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#Kickstart your code!
Hackathons are fun. Choosing an OAuth library, icons, PaaS, and front-end framework is not. With HackStart, you don't have to start from scratch. Each of these tools is built by hackers for hackers. Our team has used them to bootstrap personal projects, so we know you'll build something amazing.
Send us a pull request with your suggestions and happy hacking!
- rails_template A skeleton app with authentication, database, background jobs etc.
- RailsBricks Generate a custom skeleton app quickly
- Hackathon Starter A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
- OpenShift Quickstarts Quickstart templates for many different languages and tech stacks
- PhoneGap, Cordova, and MacGap Create cross platform apps with JavaScript
- Angular Kickstart A Gulp / Sass / Bower project to get you going fast
- Pencil Project An open-source GUI prototyping tool available for all platforms
- Quick and simple image placeholders
- Yahoo Design Pattern Library
###Colors, textures
- COLOURlovers Color palettes
- Subtle Patterns Nice background textures
- Transparent Textures
- Symbolset Change words into icons
- Font Awesome Icon font
- Beautiful Web Type The best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory
- Fonts In Use Helps you determine what fonts are in use in cool designs
###Stock photos
- Photos and graphics
- Stock photos that don’t suck
- The Stocks High-quality royalty free stock photos
###Ruby on Rails
- ActiveAdmin The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications
- Flask microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2, and good intentions
###JavaScript libraries
- jQuery Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library
- Underscore.js Provides a whole mess of useful functional programming helpers
- D3.js Library for manipulating documents based on data
- Google Hosted Libraries (Angular, jQuery, etc.)
- Twilio SMS & voice telecom & TwiMLBin to host yoru TwiML scripts
- Firebase JSON-based realtime datastore
- Make HTTP requests to test APIs easily
- Custom analytics in the cloud
- Heroku
- OpenShift
- ngrok Securely expose a local web server to the internet (great for testing webooks!)
- srvdir Make any directory a secure public file server
###Screenshots / Screencasts
- CloudApp Screenshots
- Monosnap Screenshots and screencasts
- Tapes Screencasts (Mac only)
- LICEcap Gif screencasts
- Recordit Video and gif screencasts (Mac only)
- Placeit Generate product screenshots in realistic environments
- Clipping Magic Remove image backgrounds
- Umbrella Instant setup & responsive landing page for iOS apps
- Hackathon-Resources Even more great resources for organizers / participants