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Cannot get MSS110 (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46) to switch from Meross cloud to local MQTT server #88

lcwsoft opened this issue Jan 1, 2025 · 30 comments


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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

I am in the process of getting my MSS110 plugs to connect to my local MQTT server and removing them from the Meross cloud, with the goal of going fully localized. Your utility works fine with older versions of the plugs (hardware version 2 and firmware version 2.x), however I got 4 of a newer version (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46) that I cannot get to connect no matter what (using the same steps as you've documented).

To reproduce, I do the following under Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with npx installed via npm and NodeJS being managed via nvm (I tried several versions, including 22 and 23.5):

  1. Remove the plug from Meross cloud using the app
  2. Connect to its wifi ap
  3. Run meross info to get the MQTT user and password details so I can add the needed user to my MQTT server (running version 6 provided with HomeAssistant).
  4. Run Meross setup with my wifi ap details and MQTT server address, to no avail.

I ran both version 1.0.15 and the newest beta from npm, and in both cases, it seems that the requests fail with connection errors. I've attached my terminal output, with verbosity and only necessary redaction of sensitive details, to show what happens.

The Meross app has no issues setting up this plug, and your utility has no issue with older version MSS110 plugs that I have, so I'm guessing that newer versions of the device use different endpoints or require different requests to them - unfortunately that's a bit beyond my knowledge. However I will gladly try any suggestions that you may have or provide any details that you may need.

Please note that I did have to edit the shebang lines in your utilities, otherwise they would fail with "no such file" errors mentioning "nodejs --no-warnings"). Apparently that's a common issue and not specific to them.

I've attached a log of the terminal commands and output.
mss110 version 700 debug data.txt

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lechercheur123 commented Jan 1, 2025


Did you try the option --use-wifi-x when using meross-setup ? For my recent MSS310 plugs this is needed, but not for the older hardware revision.

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Also, are you sure you are using the latest version of meross ? I know your folder is named with the latest version, but some options seem to be missing.

Can you show us the output of meross-setup -V ?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

Tried --use-wifi-x but no change unfortunately.

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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

lawrence@lawrence-PC:/Downloads/meross-bak/Meross-1.0.15/bin$ ./meross-setup -V

I appreciate the thoroughness. I set up this Ubuntu install only a few days ago, and made sure I was using the latest version of meross-info/meross-setup from this repo. As you can see from the log I attached to my first message, I also tried the 2.0 beta to see if that worked.

So far, I've managed to get a bunch of older revision mss110 plugs to work fine - along with a variety of switches - it's just this newer one (and a mss510xr light switch, but that will be a separate case) that are giving me any problems.

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Sorry, the beta deprecated the option --use-wifi-x so its normal to don't have it.

Why do you use the option --ip when using the beta version of meross ?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

At that point, I was basically just trying anything I could think of - including if it worked after the device was connected (hence giving it the IP of the device on my AP). This is my first time using this utility and modding Meross stuff, so I didn't want to make any assumptions about what would work and what wouldn't (in case I overlooked something silly).

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So you successfully connected the plug to your Wi-Fi using this utility or the official Meross app ?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

For now, it's connected to the Meross cloud using their app. Hoping to get this one bound to my local MQTT server, as I got everything else on it. All I got left are just 4 of this particular version of the mss110 and 1 of the mss510xr light switches that are still connected to the Meross cloud.

