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File metadata and controls

130 lines (80 loc) · 4.23 KB

Onboarding (Self-service)

To begin, clone this repository:

git clone

cd imx-examples

Copy environment file

cp .env.example .env

Set the onboarding private key in .env. Your private key will be used to create a signed payload only and will not be sent to our backend services.


Install dependencies

npm install

0. Register with your email for the Immutable Developer Hub

Register with your email address at the Immutable Developer Hub to get access to customized documentation in the hub as well as the ability to create projects on Immutable via the Public API or the CLI in this repo.

You must first have a project in order to create collections that you can mint assets from on Immutable (L2).

1. Register as a user with Immutable X

We provide an authentication service to protect your administrative level assets from being accessed or updated by someone else. This is done using a simliar technique as described here.

In order to use services like creating a project or collection, you will first need to register as an Immutable X user. This is done by setting up an account using the private key from the wallet account you would like to specify as the owner of the project.

Run the following script:

Requires environment variables OWNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY to be set.

npm run onboarding:user-registration

2. Create project

Update the values in file 2-create-project.ts with the values of the project you want to create.

  • name - The name of the project
  • company_name - The name of the company
  • contact_email - Your associated company email

Once updated, run the following script to create your project:

Requires environment variables OWNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY to be set.

npm run onboarding:create-project

On completion, the script will log the ID of the created project. Save this ID for use in the next step.

3. Add a collection

A collection refers to a smart contract you have deployed. Minted assets belong to a collection. In order to mint assets on L2 you must first register your collection (smart contract) with Immutable X.

Add the collection contract address to the environment variable COLLECTION_CONTRACT_ADDRESS.

Set COLLECTION_PROJECT_ID to the project ID you created with create-project step

Once updated, run the following script to create your collection:


npm run onboarding:create-collection

If you see a replacement transaction underpriced error message when trying to run create-collection please try again in 5 minutes.

4. Add metadata schema to your collection

Update the values in file 4-add-metadata-schema.ts with the values of the metadata you want to define.

Once updated, run the following script to create your collection:

Requires environment variables OWNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY and COLLECTION_CONTRACT_ADDRESS to be set.

npm run onboarding:add-metadata-schema

5. Bulk user registration

Create you own Gorli Infura API Key for L1 to create the test wallets

Pass you key into your .env file under process.env.INFURA_URL_GOERLI

Update your total wallet count on line 13 ./src/onboarding/5-bulk-user-registration.ts

for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++)
npm run onboarding:bulk-user-registration

Running this script will save your wallet amount to a csv file named wallets.csv including the index, wallet address and private key.

6. Bulk token transfer

Make sure you have all your variables in your .env file updated locally.

process.env.OWNER_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY is the key to the wallet you would like to transfer funds from to all wallets.

Update line 26 with your chosen amount of ETH

const withdrawAmount = '1000000000000000';

Update line 68 with the number of wallet address pulled from the wallets.csv file to be funded.

const transfers = results.slice(0, 2).map