#JAK - TIP - input RING output
CLEAR - 20hz BOOST vocal drums ec
DONT DO!!! on stereo
This user guide is intended for anyone wanting to register, configure, and update ENS names using a Javascript console and web3.js. Before starting, open up a geth console, download ensutils.js or ensutils-ropsten.js to your local machine, and import it into a running Ethereum console:
The public ENS deployment on Ropsten uses a first-in-first served registrar for the '.test' top level domain. Domains on this TLD are configured to expire, allowing anyone else to claim them, 28 days after registration.
ensutils.js defines an object testRegistrar, for interacting with the registrar for the .test TLD. If you want to interact with a different first-in-first-served registrar, you can instantiate it with:
var myRegistrar = fifsRegistrarContract.at(address);
Before registering, check that nobody owns the name you want to register:
new Date(testRegistrar.expiryTimes(web3.sha3('myname')).toNumber() * 1000)
If this line returns a date earlier than the current date, the name is available and you're good to go.
The FIFS registrar's interface is extremely simple, and exposes a method called register that you can call with the (hashed) name you want to register and the address you want to own the name. To register a name, simply call that method to send a registration transaction:
testRegistrar.register(web3.sha3('myname'), eth.accounts[0], {from: eth.accounts[0]});
Once this transaction is mined, assuming the name was not already assigned, it will be assigned to you, and you can proceed to :ref:`interacting`.
Hashes are used for two main reasons. First, to prevent trivial enumeration of the entire set of domains, which helps preserve privacy of names (for instance, so you can register the domain for your startup before you publicly launch). Second, because hashes provide a fixed length identifier that can easily be passed around between contracts with fixed overhead and no issues around passing around variable-length strings.
This is something that the community will have to decide as part of the standardisation process for the permanent registrar. A few possible principles to consider include:
- Accessibility: Registering a new name should be as easy and straightforward as possible.
- Correct valuation: registering a known or popular name should be costly and intentional, not a matter of luck
- Fairness: The system should not unduly favor people who happen to be in the right place at the right time.
- Stability: Names should only be reallocated with the express will of the owner or according to objective rules that will be discussed and set with the whole community.
- Principle of least surprise: Wherever possible, names should resolve to the resource most users would expect it to resolve to.
This is the most important aspect to be decided on the Permanent registrar and the one we want more open debate. At minimum we want the owner of a name to have to execute some periodical transaction, just to prove that name hasn’t been abandoned or keys have been lost. This transaction would probably also require additional ether to be locked or burned. The method to which that amount is calculated is yet to be determined but would probably be dependent on some (but not necessarily all) of these factors:
- The amount of ethers the domain was bought for originally
- The average cost of a domain back when it was first bought
- The average cost of a domain at the moment of renewal
- The current market value of the domain (to be calculated with some auction method)
- Other factors to be discussed
Just like the current model, this “fee” would not go to the Ethereum Foundation or any third party, but be locked or burned. Ideally, this financial (opportunity and liquidity) cost will make name squatting unprofitable – or at least make the name reselling market a dynamic and competitive one, focused on quick turnout and not on holding names long term for as much money as possible.
Another very possible option creating some sort of dispute resolution process for names, to ensure the “principle of least surprise” but this is a controversial idea and there are no clear ideas on how this process could be achieved in a fair way without risks of centralization and abuse of power.
Before placing a bid, you need to check if the name is available. Run this code to check:
If the returned value is 0, the name is available, and not currently up for auction. If the returned value is 1, the name is currently up for auction. If the returned value is 5, that means that the 'soft launch' is in effect, and your name isn't yet available; you can check when it will be available for auction with:
new Date(ethRegistrar.getAllowedTime(web3.sha3('name')) * 1000);
Any other value from entries indicates the name is not available.
To start an auction for a name that's not already up for auction, call startAuction:
ethRegistrar.startAuction(web3.sha3('name'), {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 100000});
You can also start auctions for several names simultaneously, to disguise which name you're actually interested in registering:
ethRegistrar.startAuctions([web3.sha3('decoy1'), web3.sha3('name'), web3.sha3('decoy2')], {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 1000000});
Auctions normally run for 5 days: 3 days of bidding and 2 days of reveal phase. When initially deployed, there's a "soft start" phase during which names are released for bidding gradually; this soft start lasts 4 weeks on ropsten, and 13 weeks on mainnet.