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lechercheur123 commented Jan 1, 2025

Can you show me the output of npx meross setup --wifi-ssid '<XX-iot>' --wifi-pass '111111' --mqtt 'mqtt://' --use-wifi-x --verbose please ?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 1, 2025

Sure. I just quickly removed it from Meross app, connected to the wifi ap that appeared (Meross_SW_4534) and ran that command (substituting in the real wifi details, of course):

Setting up device with IP
│Primary MQTT broker │ │
│Failover MQTT broker │ │

POST /config
Accept: application/json, text/plain, /
Content-Type: application/json

header: {
from: '',
method: 'SET',
namespace: 'Appliance.Config.Key',
messageId: 'd5c59aa376762b077c590059fcd07681',
timestamp: 1735771967,
sign: 'd7fe58de3ef8813c8ab8ab873485bb6b'
payload: {
key: {
userId: '0',
key: '',
gateway: {
host: '',
port: '8883',
secondHost: '',
secondPort: '8883',
redirect: 1

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

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Sorry, I will have to go to bed, but here are some leads:

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lcwsoft commented Jan 2, 2025

Unfortunately neither of those options worked. However I did discover something potentially interesting. I happened to have another MSS110 in a box here, and meross-info confirms it is the same hardware version (7.0.0) but a slightly older firmware (7.3.19 instead of 7.3.46). meross-setup still fails with the same error when trying to get it to connect to my MQTT server but I can use meross-setup to connect to my wifi AP (whereas the one on the newer firmware won't even do that with meross-setup).

This leads me to believe that Meross has probably changed something in a recent firmware that is breaking things.

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lcwsoft commented Jan 2, 2025

I wonder if this may be something related to the HomeKit version of these devices, as these newer MSS110 support Homekit. Whereas the ones I have that work, don't support it. I've ordered a 4 pack of both from Amazon, and am expecting them to be delivered on the 13th. Unless anyone has any other ideas, I will follow up next week and let you know my findings.

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@lcwsoft Can you please try again with Node 20?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 2, 2025

unfortunately no dice with node 20 either (I used the latest LTS version available via nvm, 20.18.1). meross-setup 1.0.15 fails with:

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

The 2.0 beta fails with a "socket hang up" error it seems. I'm not familiar with Node, so I'm not sure if that's just a different error for the same underlying issue. The output is a bit more verbose than 1.0.15 and may provide more info:

lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-bak/Meross-1.0.15/bin$ npx meross@beta setup --wifi-ssid 'XXXX-iot' --wifi-pass 'XXXX' --verbose
(node:3700) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
(node:3711) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
⠇ Configuring WIFI…node:internal/process/promises:391
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);

