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Brian Chirls edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 11 revisions


A Seriously object stores and manages a network of nodes to be used in a composition and is used to create new nodes. Create an instance by calling the constructor with or without new. As of now, there are no arguments.

    var seriously = new Seriously();


    var seriously = Seriously();



Create a new effect node


  • hook (string): identifier of type of effect to create. Throws error if effect is not found.


A new Effect object

source(source, options)

Wraps an input source in a Source node object that can be connected to the network.


  • source: Identifies the object to be used as input source. Any of the following types:
    • DOMElement: <canvas>, <img> or <video> DOM element
    • string: CSS query string pointing to a <canvas>, <img> or <video> DOM element.
    • ImageData: An object returned by getImageData from a 2D canvas context
    • Array: An array of pixel components arranged as red, green, blue, alpha. Array length must be height x width x 4. width and height must be specified in options parameter, otherwise throws an error.
  • options: An object containing additional option fields. options is optional.
    • width: width of source image in pixels.
    • height: height of source image in pixels.
    • flip: boolean value specifying whether image should be flipped vertically. default is false Throws an error if source parameter is missing or of unknown type.


A new Source object

If source is called twice with the same object, the second call will return a reference to the first object created.

    var video, seriously, source1, source2;
    seriously = Seriously();
    video = document.getElementById('video');
    source1 = seriously.source(video);
    source2 = seriously.source('#video');
    source1 === source2; // true!

effects (static)

plugin (static)

removePlugin (static)

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