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/* TimeAlarms.cpp - Arduino Time alarms for use with Time library Copyright (c) 208-2011 Michael Margolis. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ /* 2 July 2011 - replaced alarm types implied from alarm value with enums to make trigger logic more robust - this fixes bug in repeating weekly alarms - thanks to Vincent Valdy and draythomp for testing*/extern "C" {#include <string.h> // for memset}#if ARDUINO > 22#include <Arduino.h> #else#include <WProgram.h> #endif#include "TimeAlarms.h"#include "Time.h"#define IS_ONESHOT true // constants used in arguments to create method#define IS_REPEAT false //**************************************************************//* Alarm Class ConstructorAlarmClass::AlarmClass(){ Mode.isEnabled = Mode.isOneShot = 0; Mode.alarmType = dtNotAllocated; value = nextTrigger = 0; onTickHandler = NULL; // prevent a callback until this pointer is explicitly set }//**************************************************************//* Private Methods void AlarmClass::updateNextTrigger(){ if( (value != 0) && Mode.isEnabled ) { time_t time = now(); if( dtIsAlarm(Mode.alarmType) && nextTrigger <= time ) // update alarm if next trigger is not yet in the future { if(Mode.alarmType == dtExplicitAlarm ) // is the value a specific date and time in the future { nextTrigger = value; // yes, trigger on this value } else if(Mode.alarmType == dtDailyAlarm) //if this is a daily alarm { if( value + previousMidnight(now()) <= time) { nextTrigger = value + nextMidnight(time); // if time has passed then set for tomorrow } else { nextTrigger = value + previousMidnight(time); // set the date to today and add the time given in value } } else if(Mode.alarmType == dtWeeklyAlarm) // if this is a weekly alarm { if( (value + previousSunday(now())) <= time) { nextTrigger = value + nextSunday(time); // if day has passed then set for the next week. } else { nextTrigger = value + previousSunday(time); // set the date to this week today and add the time given in value } } else // its not a recognized alarm type - this should not happen { Mode.isEnabled = 0; // Disable the alarm } } if( Mode.alarmType == dtTimer) { // its a timer nextTrigger = time + value; // add the value to previous time (this ensures delay always at least Value seconds) } } else { Mode.isEnabled = 0; // Disable if the value is 0 }}//**************************************************************//* Time Alarms Public MethodsTimeAlarmsClass::TimeAlarmsClass(){ isServicing = false; for(uint8_t id = 0; id < dtNBR_ALARMS; id++) free(id); // ensure all Alarms are cleared and available for allocation }// this method creates a trigger at the given absolute time_t// it replaces the call to alarmOnce with values greater than a week AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::triggerOnce(time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger once at the given time_t if( value > 0) return create( value, onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtExplicitAlarm ); else return dtINVALID_ALARM_ID; // dont't allocate if the time is greater than one day }// this method will now return an error if the value is greater than one day - use DOW methods for weekly alarms AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmOnce(time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger once at the given time of day if( value <= SECS_PER_DAY) return create( value, onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtDailyAlarm ); else return dtINVALID_ALARM_ID; // dont't allocate if the time is greater than one day }AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmOnce(const int H, const int M, const int S,OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // as above with HMS arguments return create( AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtDailyAlarm );}AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmOnce(const timeDayOfWeek_t DOW, const int H, const int M, const int S, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // as above, with day of week return create( (DOW-1) * SECS_PER_DAY + AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtWeeklyAlarm ); } // this method will now return an error if the value is greater than one day - use DOW methods for weekly alarms AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmRepeat(time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger daily at the given time if( value <= SECS_PER_DAY) return create( value, onTickHandler, IS_REPEAT, dtDailyAlarm ); else return dtINVALID_ALARM_ID; // dont't allocate if the time is greater than one day } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmRepeat(const int H, const int M, const int S, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // as above with HMS arguments return create( AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_REPEAT, dtDailyAlarm ); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::alarmRepeat(const timeDayOfWeek_t DOW, const int H, const int M, const int S, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // as above, with day of week return create( (DOW-1) * SECS_PER_DAY + AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_REPEAT, dtWeeklyAlarm ); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::timerOnce(time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger once after the given number of seconds return create( value, onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtTimer ); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::timerOnce(const