RequestError: socket hang up
at ClientRequest. (file:///home/lawrence/.npm/_npx/6f0a00686670cad7/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js:792:107)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:633:26)
at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:530:35)
at emitErrorEvent (node:_http_client:101:11)
at Socket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:528:5)
at Socket.emit (node:events:530:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1698:12)
at Socket.socketOnEnd (node:_http_client:528:25)
at Socket.emit (node:events:530:35)
at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1698:12)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21) {
input: undefined,
timings: {
start: 1735855530160,
socket: 1735855530163,
lookup: 1735855530169,
connect: 1735855530169,
secureConnect: undefined,
upload: 1735855530169,
response: undefined,
end: undefined,
error: 1735855530197,
abort: undefined,
phases: {
wait: 3,
dns: 6,
tcp: 0,
tls: undefined,
request: 0,
firstByte: undefined,
download: undefined,
total: 37
options: Options {
_unixOptions: undefined,
_internals: {
request: undefined,
agent: { http: undefined, https: undefined, http2: undefined },
h2session: undefined,
decompress: true,
timeout: {
connect: undefined,
lookup: undefined,
read: undefined,
request: 10000,
response: undefined,
secureConnect: undefined,
send: undefined,
socket: undefined
prefixUrl: '',
body: '{"header":{"method":"GET","namespace":"Appliance.System.Ability","messageId":"091cc2d1-ef61-4123-aa6c-9b512a01218a","timestamp":1735855530,"payloadVersion":1,"sign":"f423ce01b91e1482a02dc2b3739656a1"},"payload":{}}',
form: undefined,
json: undefined,
cookieJar: undefined,
ignoreInvalidCookies: false,
searchParams: undefined,
dnsLookup: undefined,
dnsCache: undefined,
context: {},
hooks: {
init: [],
beforeRequest: [],
beforeError: [],
beforeRedirect: [],
beforeRetry: [],
afterResponse: []
followRedirect: true,
maxRedirects: 10,
cache: undefined,
throwHttpErrors: true,
username: '',
password: '',
http2: false,
allowGetBody: false,
headers: {
'user-agent': 'got (',
'content-type': 'application/json',
accept: 'application/json',
'content-length': '214',
'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br'
methodRewriting: false,
dnsLookupIpVersion: undefined,
parseJson: [Function: parse],
stringifyJson: [Function: stringify],
retry: {
limit: 2,
methods: [ 'GET', 'PUT', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE' ],
statusCodes: [
408, 413, 429, 500,
502, 503, 504, 521,
522, 524
errorCodes: [
maxRetryAfter: undefined,
calculateDelay: [Function: calculateDelay],
backoffLimit: Infinity,
noise: 100
localAddress: undefined,
method: 'POST',
createConnection: undefined,
cacheOptions: {
shared: undefined,
cacheHeuristic: undefined,
immutableMinTimeToLive: undefined,
ignoreCargoCult: undefined
https: {
alpnProtocols: undefined,
rejectUnauthorized: undefined,
checkServerIdentity: undefined,
certificateAuthority: undefined,
key: undefined,
certificate: undefined,
passphrase: undefined,
pfx: undefined,
ciphers: undefined,
honorCipherOrder: undefined,
minVersion: undefined,
maxVersion: undefined,
signatureAlgorithms: undefined,
tlsSessionLifetime: undefined,
dhparam: undefined,
ecdhCurve: undefined,
certificateRevocationLists: undefined
encoding: undefined,
resolveBodyOnly: false,
isStream: false,
responseType: 'text',
url: URL {},
pagination: {
transform: [Function: transform],
paginate: [Function: paginate],
filter: [Function: filter],
shouldContinue: [Function: shouldContinue],
countLimit: Infinity,
backoff: 0,
requestLimit: 10000,
stackAllItems: false
setHost: true,
maxHeaderSize: undefined,
signal: undefined,
enableUnixSockets: false
_merging: false,
_init: [
timeout: { request: 10000 },
json: QuerySystemAbilityMessage {
header: Header {
method: 'GET',
namespace: 'Appliance.System.Ability',
from: undefined,
messageId: '091cc2d1-ef61-4123-aa6c-9b512a01218a',
timestamp: 1735855530,
payloadVersion: 1,
sign: 'f423ce01b91e1482a02dc2b3739656a1'
payload: {}
method: 'post'

Node.js v20.18.1

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lcwsoft commented Jan 2, 2025

If you need any additional information, please feel free to ask. While I'm not familiar with Node, I am a pretty quick learner and eager to help.

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Hi sorry for the delay. We have had some trouble with HomeKit and Bluetooth devices in the past, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's related.

Based on your previous messages, I will assume that the device can be pared via WIFI as it previously responded to npx meross info

Could you try the following steps?

  1. Resetting the device. This is typically holding the button for a few seconds until the led flashes alternately between 2 colours.
  2. Connecting to the WIFI AP from the machine you are executing commands on. I would avoid using a VM if possible. If you are using one, let us know.
  3. In your terminal run npx meross@beta info --include-ability
  4. Report back

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lcwsoft commented Jan 5, 2025

No worries :) The device that could be paired with Wifi is an MSS110 with the same hardware version, but older firmware.

I am using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (not in a VM) with Node 20 as you asked earlier, and followed those steps. Here's the result:

lawrence@lawrence-PC:$ nvm use 20.18.1
Now using node v20.18.1 (npm v10.8.2)
$ npx meross@beta info --include-ability
(node:10777) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
(node:10788) ExperimentalWarning: Importing JSON modules is an experimental feature and might change at any time
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
Getting info about device with IP

That's all I got .

