diff --git a/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/tests.py b/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/tests.py
index fd7c972fd70..4de301badac 100644
--- a/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/tests.py
+++ b/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/tests.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def _make_query(client, query, submission_type="Execute",
   return res
 def random_generator(size=8, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
-    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
+  return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
 def get_csv(client, result_response):
   """Get the csv for a query result"""
@@ -219,9 +219,12 @@ def test_query_with_resource(self):
   def test_query_with_setting(self):
     table_name = 'test_query_with_setting'
-    response = _make_query(self.client, "CREATE TABLE `%(db)s`.`%(table_name)s` AS SELECT foo+1 FROM test WHERE foo=4" % {'db': self.db_name, 'table_name': table_name},
-      settings=[("mapred.job.name", "test_query_with_setting"),
-        ("hive.exec.compress.output", "true")], local=False, database=self.db_name) # Run on MR, because that's how we check it worked.
+    response = _make_query(
+      self.client,
+      "CREATE TABLE `%(db)s`.`%(table_name)s` AS SELECT foo+1 FROM test WHERE foo=4" % {'db': self.db_name, 'table_name': table_name},
+      settings=[("mapred.job.name", "test_query_with_setting"), ("hive.exec.compress.output", "true")],
+      local=False, database=self.db_name
+    ) # Run on MR, because that's how we check it worked.
     response = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, response, max=180.0)
     # Check that we actually got a compressed output
     table = self.db.get_table(database=self.db_name, table_name=table_name)
@@ -233,12 +236,12 @@ def test_query_with_setting(self):
     raise SkipTest
     # And check that the name is right...
-    assert_true("test_query_with_setting" in [ x.profile.name for x in self.cluster.jt.all_jobs().jobs ])
+    assert_true("test_query_with_setting" in [x.profile.name for x in self.cluster.jt.all_jobs().jobs])
     # While we're at it, check that we're running jobs as the correct user on MR.
-      [ x.profile for x in self.cluster.jt.all_jobs().jobs
-        if x.profile.name == "test_query_with_setting" ][0].user)
+      [x.profile for x in self.cluster.jt.all_jobs().jobs
+        if x.profile.name == "test_query_with_setting"][0].user)
   def test_lazy_query_status_update(self):
@@ -418,10 +421,11 @@ def test_query_with_udf(self):
     execution_engines = get_available_execution_engines()
     for engine in execution_engines:
-      response = _make_query(self.client, "SELECT my_sqrt(foo), my_float(foo) FROM test where foo=4 GROUP BY foo", # Force MR job with GROUP BY
-        udfs=[('my_sqrt', 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFSqrt'),
-              ('my_float', 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFToFloat')],
-        local=False, database=self.db_name, settings=[('hive.execution.engine', engine)])
+      response = _make_query(
+        self.client, "SELECT my_sqrt(foo), my_float(foo) FROM test where foo=4 GROUP BY foo", # Force MR job with GROUP BY
+        udfs=[('my_sqrt', 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFSqrt'), ('my_float', 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDFToFloat')],
+        local=False, database=self.db_name, settings=[('hive.execution.engine', engine)]
+      )
       response = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, response, max=60.0)
       content = fetch_query_result_data(self.client, response)
@@ -559,7 +563,9 @@ def test_parameterization(self):
       ], content['parameters'], content)
     # Now fill it out
-    response = _make_query(self.client, "SELECT foo FROM test WHERE foo='$x' and bar='$y'", params=[('x', '1'), ('y', '2')], database=self.db_name)
+    response = _make_query(
+      self.client, "SELECT foo FROM test WHERE foo='$x' and bar='$y'", params=[('x', '1'), ('y', '2')], database=self.db_name
+    )
     content = json.loads(response.content)
     assert_true('watch_url' in content, content)
     query_history = QueryHistory.get(content['id'])
@@ -568,7 +574,10 @@ def test_parameterization(self):
     assert_equal("SELECT foo FROM test WHERE foo='1' and bar='2'", query_history.query)
     # Check that error handling is reasonable
-    response = _make_query(self.client, "SELECT foo FROM test WHERE foo='$x' and bar='$y'", params=[('x', "'_this_is_not SQL "), ('y', '2')], database=self.db_name)
+    response = _make_query(
+      self.client, "SELECT foo FROM test WHERE foo='$x' and bar='$y'",
+      params=[('x', "'_this_is_not SQL "), ('y', '2')], database=self.db_name
+    )
     content = json.loads(response.content)
     assert_true("FAILED: ParseException" in content.get('message'), content)
@@ -594,7 +603,10 @@ def test_explain_query(self):
     response = _make_query(c, CREATE_TABLE, database=self.db_name)
     wait_for_query_to_finish(c, response)
-    response = _make_query(c, "SELECT SUM(foo) FROM `%(db)s`.`test_explain`" % {'db': self.db_name}, settings=[('hive.explain.user', 'false')], submission_type="Explain") # Need to prefix database in Explain
+    response = _make_query(
+      c, "SELECT SUM(foo) FROM `%(db)s`.`test_explain`" % {'db': self.db_name},
+      settings=[('hive.explain.user', 'false')], submission_type="Explain"
+    ) # Need to prefix database in Explain
     explanation = json.loads(response.content)['explanation']
     assert_true('STAGE DEPENDENCIES:' in explanation, explanation)
     assert_true('STAGE PLANS:' in explanation, explanation)
@@ -805,7 +817,7 @@ def test_parallel_queries(self):
