#RLStatus Some of you have already noticed that I'm working on Redline 1.1.
asked for some kind of process or status page, so here it is. 😄
Please note: Redline 1.1 will have (nearly) no new features! It will just work on Mavericks and Yosemite and will use a new tracker and lobby server.
11-Jun-15 Note: I am currently busy with work and university stuff, that means Redline Legacy development is currently paused. In about 4 weeks, I'll be able to work on it again. Stay tuned! 😊
Name | Description | Status |
Code cleanup | The code is (partly very) old and needs rework to run | Finished ✔️ |
Beta Tests | Adding a crash reporter, for the beta builds | Finished ✔️ |
Renew updater | Rewrite Redline's builtin updater | Finished ✔️ |
Rewrite Time Trial | The underlying structure isn't usable anymore | Finished ✔️ |
Rewrite Multiplayer Communication | The whole Multiplayer communication needs to be rewritten | Finished ✔️ |
Rewrite Multiplayer Lobby | The lobby currently works with ASWs server; change structure and server | Finished ✔️ |
Rewrite Multiplayer P2P | Rewrite in-game (Point-to-Point) communication | Waiting |
Tracker/Server | Impossible to use ASWs Tracker anymore (cya old records 😭) | Working |
Remove ASW Framework | Due to copyright problems, I can't distribute the ASW framework. Must be completely replaced. (Just the Sound Libraries are left! 😄) | Working |
Remove Carbon Framework | Carbon is old (used for OS9/OSX, so from ~2001) and needs to be removed for 64-bit support | Working |
Online Overview | Create a webpage with a) lap times, b) the Mulitplayer lobby | Waiting |
I'll send out Beta Builds as soon as I finished the things on this list.
The following people have asked to be beta testers:
- Valentin K
- Aleksi
- Michael (
) - Steven (
) - Aldo (
) - Bob (
) - Laurids
- Peter (
If you want to be a Beta Tester too, ask me. Please note that this could get really annoying, as Redline Beta is not stable and will likely crash. And I'll ask many questions about that...
Because why not.