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Capture The Flag (CTF) Game Mode


This directory contains the source code and resources for implementing a CTF game mode in your game project.

Whether you're building a multiplayer game, experimenting with game mechanics, or enhancing an existing project, this CTF game mode provides a starting point to get you started.

Server/Client Logic

  • ctf_client.lua: Handles flag logic and team selection.
  • ctf_rendering.lua: Handles drawing on the client.
  • ctf_server.lua: Handles most of the CTF logic (this involves capturing, dropping and taking the flag).
  • ctf_shared.lua: Has some structs (and lua tables) and a single function that is shared by the server and the client. Documentation about the shared_script directive can be found here.

Multiple classes are present

For the server logic, team and flag objects 'classes' are used, Lua supports such in the form of metatables under chapter 16.1.

Classes used in this game-mode are detailed down below:

  • CTFGame: The main class that simply holds a CTFGame:Update method, its constructor (to initialize flags and teams) and a CTFGame:shutDown method that is used to 'dispose' of any flag or team instances once onResourceStop gets called.
  • Flag: Used for each Flag instance, each Flag can have different states and they're tied to a team.
  • Team: An instance of Team stores the base position and each team color, teams (referred by CTFGame as self.teams) are Blue, Red and Spectator (where Spectator is simply a placeholder at the moment).


This game mode utilizes the following FiveM features:

  • State Bags: To keep track of any entity states between client and server.

Small Todos

  • Put the bases farther away from each other, mainly close for testing.