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This library is considered production ready.


# make a file logger in one line
logger = logutil.make_logger('/tmp', level='INFO', fmt='%(message)s',

logger.stack_str(fmt="{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n  {statement}", sep="\n")
# in _run_module_as_main
#   "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
# in _run_code
#   exec code in run_globals
# ...
# in test_deprecate
#   logutil.deprecate()
#   'foo', fmt='{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n  {statement}', sep='\n')


A collection of log utilities for logging.



syntax: logutil.Archiver(src_base, arc_base, **kwargs)

An archive tool.


archiver = logutil.Archiver('log/errlogs/', 'log/arch_logs/')

# archive all files in 'log/errlogs/' to '.gz' file in 'log/arch_logs/'

archiver.archive(['hello.log', 'hi.log'])
# archive file 'log/errlogs/hello.log' and 'log/errlogs/hi.log' to '.gz' file in 'log/arch_logs/'

# clean space in 'log/arch_logs/' as the rule set in `kwargs`


  • src_base: is the directoty of source file to archive. A string.

  • arc_base: is the directory of archived file. A string.

  • time_toleration: is the toleration of file's archived time in seconds. By default, it is 600.

  • free_gb: is the minimum free space arc_base need in GB.

  • free_percentage: is the minimum free space arc_base need in percentage.

  • free_interp: is linear interpolation input used to calculate minimum free space for arc_base. A list or tuple contains:

    • xp: a list of number corresponding to total capacity of one path.

    • yp: a list of number corresponding to free space needed of one path.

    By default, it is None.

  • days_to_keep: specifies how many days files in the arc_base could keep. By default, it is 30.

  • at_most_clean: specifies at most how many days files could be clean if free space is not enough. By default, it is 8.


syntax: Archiver.archive(src_fns=None)

Archive the files in the Archiver.src_base. If src_fns is specified and not None, only files in src_fns will be archived, otherwise archive all files in the Archiver.src_base.


  • src_fns: is a list of the source file names need to be archived, if it is None, all files in the Archiver.src_base will be archived. By default, it is None.


syntax: Archiver.clean()

Remove some files to clean Archiver.arc_base as the free space setting in Archiver.


syntax: logutil.FixedWatchedFileHandler(*args, **kwargs)

Fix an issue with the original logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler in python2:

Sometimes it raises an OSError when reading the log file stat after checking existence of the log file. Because the log file would be removed just after existence check and before reading log file stat.

It has the same __init__ arguments with logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler.



syntax: logutil.add_std_handler(logger, stream=None, fmt=None, datefmt=None, level=None)

It adds a stdout or stderr steam handler to the logger.


  • logger: is an instance of logging.Logger to add handler to.

  • stream: specifies the stream, it could be:

    • sys.stdout or a string stdout.
    • sys.stderr or a string stderr.
  • fmt: is the log message format. It can be an alias name(like default) that can be used in logutil.get_fmt(). By default it is default: [%(asctime)s,%(process)d-%(thread)d,%(filename)s,%(lineno)d,%(levelname)s] %(message)s.

  • datefmt: is the format for date. It can be an alias name(like time) that can be used in logutil.get_datefmt(). By default it is None.

  • level: is the log level. It can be int value such as logging.DEBUG or string such as DEBUG. By default it is the logger's level.

return: the logger argument.


syntax: logutil.archive(src_path, arc_base)

Archive a file src_path to directory arc_base. See alse in Archiver.archive.


  • src_path: is the path of a source file need to archive.

  • arc_base: is the directory of the archived file.

return: Nothing


syntax: logutil.clean(arc_base, **kwargs)

Clean directory arc_base as the setting in kwargs. See alse in Archiver.clean.


  • arc_base: is the directory of archived file. A string.

  • free_gb: is the minimum free space arc_base need in GB.

  • free_percentage: is the minimum free space arc_base need in percentage.

  • free_interp: is linear interpolation input used to calculate minimum free space for arc_base. A list or tuple contains:

    • xp: a list of number corresponding to total capacity of one path.

    • yp: a list of number corresponding to free space needed of one path.

    By default, it is None.

  • days_to_keep: specifies how many days files in the arc_base could keep. By default, it is 30.

  • at_most_clean: specifies at most how many days files could be clean if free space is not enough. By default, it is 8.

return: Nothing.


syntax: logutil.deprecate(msg=None, fmt=None, sep=None)

Print a deprecate message with root logger, at warning level. The printed message includes:

  • User defined message msg,
  • And calling stack of where this warning occurs. <frame-n> is where logutil.deprecate is called.
<msg> Deprecated: <frame-1> --- <frame-2> --- ... --- <frame-n>

The default frame format is {fn}:{ln} in {func} {statement}. It can be changed with argument fmt. Frame separator by default is ---, and can be changed with argument sep.

For example, the following statement:

def foo():
    logutil.deprecate('should not be here.',
                      fmt="{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n  {statement}",

Would produce a message:

Deprecated: should not be here. in _run_module_as_main
  "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name) in _run_code
  exec code in run_globals
... in test_deprecate
  'foo', fmt='{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n  {statement}', sep='\n')


  • msg: is description of the deprecated statement. It could be None.

