Did you know that Firebase offers a pricing calculator that you can use to estimate your monthly costs?
The free tier is so generous that you'd have to get past 1.5M Cloud Firestore monthly reads before being charged a penny. 😌
But how can you check your actual usage?
Most Firebase products (Authentication, Cloud Firestore etc.) include a "Usage" tab where you can see a breakdown of your billable metrics. 👇
And if you go to "Usage and Billing", you can see your total project cost.
I couldn't take a screenshot with a good-looking chart here, since nearly all my projects cost ZERO. 😅
For extra peace of mind, you can go to your Google Cloud account to set a monthly budget amount.
And you can also receive email alerts when the forecasted spend exceeds a certain percent or amount.
Bottom line: don't be scared about your Firebase bill. 🤝
Unless you do something catastrophic, you'll be fine. 🙌
Just be careful to avoid recursive document writes in your Cloud Function triggers. 😱
And even then, budget limits and alerts should help you out.
Note: budget alerts help you be notified of excessive usage in your Firebase projects, but they don't prevent over-billing. So it's still up to you to take action and disable your project (partially or completely).
If you wanna learn Firebase, you can check out this course:
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