     raise SkipTest # sqlite does not support concurrent transaction
-    responses = [ None ] * PARALLEL_TASKS
+    responses = [None] * PARALLEL_TASKS
     threads = []
     # Protects responses
     lock = threading.Lock()
@@ -825,8 +837,8 @@ def test_parallel_queries(self):
     for i in range(PARALLEL_TASKS):
       csv = get_csv(self.client, responses[i])
       # We get 3 rows: Column header, and 2 rows of results in double quotes
-      answer = [ int(data.strip('"')) for data in csv.split()[1:] ]
-      assert_equal( [ i + 1, i + 2 ], answer)
+      answer = [int(data.strip('"')) for data in csv.split()[1:]]
+      assert_equal([i + 1, i + 2], answer)
   def test_data_export_limit_clause(self):
@@ -1488,7 +1500,7 @@ def test_create_table_import(self):
     def write_file(filename, raw_fields, delim, do_gzip=False):
-      lines = [ delim.join(row) for row in raw_fields ]
+      lines = [delim.join(row) for row in raw_fields]
       data = '\n'.join(lines)
       if do_gzip:
         sio = string_io()
@@ -1567,7 +1579,7 @@ def write_file(filename, raw_fields, delim, do_gzip=False):
       ['a', 'b', 'c'],
       ['a,a', 'b,b', 'c,c'],
       ['a,"a', 'b,"b', 'c,"c'],
-    ] )
+    ])
     # Test column definition
     resp = self.client.post('/beeswax/create/import_wizard/%s' % self.db_name, {
@@ -1637,7 +1649,7 @@ def __init__(self, content):
     resp = self.client.get(on_success_url_show_table)
     cols = resp.context[0]['table'].cols
     assert_equal(len(cols), 3)
-    assert_equal([ col.name for col in cols ], [ 'col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c' ])
+    assert_equal([col.name for col in cols], ['col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c'])
     resp = self.client.get(reverse('beeswax:get_sample_data', kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test_create_import'}))
     rows = json.loads(resp.content)['rows']
     flat_rows = sum(rows, [])
@@ -1961,7 +1973,9 @@ def test_analyze_table_and_read_statistics(self):
       response = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, response, max=120.0)
       assert_true(response, response)
-      response = self.client.post(reverse("beeswax:analyze_table", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'columns': True}), follow=True)
+      response = self.client.post(
+        reverse("beeswax:analyze_table", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'columns': True}), follow=True
+      )
       response = wait_for_query_to_finish(self.client, response, max=120.0)
       assert_true(response, response)
@@ -2004,7 +2018,9 @@ def test_get_top_terms(self):
     assert_equal([[255, 1], [254, 1], [253, 1], [252, 1]], terms[:4])
-    resp = self.client.get(reverse("beeswax:get_top_terms", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'column': 'foo', 'prefix': '10'}))
+    resp = self.client.get(
+      reverse("beeswax:get_top_terms", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'column': 'foo', 'prefix': '10'})
+    )
     content = json.loads(resp.content)
     assert_true('terms' in content, 'Failed to get terms: %s' % (content,))
@@ -2012,7 +2028,9 @@ def test_get_top_terms(self):
     assert_equal([[109, 1], [108, 1], [107, 1], [106, 1]], terms[:4])
-    resp = self.client.get(reverse("beeswax:get_top_terms", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'column': 'foo', 'prefix': '10'}) + '?limit=2')
+    resp = self.client.get(
+      reverse("beeswax:get_top_terms", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'test', 'column': 'foo', 'prefix': '10'}) + '?limit=2'
+    )
     content = json.loads(resp.content)
     assert_true('terms' in content, 'Failed to get terms: %s' % (content,))
@@ -2042,7 +2060,9 @@ def test_beeswax_api_autocomplete(self):
     assert_equal({'comment': '', 'type': 'array<struct<bar:int,baz:string>>', 'name': 'foo'}, extended_columns[0])
     # Autocomplete nested fields for a given column
-    resp = self.client.get(reverse("beeswax:api_autocomplete_column", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'nested_table', 'column': 'foo'}))
+    resp = self.client.get(
+      reverse("beeswax:api_autocomplete_column", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'nested_table', 'column': 'foo'})
+    )
     json_resp = json.loads(resp.content)
     assert_false('error' in json_resp, 'Failed to autocomplete nested type: %s' % json_resp.get('error'))
@@ -2051,7 +2071,9 @@ def test_beeswax_api_autocomplete(self):
     assert_equal("struct", json_resp["item"]["type"])
     # Autocomplete nested fields for a given nested type
-    resp = self.client.get(reverse("beeswax:api_autocomplete_nested", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'nested_table', 'column': 'foo', 'nested': 'item'}))
+    resp = self.client.get(reverse(
+      "beeswax:api_autocomplete_nested", kwargs={'database': self.db_name, 'table': 'nested_table', 'column': 'foo', 'nested': 'item'}
+    ))
     json_resp = json.loads(resp.content)
     assert_false('error' in json_resp, 'Failed to autocomplete nested type: %s' % json_resp.get('error'))
@@ -2313,7 +2335,10 @@ def get(self):
         return tmpdir
     thrift_uris = 'thrift://%s:9999' % hostname
-    xml = hive_site_xml(is_local=False, use_sasl=False, thrift_uris=thrift_uris, kerberos_principal='test/_HOST@TEST.COM', hs2_kerberos_principal='test/_HOST@TEST.COM')
+    xml = hive_site_xml(
+      is_local=False, use_sasl=False, thrift_uris=thrift_uris, kerberos_principal='test/_HOST@TEST.COM',
+      hs2_kerberos_principal='test/_HOST@TEST.COM'
+    )
     open_file(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'hive-site.xml'), 'w').write(xml)
@@ -2375,7 +2400,8 @@ def test_search_log_line():
   assert_true(search_log_line('FAILED: Parse Error', logs))
