and extra payment amounts are", async () => { + it("Both nonzero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { cashbackEnabled: false }); + }); + }); + describe("Cashback is enabled, and the base and extra payment amounts are nonzero, and", async () => { + it("The cashback transfer function returns 'false'", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment], cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock } = context; + const cashbackAmount = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.calculateCashback(payment.baseAmount); + await proveTx(tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToReturnFalse(cashbackAmount)); + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackSendingStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + it("The cashback transfer is reverted", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment], cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock } = context; + const cashbackAmount = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.calculateCashback(payment.baseAmount); + await proveTx(tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToRevert(cashbackAmount)); + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackSendingStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + it("The cashback is capped", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context); + }); + }); + }); + }); + describe("The payment is sponsored, cashback is enabled, and", async () => { + describe("The cashback rate is determined by the contract settings, and", async () => { + describe("The base and extra payment amounts are both nonzero, and the subsidy limit is", async () => { + it("Zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit: 0 }); + }); + + it("Less than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Less than the payment sum amount but higher than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = payment.baseAmount + Math.floor(payment.extraAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The same as the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Greater than the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const sumAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(sumAmount * 1.1); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + }); + describe("The base and extra payment amounts are both zero, and the subsidy limit is", async () => { + it("Non-zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = payment.baseAmount; + payment.baseAmount = 0; + payment.extraAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + payment.baseAmount = 0; + payment.extraAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit: 0 }); + }); + }); + describe("The base amount is nonzero, the extra amount is zero, and the subsidy limit is", async () => { + it("The same as the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].extraAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = context.payments[0].baseAmount; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Less than the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].extraAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].extraAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit: 0 }); + }); + }); + describe("The base amount is zero, the extra amount is nonzero, and the subsidy limit is", async () => { + it("The same as the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].baseAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = context.payments[0].extraAmount; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Less than the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].baseAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("Zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + context.payments[0].baseAmount = 0; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit: 0 }); + }); + }); + }); + describe("The cashback rate is requested to be zero, and", async () => { + const cashbackRate = 0; + describe("The base and extra payment amounts are both nonzero, and the subsidy limit is ", async () => { + it("Less than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + }); + }); + }); + describe("The cashback is requested to be a special value, and", async () => { + const cashbackRate = CASHBACK_RATE_DEFAULT * 2; + describe("The base and extra payment amounts are both nonzero, and the subsidy limit is ", async () => { + it("Less than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + }); + + it("Zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit: 0, cashbackRate }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + describe("The payment is immediately confirmed, sponsored, with some amounts, usual cashback, and", async () => { + describe("The confirmation amount is", async () => { + it("Less than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 4); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + }); + + it("Less than the payment sum amount but higher than the base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + const confirmationAmount = payment.baseAmount + Math.floor(payment.extraAmount / 2); + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + }); + + it("The same as the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + const confirmationAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + await checkPaymentMakingFor(context, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + const subsidyLimit = INITIAL_SPONSOR_BALANCE; + + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(payment.payer) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(payment.payer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payer address is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + ZERO_PAYER_ADDRESS, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYER_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + + it("The payment ID is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + ZERO_PAYMENT_ID, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID + ); + }); + + it("The account has not enough token balance", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = INITIAL_USER_BALANCE + 1; + payment.extraAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimitLocal = 0; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimitLocal, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + tokenMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_ERC20_TOKEN_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_BALANCE + ).withArgs(payment.payer.address, anyValue, anyValue); + }); + + it("The sponsor has not enough token balance", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimitLocal = INITIAL_SPONSOR_BALANCE + 1; + payment.baseAmount = 0; + payment.extraAmount = subsidyLimitLocal; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimitLocal, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + tokenMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_ERC20_TOKEN_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_BALANCE + ).withArgs(sponsor.address, anyValue, anyValue); + }); + + it("The payment with the provided ID already exists", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ALREADY_EXISTENT); + }); + + it("The requested cashback rate exceeds the maximum allowed value", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_MAX + 1, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASHBACK_RATE_EXCESS); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount is greater than 64-bit unsigned integer", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const paymentBaseAmount = MAX_UINT64; + const paymentExtraAmount: bigint = 1n; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + paymentBaseAmount, + paymentExtraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW_OF_SUM_AMOUNT); + }); + + it("The payment subsidy limit is not zero, but the sponsor address is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_SPONSOR_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + + it("The payment subsidy limit is greater than 64-bit unsigned integer", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimitOverflowed = MAX_UINT64 + 1n; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimitOverflowed, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW_OF_SUBSIDY_LIMIT); + }); + + it("The confirmation amount for the payment is greater than the sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const excessConfirmationAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount + 1; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + sponsor.address, + subsidyLimit, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + excessConfirmationAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'makeCommonPaymentFor()'", async () => { + /* Since the function under test uses the same common internal function to make a payment, + * the complete set of checks are provided in the test section for the 'makePaymentFor()' function. + * In this section, only specific checks are provided. + */ + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + it("Cashback is enabled, and the base and extra payment amounts are both nonzero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.makePayment(payment, { sender: executor }); + + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makeCommonPaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ); + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makeCommonPaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(payment.payer) as Contract).makeCommonPaymentFor( + payment.id, + payment.payer.address, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(payment.payer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payer address is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makeCommonPaymentFor( + payment.id, + ZERO_PAYER_ADDRESS, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYER_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'updatePayment()'", async () => { + async function checkUpdating( + context: TestContext, + props: { + cashbackCondition?: CashbackConditionType; + newBaseAmount?: number; + newExtraAmount?: number; + refundAmount?: number; + confirmedAmount?: number; + subsidyLimit?: number; + } = { cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabled } + ) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock, payments: [payment] } = context; + const { cashbackCondition, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount: confirmedAmount } = props; + const newBaseAmount = props.newBaseAmount ?? payment.baseAmount; + const newExtraAmount = props.newExtraAmount ?? payment.extraAmount; + + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + } + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount: confirmedAmount } + ); + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + } + + if (props.refundAmount === 0 || props.refundAmount) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, props.refundAmount ?? 