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About me |
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a very short bio |
At the present time, I am adjunct professor of Behavioural Economics and post-doc for the EU project ISEED at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. Since 2020, I also contribute to the research effort of the project MUHAI at Venice International University.
I consider myself a digital social scientist and my research approach is interdisciplinary, and data driven. I have a great passion for epistemology, information theory and social psychology.
My field is that of web data retrieval and modelling, with a focus on uncertainty, beliefs about risks, and causal arguments dynamics.
Over the past few years, I have developed multiple tools to analyse the online propagation of citizens’ opinions, the perception and social amplification of risk(s), and the diffusion of collective uncertainties. I have an extensive expertise on subjects and methods related to digital social sciences, information retrieval, network sciences, computational linguistics, and artificial intelligence.
Through research activity, I contribute to the development of information extraction and statistical modelling techniques for textual data and count time series, as well as other digital methods and intelligent interfaces.
I use these tools to collect, process, and analyse large amounts of textual data from online social media and other web sources. For example, during my PhD I downloaded and analysed a corpus of millions of posts about citizens’ uncertainties from Twitter. This, to study the dynamics of uncertainty communication on social media and its relation to social, political and market phenomena.
In 2017, I have been a visiting researcher at the Media Studies Department and the Digital Methods Initiative of the University of Amsterdam, where I also contributed as analyst for "A Field Guide to Fake News and Other Information Disorders”.
In 2019, collaborated to the design and development of Penelope opinion observatories at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Vrije Universiteit of Brussel, and later that year I conceived and set up the computational infrastructure for the ODYCCEUS Summer School, titled “AI in the Age of Big Data”.
More recently, together with Matteo Iacopini and Michele Costola, I worked on the analysis of the effects on markets of public concern and risk perception using social media and search engine data.
During the last year, I also contributed to the development of the AquaGranda digital community memory: a citizen science project that aims to construct a “walkable” digital archive using textual data collected from a variety of sources, ranging from webchats to online newspapers and social media. Besides contributing to the construction of this archive, I have been one of the data-scientists and artists that have transformed the contents of the digital community memory in a public (web) art exhibition.
As a researcher for the MUHAI project, I am working on the use of ontologies and knowledge graphs for the understanding and contextualization of textual data about social inequality collected from web sources. As a post-doc for ISEED, I am currently developing an argument extractor to analyse online public deliberation processes on science related issues.
- Costola, M., Iacopini, M. and Santagiustina, C.R.M.A. (2021). "On the “mementum” of Meme Stocks". Economics Letters (forthcoming). WP available at SSRN:3861779. Link to WP:
- Iacopini, M. and Santagiustina, C.R.M.A. (2021)."Filtering the intensity of public concern from social media count data with jumps". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (in production). DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12704. Link to WP:
- Costola, M., Iacopini, M. and Santagiustina, C.R.M.A. (2020)."Google search volumes and the financial markets during the COVID-19 outbreak". Finance Research Letters (in press). DOI: 10.1016/ Link:
- Santagiustina, C. and Warglien, M. (2021). "The Unfolding Structure of Arguments in Online Debates: The case of a No-Deal Brexit". Available at arXiv:2103.16387. Link:
- Santagiustina,C., and Iacopini, M.(2020)."Visualizing and comparing distributions with half-disk density strips". Available at SSRN:3636697. Link: Code:
- (contribution to Ch. 4 and Ch.5) Steels, L. and Sartoris, C. (2021), "Aqua Granda. A digital community memory", Science Gallery Venice, Venezia. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4739305. Link:
- (contribution to Ch. 5) Bounegru, L. , Gray, J., Venturini, T., Mauri, M. (2018). "A Field Guide to Fake News and Other Information Disorders: A Collection of Recipes for Those Who Love to Cook with Digital Methods". Public Data Lab, Amsterdam. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3097666. Link:
- Santagiustina, C. R. M. A. (2018). "Talking About Uncertainty". Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23736.80647. Link:
- Santagiustina, C. R. M. A. (2014). "The Influencers". Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3017.6965, Link: