layout | permalink | root |
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{:auto_ids} package-OPT : As of 3Mar20 version of LAMMPS, the following list of functionalities are available with the OPT package
| Pair styles |
| :---------------: |
|eam_alloy |
|eam_fs |
|eam |
|lj_cut_coul_long |
|lj_cut |
|lj_cut_tip4p_long |
|lj_long_coul_long |
|morse |
|ufm |
package-USER-INTEL : As of 3Mar20 version of LAMMPS, the following list of functionalities are available with the USER-INTEL package
| Pair styles | Bond styles | Angle styles | Improper styles | Dihedral styles | Fix styles | K-space styles | Integrator styles |
| :------------------ | :---------- | :----------- | :-------------- | :-------------- | :--------- | :------------- | :---------------- |
|airebo | fene | charmm | cvff | charmm | nve | pppm | verlet_lrt |
|airebo_morse | harmonic | harmonic | harmonic | fourier | nvt | pppm_disp | |
|buck_coul_cut | | | | harmonic | npt | | |
|buck_coul_long | | | | opls | nh | | |
|buck | | | | | nve_asphere| | |
|dpd | | | | | nvt_sllod | | |
|eam_alloy | | | | | | | |
|eam_fs | | | | | | | |
|eam | | | | | | | |
|gayberne | | | | | | | |
|lj_charmm_coul_charmm| | | | | | | |
|lj_charmm_coul_long | | | | | | | |
|lj_cut_coul_long | | | | | | | |
|lj_cut | | | | | | | |
|lj_long_coul_long | | | | | | | |
|rebo | | | | | | | |
|sw | | | | | | | |
|tersoff | | | | | | | |
package-USER-OMP : As of 3Mar20 version of LAMMPS, the following list of functionalities are available with the USER-OMP package
| Pair styles | | | | | |
| :------------------ | :-------------------- | :---------------------------- | :--------------------- | :------------------- | :---------------------- |
|adp |agni |airebo_morse |airbo |beck |born_coul_long |
|born_coul_msm |born_coul_wolf |born |brownian |brownian_poly |buck_coul_cut |
|buck_coul_long |buck_coul_msm |buck_long_coul_long |buck |colloid |comb |
|coul_cut |coul_cut_soft |coul_debye |coul_diel |coul_dsf |coul_long |
|coul_long_soft |coul_msm |coul_wolf |dpd |dpd_tstat |eam_alloy |
|eam_cd |eam_fs |eam |edip |eim |gauss_cut |
|gauss |gayberne |gran_hertz_history |gran_hooke_history |gran_hooke |hbond_dreiding_lj |
|hbond_dreiding_morse |lj96_cut |lj_charmm_coul_charmm_implicit |lj_charmm_coul_charmm |lj_charmm_coul_long |lj_charmm_coul_long_soft |
|lj_charmm_coul_msm |lj_class2_coul_cut |lj_class2_coul_long |lj_class2 |lj_cubic |lj_cut_coul_cut |
|lj_cut_coul_cut_soft |lj_cut_coul_debye |lj_cut_coul_dsf |lj_cut_coul_long |lj_cut_coul_long_soft |lj_cut_coul_msm |
|lj_cut_coul_wolf |lj_cut_dipole_cut |lj_cut |lj_cut_soft |lj_cut_thole_long |lj_cut_tip4p_cut |
|lj_cut_tip4p_long |lj_cut_tip4p_long_soft |lj_expand |lj_gromacs_coul_gromacs |lj_gromacs |lj_long_coul_long |
|lj_long_tip4p_long |lj_sdk_coul_long |lj_sdk_coul_msm |lj_sdk |lj_sf_dipole_sf |lj_smooth_linear |
|lj_smooth_linear |lj_smooth |lubricate |lubricate_poly |meam_spline |morse |
|morse_smooth_linear |nm_cut_coul_cut |nm_cut_coul_long |nm_cut |peri_lps |peri_pmb |
|reaxc |rebo |resquared |soft |sw |table |
|tersoff_mod_c |tersoff_mod |tersoff |tersoff_table |tersoff_zbl |tip4p_cut |
|tip4p_long |tip4p_long_soft |umf |vashishta |vashishta_table |yukawa_colloid |
|yukawa |zbl | | | | |
| Bond styles | Angle styles | Improper styles | Dihedral styles | Fix styles | | K-space styles |
| :----------------- | :--------------- | :-------------- | :--------------- | :------------ | :---------- |:--------------- |
| class2 | charmm | class2 | charmm | gravity | nvt_sllod | pppm_cg |
| fene_expand | class2 | cossq | class2 | neigh_history | nvt_sphere | pppm_disp |
| fene | cosine_delta | cvff | cosine_shift_exp | nh_asphere | peri_neigh | pppm_disp_tip4p |
| gromos | cosine | fourier | fourier | nh | qeq_comb | pppm |
| harmonic | cosine_periodic | harmonic | harmonic | nh_sphere | qeq_reax | pppm_tip4p |
| harmonic_shift_cut | cosine_shift_exp | ring | helix | nph_asphere | rigid_nh | |
| harmonic_shift | cosine_shift | umbrella | multi_harmonic | nph | rigid_nph | |
| morse | cosine_squared | | nharmonic | nph_sphere | rigid_npt | |
| nonlinear | dipole | | opls | npt_asphere | rigid_nve | |
| quartic | fourier | | quadratic | npt | rigid_nvt | |
| table | fourier_simple | | table | npt_sphere | rigid | |
| | harmonic | | | nve | rigid_small | |
| | quartic | | | nve_sphere | | |
| | sdk | | | nvt_asphere | | |
| | table | | | nvt | | |
package-GPU : As of 3Mar20 version of LAMMPS, the following list of functionalities are available with the GPU package
| | | Pair styles | | | K-space style |
| :----------------- | :------------------ | :--------------- | :------------------ | :----------------- | :------------ |
| beck | born_coul_long_cs |born_coul_long | born_coul_wolf_cs |born_coul_wolf | pppm |
| born | buck_coul_cut |buck_coul_long | buck |colloid | |
| coul_cut | coul_debye |coul_dsf | coul_long_cs |coul_long | |
| dpd | dpd_tstat |eam_alloy | eam_fs |eam | |
| gauss | gayberne |lj96_cut | lj_charmm_coul_long |lj_class2_coul_long | |
| lj_class2 | lj_cubic |lj_cut_coul_cut | lj_cut_coul_deby |lj_cut_coul_dsf | |
| lj_cut_coul_long | lj_cut_coul_msm |lj_cut_dipole_cut | lj_cut_dipole_long |lj_cut | |
| lj_cut_tip4p_long | lj_expand_coul_long |lj_expand | lj_gromacs |lj_sdk_coul_long | |
| lj_sdk | lj_sf_dipole_sf |mie_cut | morse |resquared | |
| soft | sw |table | tersoff |tersoff_mod | |
| tersoff_zbl | ufm |vashishta | yukawa_colloid |yukawa | |
| zbl | | | | | |
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