0); + } else { + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + } + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingPartial) { + const actualCashbackChange = 2 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - actualCashbackChange; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackIncreaseAmountResult(actualCashbackChange); + } + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingReverts + ) { + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackRevocationStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + } + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingFails || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingReverts + ) { + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackIncreaseStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + } + + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + const operationIndex = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount + ); + + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingFails + ) { + const operation = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentOperation(operationIndex); + await proveTx(tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToReturnFalse(Math.abs(operation.cashbackRequestedChange))); + } + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingReverts || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingReverts + ) { + const operation = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentOperation(operationIndex); + await proveTx(tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToRevert(Math.abs(operation.cashbackRequestedChange))); + } + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount + ); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The payment is not subsidized and not confirmed, and", async () => { + describe("The base amount decreases, and", async () => { + describe("The extra amount remains the same, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount }); + }); + + it("Disabled before payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Disabled after payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Enabled but cashback transfer function returns 'false'", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails + }); + }); + it("Enabled but cashback transfer function reverts", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingReverts + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount decreases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount increases but the sum amount decreases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.7); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 1.1); + const oldSumAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + const newSumAmount = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount; + expect(newSumAmount - oldSumAmount).to.be.lessThan(0); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount increases and the sum amount increases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.7); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 2); + const oldSumAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + const newSumAmount = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount; + expect(newSumAmount - oldSumAmount).to.be.greaterThan(0); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount becomes zero, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The base amount remains the same, and cashback is enabled, and", async () => { + it("The extra amount remains the same", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkUpdating(context); + }); + + it("The extra amount decreases", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkUpdating(context, { newExtraAmount }); + }); + + it("The extra amount increases", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount * 2); + await checkUpdating(context, { newExtraAmount }); + }); + + it("The extra amount becomes zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The base amount increases, and", async () => { + describe("The extra amount remains the same, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount }); + }); + + it("Disabled before payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Disabled after payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Enabled but cashback transfer function returns 'false'", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingFails + }); + }); + + it("Enabled but cashback transfer function reverts", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingReverts + }); + }); + + it("Enabled but cashback operation executes partially", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + await checkUpdating(context, { + newBaseAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingPartial + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount decreases and the sum amount decreases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.1); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const oldSumAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + const newSumAmount = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount; + expect(newSumAmount - oldSumAmount).to.be.lessThan(0); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount decreases but the sum amount increases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.5); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.9); + const oldSumAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + const newSumAmount = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount; + expect(newSumAmount - oldSumAmount).to.be.greaterThan(0); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount increases, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 1.1); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount * 2); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The extra amount becomes zero, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The base amount becomes zero, and cashback is enabled, and", async () => { + it("The extra amount remains the same", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount }); + }); + + it("The extra amount decreases", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + + it("The extra amount increases", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 2); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount }); + }); + + it("The extra amount becomes zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, refundAmount: 0 }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized but not confirmed, and", async () => { + describe("The initial subsidy limit (SL) is less than the base amount, and", async () => { + it("The base amount becomes zero, but the extra amount does not change", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base and extra amounts both become zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, refundAmount: 0, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount decreases but it is still above SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount decreases bellow SL but the sum amount is still above SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.3); + expect(newBaseAmount + payment.extraAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount decreases and the sum amount becomes bellow SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.2); + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.lessThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + }); + + describe("The initial subsidy limit (SL) is between the base amount and the sum amount, and", async () => { + it("The base amount becomes zero, but the extra amount does not change", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base and extra amounts both become zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = 0; + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, refundAmount: 0, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount decreases but the sum amount is still above SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.9); + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount decreases and the sum amount becomes bellow SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.2); + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.lessThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The base amount increases above SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 2); + expect(newBaseAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + }); + + describe("The initial subsidy limit (SL) is above the payment sum amount, and", async () => { + it("The payment sum amount decreases", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 1.2); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.9); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount increases but it is still below SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 1.2); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.1); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 1.1); + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.lessThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount increases above SL but the base amount is still below SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 1.2); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.1); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 1.5); + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + expect(newBaseAmount).to.be.lessThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount increases above SL and the base amount becomes above SL", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 1.2); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 2.5); + const newExtraAmount = payment.extraAmount; + expect(newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + expect(newBaseAmount).to.be.greaterThan(subsidyLimit); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized and confirmed, and", async () => { + it("The payment sum amount is increased", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.1); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 1.1); + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount }); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount is decreased but the remainder is still above the confirmed amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.9); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + const remainder = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount - refundAmount; + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(remainder * 0.9); + await checkUpdating( + context, + { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit, refundAmount, confirmedAmount } + ); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount decreased and the remainder becomes below the confirmed amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.7); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 0.7); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + const remainder = newBaseAmount + newExtraAmount - refundAmount; + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(remainder * 1.1); + await checkUpdating( + context, + { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit, refundAmount, confirmedAmount } + ); + }); + + it("The payment sum amount becomes zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = 0; + const newExtraAmount = 0; + const refundAmount = 0; + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await checkUpdating( + context, + { newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount, subsidyLimit, refundAmount, confirmedAmount } + ); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payment ID is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + ZERO_PAYMENT_ID, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID + ); + }); + + it("The payment with the provided ID does not exist", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_NON_EXISTENT + ).withArgs(payment.id); + }); + + it("The new sum amount is less than the refund amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + const refundAmount = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.4); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.4); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_SUM_AMOUNT + ); + }); + + it("The new payment sum amount is greater than 64-bit unsigned integer", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + const newBaseAmount = MAX_UINT64; + const newExtraAmount = 1n; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_OVERFLOW_OF_SUM_AMOUNT); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'revokePayment()'", async () => { + async function checkRevocation(context: TestContext, props: { cashbackRevocationFailure?: boolean } = {}) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const cashbackRevocationFailure = props.cashbackRevocationFailure ?? false; + + // To be sure that the `refundAmount` field is taken into account + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + + if (cashbackRevocationFailure) { + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackRevocationStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + } + const operationIndex = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.revokePayment(payment.id); + if (cashbackRevocationFailure) { + const operation = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentOperation(operationIndex); + await proveTx(context.tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToReturnFalse(Math.abs(operation.cashbackRequestedChange))); + } + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).revokePayment(payment.id); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The payment is not subsidized and not confirmed, and", async () => { + it("Cashback operations are enabled", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + + it("Cashback operations are enabled but cashback revoking fails", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + await checkRevocation(context, { cashbackRevocationFailure: true }); + }); + + it("Cashback operations are disabled before sending", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await context.cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + await context.cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([context.payments[0]]); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + + it("Cashback operations are disabled after sending", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized, but not confirmed, and cashback operations are enabled, and", async () => { + describe("The initial subsidy limit (SL) is", async () => { + it("Less than the payment base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + + it("Between the payment base amount and the sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = payment.baseAmount + Math.floor(payment.extraAmount / 2); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + + it("Above the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 1.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized and confirmed, and cashback operations are enabled, and", async () => { + describe("The confirmed amount is", async () => { + it("Less than the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount / 2); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + + it("Equal to the payment sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount / 2); + const confirmationAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + await checkRevocation(context); + }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).revokePayment(payment.id) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract).revokePayment(payment.id) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payment ID is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).revokePayment(ZERO_PAYMENT_ID) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID + ); + }); + + it("The payment with the provided ID does not exist", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).revokePayment(payment.id) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_NON_EXISTENT + ).withArgs(payment.id); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'reversePayment()'", async () => { + /* Since the function under test uses the same common internal function to cancel a payment, + * the complete set of checks are provided in the test section for the 'revokePayment()' function. + * In this section, only specific checks are provided. + */ + it("Executes as expected if the payment is subsidized, confirmed, and cashback is enabled", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { + sponsor, + subsidyLimit: Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.25), + confirmationAmount: Math.floor((payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount) * 0.75) + } + ); + + // To be sure that the `refundAmount` field is taken into account + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.15); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.reversePayment(payment.id); + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).reversePayment(payment.id); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).reversePayment(payment.id) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract).reversePayment(payment.id) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'confirmPayment()'", async () => { + async function checkConfirmation(context: TestContext, confirmationAmount: number, refundAmount?: number) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + if (refundAmount) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + } + + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.confirmPayment(payment.id, confirmationAmount); + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + const tx = contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, confirmationAmount); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The refund amount is zero, and", async () => { + it("The confirmation amount is less than the remainder", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkConfirmation(context, confirmationAmount); + }); + + it("The confirmation amount equals the remainder", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount); + await checkConfirmation(context, confirmationAmount); + }); + }); + + describe("The refund amount is non-zero, and", async () => { + it("The confirmation amount is less than the remainder", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount * 0.5); + await checkConfirmation(context, confirmationAmount, refundAmount); + }); + + it("The confirmation amount equals the remainder", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount - refundAmount); + await checkConfirmation(context, confirmationAmount, refundAmount); + }); + + it("The confirmation is zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const confirmationAmount = 0; + await checkConfirmation(context, confirmationAmount); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payment ID is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(ZERO_PAYMENT_ID, ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID + ); + }); + + it("The payment with the provided ID does not exist", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_NON_EXISTENT + ).withArgs(payment.id); + }); + + it("The confirmation amount is greater than the remainder", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount - refundAmount) + 1; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, confirmationAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + }); + + it("The cash-out account is the zero address", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.setCashOutAccount(ZERO_ADDRESS)); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayment(payment.id, ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIGURED + ); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'confirmPayments()'", async () => { + /* Since the function under test uses the same common internal function to confirm payments, + * the complete set of checks are provided in the test section for the 'confirmPayment()' function. + * In this section, only specific checks are provided. + */ + it("Executes as expected", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments({ paymentNumber: 2 }); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments } = context; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payments[0]]); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payments[1].baseAmount / 2); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payments[1], { sponsor, subsidyLimit }); + const paymentConfirmations: PaymentConfirmation[] = [ + { + paymentId: payments[0].id, + amount: Math.floor(payments[0].baseAmount + payments[0].extraAmount * 0.5) + }, + { + paymentId: payments[1].id, + amount: Math.floor(payments[1].baseAmount + payments[1].extraAmount) + } + ]; + const operationIndex1 = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.confirmPayment( + paymentConfirmations[0].paymentId, + paymentConfirmations[0].amount + ); + const operationIndex2 = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.confirmPayment( + paymentConfirmations[1].paymentId, + paymentConfirmations[1].amount + ); + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + const tx = contractConnected.confirmPayments(paymentConfirmations); + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx, [operationIndex1, operationIndex2]); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayments([{ paymentId: payment.id, amount: 0 }]) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayments([{ paymentId: payment.id, amount: 0 }]) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the payment confirmation array is empty", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.confirmPayments([]) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_CONFIRMATION_ARRAY_EMPTY + ); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'updateLazyAndConfirmPayment()'", async () => { + /* Since the function under test uses the same common internal functions to update and confirm a payment, + * the complete set of checks are provided in the test sections for + * the 'updatePayment()' and `confirmPayment()` function. + * In this section, only specific checks are provided. + */ + async function checkLazyUpdating( + context: TestContext, + props: { + newBaseAmount?: number; + newExtraAmount?: number; + confirmationAmount?: number; + } = {} + ) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + const newBaseAmount = props.newBaseAmount ?? payment.baseAmount; + const newExtraAmount = props.newExtraAmount ?? payment.extraAmount; + + const operationIndex1 = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.updatePayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount, + UpdatingOperationKind.Lazy + ); + const operationIndex2 = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.confirmPayment( + payment.id, + props.confirmationAmount ?? ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + payment.id, + newBaseAmount, + newExtraAmount, + props.confirmationAmount ?? ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx, [operationIndex1, operationIndex2]); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The confirmation amount is zero, and", async () => { + it("The base amount and extra amount are both not changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + await checkLazyUpdating(context); + }); + + it("The base amount is changed, but the extra amount is not changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkLazyUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount }); + }); + + it("The base amount is not changed, but the extra amount is changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount * 0.9); + await checkLazyUpdating(context, { newExtraAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The confirmation amount is non-zero, and", async () => { + it("The base amount and extra amount are both not changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkLazyUpdating(context, { confirmationAmount }); + }); + + it("The base amount is changed, but the extra amount is not changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.5); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkLazyUpdating(context, { newBaseAmount, confirmationAmount }); + }); + + it("The base amount is not changed, but the extra amount is changed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].baseAmount * 0.5); + const newExtraAmount = Math.floor(context.payments[0].extraAmount * 0.9); + await checkLazyUpdating(context, { newExtraAmount, confirmationAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + payment.id, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract).updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + payment.id, + payment.baseAmount, + payment.extraAmount, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'refundPayment()'", async () => { + async function checkRefunding( + context: TestContext, + props: { + refundAmount: number; + cashbackCondition?: CashbackConditionType; + confirmedAmount?: number; + subsidyLimit?: number; + } = { refundAmount: 0, cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabled } + ) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock, payments: [payment] } = context; + const { cashbackCondition, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount } = props; + + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + } + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount: confirmedAmount } + ); + + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking) { + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + } + + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingPartial) { + const actualCashbackChange = 2 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - actualCashbackChange; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackIncreaseAmountResult(actualCashbackChange); + } + if (cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails) { + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.setCashbackRevocationStatus(CashbackOperationStatus.Failed); + } + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingReverts || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingFails || + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButIncreasingReverts + ) { + throw new Error(`Unexpected cashback condition type: ${cashbackCondition}`); + } + + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + const operationIndex = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.refundPayment( + payment.id, + props.refundAmount + ); + if ( + cashbackCondition === CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails + ) { + const operation = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentOperation(operationIndex); + await proveTx(tokenMock.setSpecialAmountToReturnFalse(Math.abs(operation.cashbackRequestedChange))); + } + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + const tx = contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, props.refundAmount); + + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + } + + describe("Executes as expected if", async () => { + describe("The payment is not subsidized and not confirmed, and", async () => { + describe("The refund amount is less than base amount, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount }); + }); + + it("Disabled before payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkRefunding(context, { + refundAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledBeforePaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Disabled after payment making", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkRefunding(context, { + refundAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackDisabledAfterPaymentMaking + }); + }); + + it("Enabled but cashback operation fails", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + await checkRefunding(context, { + refundAmount, + cashbackCondition: CashbackConditionType.CashbackEnabledButRevokingFails + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The refund amount equals the sum amount, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount }); + }); + }); + + describe("The refund amount is zero, and cashback is", async () => { + it("Enabled, and cashback operation is executed successfully", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const refundAmount = 0; + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized but not confirmed, and cashback is enabled, and", async () => { + it("The refund amount is less than base amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The refund amount equals the sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + + it("The refund amount is zero, and cashback is", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const refundAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit }); + }); + }); + + describe("The payment is subsidized and confirmed, and cashback is enabled, and", async () => { + it("The refund amount is less than non-confirmed amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.3); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount }); + }); + + it("The refund amount is the same as non-confirmed amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const sumAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount); + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const refundAmount = sumAmount - confirmedAmount; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount }); + }); + + it("The refund amount is greater than non-confirmed amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const sumAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount); + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(sumAmount - payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount }); + }); + + it("The refund amount is zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { payments: [payment] } = context; + const confirmedAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + const refundAmount = 0; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + await checkRefunding(context, { refundAmount, subsidyLimit, confirmedAmount }); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The payment ID is zero", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundPayment(ZERO_PAYMENT_ID, ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ZERO_ID); + }); + + it("The payment with the provided ID does not exist", async () => { + const context = await prepareForPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_NON_EXISTENT + ).withArgs(payment.id); + }); + + it("The refund amount exceeds the sum amount", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const subsidyLimit = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.5); + const confirmationAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, confirmationAmount }); + const refundAmount = payment.baseAmount + payment.extraAmount + 1; + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundPayment(payment.id, refundAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_REFUNDING_AMOUNT + ); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'refundAccount()'", async () => { + const nonZeroTokenAmount = 123; + const zeroTokenAmount = 0; + + async function checkRefundingAccount(tokenAmount: number) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock } = await prepareForPayments(); + await proveTx(tokenMock.mint(cashOutAccount.address, tokenAmount)); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + const tx = await contractConnected.refundAccount(user1.address, tokenAmount); + + await expect(tx).to.emit( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + EVENT_NAME_ACCOUNT_REFUNDED + ).withArgs( + user1.address, + tokenAmount, + "0x" + ); + + await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances( + tokenMock, + [user1, cashOutAccount, cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract], + [+tokenAmount, -tokenAmount, 0] + ); + } + + describe("Executes as expected and emits the correct events if the refund amount is", async () => { + it("Non-zero", async () => { + await checkRefundingAccount(nonZeroTokenAmount); + }); + + it("Zero", async () => { + await checkRefundingAccount(zeroTokenAmount); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The contract is paused", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = await prepareForPayments(); + await pauseContract(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundAccount(user1.address, nonZeroTokenAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_PAUSED); + }); + + it("The caller does not have the executor role", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = await prepareForPayments(); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(deployer) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundAccount(user1.address, nonZeroTokenAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, executorRole); + }); + + it("The account address is zero", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = await prepareForPayments(); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundAccount(ZERO_ADDRESS, nonZeroTokenAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_ACCOUNT_ZERO_ADDRESS); + }); + + it("The cash-out account does not configured", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = await prepareForPayments(); + const tokenAmount = nonZeroTokenAmount; + await proveTx(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.setCashOutAccount(ZERO_ADDRESS)); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundAccount(user1.address, tokenAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_CASH_OUT_ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIGURED + ); + }); + + it("The cash-out account does not have enough token balance", async () => { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, tokenMock } = await prepareForPayments(); + const tokenAmount = nonZeroTokenAmount; + await proveTx(tokenMock.mint(cashOutAccount.address, tokenAmount - 1)); + + const contractConnected = cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract; + await expect( + contractConnected.refundAccount(user1.address, tokenAmount) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + tokenMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_ERC20_TOKEN_TRANSFER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_BALANCE + ).withArgs(cashOutAccount.address, anyValue, anyValue); + }); + }); + }); + + describe("Complex scenarios", async () => { + async function checkRevertingOfAllPaymentProcessingFunctionsExceptMaking( + cardPaymentProcessor: Contract, + payments: TestPayment[], + status: PaymentStatus + ) { + const paymentIds = payments.map(payment => payment.id); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).revokePayment(paymentIds[0]) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).reversePayment(paymentIds[0]) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).confirmPayment(paymentIds[0], ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + const paymentConfirmations: PaymentConfirmation[] = paymentIds.map(id => { + return { + paymentId: id, + amount: ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + }; + }); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).confirmPayments(paymentConfirmations) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).updatePayment( + paymentIds[0], + payments[0].baseAmount, + payments[0].extraAmount + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).updateLazyAndConfirmPayment( + paymentIds[0], + payments[0].baseAmount, + payments[0].extraAmount, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + + await expect( + connect(cardPaymentProcessor, executor).refundPayment( + paymentIds[0], + ZERO_REFUND_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + cardPaymentProcessor, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_INAPPROPRIATE_PAYMENT_STATUS + ).withArgs( + paymentIds[0], + status + ); + } + + it("All payment processing functions except making are reverted if a payment was revoked", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments({ paymentNumber: 2 }); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments(payments); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payments[0]); + + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + await checkRevertingOfAllPaymentProcessingFunctionsExceptMaking( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + payments, + PaymentStatus.Revoked + ); + + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.makePayment(payments[0], { sender: executor }); + const tx = (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payments[0].id, + payments[0].payer.address, + payments[0].baseAmount, + payments[0].extraAmount, + ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS, + ZERO_SUBSIDY_LIMIT, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ); + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("All payment processing functions are reverted if a payment was reversed", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments({ paymentNumber: 2 }); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments(payments); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.reversePayment(payments[0]); + + await expect( + (cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.connect(executor) as Contract).makePaymentFor( + payments[0].id, + payments[0].payer.address, + payments[0].baseAmount, + payments[0].extraAmount, + ZERO_SPONSOR_ADDRESS, + ZERO_SUBSIDY_LIMIT, + CASHBACK_RATE_AS_IN_CONTRACT, + ZERO_CONFIRMATION_AMOUNT + ) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, REVERT_ERROR_IF_PAYMENT_ALREADY_EXISTENT); + + await checkRevertingOfAllPaymentProcessingFunctionsExceptMaking( + cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + payments, + PaymentStatus.Reversed + ); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Several refund and payment updating operations execute as expected if cashback is enabled", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makeCommonPayments([payment]); + + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 2)); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1)); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment( + payment, + Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.9), + Math.floor(payment.extraAmount * 1.1) + ); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment( + payment, + Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.2) + ); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.5)); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.3)); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + let currentPayment: PaymentModel = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentById(payment.id); + const confirmationAmount = + currentPayment.baseAmount + currentPayment.extraAmount - currentPayment.refundAmount - CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const operationResult: OperationResult = + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.confirmPayment(payment, confirmationAmount); + await context.checkPaymentOperationsForTx(operationResult.tx); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.4)); + currentPayment = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getPaymentById(payment.id); + const refundAmount = + currentPayment.baseAmount + currentPayment.extraAmount - currentPayment.refundAmount; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Revocation execute correctly for a payment with and without extra amount, cashback, subsidy", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { + sponsor, + subsidyLimit: Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.75), + confirmationAmount: Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.25) + } + ); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + + payment.extraAmount = 0; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.disableCashback(); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Refunding executes as expected if the initial cashback was capped", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const refundAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Updating with cashback decreasing executes as expected if the initial cashback was capped", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Updating with cashback increasing executes as expected if the initial cashback was capped", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 1.5); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + + it("Updating with cashback decreasing executes as expected if the initial cashback was capped", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const presetCashbackAmount = MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD - CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, presetCashbackAmount); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const newBaseAmount = Math.floor(payment.baseAmount * 0.1); + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount); + await context.checkCardPaymentProcessorState(); + }); + }); + + describe("Token transfer demonstration scenarios", async () => { + interface ExpectedBalanceChanges { + payer?: number; + sponsor?: number; + cardPaymentProcessor?: number; + cashOutAccount?: number; + cashbackTreasury?: number; + } + + async function checkBalanceChanges( + context: TestContext, + operationResult: Promise, + expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges + ) { + const tx = (await operationResult).tx; + await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances( + context.tokenMock, + [ + context.payments[0].payer, + sponsor, + context.cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract, + context.cashOutAccount, + context.cashbackTreasury + ], + [ + expectedBalanceChanges.payer ?? 0, + expectedBalanceChanges.sponsor ?? 0, + expectedBalanceChanges.cardPaymentProcessor ?? 0, + expectedBalanceChanges.cashOutAccount ?? 0, + expectedBalanceChanges.cashbackTreasury ?? 0 + ] + ); + } + + it("Making a payment with cashback, example 1: a partially subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + + const cashbackChange = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -600 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -800 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: 1400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Making a payment with cashback, example 2: a fully subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 2000 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + + const cashbackChange = 0; + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -0 + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -1400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: 1400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Making a payment with cashback, example 3: cashback rounding up", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + payment.baseAmount = Math.floor(2.5 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF / (cashbackRate / 1000)); + payment.extraAmount = 0; + + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { cashbackRate }); + + const cashbackChange = 3 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -payment.baseAmount + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -0, + cardPaymentProcessor: payment.baseAmount, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Making a payment with cashback, example 4: cashback rounding down", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + payment.baseAmount = Math.floor(2.49999 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF / (cashbackRate / 1000)); + payment.extraAmount = 0; + + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { cashbackRate }); + + const cashbackChange = 2 * CASHBACK_ROUNDING_COEF; + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -payment.baseAmount + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -0, + cardPaymentProcessor: payment.baseAmount, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Making a payment with cashback, example 1: a partially subsidized payment with confirmation", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const confirmationAmount = 1100 * DIGITS_COEF; + + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate, confirmationAmount } + ); + + const cashbackChange = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -600 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -800 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: 1400 * DIGITS_COEF - confirmationAmount, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange, + cashOutAccount: confirmationAmount + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Updating a payment with cashback, example 1: increasing a partially subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const newBaseAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newExtraAmount = 600 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount); + + const oldCashback = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newCashback = 80 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -400 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: 0, + cardPaymentProcessor: +400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Updating a payment with cashback, example 2: decreasing a partially subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 600 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const newBaseAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newExtraAmount = 200 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount); + + const oldCashback = 80 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newCashback = 0; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: +1000 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: +200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: -1200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Updating a payment with cashback, example 3: increasing a fully subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 200 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const newBaseAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newExtraAmount = 600 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.updatePayment(payment, newBaseAmount, newExtraAmount); + + const oldCashback = 0; + const newCashback = 80 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: -1000 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: -200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: +1200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Refunding a payment with cashback, example 1: the confirmed amount is zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 600 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const refundAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + + const oldCashback = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newCashback = 24 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: +80 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: +320 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: -400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Refunding a payment with cashback, example 2: the confirmed amount is non-zero", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 600 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const refundAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const confirmationAmount = 1500 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate, confirmationAmount } + ); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.refundPayment(payment, refundAmount); + + const oldCashback = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newCashback = 24 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: +80 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: +320 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: -100 