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bytespider commented Jan 9, 2025

In Ubuntu what is the output of ip addr show when you are connected to the device?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 14, 2025

I'll follow up on this later today or tomorrow.

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Please make sure you use the latest version when you follow up.

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lcwsoft commented Jan 15, 2025

Updated to the new 1.0.16 version and tried again, but no luck. I connected to the wifi offered by the mss110, ran meross-setup --version, then the ip addr show, then meross-setup with both NODE_OPTIONS set and not set, as well as --use-wifi-x (mostly just to rule it out).

lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ ./meross-setup --version
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ ip addr show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp5s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state DOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 30:85:a9:8f:49:7e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: wlp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ac:5a:fc:55:fe:92 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp4s0
       valid_lft 7146sec preferred_lft 7146sec
    inet6 fe80::794e:9f94:c4a4:fb7f/64 scope link noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ ./meross-setup --wifi-ssid '<XXX>-iot' --wifi-pass 'XXXXX' --verbose
Setting up device with IP
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'GET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    messageId: 'c0f2c368ce1e5b4460a00cba42442931',
    timestamp: 1736948201,
    sign: '27bd0bdea9ad722a686439fb7e723999'
  payload: {}

< 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< connection: close
  header: {
    messageId: 'c0f2c368ce1e5b4460a00cba42442931',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    method: 'GETACK',
    payloadVersion: 1,
    from: '/appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish',
    uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
    timestamp: 425,
    timestampMs: 625,
    sign: 'a28a56be11e48e33957251c7947e394b'
  payload: {
    all: {
      system: {
        hardware: {
          type: 'mss110',
          subType: 'un',
          version: '7.0.0',
          chipType: 'rtl8710cm',
          uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
          macAddress: '48:e1:e9:cf:45:46'
        firmware: {
          version: '7.3.46',
          homekitVersion: '6.3',
          compileTime: '2024/08/21-10:15:09',
          encrypt: 1,
          wifiMac: '',
          innerIp: '',
          server: '',
          port: 0,
          userId: 0
        time: { timestamp: 425, timezone: '', timeRule: [] },
        online: { status: 2, bindId: '', who: 0 }
      digest: {
        togglex: [ { channel: 0, onoff: 1, lmTime: 0 } ],
        triggerx: [],
        timerx: []

│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_8737bd6ae86640ba6e396e20b0bf4bbd                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/subscribe           │
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'SET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.Config.Wifi',
    messageId: '5e0f1a3d757b56ef2fb1069528b8e58e',
    timestamp: 1736948201,
    sign: 'a4445ffcbe6574e38041a7ffe30d23b1'
  payload: { wifi: { ssid: '== REDACTED ==', password: '== REDACTED ==' } }

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-setup --wifi-ssid '<XXX>-iot' --wifi-pass 'XXXXX' --verbose
Setting up device with IP
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'GET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    messageId: '3758a36437e3c269db43d56c0c06c970',
    timestamp: 1736948213,
    sign: '45615a027a328ea0c11a305b98f1a67e'
  payload: {}

(node:6709) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
< 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< connection: close
  header: {
    messageId: '3758a36437e3c269db43d56c0c06c970',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    method: 'GETACK',
    payloadVersion: 1,
    from: '/appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish',
    uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
    timestamp: 437,
    timestampMs: 451,
    sign: '22262ad813f421875a9c68b4d9d9219d'
  payload: {
    all: {
      system: {
        hardware: {
          type: 'mss110',
          subType: 'un',
          version: '7.0.0',
          chipType: 'rtl8710cm',
          uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
          macAddress: '48:e1:e9:cf:45:46'
        firmware: {
          version: '7.3.46',
          homekitVersion: '6.3',
          compileTime: '2024/08/21-10:15:09',
          encrypt: 1,
          wifiMac: '',
          innerIp: '',
          server: '',
          port: 0,
          userId: 0
        time: { timestamp: 437, timezone: '', timeRule: [] },
        online: { status: 2, bindId: '', who: 0 }
      digest: {
        togglex: [ { channel: 0, onoff: 1, lmTime: 0 } ],
        triggerx: [],
        timerx: []