-  logs = "12/08/22 20:50:14 ERROR ql.Driver: FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:31 cannot recognize input near '''' '_this_is_not' 'SQL' in constant'"
+  logs = "12/08/22 20:50:14 ERROR ql.Driver: FAILED: Parse Error: line 1:31 cannot recognize input "\
+    "near '''' '_this_is_not' 'SQL' in constant'"
   assert_true(search_log_line('FAILED: Parse Error', logs))
   logs = """
@@ -2422,14 +2448,20 @@ def test_search_log_line():
 USE functional;
 ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=1);
 ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=2);"""
-  assert_equal(['CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS functional',
-                'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS functional.alltypes',
-                "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS functional.alltypes (\nid int COMMENT 'Add a comment',\nbool_col boolean,\ntinyint_col tinyint,\nsmallint_col smallint,\nint_col int,\nbigint_col bigint,\nfloat_col float,\ndouble_col double,\ndate_string_col string,\nstring_col string,\ntimestamp_col timestamp)\nPARTITIONED BY (year int, month int)\nROW FORMAT delimited fields terminated by ','  escaped by '\\\\'\nSTORED AS TEXTFILE\nLOCATION '/user/admin/alltypes/alltypes'",
-                'USE functional',
-                'ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=1)',
-                'ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=2)'
-              ],
-              hql_query(query).statements, hql_query(query).statements)
+  assert_equal(
+    [
+      'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS functional',
+      'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS functional.alltypes',
+      "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS functional.alltypes (\nid int COMMENT 'Add a comment',\nbool_col boolean,\ntinyint_col "\
+        "tinyint,\nsmallint_col smallint,\nint_col int,\nbigint_col bigint,\nfloat_col float,\ndouble_col double,\ndate_string_col "\
+        "string,\nstring_col string,\ntimestamp_col timestamp)\nPARTITIONED BY (year int, month int)\nROW FORMAT delimited fields "\
+        "terminated by ','  escaped by '\\\\'\nSTORED AS TEXTFILE\nLOCATION '/user/admin/alltypes/alltypes'",
+      'USE functional',
+      'ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=1)',
+      'ALTER TABLE alltypes ADD IF NOT EXISTS PARTITION(year=2009, month=2)'
+    ],
+    hql_query(query).statements, hql_query(query).statements
+  )
 class MockHiveServerTable(HiveServerTable):
@@ -2465,7 +2497,9 @@ def __init__(self, describe=None):
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': '# Storage Information', 'data_type': None},
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'SerDe Library:      ', 'data_type': 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe'},
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'InputFormat:        ', 'data_type': 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'},
-            {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'OutputFormat:       ', 'data_type': 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat'},
+            {
+              'comment': None, 'col_name': 'OutputFormat:       ', 'data_type': 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat'
+            },
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'Compressed:         ', 'data_type': 'No                  '},
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'Num Buckets:        ', 'data_type': '-1                  '},
             {'comment': None, 'col_name': 'Bucket Columns:     ', 'data_type': '[]                  '},
@@ -2693,9 +2727,14 @@ def test_column_format_values_nulls(self):
     data = [1] * 8 * 8
     nulls = '\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef'
-    assert_equal([None, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, None, None, 1, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, None, 1, None, 1, 1, 1, None, 1, None, None, None, 1, 1, None, None, 1, None, 1, 1,
-                  None, 1, 1, 1, None, None, None, 1, None, 1, None, 1, None, None, 1, None, None, 1, 1, None, None, None, None, None, None, 1, None, None, None],
-                 HiveServerTColumnValue2.set_nulls(data, nulls))
+    assert_equal(
+      [
+        None, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, None, None, 1, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, None, 1, None, 1, 1, 1, None, 1, None, None, None, 1, 1, None, None, 1,
+        None, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, 1, None, None, None, 1, None, 1, None, 1, None, None, 1, None, None, 1, 1, None, None, None, None, None,
+        None, 1, None, None, None
+      ],
+      HiveServerTColumnValue2.set_nulls(data, nulls)
+    )
   def test_column_detect_if_values_nulls(self):
@@ -2840,7 +2879,10 @@ def test_save_design(self):
     design_obj = hql_query('SELECT')
     # Save his own query
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+      explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     assert_equal('test_save_design', saved_design.name)
     assert_equal('test_save_design desc', saved_design.desc)
     assert_equal('test_save_design', saved_design.doc.get().name)
@@ -2848,7 +2890,10 @@ def test_save_design(self):
     # Execute it as auto
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=False, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+      explicit_save=False, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     assert_equal('test_save_design (new)', saved_design.name)
     assert_equal('test_save_design desc', saved_design.desc)
     assert_equal('test_save_design (new)', saved_design.doc.get().name)