int H, const int M, const int S, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // As above with HMS arguments return create( AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_ONESHOT, dtTimer ); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::timerRepeat(time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger after the given number of seconds continuously return create( value, onTickHandler, IS_REPEAT, dtTimer); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::timerRepeat(const int H, const int M, const int S, OnTick_t onTickHandler){ // trigger after the given number of seconds continuously return create( AlarmHMS(H,M,S), onTickHandler, IS_REPEAT, dtTimer); } void TimeAlarmsClass::enable(AlarmID_t ID) { if(isAllocated(ID)) { Alarm[ID].Mode.isEnabled = (Alarm[ID].value != 0) && (Alarm[ID].onTickHandler != 0) ; // only enable if value is non zero and a tick handler has been set Alarm[ID].updateNextTrigger(); // trigger is updated whenever this is called, even if already enabled } } void TimeAlarmsClass::disable(AlarmID_t ID) { if(isAllocated(ID)) Alarm[ID].Mode.isEnabled = false; } // write the given value to the given alarm void TimeAlarmsClass::write(AlarmID_t ID, time_t value) { if(isAllocated(ID)) { Alarm[ID].value = value; enable(ID); // update trigger time } } // return the value for the given alarm ID time_t TimeAlarmsClass::read(AlarmID_t ID) { if(isAllocated(ID)) return Alarm[ID].value ; else return dtINVALID_TIME; } // return the alarm type for the given alarm ID dtAlarmPeriod_t TimeAlarmsClass::readType(AlarmID_t ID) { if(isAllocated(ID)) return (dtAlarmPeriod_t)Alarm[ID].Mode.alarmType ; else return dtNotAllocated; } void TimeAlarmsClass::free(AlarmID_t ID) { if(isAllocated(ID)) { Alarm[ID].Mode.isEnabled = false; Alarm[ID].Mode.alarmType = dtNotAllocated; Alarm[ID].onTickHandler = 0; Alarm[ID].value = 0; Alarm[ID].nextTrigger = 0; } } // returns the number of allocated timers uint8_t TimeAlarmsClass::count() { uint8_t c = 0; for(uint8_t id = 0; id < dtNBR_ALARMS; id++) { if(isAllocated(id)) c++; } return c; } // returns true only if id is allocated and the type is a time based alarm, returns false if not allocated or if its a timer bool TimeAlarmsClass::isAlarm(AlarmID_t ID) { return( isAllocated(ID) && dtIsAlarm(Alarm[ID].Mode.alarmType) ); } // returns true if this id is allocated bool TimeAlarmsClass::isAllocated(AlarmID_t ID) { return( ID < dtNBR_ALARMS && Alarm[ID].Mode.alarmType != dtNotAllocated ); } AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::getTriggeredAlarmId() //returns the currently triggered alarm id // returns dtINVALID_ALARM_ID if not invoked from within an alarm handler { if(isServicing) return servicedAlarmId; // new private data member used instead of local loop variable i in serviceAlarms(); else return dtINVALID_ALARM_ID; // valid ids only available when servicing a callback } // following functions are not Alarm ID specific. void TimeAlarmsClass::delay(unsigned long ms) { unsigned long start = millis(); while( millis() - start <= ms) serviceAlarms(); } void TimeAlarmsClass::waitForDigits( uint8_t Digits, dtUnits_t Units) { while(Digits != getDigitsNow(Units) ) { serviceAlarms(); } } void TimeAlarmsClass::waitForRollover( dtUnits_t Units) { while(getDigitsNow(Units) == 0 ) // if its just rolled over than wait for another rollover serviceAlarms(); waitForDigits(0, Units); } uint8_t TimeAlarmsClass::getDigitsNow( dtUnits_t Units) { time_t time = now(); if(Units == dtSecond) return numberOfSeconds(time); if(Units == dtMinute) return numberOfMinutes(time); if(Units == dtHour) return numberOfHours(time); if(Units == dtDay) return dayOfWeek(time); return 255; // This should never happen } //*********************************************************** //* Private Methods void TimeAlarmsClass::serviceAlarms() { if(! isServicing) { isServicing = true; for( servicedAlarmId = 0; servicedAlarmId < dtNBR_ALARMS; servicedAlarmId++) { if( Alarm[servicedAlarmId].Mode.isEnabled && (now() >= Alarm[servicedAlarmId].nextTrigger) ) { OnTick_t TickHandler = Alarm[servicedAlarmId].onTickHandler; if(Alarm[servicedAlarmId].Mode.isOneShot) free(servicedAlarmId); // free the ID if mode is OnShot else Alarm[servicedAlarmId].updateNextTrigger(); if( TickHandler != NULL) { (*TickHandler)(); // call the handler } } } isServicing = false; } } // returns the absolute time of the next scheduled alarm, or 0 if none time_t TimeAlarmsClass::getNextTrigger() { time_t nextTrigger = 0xffffffff; // the max time value for(uint8_t id = 0; id < dtNBR_ALARMS; id++) { if(isAllocated(id) ) { if(Alarm[id].nextTrigger < nextTrigger) nextTrigger = Alarm[id].nextTrigger; } } return nextTrigger == 0xffffffff ? 0 : nextTrigger; } // attempt to create an alarm and return true if successful AlarmID_t TimeAlarmsClass::create( time_t value, OnTick_t onTickHandler, uint8_t isOneShot, dtAlarmPeriod_t alarmType, uint8_t isEnabled) { if( ! (dtIsAlarm(alarmType) && now() < SECS_PER_YEAR)) // only create alarm ids if the time is at least Jan 1 1971 { for(uint8_t id = 0; id < dtNBR_ALARMS; id++) { if( Alarm[id].Mode.alarmType == dtNotAllocated ) { // here if there is an Alarm id that is not allocated Alarm[id].onTickHandler = onTickHandler; Alarm[id].Mode.isOneShot = isOneShot; Alarm[id].Mode.alarmType = alarmType; Alarm[id].value = value; isEnabled ? enable(id) : disable(id); return id; // alarm created ok } } } return dtINVALID_ALARM_ID; // no IDs available or time is invalid } // make one instance for the user to use TimeAlarmsClass Alarm = TimeAlarmsClass() ;