diff --git a/lessons/06-advanced-react/A-portals.md b/lessons/06-advanced-react/A-portals.md
index 64884bc..b1ec684 100644
--- a/lessons/06-advanced-react/A-portals.md
+++ b/lessons/06-advanced-react/A-portals.md
@@ -64,18 +64,6 @@ export default async function getPastOrder(order) {
-Cool, let's go use this to render our Modal now. Open `past.lazy.jsx`. Make the `order.order_id` value a button and add an `onClick` event so clicking it will open the Modal:
Then render the modal if we have a `focusedOrder`:
@@ -83,6 +71,7 @@ Then render the modal if we have a `focusedOrder`:
import getPastOrder from "../api/getPastOrder";
import Modal from "../Modal";
+// NOTE: In the course, Brian makes this a hook/module
const intl = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {
style: "currency",
currency: "USD",
@@ -135,7 +124,7 @@ const { isLoading: isLoadingPastOrder, data: pastOrderData } = useQuery({
- ) : null;
+ ) : null
@@ -145,6 +134,19 @@ const { isLoading: isLoadingPastOrder, data: pastOrderData } = useQuery({
- If there is a focusedOrder, we render the modal and show a loading indicator that we're loading the rest of the info.
- When a user clicks Close, we set the focusedOrder to be undefined again which causes the Modal to unrender.
+Finally, we need a way to open the modal. Open `past.lazy.jsx`. Make the `order.order_id` value a button and add an `onClick` event so clicking it will open the Modal:
That's it!
> 🏁 [Click here to see the state of the project up until now: 11-modals][step]
diff --git a/lessons/06-advanced-react/C-uncontrolled-forms.md b/lessons/06-advanced-react/C-uncontrolled-forms.md
index 5030804..112ffcb 100644
--- a/lessons/06-advanced-react/C-uncontrolled-forms.md
+++ b/lessons/06-advanced-react/C-uncontrolled-forms.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ keywords:
We are now going to do a contact page for our site. As part of that, we will accept a name, email, and message from our users and submit it our backend. Like all good backends, ours will log it to the console and then ignore it.
-We are going to see two new concepts here: how to do a post with TanStack Query (which they call a mutation) and how to do uncontrolled forms with React. Let's start with our API query. In src/api, create a file called postContact.js and put this in there.
+We are going to see two new concepts here: how to do a post with TanStack Query (which they call a mutation) and how to do uncontrolled forms with React. Let's start with our API query. In src/api, create a file called `postContact.js` and put this in there.
export default async function postContact(name, email, message) {
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Create a new link to our page in index.lazy.jsx
-Create a new route called contact.lazy.jsx in src/routes
+Create a new route called `contact.lazy.jsx` in `src/routes`
import { createLazyFileRoute } from "@tanstack/react-router";