  • fmt: is call stack frame format. By default it is {fn}:{ln} in {func} {statement}.

  • sep: is the separator string between each frame. By default it is ---. Thus all frames are printed in a single line.

return: Nothing.


syntax: logutil.get_datefmt(datefmt)

It translates a predefined datefmt alias to actual datefmt. Predefined alias includes:

    'default':  None,       # use the system default datefmt
    'time':     '%H:%M:%S',


  • datefmt: is the alias name. If no predefined alias name is found, it returns the passed in value of datefmt.

return: translated datefmt or the original value of argument datefmt.


syntax: logutil.get_fmt(fmt)

It translate a predefined fmt alias to actual fmt. Predefined alias includes:

    'default':    '[%(asctime)s,%(process)d-%(thread)d,%(filename)s,%(lineno)d,%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
    'time_level': "[%(asctime)s,%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
    'message':    '%(message)s',


  • fmt: is the alias name. If no predefined alias name is found, it returns the passed in value of fmt.

return: translated fmt or the original value of argument fmt.


syntax: logutil.get_root_log_fn()

The log file name suffix is .out.

  • pyfn.out: if program is started with python
  • __instant_command__.out: if instance python command is called: python -c "import logutil; print logutil.get_root_log_fn().
  • __stdin__.out: if python statement is passed in as stdin: echo "from pykit import logutil; print logutil.get_root_log_fn()" | python.

return: log file name.


syntax: logutil.make_file_handler(base_dir=None, log_fn=None, fmt=None, datefmt=None)

It creates a rolling log file handler.

A rolling file can be removed at any time. This handler checks file status everytime write log to it. If file is changed(removed or moved), this handler automatically creates a new log file.


  • base_dir: specifies the dir of log file. If it is None, use config.log_dir as default.

  • log_fn: specifies the log file name. If it is None, use logutil.get_root_log_fn to make a log file name.

  • fmt: specifies log format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_fmt(), or None to used the default log format.

  • datefmt: specifies log date format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_datefmt(), or None to used the default date format.

return: an instance of logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler.


syntax: logutil.make_formatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None)

It creates an logging.Formatter instance, with specified fmt and datefmt.


  • fmt: specifies log format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_fmt(), or None to used the default log format.

  • datefmt: specifies log date format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_datefmt(), or None to used the default date format.

return: an logging.Formatter instance.


syntax: logutil.make_logger(base_dir=None, log_name=None, log_fn=None, level=logging.DEBUG, fmt=None, datefmt=None)

It creates a logger with a rolling file hander and specified formats.


  • base_dir: specifies the dir of log file. If it is None, use config.log_dir as default.

  • log_name: is the name of the logger to create. None means the root logger.

  • log_fn: specifies the log file name. If it is None, use logutil.get_root_log_fn to make a log file name.

  • level: specifies log level. It could be int value such as logging.DEBUG or string such as DEBUG.

  • fmt: specifies log format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_fmt(), or None to used the default log format.

  • datefmt: specifies log date format. It can be an alias that can be used in logutil.get_datefmt(), or None to used the default date format.

return: a logging.Logger instance.


syntax: logutil.set_logger_level(level=logging.INFO, name_prefixes=None)


  • level: specifies log level. It could be int value such as logging.DEBUG or string such as DEBUG.

  • name_prefixes: specifies log prefixes which is operated. It can be None, str or a tuple of str. If name_prefixes is None, set the log level for all logger.


syntax: logutil.stack_format(stacks, fmt=None, sep=None)

It formats stack made from logutil.stack_list.

With fmt="{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n {statement}" and sep="\n", a formatted stack would be: in _run_module_as_main
  "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name) in _run_code
  exec code in run_globals
... in test_deprecate
  'foo', fmt='{fn}:{ln} in {func}\n  {statement}', sep='\n')


  • stacks: is stack from logutil.stack_list.

            'fn': ...
            'ln': ...
            'func': ...
            'statement': ...
  • fmt: specifies the template to format a stack frame. By default it is: {fn}:{ln} in {func} {statement}.

  • sep: specifies the separator string between each stack frame. By default it is ---. Thus all frames are in the same line.

return: a string repesenting a calling stack.


syntax: logutil.stack_list(offset=0)

It returns the calling stack from where it is called.


  • offset: remove the lowest offset frames.

return: list of:

    'fn': ...
    'ln': ...
    'func': ...
    'statement': ...


syntax: logutil.stack_str(offset=0, fmt=None, sep=None)

It creates a string representing calling stack from where this function is called.


  • offset=0: remove the lowest offset frames. Because usually one does not need the frame of the logutil.stack_str line.

  • fmt: is same as logutil.stack_format.

  • sep: is same as logutil.stack_format.

return: a string repesenting a calling stack.


Zhang Yanpo (张炎泼) [email protected]

Copyright and License

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Zhang Yanpo (张炎泼) [email protected]