- the container only lives as long as the process inside it is alive
How to run a container ?
docker run ubuntu
- docker starts a container using ubuntu image that has
CMD ["bash"]
as "running process" - bash is a shell that listens for input from terminal , in our case bash doenst find a terminal and it exits
How to specify a different command ?
docker run ubuntu sleep 5
- container will sleep 5 sec and will exit
How to specify a different command permanently?
- create a new Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
CMD sleep 5
CMD ["sleep", "5"] # command and arg should be separate elements of the list
- build the image
docker build -t myubuntu .
- run container
docker run myubuntu
- container will sleep 5 sec and will exit
What if you want to sleep 10 ?
docker run myubuntu sleep 10
Better option ?
- create Dockerfile and use ENTRYPOINT
FROM ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
- run the container by passing only the arg (10) to the starting process (ENTRYPOINT - sleep in our case)
docker run myubuntu 10
- if you dont specify 10 from command will errror, solution is next
CMD - command line parameter will get replaced entirely
ENTRYPOINT - command line parameter will get appended
- the best of both worlds:
FROM ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"]
CMD ["5"]
if run
docker run myubuntu
- sleep 5 -
if run
docker run myubuntu 10
- sleep 10 -
ENTRYPOINT doesnt change , but the argument changes
to overwrite entrypoint
docker run --entrypoint sleep2.0 myubuntu 10
(assuming sleep2.0 is valid command)
- this will execute
sleep2.0 10
and exit
cat ubuntu-pod.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ubuntu
- name: ubuntu
image: myubuntu
command: ["sleep2.0"]
args: ["10"]
Container ------- Pod
ENTRYPOINT ["sleep"] ------- command: ["sleep2.0"] (overwrites)
CMD ["5"] ------- args: ["10"] (overwrites)