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange, + cashOutAccount: -300 * DIGITS_COEF + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Revoking a payment with cashback, example 1: a partially subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const confirmationAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate, confirmationAmount } + ); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + + const oldCashback = 40 * DIGITS_COEF; + const newCashback = 0; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: +600 * DIGITS_COEF + cashbackChange, + sponsor: +800 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: -200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange, + cashOutAccount: -1200 * DIGITS_COEF + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Revoking a payment with cashback, example 2: a fully subsidized payment", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 2000 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const confirmationAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor( + payment, + { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate, confirmationAmount } + ); + const opResult = cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + + const oldCashback = 0; + const newCashback = 0; + const cashbackChange = newCashback - oldCashback; + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + payer: cashbackChange, + sponsor: +1400 * DIGITS_COEF, + cardPaymentProcessor: -200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashbackTreasury: -cashbackChange, + cashOutAccount: -1200 * DIGITS_COEF + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, opResult, expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + + it("Confirming a payment with cashback, example 1", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments(); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + + payment.baseAmount = 1000 * DIGITS_COEF; + payment.extraAmount = 400 * DIGITS_COEF; + const subsidyLimit = 800 * DIGITS_COEF; + const cashbackRate = 200; // 20 % + const confirmationAmount = 1200 * DIGITS_COEF; + + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment, { sponsor, subsidyLimit, cashbackRate }); + const opResult = await cardPaymentProcessorShell.confirmPayment(payment, confirmationAmount); + + const expectedBalanceChanges: ExpectedBalanceChanges = { + cardPaymentProcessor: -1200 * DIGITS_COEF, + cashOutAccount: +1200 * DIGITS_COEF + }; + await checkBalanceChanges(context, Promise.resolve(opResult), expectedBalanceChanges); + }); + }); + + describe("Scenario with cashback periodical cap", async () => { + async function checkAccountCashbackState( + context: TestContext, + expectedCapPeriodStartTime: number + ) { + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell, payments: [payment] } = context; + const actualAccountCashbackState: AccountCashbackState = + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.contract.getAccountCashbackState(payment.payer.address); + const expectedTotalCashback = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getCashbackTotalForAccount(payment.payer.address); + const expectedCapPeriodStartAmount = cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.capPeriodStartAmount; + expect(actualAccountCashbackState.totalAmount).to.equal(expectedTotalCashback); + expect(actualAccountCashbackState.capPeriodStartAmount).to.equal(expectedCapPeriodStartAmount); + expect(actualAccountCashbackState.capPeriodStartTime).to.equal(expectedCapPeriodStartTime); + } + + it("Executes as expected", async () => { + const context = await beforeMakingPayments({ paymentNumber: 2 }); + const { cardPaymentProcessorShell } = context; + const payment: TestPayment = { ...context.payments[0] }; + + // Check initial cashback state for the account after the first cashback transfer + const operationResult1 = await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const expectedCapPeriodStartTime1 = await getTxTimestamp(operationResult1.tx); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime1); + + // Reach the cashback cap first time. + await context.presetCashbackForAccount(payment.payer, MAX_CASHBACK_FOR_CAP_PERIOD); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime1); + + // Revoke cashback and check that the cap-related values are changed properly + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime1); + + // Reach the cashback cap again + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime1); + + // The following part of the test is executed only for Hardhat network because we need to shift block time + if (network.name !== "hardhat" && network.name !== "stratus") { + return; + } + + // Shift next block time for a period of cap checking + await increaseBlockTimestamp(CASHBACK_CAP_RESET_PERIOD + 1); + + // Set new start amount for the cashback cap checking in the model + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.capPeriodStartAmount = + cardPaymentProcessorShell.model.getCashbackTotalForAccount(payment.payer.address); + + // Check that next cashback sending executes successfully due to the cap period resets + payment.id = context.payments[1].id; + const operationResult2 = await cardPaymentProcessorShell.makePaymentFor(payment); + const expectedCapPeriodStartTime2 = await getTxTimestamp(operationResult2.tx); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime2); + + // Revoke the very first cashback and check that the cap-related values are changed properly + payment.id = context.payments[0].id; + await cardPaymentProcessorShell.revokePayment(payment); + await checkAccountCashbackState(context, expectedCapPeriodStartTime2); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.test.ts b/test/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d69115f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/base/AccessControlExtUpgradeable.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory, TransactionResponse } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { connect, proveTx } from "../../test-utils/eth"; + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contract 'AccessControlExtUpgradeable'", async () => { + const EVENT_NAME_ROLE_GRANTED = "RoleGranted"; + const EVENT_NAME_ROLE_REVOKED = "RoleRevoked"; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID = "InvalidInitialization"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING = "NotInitializing"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT = "AccessControlUnauthorizedAccount"; + + const ownerRole: string = ethers.id("OWNER_ROLE"); + const userRole: string = ethers.id("USER_ROLE"); + + let accessControlExtMockFactory: ContractFactory; + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + let attacker: HardhatEthersSigner; + let users: HardhatEthersSigner[]; + let userAddresses: string[]; + + before(async () => { + [deployer, attacker, ...users] = await ethers.getSigners(); + accessControlExtMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("AccessControlExtUpgradeableMock"); + // Explicitly specifying the deployer account + accessControlExtMockFactory = accessControlExtMockFactory.connect(deployer); + + userAddresses = [users[0].address, users[1].address, users[2].address]; + }); + + async function deployAccessControlExtMock(): Promise<{ accessControlExtMock: Contract }> { + let accessControlExtMock: Contract = await upgrades.deployProxy(accessControlExtMockFactory); + await accessControlExtMock.waitForDeployment(); + accessControlExtMock = connect(accessControlExtMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { accessControlExtMock }; + } + + describe("Function 'initialize()'", async () => { + it("The external initializer configures the contract as expected", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + + // The roles + expect((await accessControlExtMock.OWNER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect((await accessControlExtMock.USER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(userRole); + + // The role admins + expect(await accessControlExtMock.getRoleAdmin(ownerRole)).to.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.getRoleAdmin(userRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + + // The deployer should have the owner role, but not the other roles + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(ownerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(true); + }); + + it("The external initializer is reverted if it is called a second time", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(accessControlExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID); + }); + + it("The internal initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.call_parent_initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(accessControlExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + + it("The internal unchained initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.call_parent_initialize_unchained() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(accessControlExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'grantRoleBatch()'", async () => { + describe("Executes as expected if the input account array contains", async () => { + it("A single account without the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(false); + + await expect(accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]])) + .to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_GRANTED) + .withArgs(userRole, userAddresses[0], deployer.address); + + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(true); + }); + + it("A single account with the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await proveTx(accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]])); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(true); + + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]]) + ).not.to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_GRANTED); + }); + + it("Multiple accounts without the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + for (const userAddress of userAddresses) { + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddress)).to.equal(false); + } + + const tx: Promise = accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, userAddresses); + + for (const userAddress of userAddresses) { + await expect(tx) + .to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_GRANTED) + .withArgs(userRole, userAddress, deployer.address); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddress)).to.equal(true); + } + }); + + it("No accounts", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, []) + ).not.to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_GRANTED); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The sender does not have the expected admin role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + + await expect( + connect(accessControlExtMock, attacker).grantRoleBatch(userRole, []) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + accessControlExtMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(attacker.address, ownerRole); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'revokeRoleBatch()'", async () => { + describe("Executes as expected if the input account array contains", async () => { + it("A single account with the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await proveTx(accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]])); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(true); + + await expect(accessControlExtMock.revokeRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]])) + .to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_REVOKED) + .withArgs(userRole, userAddresses[0], deployer.address); + + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("A single account without