@@ -2857,7 +2902,10 @@ def test_save_design(self):
     # not_me user can't modify it
-      _save_design(user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+      _save_design(
+        user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+        explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+      )
       assert_true(False, 'not_me is not allowed')
     except PopupException:
@@ -2865,13 +2913,19 @@ def test_save_design(self):
-      _save_design(user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+      _save_design(
+        user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+        explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+      )
       assert_true(False, 'not_me is not allowed')
     except PopupException:
     # not_me can execute it as auto
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=False, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+      explicit_save=False, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     assert_equal('test_save_design (new)', saved_design.name)
     assert_equal('test_save_design desc', saved_design.desc)
     assert_equal('test_save_design (new)', saved_design.doc.get().name)
@@ -2881,7 +2935,10 @@ def test_save_design(self):
     # not_me can save as a new design
     design = SavedQuery(owner=self.user_not_me, type=HQL)
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user_not_me, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
+      explicit_save=True, name='test_save_design', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     assert_equal('test_save_design', saved_design.name)
     assert_equal('test_save_design desc', saved_design.desc)
     assert_equal('test_save_design', saved_design.doc.get().name)
@@ -2898,12 +2955,16 @@ def test_save_design(self):
     design_obj = hql_query('SELECT')
     # Save query
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
-                                explicit_save=True, name='This__design__name__contains___sixty__five___characters___exactly', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=True,
+      name='This__design__name__contains___sixty__five___characters___exactly', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     len_after = len(saved_design.name)
     assert_equal(len_after, 64)
-    saved_design = _save_design(user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj,
-                                explicit_save=False, name='This__design__name__contains___sixty__five___characters___exactly', desc='test_save_design desc')
+    saved_design = _save_design(
+      user=self.user, design=design, type_=HQL, design_obj=design_obj, explicit_save=False,
+      name='This__design__name__contains___sixty__five___characters___exactly', desc='test_save_design desc'
+    )
     # Above design name is already 64 characters, so saved_design name shouldn't exceed the limit
     len_after = len(saved_design.name)
     assert_equal(len_after, 64)
@@ -2911,9 +2972,11 @@ def test_save_design(self):
   def test_get_history_xss(self):
     sql = 'SELECT count(sample_07.salary) FROM sample_07;"><iFrAME>src="javascript:alert(\'Hue has an xss\');"></iFraME>'
     if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-      sql_escaped = b'SELECT count(sample_07.salary) FROM sample_07;&quot;&gt;&lt;iFrAME&gt;src=&quot;javascript:alert(&#39;Hue has an xss&#39;);&quot;&gt;&lt;/iFraME&gt;'
+      sql_escaped = b'SELECT count(sample_07.salary) FROM sample_07;&quot;&gt;&lt;iFrAME&gt;'\
+        b'src=&quot;javascript:alert(&#39;Hue has an xss&#39;);&quot;&gt;&lt;/iFraME&gt;'
-      sql_escaped = b'SELECT count(sample_07.salary) FROM sample_07;&quot;&gt;&lt;iFrAME&gt;src=&quot;javascript:alert(&#x27;Hue has an xss&#x27;);&quot;&gt;&lt;/iFraME&gt;'
+      sql_escaped = b'SELECT count(sample_07.salary) FROM sample_07;&quot;&gt;&lt;iFrAME&gt;'\
+        b'src=&quot;javascript:alert(&#x27;Hue has an xss&#x27;);&quot;&gt;&lt;/iFraME&gt;'
     response = _make_query(self.client, sql, submission_type='Save', name='My Name 1', desc='My Description')
     content = json.loads(response.content)
@@ -3486,13 +3549,13 @@ def test_ssl_validate():
 def test_to_matching_wildcard():
-    match_fn = dbms.HiveServer2Dbms.to_matching_wildcard
+  match_fn = dbms.HiveServer2Dbms.to_matching_wildcard
-    assert_equal(match_fn(None), '*')
-    assert_equal(match_fn(''), '*')
-    assert_equal(match_fn('*'), '*')
-    assert_equal(match_fn('test'), '*test*')
-    assert_equal(match_fn('test*'), '*test*')
+  assert_equal(match_fn(None), '*')
+  assert_equal(match_fn(''), '*')
+  assert_equal(match_fn('*'), '*')
+  assert_equal(match_fn('test'), '*test*')
+  assert_equal(match_fn('test*'), '*test*')
 def test_apply_natural_sort():
@@ -3528,14 +3591,19 @@ def test_hiveserver2_jdbc_url():
     beeswax.hive_site.get_conf()[hive_site._CNF_HIVESERVER2_TRUSTSTORE_PATH] = '/path/to/truststore.jks'
     beeswax.hive_site.get_conf()[hive_site._CNF_HIVESERVER2_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD] = 'password'
     url = hiveserver2_jdbc_url()
-    assert_equal(url, 'jdbc:hive2://server-with-ssl-enabled.com:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/path/to/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=password')
+    assert_equal(
+      url,
+      'jdbc:hive2://server-with-ssl-enabled.com:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/path/to/truststore.jks;trustStorePassword=password'
+    )
     beeswax.hive_site.get_conf()[hive_site._CNF_HIVESERVER2_USE_SSL] = 'TRUE'
     hadoop.ssl_client_site.get_conf()[ssl_client_site._CNF_TRUSTORE_LOCATION] = '/etc/ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks'
     url = hiveserver2_jdbc_url() # Pick-up trustore from ssl-client.xml