│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_8737bd6ae86640ba6e396e20b0bf4bbd                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/subscribe           │
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'SET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.Config.Wifi',
    messageId: '90dec92089ad047350f063af37b8c8d9',
    timestamp: 1736948213,
    sign: 'e0995968b7ec7f9bb0a923184c79ab7c'
  payload: { wifi: { ssid: '== REDACTED ==', password: '== REDACTED ==' } }

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-setup --wifi-ssid '<XXX>-iot' --wifi-pass 'XXXXX' --verbose --use-wifi-x
Setting up device with IP
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'GET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    messageId: '06d06ed4f69f01543f12bd5ce3b4329e',
    timestamp: 1736948226,
    sign: '7229c30d9831711fa7b35b23cd9e51ea'
  payload: {}

(node:6716) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
< 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< connection: close
  header: {
    messageId: '06d06ed4f69f01543f12bd5ce3b4329e',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    method: 'GETACK',
    payloadVersion: 1,
    from: '/appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish',
    uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
    timestamp: 450,
    timestampMs: 754,
    sign: '9b9ae24ef91de563d0ad87e6fbbae53c'
  payload: {
    all: {
      system: {
        hardware: {
          type: 'mss110',
          subType: 'un',
          version: '7.0.0',
          chipType: 'rtl8710cm',
          uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
          macAddress: '48:e1:e9:cf:45:46'
        firmware: {
          version: '7.3.46',
          homekitVersion: '6.3',
          compileTime: '2024/08/21-10:15:09',
          encrypt: 1,
          wifiMac: '',
          innerIp: '',
          server: '',
          port: 0,
          userId: 0
        time: { timestamp: 450, timezone: '', timeRule: [] },
        online: { status: 2, bindId: '', who: 0 }
      digest: {
        togglex: [ { channel: 0, onoff: 1, lmTime: 0 } ],
        triggerx: [],
        timerx: []

│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_8737bd6ae86640ba6e396e20b0bf4bbd                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/subscribe           │
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'GET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    messageId: '98cd9247adac5d91c82c8a8f322f3ad6',
    timestamp: 1736948227,
    sign: 'c1fded88afebc9d1c1c0446e9ed00616'
  payload: {}

< 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< connection: close
  header: {
    messageId: '98cd9247adac5d91c82c8a8f322f3ad6',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    method: 'GETACK',
    payloadVersion: 1,
    from: '/appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish',
    uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
    timestamp: 450,
    timestampMs: 101,
    sign: '74f0037d91fc2883fb206468bffd9fe1'
  payload: {
    all: {
      system: {
        hardware: {
          type: 'mss110',
          subType: 'un',
          version: '7.0.0',
          chipType: 'rtl8710cm',
          uuid: '2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546',
          macAddress: '48:e1:e9:cf:45:46'
        firmware: {
          version: '7.3.46',
          homekitVersion: '6.3',
          compileTime: '2024/08/21-10:15:09',
          encrypt: 1,
          wifiMac: '',
          innerIp: '',
          server: '',
          port: 0,
          userId: 0
        time: { timestamp: 450, timezone: '', timeRule: [] },
        online: { status: 2, bindId: '', who: 0 }
      digest: {
        togglex: [ { channel: 0, onoff: 1, lmTime: 0 } ],
        triggerx: [],
        timerx: []

> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'SET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.Config.WifiX',
    messageId: '95f5e3ccc881d29caf40c715986c7c5b',
    timestamp: 1736948227,
    sign: '89a5c946eb3a3c4cf0465558ce1bd5ba'
  payload: {
    wifi: {
      ssid: '== REDACTED ==',
      password: '== REDACTED == '

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

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bytespider commented Jan 15, 2025

I updated your comment to add formatting does seem to be the IP of your device as it correctly manages to get the device info and promptly dies when we try to submit the WIFI credentials.