the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddresses[0])).to.equal(false); + + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.revokeRoleBatch(userRole, [userAddresses[0]]) + ).not.to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_REVOKED); + }); + + it("Multiple accounts with the previously granted role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + await proveTx(accessControlExtMock.grantRoleBatch(userRole, userAddresses)); + for (const userAddress of userAddresses) { + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddress)).to.equal(true); + } + + const tx: Promise = accessControlExtMock.revokeRoleBatch(userRole, userAddresses); + + for (const userAddress of userAddresses) { + await expect(tx) + .to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_REVOKED) + .withArgs(userRole, userAddress, deployer.address); + expect(await accessControlExtMock.hasRole(userRole, userAddress)).to.equal(false); + } + }); + + it("No accounts", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + + await expect( + accessControlExtMock.revokeRoleBatch(userRole, []) + ).not.to.emit(accessControlExtMock, EVENT_NAME_ROLE_REVOKED); + }); + }); + + describe("Is reverted if", async () => { + it("The sender does not have the expected admin role", async () => { + const { accessControlExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAccessControlExtMock); + + await expect( + connect(accessControlExtMock, attacker).revokeRoleBatch(userRole, []) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + accessControlExtMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(attacker.address, ownerRole); + }); + }); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.test.ts b/test/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb4b87f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/base/BlocklistableUpgradeable.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { connect, proveTx } from "../../test-utils/eth"; + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contract 'BlocklistableUpgradeable'", async () => { + const EVENT_NAME_BLOCKLISTED = "Blocklisted"; + const EVENT_NAME_SELFBLOCKLISTED = "SelfBlocklisted"; + const EVENT_NAME_TEST_NOT_BLOCKLISTED_MODIFIER_SUCCEEDED = "TestNotBlocklistedModifierSucceeded"; + const EVENT_NAME_UNBLOCKLISTED = "UnBlocklisted"; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID = "InvalidInitialization"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING = "NotInitializing"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT = "AccessControlUnauthorizedAccount"; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_ACCOUNT_IS_BLOCKLISTED = "BlocklistedAccount"; + + const ownerRole: string = ethers.id("OWNER_ROLE"); + const blocklisterRole: string = ethers.id("BLOCKLISTER_ROLE"); + + let blocklistableMockFactory: ContractFactory; + + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + let blocklister: HardhatEthersSigner; + let user: HardhatEthersSigner; + + before(async () => { + [deployer, blocklister, user] = await ethers.getSigners(); + blocklistableMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("BlocklistableUpgradeableMock"); + // Explicitly specifying the deployer account + blocklistableMockFactory = blocklistableMockFactory.connect(deployer); + }); + + async function deployBlocklistableMock(): Promise<{ blocklistableMock: Contract }> { + let blocklistableMock: Contract = await upgrades.deployProxy(blocklistableMockFactory); + await blocklistableMock.waitForDeployment(); + blocklistableMock = connect(blocklistableMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { blocklistableMock }; + } + + async function deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock(): Promise<{ blocklistableMock: Contract }> { + const { blocklistableMock } = await deployBlocklistableMock(); + await proveTx(blocklistableMock.grantRole(blocklisterRole, blocklister.address)); + return { blocklistableMock }; + } + + describe("Initializers", async () => { + it("The external initializer configures the contract as expected", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployBlocklistableMock); + + // The roles + expect(await blocklistableMock.OWNER_ROLE()).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect(await blocklistableMock.BLOCKLISTER_ROLE()).to.equal(blocklisterRole); + + // The role admins + expect(await blocklistableMock.getRoleAdmin(ownerRole)).to.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); + expect(await blocklistableMock.getRoleAdmin(blocklisterRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + + // The deployer should have the owner role, but not the other roles + expect(await blocklistableMock.hasRole(ownerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(true); + expect(await blocklistableMock.hasRole(blocklisterRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("The external initializer is reverted if it is called a second time", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(blocklistableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID); + }); + + it("The internal initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.call_parent_initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(blocklistableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + + it("The internal unchained initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.call_parent_initialize_unchained() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(blocklistableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'blocklist()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event if it is called by a blocklister", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(false); + + await expect(connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).blocklist(user.address)) + .to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_BLOCKLISTED) + .withArgs(user.address); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(true); + + // Second call with the same argument should not emit an event + await expect( + connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).blocklist(user.address) + ).not.to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_BLOCKLISTED); + }); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called by an account without the blocklister role", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.blocklist(user.address) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + blocklistableMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, blocklisterRole); + }); + + describe("Function 'unBlocklist()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event if it is called by a blocklister", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + await proveTx(connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).blocklist(user.address)); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(true); + + await expect(connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).unBlocklist(user.address)) + .to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_UNBLOCKLISTED) + .withArgs(user.address); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(false); + + // The second call with the same argument should not emit an event + await expect( + connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).unBlocklist(user.address) + ).not.to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_UNBLOCKLISTED); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called by an account without the blocklister role", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.unBlocklist(user.address) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + blocklistableMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, blocklisterRole); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'selfBlocklist()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct events if it is called by any account", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(false); + + await expect(connect(blocklistableMock, user).selfBlocklist()) + .to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_BLOCKLISTED) + .withArgs(user.address) + .and.to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_SELFBLOCKLISTED) + .withArgs(user.address); + expect(await blocklistableMock.isBlocklisted(user.address)).to.equal(true); + + // Second call should not emit an event + await expect( + connect(blocklistableMock, user).selfBlocklist() + ).not.to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_SELFBLOCKLISTED); + }); + }); + + describe("Modifier 'notBlocklisted'", async () => { + it("Reverts the target function if the caller is blocklisted", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + + await proveTx(connect(blocklistableMock, blocklister).blocklist(deployer.address)); + await expect( + blocklistableMock.testNotBlocklistedModifier() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(blocklistableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_ACCOUNT_IS_BLOCKLISTED); + }); + + it("Does not revert the target function if the caller is not blocklisted", async () => { + const { blocklistableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureBlocklistableMock); + await expect( + connect(blocklistableMock, user).testNotBlocklistedModifier() + ).to.emit(blocklistableMock, EVENT_NAME_TEST_NOT_BLOCKLISTED_MODIFIER_SUCCEEDED); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.test.ts b/test/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..109f077 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/base/PausableExtUpgradeable.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { connect, proveTx } from "../../test-utils/eth"; + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contract 'PausableExtUpgradeable'", async () => { + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID = "InvalidInitialization"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING = "NotInitializing"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT = "AccessControlUnauthorizedAccount"; + + const ownerRole: string = ethers.id("OWNER_ROLE"); + const pauserRole: string = ethers.id("PAUSER_ROLE"); + + let pausableExtMockFactory: ContractFactory; + + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + let pauser: HardhatEthersSigner; + + before(async () => { + [deployer, pauser] = await ethers.getSigners(); + pausableExtMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("PausableExtUpgradeableMock"); + pausableExtMockFactory = pausableExtMockFactory.connect(deployer); // Explicitly specifying the deployer account + }); + + async function deployPausableExtMock(): Promise<{ pausableExtMock: Contract }> { + let pausableExtMock: Contract = await upgrades.deployProxy(pausableExtMockFactory); + await pausableExtMock.waitForDeployment(); + pausableExtMock = connect(pausableExtMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + return { pausableExtMock }; + } + + async function deployAndConfigurePausableExtMock(): Promise<{ pausableExtMock: Contract }> { + const { pausableExtMock } = await deployPausableExtMock(); + await proveTx(pausableExtMock.grantRole(pauserRole, pauser.address)); + + return { pausableExtMock }; + } + + describe("Function 'initialize()'", async () => { + it("The external initializer configures the contract as expected", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployPausableExtMock); + + // The roles + expect((await pausableExtMock.OWNER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect((await pausableExtMock.PAUSER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(pauserRole); + + // The role admins + expect(await pausableExtMock.getRoleAdmin(ownerRole)).to.