Slides at
- Rails REST is not rest
- Writing book on using lean idea ** Put up sign up page see if there was a response
- You can't change people's mind by telling them they are wrong
- Nobody knows what REST so let's invent a new buzz word "Hypermedia"
- Beyond just regular text
- Hypermedia APIs text documents with links to other parts of API
- Decoupled
- Salable
- Logevity
- Independent evolution
- Latency
- Not as efficient because it's text not binary
- Use http properly
- Use hypermedia to guide clients through business process
- Make short term decisions for that hurt us in the long run
- Web is the biggest information store that mankind has been
- Evaluate Business Process
- Create State Machine
- dot language
- Eveluate Media Type needs
- build a format on top of JSON (Collection + JSON, HAL are the popular ones)
- Create Media Types
- data elements
- how does it link
- Implement
- Future book:
- JumpStart Lab Tutorials:
- Do some learning of state machines and how that affects app/API design
- Openstruct for storing config parameters