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138 lines (99 loc) · 3.9 KB

File metadata and controls

138 lines (99 loc) · 3.9 KB


Pre requisites:

Install Graph cli using NPM


$ npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Docker Desktop

nodeJS LTS

Install dependencies

npm i

Setting Up Local Blockchain

Run a Hardhat node:

npx hardhat node

NOTE: Note: Use the first account to avoid errors.

Deploying Smart Contracts to Local Blockchain

Deploy the Swaplace contract

npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deploy.ts

Install subgraph dependencies

cd /swaplace-subgraph/
npm i

Running docker

Go to the graph-node directory

cd swaplace-subgraph/graph-node

Make sure there is not any residual file remaining in the directory

rm -rf graph-node/data/

start the docker

docker-compose up

You should see the log looking like this for the docker:

    *graph-node-graph-node-1  |* Oct 15 04:44:57.420 INFO Downloading latest blocks from Ethereum, this may take a few minutes..., provider: localhost-rpc-0, component: EthereumPollingBlockIngestor

And looking something like this for hardhat:

    eth_blockNumber (2)
    eth_getBlockByNumber (19)
    eth_blockNumber (2)
    eth_getBlockByNumber (14)

Create a subgraph

cd swaplace-subgraph
graph create --node http://localhost:8020/ subgraph/swaplace

Deploy the subgraph

graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001 subgraph/swaplace

The Graph Explorer

Run the test scripts on the local network to generate events to check on The Graph Explorer with queries. Example of query:

query MyQuery {

swapCreateds(first: 2) { creator id Swaplace_id blockNumber } }

In case you update the smart contract with new events to be added

  1. Cancel and clean the docker. In the graph-node folder running the docker, press crtl + c and type docker-compose down, then delete the data folder rm -rf /data
  2. Update the smart contract and compile it
  3. Update the files swaplace-subgraph/networks.json and the swaplace-subgraph/subgraph.yaml with the new address
  4. Copy and paste the new ABI on swaplace-subgraph/abis/Swaplace.json
  5. Update the file swaplace-subgraph/schema.graphql with the new entities
  6. Update the file swaplace-subgraph/subgraph.ymal with the new event handlers
  7. Update the file swaplace-subgraph/src/swaplace.ts with the new functions and imports
  8. Run the commands graph codegen and graph build --network localhost in the swaplace-subgraph folder.
  9. Deploy the new version of the subgraph graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001 subgraph/swaplace

Tesnet and Mainnet

  1. Access the studio, connect your wallet and create a subgraph
  2. Give a name and select a network
  3. Run the command line: graph init --studio <your subgraph name>
  4. Choose the protocol you want to deploy the subgraph
  5. Create the slug which will be the unique identifier your subgraph will be identified by
  6. Create the name of the directory that will have the subgraph files
  7. Choose the network you want to deploy the subgraph
  8. Fill the address field with the smart contract deployed on the network
  9. Set the path to the ABI file
  10. Fill the block in which the contract was deployed to
  11. Give the name of the contract
  12. Press "Y" to index events as entities
  13. Press "n" if you don't want to add another contract.
  14. Run the command graph auth --studio <your subgraph deploy key>
  15. Go to the subgraph's directory cd swaplace-subgraph
  16. Run the commands graph codegen && graph build to generate the necessary files
  17. Run the command graph deploy --studio swaplace-subgraph to deploy the subgraph

Use The Graph Studio to play around with the queries. You can use the query mentioned earlier to start.