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); + expect(await pausableExtMock.getRoleAdmin(pauserRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + + // The deployer should have the owner role, but not the other roles + expect(await pausableExtMock.hasRole(ownerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(true); + expect(await pausableExtMock.hasRole(pauserRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + + // The initial contract state is unpaused + expect(await pausableExtMock.paused()).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("The external initializer is reverted if it is called a second time", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployPausableExtMock); + await expect( + pausableExtMock.initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(pausableExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID); + }); + + it("The internal initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployPausableExtMock); + await expect( + pausableExtMock.call_parent_initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(pausableExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + + it("The internal unchained initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployPausableExtMock); + await expect( + pausableExtMock.call_parent_initialize_unchained() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(pausableExtMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'pause()'", async () => { + it("Executes successfully and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigurePausableExtMock); + + await expect(connect(pausableExtMock, pauser).pause()) + .to.emit(pausableExtMock, "Paused") + .withArgs(pauser.address); + + expect(await pausableExtMock.paused()).to.equal(true); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called by an account without the pauser role", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigurePausableExtMock); + await expect( + pausableExtMock.pause() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + pausableExtMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, pauserRole); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'unpause()'", async () => { + it("Executes successfully and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigurePausableExtMock); + await proveTx(connect(pausableExtMock, pauser).pause()); + + await expect(connect(pausableExtMock, pauser).unpause()) + .to.emit(pausableExtMock, "Unpaused") + .withArgs(pauser.address); + + expect(await pausableExtMock.paused()).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called by an account without the pauser role", async () => { + const { pausableExtMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigurePausableExtMock); + await expect( + pausableExtMock.unpause() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + pausableExtMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, pauserRole); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/base/RescuableUpgradeable.test.ts b/test/base/RescuableUpgradeable.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f031271 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/base/RescuableUpgradeable.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { connect, getAddress, proveTx } from "../../test-utils/eth"; + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contract 'RescuableUpgradeable'", async () => { + const TOKEN_AMOUNT = 123; + + const EVENT_NAME_TRANSFER = "Transfer"; + + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID = "InvalidInitialization"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING = "NotInitializing"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT = "AccessControlUnauthorizedAccount"; + + const ownerRole: string = ethers.id("OWNER_ROLE"); + const rescuerRole: string = ethers.id("RESCUER_ROLE"); + + let rescuableMockFactory: ContractFactory; + let tokenMockFactory: ContractFactory; + + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + let rescuer: HardhatEthersSigner; + + before(async () => { + [deployer, rescuer] = await ethers.getSigners(); + + // Contract factories with the explicitly specified deployer account + rescuableMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("RescuableUpgradeableMock"); + rescuableMockFactory = rescuableMockFactory.connect(deployer); + tokenMockFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("ERC20TokenMock"); + tokenMockFactory = tokenMockFactory.connect(deployer); + }); + + async function deployRescuableMock(): Promise<{ rescuableMock: Contract }> { + let rescuableMock: Contract = await upgrades.deployProxy(rescuableMockFactory); + await rescuableMock.waitForDeployment(); + rescuableMock = connect(rescuableMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { rescuableMock }; + } + + async function deployTokenMock(): Promise<{ tokenMock: Contract }> { + let tokenMock: Contract = await tokenMockFactory.deploy("ERC20 Test", "TEST") as Contract; + await tokenMock.waitForDeployment(); + tokenMock = connect(tokenMock, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { tokenMock }; + } + + async function deployAndConfigureAllContracts(): Promise<{ + rescuableMock: Contract; + tokenMock: Contract; + }> { + const { rescuableMock } = await deployRescuableMock(); + const { tokenMock } = await deployTokenMock(); + + await proveTx(tokenMock.mint(getAddress(rescuableMock), TOKEN_AMOUNT)); + await proveTx(rescuableMock.grantRole(rescuerRole, rescuer.address)); + + return { + rescuableMock, + tokenMock + }; + } + + describe("Function 'initialize()'", async () => { + it("The external initializer configures the contract as expected", async () => { + const { rescuableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployRescuableMock); + + // The roles + expect((await rescuableMock.OWNER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(ownerRole); + expect((await rescuableMock.RESCUER_ROLE()).toLowerCase()).to.equal(rescuerRole); + + // The role admins + expect(await rescuableMock.getRoleAdmin(ownerRole)).to.equal(ethers.ZeroHash); + expect(await rescuableMock.getRoleAdmin(rescuerRole)).to.equal(ownerRole); + + // The deployer should have the owner role, but not the other roles + expect(await rescuableMock.hasRole(ownerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(true); + expect(await rescuableMock.hasRole(rescuerRole, deployer.address)).to.equal(false); + }); + + it("The external initializer is reverted if it is called a second time", async () => { + const { rescuableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployRescuableMock); + await expect( + rescuableMock.initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(rescuableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_INITIALIZATION_IS_INVALID); + }); + + it("The internal initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { rescuableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployRescuableMock); + await expect( + rescuableMock.call_parent_initialize() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(rescuableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + + it("The internal unchained initializer is reverted if it is called outside the init process", async () => { + const { rescuableMock } = await setUpFixture(deployRescuableMock); + await expect( + rescuableMock.call_parent_initialize_unchained() + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError(rescuableMock, REVERT_ERROR_IF_CONTRACT_IS_NOT_INITIALIZING); + }); + }); + + describe("Function 'rescueERC20()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected and emits the correct event", async () => { + const { rescuableMock, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureAllContracts); + + const rescuableMockConnected = connect(rescuableMock, rescuer); + const tx = rescuableMockConnected.rescueERC20(getAddress(tokenMock), deployer.address, TOKEN_AMOUNT); + await expect(tx).to.changeTokenBalances( + tokenMock, + [rescuableMock, deployer, rescuer], + [-TOKEN_AMOUNT, +TOKEN_AMOUNT, 0] + ); + await expect(tx) + .to.emit(tokenMock, EVENT_NAME_TRANSFER) + .withArgs(getAddress(rescuableMock), deployer.address, TOKEN_AMOUNT); + }); + + it("Is reverted if it is called by an account without the rescuer role", async () => { + const { rescuableMock, tokenMock } = await setUpFixture(deployAndConfigureAllContracts); + await expect( + rescuableMock.rescueERC20(getAddress(tokenMock), deployer.address, TOKEN_AMOUNT) + ).to.be.revertedWithCustomError( + rescuableMock, + REVERT_ERROR_IF_UNAUTHORIZED_ACCOUNT + ).withArgs(deployer.address, rescuerRole); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/base/UUPSExtUbgradable.test.ts b/test/base/UUPSExtUbgradable.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5288026 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/base/UUPSExtUbgradable.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import { ethers, network, upgrades } from "hardhat"; +import { expect } from "chai"; +import { Contract, ContractFactory } from "ethers"; +import { HardhatEthersSigner } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-ethers/signers"; +import { loadFixture } from "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-network-helpers"; +import { connect } from "../../test-utils/eth"; + +const ADDRESS_ZERO = ethers.ZeroAddress; + +async function setUpFixture(func: () => Promise): Promise { + if (network.name === "hardhat") { + return loadFixture(func); + } else { + return func(); + } +} + +describe("Contracts 'UUPSExtUpgradeable'", async () => { + // Errors of the lib contracts + const REVERT_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACT = "UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressNotContract"; + const REVERT_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_ZERO = "UUPSExtUpgradeable_ImplementationAddressZero"; + + // Events of the contracts under test + const EVENT_NAME_MOCK_VALIDATE_UPGRADE_CALL = "MockValidateUpgradeCall"; + + let uupsExtensionFactory: ContractFactory; + let deployer: HardhatEthersSigner; + + before(async () => { + [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners(); + + // The contract factory with the explicitly specified deployer account + uupsExtensionFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("UUPSExtUpgradeableMock"); + uupsExtensionFactory = uupsExtensionFactory.connect(deployer); + }); + + async function deployContract(): Promise<{ uupsExtension: Contract }> { + let uupsExtension: Contract = await upgrades.deployProxy(uupsExtensionFactory, [], { initializer: false }); + await uupsExtension.waitForDeployment(); + uupsExtension = connect(uupsExtension, deployer); // Explicitly specifying the initial account + + return { uupsExtension }; + } + + describe("Function 'upgradeToAndCall()'", async () => { + it("Executes as expected", async () => { + const { uupsExtension } = await setUpFixture(deployContract); + + const newImplementation = await uupsExtensionFactory.deploy(); + await newImplementation.waitForDeployment(); + const newImplementationAddress = await newImplementation.getAddress(); + + await expect(uupsExtension.upgradeToAndCall(newImplementationAddress, "0x")) + .to.emit(uupsExtension, EVENT_NAME_MOCK_VALIDATE_UPGRADE_CALL) + .withArgs(newImplementationAddress); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the new implementation address is zero", async () => { + const { uupsExtension } = await setUpFixture(deployContract); + await expect(uupsExtension.upgradeToAndCall(ADDRESS_ZERO, "0x")) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(uupsExtension, REVERT_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_ZERO); + }); + + it("Is reverted if the new implementation address is not a contract", async () => { + const { uupsExtension } = await setUpFixture(deployContract); + await expect(uupsExtension.upgradeToAndCall(deployer.address, "0x")) + .to.be.revertedWithCustomError(uupsExtension, REVERT_ERROR_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACT); + }); + }); +});