-    assert_equal(url, 'jdbc:hive2://server-with-ssl-enabled.com:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/etc/ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks')
+    assert_equal(
+      url, 'jdbc:hive2://server-with-ssl-enabled.com:10000/default;ssl=true;sslTrustStore=/etc/ssl-conf/CA_STANDARD/truststore.jks'
+    )
     beeswax.hive_site.get_conf()[hive_site._CNF_HIVESERVER2_USE_SSL] = 'FALSE'
     url = hiveserver2_jdbc_url()
@@ -3548,7 +3616,7 @@ def test_hiveserver2_jdbc_url():
     for reset in resets:
-        reset()
+      reset()
 def test_sasl_auth_in_large_download():
   db = None
@@ -3569,14 +3637,15 @@ def test_sasl_auth_in_large_download():
   # Create a big table
   table_info = {'db': 'default', 'table_name': 'dummy_'+random_generator().lower()}
   drop_sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %(db)s.%(table_name)s" % table_info
-  create_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %(db)s.%(table_name)s (w0 CHAR(8),w1 CHAR(8),w2 CHAR(8),w3 CHAR(8),w4 CHAR(8),w5 CHAR(8),w6 CHAR(8),w7 CHAR(8),w8 CHAR(8),w9 CHAR(8))" % table_info
+  create_sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %(db)s.%(table_name)s (w0 CHAR(8),w1 CHAR(8),w2 CHAR(8),w3 CHAR(8),w4 "\
+    "CHAR(8),w5 CHAR(8),w6 CHAR(8),w7 CHAR(8),w8 CHAR(8),w9 CHAR(8))" % table_info
   hql = string_io()
   hql.write("INSERT INTO %(db)s.%(table_name)s VALUES " % (table_info))
   for i in range(max_rows-1):
     w = random_generator(size=7)
-    hql.write("('%s0','%s1','%s2','%s3','%s4','%s5','%s6','%s7','%s8','%s9')," % (w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w))
+    hql.write("('%s0','%s1','%s2','%s3','%s4','%s5','%s6','%s7','%s8','%s9')," % (w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w))
   w = random_generator(size=7)
-  hql.write("('%s0','%s1','%s2','%s3','%s4','%s5','%s6','%s7','%s8','%s9')" % (w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w))
+  hql.write("('%s0','%s1','%s2','%s3','%s4','%s5','%s6','%s7','%s8','%s9')" % (w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w, w))
     db = dbms.get(user, get_query_server_config())
@@ -3608,7 +3677,7 @@ def test_sasl_auth_in_large_download():
     if 'Invalid OperationHandle' in ex.message and 'EXECUTE_STATEMENT' in ex.message:
       failed = True
-      failed = True
+    failed = True
   # Fetch large data set is successful because SASL_MAX_BUFFER > RESULT_DATA
@@ -3622,7 +3691,7 @@ def test_sasl_auth_in_large_download():
     if 'Invalid OperationHandle' in ex.message and 'EXECUTE_STATEMENT' in ex.message:
       failed = True
-      failed = True
+    failed = True
   # Fetch large data set fails because SASL_MAX_BUFFER < RESULT_DATA In your log file you will see following log lines
   # thrift_util  INFO     Thrift exception; retrying: Error in sasl_decode (-1) SASL(-1): generic failure: Unable to find a callback: 32775
@@ -3640,5 +3709,5 @@ def test_sasl_auth_in_large_download():
     if 'Invalid OperationHandle' in ex.message and 'EXECUTE_STATEMENT' in ex.message:
       failed = True
-      failed = True
+    failed = True
diff --git a/apps/useradmin/src/useradmin/tests.py b/apps/useradmin/src/useradmin/tests.py
index 89761ada1f8..f7e1abfac8f 100644
--- a/apps/useradmin/src/useradmin/tests.py
+++ b/apps/useradmin/src/useradmin/tests.py
@@ -109,13 +109,14 @@ def find_users(self, username_pattern, search_attr=None, user_name_attr=None, fi
     if find_by_dn:
       data = [attrs for attrs in list(self._instance.users.values()) if attrs['dn'] == username_pattern]
-      username_pattern = "^%s$" % username_pattern.replace('.','\\.').replace('*', '.*')
+      username_pattern = "^%s$" % username_pattern.replace('.', '\\.').replace('*', '.*')
       username_fsm = re.compile(username_pattern, flags=re.I)
       usernames = [username for username in list(self._instance.users.keys()) if username_fsm.match(username)]
       data = [self._instance.users.get(username) for username in usernames]
     return data
-  def find_groups(self, groupname_pattern, search_attr=None, group_name_attr=None, group_member_attr=None, group_filter=None, find_by_dn=False, scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE):
+  def find_groups(self, groupname_pattern, search_attr=None, group_name_attr=None,
+                  group_member_attr=None, group_filter=None, find_by_dn=False, scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE):
     """ Return all groups in the system with parents and children """
     if find_by_dn:
       data = [attrs for attrs in list(self._instance.groups.values()) if attrs['dn'] == groupname_pattern]
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ def find_groups(self, groupname_pattern, search_attr=None, group_name_attr=None,
         sub_data = [attrs for attrs in list(self._instance.groups.values()) if attrs['dn'].endswith(data[0]['dn'])]
-      groupname_pattern = "^%s$" % groupname_pattern.replace('.','\\.').replace('*', '.*')
+      groupname_pattern = "^%s$" % groupname_pattern.replace('.', '\\.').replace('*', '.*')
       groupnames = [username for username in list(self._instance.groups.keys()) if re.match(groupname_pattern, username)]
       data = [self._instance.groups.get(groupname) for groupname in groupnames]
     return data
@@ -179,63 +180,108 @@ class Data(object):
     def __init__(self):
       long_username = create_long_username()
       self.users = {
-        'moe': {'dn': 'uid=moe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'moe', 'first':'Moe', 'email':'moe@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']},
-        'lårry': {'dn': 'uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'lårry', 'first':'Larry', 'last':'Stooge', 'email':'larry@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']},
