is where the snippet begins and $0
is where the snippet ends.
// CommonJS
const $0 = require('$1'); // req
module.exports = $0; // mex
// ES6 Modules
import $0 from '$1'; // imp
import '$0'; // imn
import { $0 } from '$1'; // imd
import * as $1 from '$0'; // ime
import { $2 as $0 } from '$1'; // ima
export // ex
export default $0; // exp
export function $1() {$0} // exf
export function $1($0) {} // exfn
export { $0 } from '$1' // exd
export { $2 as $0 } from '$1'; // exa
// Console
console.log() // cl
console.log("$1", $1) // clo
console.dir($0) // cdir
console.error($0) // cerr
// DOM
addEventListener('$1', $0) // ae
querySelector('$0') // qs
querySelectorAll('$0'); // qsa
appendChild($0); // ac
removeChild($0); // rc
createElement($0); // ce
createTextNode($0); // ctn
createDocumentFragment(); // cdf
classList.add($0); // ca
classList.toggle($0); // ct
classList.remove($0); // cr
getElementById($0); // gi
getElementsByClassName($0); // gc
getElementsByTagName($0); // gt
getAttribute($0); // ga
setAttribute($0); // sa
removeAttribute($0); // ra
querySelector('$1').addEventListener('$2', $0) // qsae
forEach(($1) => { $0 }) // fe
for (const $1 of $2) { $0 } // fof
for (const $1 in $2) { $0 } // fin
function $1() {$0} // fn
function $1($2) {$0} // fnn
const $1 = ($2) => $0 // afn
const $1 = ($2) => {$0} // afnn
const { $0 } = $1 // dob
const [$0] = $1 // dar
(($1) => { $0 })(); // iife
// cla1, cla2, cla3 (for 1, 2 or 3 properties)
class $1 {
constructor($2) {
this.$2 = $2;
// clex
class ${1:className} extends ${2:parentClass} {
constructor($0) {
constructor($0) {} // con
constructor($1) {$0} // conn
prototype.$1 = $0 // proto
$1 ($2) { $0 } // meth
get $1 () {return this.${0}} // pget
set $1 (${2:value}) {${0}} // pset
setInterval(() => { $0 }, $1); // sti
setTimeout(() => { $0 }, $1); // sto
JSON.stringify($0); // jstringify
JSON.parse($0); // jparse
new Promise((resolve, reject) => { $0 }); // prom
/** */ // jsdoc, tsdoc
This ES6 JS extension on github (also ES6 JS extension on the vscode marketplace) is a snippets pack largely inspired by other extensions but with a few of my own twists and added snippets. I use the vim extension so a lot of my snippets are likely biased towards vim users (I use "o"/"O" & "j"/"k" to jump around).
- You use each snippet by typing out the snippet name (i.e.
) and then hitting TAB on your keyboard. - The file extension must be in one of the supported file types for these snippets to work.
- Some snippets have multiple steps you can cycle through by repeating TAB.
- TAB moves you forward one step
- CTRL + TAB moves you back one step
- CTRL/COMMAND + SPACE will show you your autocomplete menu (brings up snippets)
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- JavaScript React (.jsx)
- TypeScript React (.tsx)
- Html (.html)
- Vue (.vue) (Vetur extension required)