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real proverbs

Ivanka Trump, the elder daughter of President Trump, celebrated her father’s landmark meeting with the leader of North Korea after decades of hostilities between the two countries by quoting what she called a Chinese proverb. “Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it,” Ms. Trump posted Monday on Twitter hours before Mr. Trump’s face-to-face meeting with Kim Jong-un in Singapore...The saying, it turned out, was not Chinese.

This section will highlight real proverbs that aptly describe daily headlines in this crazy world we currently live in.


Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon. He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do. I like Mike! -@realDonaldTrump, Aug 3, 2018

狗口里吐不出象牙 gou3 kou3 li3 tu4 bu4 chu1 xiang4 ya2
translation: can’t spit out an elephant tooth from a dog’s mouth
meaning: a bad person’s inability to say anything good


You don't have to agree with trump but the mob can't make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don't agree with everything anyone does. That's what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought. @kanyewest, Apr 25, 2018

猪朋狗友 translation: pig companions dog friends
meaning: disreputable peers


痴人说梦 translation: a fool talks dreams/nonsense
meaning: lunatic ravings

十二生肖成语 | idioms of the 12 animals of the zodiac

鼠 mouse 🐭 | 掘室求鼠 jué shì qiú shǔ

translation: destroys the house to catch the mouse
meaning: penny wise and pound foolish

牛 ox 🐮 | 对牛弹琴 duì niú tán qín

translation: playing music to a cow
meaning: ridiculing the speaker for not knowing the audience OR ridicule the listener for not knowing what's talked ab

虎 tiger 🐯 | 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 bú rù hǔ xué, yān dé hǔ zǐ

translation: how do you get the tiger cub w/o entering the tiger lair
meaning: have to take risks to get the reward

兔 rabbit 🐰 | 守株待兔 shou3 zhu1 dai4 tu4

translation: waiting for the rabbit where it lives/caught last
meaning: getting something w/o effort OR reliant on past experiences and inflexible ab trying something new

龙 dragon 🐲 | 来龙去脉  lai2 long2 qu4 mai4

translation: tracing the amountain range from start to finish
meaning: cause and effect of an event

蛇 snake 🐍 | 画蛇添足  hua4 she2 tian1 zu2

translation: adding feet to a drawing of a snake
meaning: doing something unnecessary

马 horse 🐴 | 马不停蹄 ma3 bu4 ting2 ti2

translation: unstopping horse
meaning: always going forward, busy, nonstop

羊 goat 🐑 羊毛出在羊身上 yang2 mao2 chu1 zai4 yang2 shen1 shang4

translation: sheepskin comes from the sheep
meaning: seemingly gaining something but had to pay a cost

猴 monkey 🐒 | 猴年马月 hou2 nian2 ma3 yue4

translation: year of the monkey month of the horse
meaning: unreachable date in the future

鸡 rooster 🐔 | 鸡飞蛋打  ji1 fei1 dan4 da3

translation: chickens flyies away and eggs are broken
meaning: loss on every side, left with nothing

狗 dog 🐶 | 狗口里吐不出象牙 gou3 kou3 li3 tu4 bu4 chu1 xiang4 ya2

translation: can't spit out an elephant tooth from a dog's mouth
meaning: bad person's inability to say anything good

猪 pig 🐷 | 猪朋狗友  zhu1 peng2 gou3 you3

translation: pig and dog friends
meaning: bad friends who are lazy and up to no good



  • 丰衣足食
  • 藏龙卧
  • 人怕出名猪怕壮