-        'curly': {'dn': 'uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'curly', 'first':'Curly', 'last':'Stooge', 'email':'curly@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']},
-        'Rock': {'dn': 'uid=Rock,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'Rock', 'first':'rock', 'last':'man', 'email':'rockman@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']},
-        'nestedguy': {'dn': 'uid=nestedguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'nestedguy', 'first':'nested', 'last':'guy', 'email':'nestedguy@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=NestedGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']},
-        'otherguy': {'dn': 'uid=otherguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username':'otherguy', 'first':'Other', 'last':'Guy', 'email':'other@guy.com'},
-        'posix_person': {'dn': 'uid=posix_person,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'posix_person', 'first': 'pos', 'last': 'ix', 'email': 'pos@ix.com'},
-        'posix_person2': {'dn': 'uid=posix_person2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'posix_person2', 'first': 'pos', 'last': 'ix', 'email': 'pos@ix.com'},
-        'user with space': {'dn': 'uid=user with space,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'user with space', 'first': 'user', 'last': 'space', 'email': 'user@space.com'},
-        'spaceless': {'dn': 'uid=user without space,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'spaceless', 'first': 'user', 'last': 'space', 'email': 'user@space.com'},
-        long_username: {'dn': 'uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': long_username, 'first': 'toolong', 'last': 'username', 'email': 'toolong@username.com'},
-        'test_longfirstname': {'dn': 'uid=test_longfirstname,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'test_longfirstname', 'first': 'test_longfirstname_test_longfirstname', 'last': 'username', 'email': 'toolong@username.com'},}
+        'moe': {
+          'dn': 'uid=moe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'moe', 'first': 'Moe', 'email': 'moe@stooges.com',
+          'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']
+        },
+        'lårry': {
+          'dn': 'uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'lårry', 'first': 'Larry', 'last': 'Stooge',
+          'email': 'larry@stooges.com',
+          'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']
+        },
+        'curly': {
+          'dn': 'uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'curly', 'first': 'Curly', 'last': 'Stooge',
+          'email': 'curly@stooges.com',
+          'groups': ['cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']
+        },
+        'Rock': {
+          'dn': 'uid=Rock,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'Rock', 'first': 'rock', 'last': 'man', 'email': 'rockman@stooges.com',
+          'groups': ['cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']
+        },
+        'nestedguy': {
+          'dn': 'uid=nestedguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'nestedguy', 'first': 'nested', 'last': 'guy',
+          'email': 'nestedguy@stooges.com', 'groups': ['cn=NestedGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com']
+        },
+        'otherguy': {
+          'dn': 'uid=otherguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'otherguy', 'first': 'Other', 'last': 'Guy',
+          'email': 'other@guy.com'
+        },
+        'posix_person': {
+          'dn': 'uid=posix_person,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'posix_person', 'first': 'pos', 'last': 'ix',
+          'email': 'pos@ix.com'
+        },
+        'posix_person2': {
+          'dn': 'uid=posix_person2,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'posix_person2', 'first': 'pos', 'last': 'ix',
+          'email': 'pos@ix.com'
+        },
+        'user with space': {
+          'dn': 'uid=user with space,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'user with space', 'first': 'user', 'last': 'space',
+          'email': 'user@space.com'
+        },
+        'spaceless': {
+          'dn': 'uid=user without space,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'spaceless', 'first': 'user', 'last': 'space',
+          'email': 'user@space.com'
+        },
+        long_username: {
+          'dn': 'uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': long_username, 'first': 'toolong', 'last': 'username',
+          'email': 'toolong@username.com'
+        },
+        'test_longfirstname': {
+          'dn': 'uid=test_longfirstname,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'username': 'test_longfirstname',
+          'first': 'test_longfirstname_test_longfirstname', 'last': 'username', 'email': 'toolong@username.com'
+        },
+      }
       self.groups = {
         'TestUsers': {
           'dn': 'cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'TestUsers',
-          'members':['uid=moe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'],
-          'posix_members':[]},
+          'name': 'TestUsers',
+          'members': [
+            'uid=moe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',
+            'uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'
+          ],
+          'posix_members': []},
         'Test Administrators': {
           'dn': 'cn=Test Administrators,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'Test Administrators',
-          'members':['uid=Rock,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com','uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'],
-          'posix_members':[]},
+          'name': 'Test Administrators',
+          'members': [
