Please checkout for docker installation.
Once docker is successfully installed, launch Athenz by executing the following docker command:
$ docker run -itd -P athenz/athenz
The docker container includes all three Athenz Services - ZMS, ZTS and UI. Internally they're running on the following ports:
Service | Port |
ZMS | 4443 |
ZTS | 8443 |
UI | 9443 |
To access these services, first determine the corresponding ports exposed by docker.
Run the following commands to extract the container id assigned to the athenz/athenz
image and then use extracted container id as the value for the CONTAINER_ID parameter
in the second command to inspect the ports exposed by docker:
$ docker ps --filter "ancestor=athenz/athenz" -q
$ docker inspect --format '{{json .NetworkSettings.Ports}}' CONTAINER_ID
The output from the inspect command would be similar to:
In this setup UI port 9443 is exposed on port 32774. So to access Athenz UI from the same box, open the web browser with url https://localhost:32774. Since the services are running with self-signed certificates, configure your browser to ignore the warnings regarding the UI server certificate.
The container is configured with the following default user details:
User | Password |
athenz | athenz |
Run docker ps
to get the CONTAINER_ID first and then use the extracted
container id with docker stop command:
$ docker ps --filter "ancestor=athenz/athenz" -q
$ docker stop CONTAINER_ID
To start Athenz, execute the following command (replace CONTAINER_ID with the extract id from the docker ps command):
$ docker start CONTAINER_ID