- check if platform supports i3
- install i3
- logout distro
- from menu button, choose i3
- generate config file | later type
- set
keybinding on Mac - type
vi ~/.config/i3/config
|nano ~/.config/i3/config
to edit config - type
man i3
to view manpage; type/<query>
to query search - type
MOD + Shift + e
to logout (execute changes)
- type
to exit process mode - type
to lock device, proceed to blank screen, type password - type
MOD + Enter
to open new terminal - type
MOD + Number
to switch workspace - type
MOD + d
to activate launcher - type
MOD + v
to set new terminal to vertical - type
MOD + h
to set new terminal to horizontal - type
MOD + r
to resize window proceeding withRight Arrow
orLeft Arrow
- type
MOD + Right Arrow
to switch focus to the right - type
MOD + Left Arrow
to switch focus to the left - type
MOD + Up Arrow
to switch focus up - type
MOD + Down Arrow
to switch focus down - type
MOD + Shift + q
to quit process | application - type
MOD + Shift + e
to logout - type
MOD + Shift + r
to restart i3 - type
MOD + Shift + c
to reload i3 config file - type
MOD + Shift + Arrow Key
to move window priority - type
MOD + Shift + Number
to give focused application a designated workspace
- change launcher from
MOD + d
toMOD + Space
- change open new terminal from
MOD + Space
? toMOD + t
bindsym $mod+Tab workspace next
bindsym $mod+Shift+Tab workspace prev
exec_always feh --bg-scale wallpaper.jpg
exec_always compton -f
(requires logout)bindsym \$mod+shift+x exec i3lock --color "$bg-color"
bindsym $mod+y workspace $workspace4, layout tabbed, exec theapp
- update i3
- view drive partition from terminal
- bar customization
- i3lock customization
- set media keys
- set backlight keyboard
- modify keybindings
- assign apps to workspaces
- set workspace names
- install font
- set terminal keybinding to open iTerm2 | preferred terminal
- clean on config file
- script kiddie time! (wallpaper theming, processes)
- open application and terminal
- type
and click on application window; or typexprop | grep "WM_CLASS(STRING)"
- copy value2 in the string
= value1, value2 - in config, type
assign [class="<application>"] #workspace<digit>
or alternatively,for_window [class="Spotify"] move to workspace $workspace10
- download font Font Awesome
- type
mkdir ~/.fonts
to make a folder in the home directory - type
mv <font>.ttf ~/.fonts/
; ormv *.ttf ~/.fonts/
to move fonts to home directory - copy symbol from font awesome cheatsheet
- in config, paste symbol where you'd like, then set # Bar
bar { font pango: System San Francisco Display, FontAwesome 11 }
- logout to refresh
- NOTE: "With i3 4.7.2 and font-awesome 4.5.0, the special icons wouldn't correctly render in the status bar (they'd just show as a blank dotted square). I had to add this inside the "bar { ... }" config: font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, Awesome 8"
- feh wall changer script
- type
exec python ~/.wallpaper/wallpapers.py
to execute script
- include in config,
exec_always sh $HOME/.feh
script runsfeh --bg-fill --no-fehbg --randomize $HOME/.feh/<wallpaper>.jpg
- i3 gaps
- i3-wm
- i3-blocks
- i3-lock
- i3-status