When a name is under auction, you can check the end time of the auction as follows:
new Date(ethRegistrar.entries(web3.sha3('name'))[2].toNumber() * 1000)
Bids can be placed at any time during an auction except in the last 48 hours (the 'reveal period'). Before trying to place a bid, make sure an auction is currently underway, as described above, and has more than 48 hours left to run.
To bid on an open auction, you need several pieces of data:
- The name you want to register
- The account you want to register the name under
- The maximum amount you're willing to pay for the name
- A random 'salt' value
In addition, you need to decide how much Ether you want to deposit with the bid. This must be at least as much as the value of your bid, but can be more, in order to disguise the true value of the bid.
First, start by generating a secret value. An easy way to do this is to use random.org. Store this value somewhere secure - if you lose it, you lose your deposit, and your chance at winning the auction!
Now, you can generate your 'sealed' bid, with the following code:
var bid = ethRegistrar.shaBid(web3.sha3('name'), eth.accounts[0], web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), web3.sha3('secret'));
The arguments are, in order, the name you want to register, the account you want to register it under, your maximum bid, and the secret value you generated earlier. Note that the account must be one you're able to send transactions from - you'll be required to do so in the reveal step.
Next, submit your bid to the registrar:
ethRegistrar.newBid(bid, {from: eth.accounts[0], value: web3.toWei(2, 'ether'), gas: 500000});
In the example above, we're sending 2 ether, even though our maximum bid is 1 ether; this is to disguise the true value of our bid. When we reveal our bid later, we will get the extra 1 ether back; the most we can pay for the name is 1 ether, as we specified when generating the bid.
Now it's a matter of waiting until the reveal period before revealing your bid. Run the command to check the expiration date of the auction again, and make sure to come back in the final 48 hours of the auction:
new Date(ethRegistrar.entries(web3.sha3('name'))[2].toNumber() * 1000)
In order to win an auction, you must 'reveal' your bid. This can be done at any time after you place your bid, but it's recommended you don't do so until the last 48 hours, at which point new bids are prohibited. If you don't reveal your bid by the time the auction ends, your deposit is forfeit - so make sure you store your salt in a safe place, and come back before the auction ends in order to reveal your bid.
To reveal, call the unsealBid function with the same values you provided earlier:
ethRegistrar.unsealBid(web3.sha3('name'), web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), web3.sha3('secret'), {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 500000});
The arguments to unsealBid have the same order and meaning as those to shaBid, described in the bidding step, except that you don't need to supply the account - it's derived from your sending address.
After revealing your bid, the auction will be updated. If your bid is less than a previously revealed bid, you will be refunded the whole amount of your bid. If your bid is the largest revealed so far, you will be set as the current leading bidder, and the difference between the actual amount of your bid and the amount you sent will be refunded immediately. If you are later outbid, your bid will be sent back to you at that point.
At any time, you can check the current winning bidder with:
and the value of the current winning bid with
web3.fromWei(ethRegistrar.entries(web3.sha3('name'))[3], 'ether');
Once the auction has completed, it must be finalized in order for the name to be assigned to the winning bidder. Any user can perform this step; to do it yourself, call the finalizeAuction function like so:
ethRegistrar.finalizeAuction(web3.sha3('name'), {from: eth.accounts[0], gas: 500000});
Once called, the winning bidder will be refunded the difference between their bid and the next highest bidder. If you're the only bidder, you get back all but 0.1 eth of your bid. The winner is then assigned the name in ENS.
If you are the winning bidder, congratulations!
The ENS registry forms the central component of ENS, mapping from hashed names to resolvers, as well as the owners of the names and their TTL (caching time-to-live).
Before you can make any changes to the ENS registry, you need to control an account that has ownership of a name in ENS. To obtain an ENS name on the Ropsten testnet, see :ref:`auctions` for '.eth', or :ref:`fifs` for '.test'. Names on '.test' are temporary, and can be claimed by someone else 28 days later.
