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116 lines (93 loc) · 3.94 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (93 loc) · 3.94 KB



  1. check if platform supports i3
  2. install i3
  3. logout distro
  4. from menu button, choose i3
  5. generate config file | later type i3-config-wizard
  6. set mod as win for CMD keybinding on Mac
  7. type vi ~/.config/i3/config | nano ~/.config/i3/config to edit config
  8. type man i3 to view manpage; type /<query> to query search
  9. type MOD + Shift + e to logout (execute changes)


  1. type ESC to exit process mode
  2. type i3lock to lock device, proceed to blank screen, type password
  3. type MOD + Enter to open new terminal
  4. type MOD + Number to switch workspace
  5. type MOD + d to activate launcher
  6. type MOD + v to set new terminal to vertical
  7. type MOD + h to set new terminal to horizontal
  8. type MOD + r to resize window proceeding with Right Arrow or Left Arrow
  9. type MOD + Right Arrow to switch focus to the right
  10. type MOD + Left Arrow to switch focus to the left
  11. type MOD + Up Arrow to switch focus up
  12. type MOD + Down Arrow to switch focus down
  13. type MOD + Shift + q to quit process | application
  14. type MOD + Shift + e to logout
  15. type MOD + Shift + r to restart i3
  16. type MOD + Shift + c to reload i3 config file
  17. type MOD + Shift + Arrow Key to move window priority
  18. type MOD + Shift + Number to give focused application a designated workspace

Modify Keybinding:

  1. change launcher from MOD + d to MOD + Space
  2. change open new terminal from MOD + Space ? to MOD + t
  3. bindsym $mod+Tab workspace next
  4. bindsym $mod+Shift+Tab workspace prev

Add to i3 config:

  1. exec_always feh --bg-scale wallpaper.jpg
  2. exec_always compton -f (requires logout)
  3. bindsym \$mod+shift+x exec i3lock --color "$bg-color"
  4. bindsym $mod+y workspace $workspace4, layout tabbed, exec theapp


  1. update i3
  2. view drive partition from terminal
  3. bar customization
  4. i3lock customization
  5. set media keys
  6. set backlight keyboard
  7. modify keybindings
  8. assign apps to workspaces
  9. set workspace names
  10. install font
  11. set terminal keybinding to open iTerm2 | preferred terminal
  12. clean on config file
  13. script kiddie time! (wallpaper theming, processes)

Assign app to workspace:

  1. open application and terminal
  2. type xprop and click on application window; or type xprop | grep "WM_CLASS(STRING)"
  3. copy value2 in the string WM_Class(string) = value1, value2
  4. in config, type assign [class="<application>"] #workspace<digit> or alternatively, for_window [class="Spotify"] move to workspace $workspace10

Install Font:

  1. download font Font Awesome
  2. type mkdir ~/.fonts to make a folder in the home directory
  3. type mv <font>.ttf ~/.fonts/; or mv *.ttf ~/.fonts/to move fonts to home directory
  4. copy symbol from font awesome cheatsheet
  5. in config, paste symbol where you'd like, then set # Bar bar { font pango: System San Francisco Display, FontAwesome 11 }
  6. logout to refresh
  7. NOTE: "With i3 4.7.2 and font-awesome 4.5.0, the special icons wouldn't correctly render in the status bar (they'd just show as a blank dotted square). I had to add this inside the "bar { ... }" config: font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, Awesome 8"


Option 1:

Option 2:

  • include in config, exec_always sh $HOME/.feh
  • .feh script runs feh --bg-fill --no-fehbg --randomize $HOME/.feh/<wallpaper>.jpg

i3 Manjaro Community Edition:

  • i3 gaps
  • i3-wm
  • i3-blocks
  • i3-lock
  • i3-status