+            'uid=Rock,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=lårry,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com',
+            'uid=curly,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid=' + long_username + ',ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'
+          ],
+          'posix_members': []},
         'OtherGroup': {
           'dn': 'cn=OtherGroup,cn=TestUsers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'OtherGroup',
-          'members':[],
-          'posix_members':[]},
+          'name': 'OtherGroup',
+          'members': [],
+          'posix_members': []},
         'NestedGroups': {
           'dn': 'cn=NestedGroups,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'NestedGroups',
-          'members':['cn=NestedGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com'],
-          'posix_members':[]
+          'name': 'NestedGroups',
+          'members': ['cn=NestedGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com'],
+          'posix_members': []
         'NestedGroup': {
           'dn': 'cn=NestedGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'NestedGroup',
-          'members':['uid=nestedguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'],
-          'posix_members':[]
+          'name': 'NestedGroup',
+          'members': ['uid=nestedguy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'],
+          'posix_members': []
         'NestedPosixGroups': {
           'dn': 'cn=NestedPosixGroups,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'NestedPosixGroups',
-          'members':['cn=PosixGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com'],
-          'posix_members':[]
+          'name': 'NestedPosixGroups',
+          'members': ['cn=PosixGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com'],
+          'posix_members': []
         'PosixGroup': {
           'dn': 'cn=PosixGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'PosixGroup',
-          'members':[],
-          'posix_members':['posix_person','lårry']},
+          'name': 'PosixGroup',
+          'members': [],
+          'posix_members': ['posix_person', 'lårry']},
         'PosixGroup1': {
           'dn': 'cn=PosixGroup1,cn=PosixGroup,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com',
-          'name':'PosixGroup1',
-          'members':[],
-          'posix_members':['posix_person2']},
+          'name': 'PosixGroup1',
+          'members': [],
+          'posix_members': ['posix_person2']},
 def create_long_username():
@@ -399,7 +445,7 @@ def test_group_permissions(self):
     c.post('/useradmin/groups/edit/test-group', dict(
-        permissions=[HuePermission.objects.get(app='useradmin',action='access').pk],
+        permissions=[HuePermission.objects.get(app='useradmin', action='access').pk],
@@ -469,7 +515,7 @@ def test_group_permissions(self):
     # Check that we have access now
     response = c1.get('/useradmin/users')
-    assert_true(get_profile(test_user).has_hue_permission('access','useradmin'))
+    assert_true(get_profile(test_user).has_hue_permission('access', 'useradmin'))
     assert_true(b'Users' in response.content)
     # Make sure we can't modify permissions
@@ -486,7 +532,7 @@ def test_group_permissions(self):
     assert_true(len(GroupPermission.objects.all()) == 0)
-    assert_false(get_profile(test_user).has_hue_permission('access','useradmin'))
+    assert_false(get_profile(test_user).has_hue_permission('access', 'useradmin'))
     # We should no longer have access to the app
     response = c1.get('/useradmin/users')
@@ -552,7 +598,7 @@ def test_default_group(self):
       # Change the name of the default group, and try deleting again
-      response = c.post('/useradmin/groups/delete' , {'group_names': ['test_default']})
+      response = c.post('/useradmin/groups/delete', {'group_names': ['test_default']})
@@ -801,7 +847,7 @@ def test_user_admin(self):
-      assert_true(b"You cannot remove" in response.content,  "Shouldn't be able to remove the last superuser")
+      assert_true(b"You cannot remove" in response.content, "Shouldn't be able to remove the last superuser")
       # Shouldn't be able to delete oneself
       response = c.post('/useradmin/users/delete', {u'user_ids': [user.id], 'is_delete': True})
       assert_true(b"You cannot remove yourself" in response.content, "Shouldn't be able to delete the last superuser")
@@ -831,7 +877,9 @@ def test_user_admin(self):
-        [UserChangeForm.GENERIC_VALIDATION_ERROR], response.context[0]["form"]["password_old"].errors, "Should have complained about old password"
+        [UserChangeForm.GENERIC_VALIDATION_ERROR],
+        response.context[0]["form"]["password_old"].errors,
+        "Should have complained about old password"
       # Good now
       response = c.post('/useradmin/users/edit/test', dict(
@@ -850,17 +898,26 @@ def test_user_admin(self):
       # Change it back!
       response = c.post('/hue/accounts/login/', dict(username="test", password="foo"), follow=True)
-      response = c.post('/useradmin/users/edit/test', dict(username="test", first_name="Tom", last_name="Tester", password1="test", password2="test", password_old="foo", is_active=True, is_superuser=True))
+      response = c.post(
+        '/useradmin/users/edit/test',
+        dict(
+          username="test", first_name="Tom", last_name="Tester", password1="test",
+          password2="test", password_old="foo", is_active=True, is_superuser=True
+        )
+      )
       response = c.post('/hue/accounts/login/', dict(username="test", password="test"), follow=True)
-      assert_true(make_logged_in_client(username = "test", password = "test"), "Check that we can still login.")
+      assert_true(make_logged_in_client(username="test", password="test"), "Check that we can still login.")