Alternately, you can obtain a subdomain from someone else who owns a domain. Note that while anyone can deploy their own ENS registry, those names will only be resolvable by users who reference that registry in their code.
You can retrieve the address of a name's owner using the owner function:
> ens.owner(namehash('somename.eth')); "0xa303ddc620aa7d1390baccc8a495508b183fab59"
You can retrieve the address of a name's resolver using the resolver function:
> ens.resolver(namehash('somename.eth')); "0xc68de5b43c3d980b0c110a77a5f78d3c4c4d63b4"
You can set the resolver contract for a name using setResolver:
> ens.setResolver(namehash('somename.eth'), resolverAddress, {from: eth.accounts[0]});
A resolver is any contract that implements the resolver interface implemented in EIP137. You can deploy your own resolver, or you can use a publicly available one; on the mainnet, a simple resolver that supports 'address' records and is usable by anyone is available; ensutils.js exposes it as publicResolver. To use it, first set it as the resolver for your name:
ens.setResolver(namehash('somename.eth'), publicResolver.address, {from: eth.accounts[0]});
Then, call the resolver's setAddr method to set the address the name resolves to:
publicResolver.setAddr(namehash('somename.eth'), eth.accounts[0], {from: eth.accounts[0]})
The above example configures 'somename.eth' to resolve to the address of your primary account.
You can transfer ownership of a name you control to someone else using setOwner:
> ens.setOwner(namehash('somename.eth'), newOwner, {from: eth.accounts[0]});
You can assign ownership of subdomains of any name you own with the setSubnodeOwner function. For instance, to create a subdomain 'foo.somename.eth' and set yourself as the owner:
> ens.setSubnodeOwner(namehash('somename.eth'), web3.sha3('foo'), eth.accounts[0], {from: eth.accounts[0]});
Or, to assign someone else as the owner:
> ens.setSubnodeOwner(namehash('somename.eth'), web3.sha3('foo'), someAccount, {from: eth.accounts[0]});
Note the use of web3.sha3() instead of namehash() when specifying the subdomain being allocated.
The owner of a name can reassign ownership of subdomains at any time, even if they're owned by someone else.
Now you're ready to resolve your newly created name. For details how, read :ref:`resolving`.
An NPM module, ethereum-ens, is available to facilitate interacting with the ENS from Javascript-based DApps.
The ENS registry interface provides a Solidity definition of the methods available for interacting with the ENS. Using this, and the address of the ENS registry, contracts can read and write the ENS registry directly.
A Solidity library to facilitate this will be available soon.
This page describes how ENS name resolution works at the contract level. For convenient use in DApps, an NPM package, ethereum-ens is available which abstracts away much of the detail and makes name resolution a straightforward process.
Get the node ID (namehash output) for the name you want to resolve:
var node = namehash('myname.eth');
Ask the ENS registry for the resolver responsible for that node:
var resolverAddress = ens.resolver(node);
Create an instance of a resolver contract at that address:
var resolver = resolverContract.at(resolverAddress);
Finally, ask the resolver what the address is:
This statement is equivalent to all of the above:
For convenience, ensutils.js provides a function, getAddr that does all of this for you with the default ENS registry:
ENS also supports reverse resolution of Ethereum addresses. This allows an account (contract or external) to associate metadata with itself, such as its canonical name.
Reverse records are in the format <ethereum address>.addr.reverse - for instance, the official registry would have its reverse records at 314159265dd8dbb310642f98f50c066173c1259b.addr.reverse.
addr.reverse has a registrar with a claim function, which permits any account to take ownership of its reverse record in ENS. The claim function takes one argument, the Ethereum address that should own the reverse record.
This permits a very simple pattern for contracts that wish to delegate control of their reverse record to their creator; they simply need to add this function call to their constructor:
Call the claim function on the reverseRegistry object:
reverseRegistry.claim(eth.accounts[0], {from: eth.accounts[0]});
After that transaction is mined, the appropriate reverse record is now owned by your account, and, you can deploy a resolver and set records on it; see :ref:`interacting` for details.