These examples demonstrate how to interact with the Spot CAM.
These examples need to be run with python3, and have the Spot SDK installed. See the requirements.txt file for a list of dependencies which can be installed with pip.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Older versions of pip may have trouble installing all of the requirements. If you run into a problem, upgrade pip by running
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
To run the examples:
export ROBOT_IP=<ip-address>
# Version Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP version software
# Audio Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio set_volume 1
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio get_volume
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio load autonomous_robot_en data/autonomous_robot_en.wav
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio list
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio play autonomous_robot_en
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio delete autonomous_robot_en
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP audio list
# Compositor Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor list
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor get
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor set mech
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor visible
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor get_colormap
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor set_colormap jet
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP compositor set_reticle --xs 0.1 0.2 0.3 --ys 0.1 0.4 0.8 --unit c
# Lighting Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP lighting set 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP lighting get
# Media Log Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log list_cameras
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log store pano
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log store_retrieve ptz
# The UUID is given by the 'store' command
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log status $IMAGE_UUID
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log retrieve $IMAGE_UUID
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log delete $IMAGE_UUID
# You should not see the UUID in the list of logpoints
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log list_logpoints
# You should see 10 stitched jpeg images
seq 10 | xargs -I{} python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP media_log store_retrieve pano
# Ptz Service
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz list
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz set_position mech 0 0 1
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz get_position mech
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz set_focus auto_focus
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz set_focus manual_focus --distance 5
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP ptz get_focus
# Get Spot CAM ICE settings
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP network ice_settings
# Set Spot CAM ICE settings (example JSON file provided)
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP network set_ice ice.json
# WebRTC and Stream Quality Service
# Set target (maximum) bitrate to 2mbps
# This command can be useful when running the python3 WebRTC examples
# The python3 WebRTC library (aiortc) can sometimes have trouble streaming at higher bitrates
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP stream_quality set --target-bitrate 2000000
# Save images to .jpg files
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP webrtc save
# Save 10 seconds of video (no audio)
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP webrtc record --time 10
# Save 10 seconds of audio
python3 -m command_line $ROBOT_IP webrtc record audio --time 10
This example creates a coreio extension to pull video and audio data from the webrtc stream.
To build this extension use the extension builder located ../extensions
then run the command:
python3 \
--dockerfile-paths ../spot_cam/Dockerfile.l4t \
--build-image-tags spotcam_video:latest \
--image-archive spotcam_video.tgz \
--icon ../spot_cam/video.jpg \
--package-dir ../spot_cam \
--spx ~/Downloads/spotcam_video.spx
Then add the .spx file to the core io extension page.
- Go to actions
- Select empty inspection
- Add a data aquision plugin
- Select "Data Acquision Save Video - Data".
- Add an image for sensor pointing
- Select "Spot CAM - Ptz".
- Set the request time out to 120 seconds
- Set Robot Body Control to "Spot Cam Scene Alignment"