Okay a couple of things:

  1. I notice now that you're not configuring the MQTT server, While the code does handle it not being passed, I'm not sure if the devices can.
  2. Is there anything unque about your WIFI set up? Perhaps try supplying --include-wifi to meross info and try various options for --wifi-encryption, --wifi-cipher, --wifi-bssid, and --wifi-channel based on what the output shows for your AP. Also note that only 2.4Ghz AP's are supported as far as I know.

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lcwsoft commented Jan 16, 2025

Sorry about the formatting :)

To answer your thoughts:

  1. I tried meross-setup with --mqtt too, and no difference.
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-setup --wifi-ssid '<XXX>-iot' --wifi-pass 'XXXXX' --verbose --mqtt 'mqtt://'
Setting up device with IP
│Primary MQTT broker                             │                          │
│Failover MQTT broker                            │                          │
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'SET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.Config.Key',
    messageId: 'f90c980bc821b6eb09cf37bf284aa9ef',
    timestamp: 1736989216,
    sign: '01e44a72c7f9ea123157e2479790dc59'
  payload: {
    key: {
      userId: '0',
      key: '',
      gateway: {
        host: '',
        port: '8883',
        secondHost: '',
        secondPort: '8883',
        redirect: 1

(node:2357) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

--include-wifi doesn't work on the current firmware either:

lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/meross-1.0.16/Meross-1.0.16/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-info --include-wifi
Getting info about device with IP
(node:2380) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:46                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_8737bd6ae86640ba6e396e20b0bf4bbd                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307069048441951200148e1e9cf4546/subscribe           │
⠇ Getting WIFI list…
Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

I do seem to recall that --include-wifi worked on the original firmware for the version 7.0.0 of the MSS110 (7.3.19). I've since managed to get a new in box one (with those specs) to connect to wifi using the earlier meross-setup command on 1.0.15 with just wifi details, and then link up with HomeAssistant using their HomeKit integration. It's not what I hoped, but it's a decent enough compromise to accomplish my original goal (which was to get off Meross cloud). That leads me to think that they've changed something in a firmware update that prevents meross-setup from working as intended.

I've spent a fair bit of time tinkering around with these plugs and don't know if there's anything else I can do. Unfortunately between work and life, it might be quite some time before I can get deeper. In the meantime, I'm going to reach out to Meross as I've heard that they will remotely downgrade firmware and see if I can get my remaining plugs down to an older firmware and get up on Homekit to at least resolve this for me.

If I find another of these plugs laying around and don't have a need for it, would you be open to having me send it to you? I tried ordering 2 packs of these plugs from Amazon over Christmas, and ended up with a newer hardware version (8.0.0) that used Bluetooth instead of wifi for setup, and ended up returning them. I don't know if version 7.0.0 is readily available anymore, but would gladly offer one if I can and it would help out.

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Thanks for the updates.

I'll try to delve into the android app and see of there is anything specific for the MSS110 + version 7.3.46 firmware and respond back if I discover anything.

If you do find a spare device I'll happily accept it for science. You can email me to arrange.

Copy link

Hi, just for recording keeping I am also having the same issues with the same device (homekit enabled)

│Device │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.37)
│UUID │2212269185815051030248e1e9b62c49
│Mac address │48:e1:e9:b6:2c:49
│IP address │
│Credentials │User: 48:e1:e9:b6:2c:49
│ │Password: 0_14ef86a5626abee0feec7585d51feee5
│MQTT topics │Publishes to: /appliance/2212269185815051030248e1e9b62c49/publish
│ │Subscribes to: /appliance/2212269185815051030248e1e9b62c49/subscr

best of luck on this :)

Copy link

I've added some field to the header of the messages. I couldn't see anything else in the source that's missing.
When you have a moment and a free device, please checkout and test.