       # Check new user form for default group
       group = get_default_user_group()
       response = c.get('/useradmin/users/new')
-      assert_true(('<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>' % (group.id, group.name)) in (response.content if isinstance(response.content, str) else response.content.decode()))
+      assert_true(
+        ('<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>' % (group.id, group.name)) in \
+        (response.content if isinstance(response.content, str) else response.content.decode())
+      )
       # Create a new regular user (duplicate name)
       response = c.post('/useradmin/users/new', dict(username="test", password1="test", password2="test"))
@@ -907,9 +964,9 @@ def test_user_admin(self):
       # Regular user should be able to modify oneself
       response = c_reg.post('/useradmin/users/edit/%s' % (FUNNY_NAME_QUOTED,), dict(
-          username = FUNNY_NAME,
-          first_name = "Hello",
-          is_active = True,
+          username=FUNNY_NAME,
+          first_name="Hello",
+          is_active=True,
           groups=[group.id for group in test_user.groups.all()]
@@ -927,9 +984,9 @@ def test_user_admin(self):
       c_su = make_logged_in_client()
       # Inactivate FUNNY_NAME
       c_su.post('/useradmin/users/edit/%s' % (FUNNY_NAME_QUOTED,), dict(
-          username = FUNNY_NAME,
-          first_name = "Hello",
-          is_active = False)
+          username=FUNNY_NAME,
+          first_name="Hello",
+          is_active=False)
       # Now make sure FUNNY_NAME can't log back in
       response = c_reg.get('/useradmin/users/edit/%s' % (FUNNY_NAME_QUOTED,))
@@ -1016,8 +1073,12 @@ def test_list_for_autocomplete(self):
     # Now the autocomplete has access to all the users and groups
     c1 = make_logged_in_client('user_test_list_for_autocomplete', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete')
-    c2_same_group = make_logged_in_client('user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete')
-    c3_other_group = make_logged_in_client('user_test_list_for_autocomplete3', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete_other_group')
+    c2_same_group = make_logged_in_client(
+      'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete'
+    )
+    c3_other_group = make_logged_in_client(
+      'user_test_list_for_autocomplete3', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete_other_group'
+    )
     # c1 users should list only 'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2' and group should not list 'group_test_list_for_autocomplete_other_group'
@@ -1066,9 +1127,13 @@ def test_list_for_autocomplete(self):
     content = json.loads(response.content)
     users = [smart_unicode(user['username']) for user in content['users']]
-    assert_equal([u'test', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete3'], users)
+    assert_equal(
+      [u'test', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete3'], users
+    )
-    c5_autocomplete_filter_by_groupname = make_logged_in_client('user_doesnt_match_autocomplete_filter',is_superuser=False,groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete')
+    c5_autocomplete_filter_by_groupname = make_logged_in_client(
+      'user_doesnt_match_autocomplete_filter', is_superuser=False, groupname='group_test_list_for_autocomplete'
+    )
     # superuser should get all users & groups which match the autocomplete filter case insensitive
     response = c4_super_user.get('/desktop/api/users/autocomplete', {'include_myself': True, 'filter': 'Test_list_for_autocomplete'})
@@ -1077,7 +1142,7 @@ def test_list_for_autocomplete(self):
     users = [smart_unicode(user['username']) for user in content['users']]
     groups = [smart_unicode(user['name']) for user in content['groups']]
-    assert_equal([ u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete3'],  users)
+    assert_equal([u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete2', u'user_test_list_for_autocomplete3'], users)
     assert_equal([u'group_test_list_for_autocomplete', u'group_test_list_for_autocomplete_other_group'], groups)
   def test_language_preference(self):
@@ -1112,9 +1177,15 @@ def test_edit_user_xss(self):
     if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-      assert_true(b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Hacked&#39;)&lt;/script&gt; is not one of the available choices.' in response.content)
+      assert_true(
+        b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Hacked&#39;)&lt;/script&gt; '\
+        b'is not one of the available choices.' in response.content
+      )
-      assert_true(b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;Hacked&#x27;)&lt;/script&gt; is not one of the available choices.' in response.content)
+      assert_true(
+        b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;Hacked&#x27;)&lt;/script&gt; '\
+        b'is not one of the available choices.' in response.content
+      )
     # Hue 4 Admin
     response = edit_user.post('/useradmin/users/edit/admin', dict(
@@ -1137,9 +1208,15 @@ def test_edit_user_xss(self):
     if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
-      assert_true(b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Hacked&#39;)&lt;/script&gt; is not one of the available choices.' in response.content)
+      assert_true(
+        b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;Hacked&#39;)&lt;/script&gt; '\
+        b'is not one of the available choices.' in response.content
+      )
-      assert_true(b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;Hacked&#x27;)&lt;/script&gt; is not one of the available choices.' in response.content)
+      assert_true(
+        b'Select a valid choice. en-us&gt;&lt;script&gt;alert(&#x27;Hacked&#x27;)&lt;/script&gt; '\
+        b'is not one of the available choices.' in response.content
+      )
     # Hue 4, User with access to useradmin app
     response = edit_user.post('/useradmin/users/edit/edit_user', dict(
@@ -1191,7 +1268,10 @@ def test_ensure_home_directory(self):
       response = c.post('/useradmin/users/new', dict(username="test2", password1='test', password2='test'))
-      response = c.post('/useradmin/users/edit/%s' % "test2", dict(username="test2", password1='test', password2='test', password_old="test", ensure_home_directory=True))
+      response = c.post(
+        '/useradmin/users/edit/%s' % "test2",
+        dict(username="test2", password1='test', password2='test', password_old="test", ensure_home_directory=True)
+      )
       dir_stat = cluster.fs.stats('/user/test2')
       assert_equal('test2', dir_stat.user)
@@ -1219,7 +1299,9 @@ def test_ensure_home_directory(self):
       if cluster.fs.exists('/user/test3'):
         cluster.fs.do_as_superuser(cluster.fs.rmtree, '/user/test3')
-      response = c.post('/useradmin/users/new', dict(username="test3@ad.sec.cloudera.com", password1='test', password2='test', ensure_home_directory=True))
+      response = c.post(
+        '/useradmin/users/new', dict(username="test3@ad.sec.cloudera.com", password1='test', password2='test', ensure_home_directory=True)
+      )