diff --git a/Fine Arts (MFA) Program/Administrative document.ftl b/Fine Arts (MFA) Program/Administrative document.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9509935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Fine Arts (MFA) Program/Administrative document.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+change these variables depending upon collection
+<#-- the UUID for the divisional Power Search, this one is Fine Arts -->
+<#assign powerSearch = 'Pc121f09c-8ea9-4bc9-90bf-8467c37a4ec4'>
+<#-- UUID for specific collection, begins with C -->
+<#assign collectionID = 'C84bd8427-7baa-4418-b003-da3e58476684'>
+<#assign courseWorkType = xml.get('local/courseWorkWrapper/courseWorkType')>
+<#if courseWorkType == "Administrative document" || courseWorkType == "Program Portfolio document">
+ <#assign courseWorkTypeSpecific = xml.get('local/courseWorkWrapper/courseWorkTypeSpecific')>
+ <#assign workType = xml.get('local/courseWorkWrapper/workType')>
+ <#assign courseWorkTypeUrl = "/access/searching.do?doc=%3Cxml%3E%3Clocal%3E%3CcourseWorkWrapper%3E%3CcourseWorkType%3E${courseWorkType}%3C%2FcourseWorkType%3E%3C%2FcourseWorkWrapper%3E%3C%2Flocal%3E%3C%2Fxml%3E&in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER">
+ <#assign dateCreated = xml.get('mods/origininfo/dateCreatedWrapper/dateCreated')>
+ <#assign title = xml.get('mods/titleInfo/title')>
+ <#if title != ''>${title}
+ - Collection
+ <#assign division = xml.get('local/division')>
+ <#assign divisionUrl = "/access/searching.do?in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER">
+ <#assign departmentUrl = '/access/searching.do?in=${collectionID}&sort=datemodified'>
+ -
+ ${division} | ${xml.get('local/department')}
+ <#if courseWorkTypeSpecific == 'Alumni successes'>
+ <#list xml.getAllSubtrees('mods/name') as name>
+ - Alumnus
+ <#assign namePart = name.get('namePart')>
+ <#assign namePartUrl = '/access/searching.do?doc=%3Cxml%3E%3Cmods%3E%3Cname%3E%3CnamePart%3E${namePart}%3C%2FnamePart%3E%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fmods%3E%3C%2Fxml%3E&in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER'>
+ - ${namePart}
+ <#list name.getAllSubtrees('subNameWrapper') as subName>
+ <#assign major = name.get('major')>
+ <#assign gradDate = subName.get('gradDate')>
+ <#assign majorUrl = "/access/searching.do?doc=%3Cxml%3E%3Cmods%3E%3Cname%3E%3CsubNameWrapper%3E%3Cmajor%3E${major}%3C%2Fmajor%3E%3C%2FsubNameWrapper%3E%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fmods%3E%3C%2Fxml%3E&in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER">
+ <#assign gradDateUrl = "/access/searching.do?doc=%3Cxml%3E%3Cmods%3E%3Cname%3E%3CsubNameWrapper%3E%3CgradDate%3E${gradDate}%3C%2FgradDate%3E%3C%2FsubNameWrapper%3E%3C%2Fname%3E%3C%2Fmods%3E%3C%2Fxml%3E&in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER">
+ <#if major != ""> — ${major}#if>
+ <#if gradDate != ""> — Graduated: ${gradDate}#if>
+ #list>
+ #list>
+ #if>
+ - Document Details
+ - Document Type: ${courseWorkType}
+ <#if courseWorkTypeSpecific != ''>
+ <#assign courseWorkTypeSpecificUrl = '/access/searching.do?doc=%3Cxml%3E%3Clocal%3E%3CcourseWorkWrapper%3E%3CcourseWorkTypeSpecific%3E${courseWorkTypeSpecific}%3C%2FcourseWorkTypeSpecific%3E%3C%2FcourseWorkWrapper%3E%3C%2Flocal%3E%3C%2Fxml%3E&in=${powerSearch}&q=&dr=AFTER'>
+ | ${courseWorkTypeSpecific}
+ #if>
+ <#if workType != '' && workType != 'undefined'>
+ <#assign workTypeUrl = ''>
+ | ${workType}
+ #if>
+ <#if dateCreated != "">
+ - Date created: ${dateCreated}
+ #if>
+ <#list xml.getAllSubtrees('item/attachments/attachment') as attachment>
+ <#if attachment.get('@type') == 'remote'>
+ <#assign url = attachment.get('file')>
+ -
+ Link: ${url}
+ #if>
+ #list>
+ <#assign accreditation = xml.get('local/accreditation')>
+ <#if accreditation != ''>
+ - Flagged for ${accreditation}
+ #if>
+ <#assign abstract = xml.get('mods/abstract')>
+ <#if abstract != "">
+ - Description: ${abstract}
+ #if>
+ <#-- print Bio/CV up above rest of attachments to highlight it -->
+ <#list xml.getAllSubtrees('item/attachments/attachment') as attachment>
+ <#assign file = attachment.get('file')>
+ <#if file?ends_with('.pdf') && workType == 'Faculty bios'>
+ <#assign uuid = attachment.get('uuid')>
+ <#assign itemUuid = xml.get('item/@id')>
+ <#assign itemVersion = xml.get('item/@version')>
+ -
+ Bio/CV document (PDF)
+ #if>
+ #list>