Copy link

lcwsoft commented Jan 20, 2025

I'm off today, so I had a chance to give that updated version with one of the MSS110 plugs running firmware 7.3.46 (hardware version 7.0.0). Unfortunately no luck:

lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/Meross-88-mss110-firmware7346/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-setup --wifi-ssid '<XXX-iot>' --wifi-pass '111111' --verbose
Setting up device with IP
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '',
    method: 'GET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    messageId: '8ad0c33265b415d5fdf4b8f044b33fcf',
    timestamp: 1737403865,
    sign: 'b3c34c48a32af53cea71baa75e0c7a03'
  payload: {}

(node:5919) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
< 200 OK
< content-type: application/json
< connection: close
  header: {
    messageId: '8ad0c33265b415d5fdf4b8f044b33fcf',
    namespace: 'Appliance.System.All',
    method: 'GETACK',
    payloadVersion: 1,
    from: '/appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/publish',
    uuid: '2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534',
    timestamp: 478,
    timestampMs: 272,
    sign: 'd6e15da7f91a4e7be6cda309a72efea0'
  payload: {
    all: {
      system: {
        hardware: {
          type: 'mss110',
          subType: 'un',
          version: '7.0.0',
          chipType: 'rtl8710cm',
          uuid: '2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534',
          macAddress: '48:e1:e9:cf:45:34'
        firmware: {
          version: '7.3.46',
          homekitVersion: '6.3',
          compileTime: '2024/08/21-10:15:09',
          encrypt: 1,
          wifiMac: '',
          innerIp: '',
          server: '',
          port: 0,
          userId: 0
        time: { timestamp: 478, timezone: '', timeRule: [] },
        online: { status: 2, bindId: '', who: 0 }
      digest: {
        togglex: [ { channel: 0, onoff: 1, lmTime: 0 } ],
        triggerx: [],
        timerx: []

│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_a4bcc912c38285327ab6b0aaeae92ee3                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/subscribe           │
> POST undefined
> Host:
> Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
> Content-Type: application/json
  header: {
    from: '/app/0-App_2307065833780651200148e1e9cf',
    method: 'SET',
    namespace: 'Appliance.Config.Wifi',
    messageId: 'ff9fbd3501b254eb2b9560c41be40f27',
    timestamp: 1737403865,
    sign: '2b162648dfffd3db552564f3399b00f3'
  payload: { wifi: { ssid: 'bGFyMjQtaW90', password: 'OTQ2NzEzMjU=' } }

Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?

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lcwsoft commented Jan 20, 2025

meross-info output:

lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/Meross-88-mss110-firmware7346/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-info --include-wifi
Getting info about device with IP
(node:5548) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_a4bcc912c38285327ab6b0aaeae92ee3                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/subscribe           │
⠇ Getting WIFI list…
Error Unable to connect to device
Are you connected to the device's Access Point?
lawrence@lawrence-PC:~/Downloads/Meross-88-mss110-firmware7346/bin$ NODE_OPTIONS='--insecure-http-parser' ./meross-info 
Getting info about device with IP
(node:5557) Warning: Using insecure HTTP parsing
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
│Device       │mss110 un rtl8710cm (hardware:7.0.0 firmware:7.3.46)                           │
│UUID         │2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534                                               │
│Mac address  │48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                              │
│IP address   │                                                                     │
│Credentials  │User: 48:e1:e9:cf:45:34                                                        │
│             │Password: 0_a4bcc912c38285327ab6b0aaeae92ee3                                   │
│MQTT topics  │Publishes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/publish              │
│             │Subscribes to: /appliance/2307065833780651200148e1e9cf4534/subscribe           │

Copy link

Thanks for trying. Looking further into the code and the responses you provided, I have noticed a flag regarding encryption. It's possible the device expects the Homekit data to be passed encrypted to the device before it's willing to continue.

I don't have the time to look into this currently but maybe towards the weekend.

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