Had a friend who was bored so I thought of a game system I could run halfassedly over text while at work.
You are a caveman. Pick three skills and three items. Any serious conflict, flip a coin. Heads you win, tails you lose.
If you can use a skill or an item in the situation, flip the coin twice and any heads you win. If you can use a skill and an item you may choose to flip three times and any heads you win, but you break the item. You must choose whether to flip twice or three times before flipping.
If you roll 3 times and have 3 heads you don't break the item.
Specifically, if you choose to roll 3 times and get 3 tails and fail you still break the item.
And for the sake of not having the world be flooded with what are supposed to be valuable things, no player can carry more than four items.
PvP rules: If you both use a skill/item, it's just 50/50, choose someone to win on heads and someone on tails. If you both use a skill and item, same, but both can break an item. Etc etc. Basically the same rules but every additional advantage you use gives you an additional flip and if you use an item and a skill you can break the item.
If two or more people are ganging up on one person they flip an extra time. If four people or more are ganging up on one person they flip ANOTHER extra time. Players can each take one item from a dead player, the rest are broken in the struggle.
If you fail a really dangerous task and get injured you acquire an injury, which can subtract coin flips from you on appropriate things until it's healed (which will take it coming into play 3 times).
So you're climbing a steep cliff, fail, you sprain your ankle. Later when you're running away from something you use your "Stamina" skill to get two coin flips, but I add "sprained ankle" so you only get one. You're 1/3 of the way towards healed, now, though, at least.
Accumulating 4 injuries is death.
Source: reddit