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Deploying Wallet-Infra to Google Cloud Run

For production or cloud usage, we recommend deploying the Docker container to Google Cloud Run. This guide walks you through:

  1. Creating a new (or using an existing) Cloud SQL for MySQL instance
  2. Setting up a dedicated user and database
  3. Building and pushing your Docker image
  4. Deploying to Cloud Run
  5. Verifying everything works end-to-end


  1. Google Cloud CLI (gcloud) – installed and authenticated to your GCP project (gcloud auth login).
  2. Cloud Run enabled in your GCP project.
  3. Docker – for building the container image locally (you can also use GitHub Actions to build it).

1. Prepare the Dockerfile

This repository includes a sample Dockerfile:

FROM node:20-alpine

# Install nginx (optional)
RUN apk add --no-cache --update nginx && \
    chown -R nginx:www-data /var/lib/nginx

COPY ./nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

COPY . .
RUN npm i knex -g && \
    npm run build

# By default, node out/src/index.js. It will conditionally run Nginx if NODE_ENV != development
CMD [ "node", "out/src/index.js"]

Note: If you prefer to skip Nginx in production, you can remove the RUN apk add ... line and any references to nginx. By default, index.ts spawns Nginx only if NODE_ENV !== 'development'.

2. Create or Use a Cloud SQL Instance

If you already have a MySQL instance set up, skip to Step 3.

Otherwise, create a new instance:

gcloud sql instances create my-wallet-sql-instance \
  --database-version=MYSQL_8_0 \
  --tier=db-f1-micro \
  --region=us-west1 \

Configuring authorized-networks like this allows all traffic by default. (This may not be recommended for production, so adjust accordingly.)

Adjust parameters (machine type, region) as needed. Then set a root password:

gcloud sql users set-password root \
  --host=% \
  --instance=my-wallet-sql-instance \

3. Create the wallet_storage Database

Once your MySQL instance is up, create your primary database. You can do this with one of the following:

Cloud SQL Command-Line

gcloud sql connect my-wallet-sql-instance --user=root

When prompted, enter your root password. Then in the MySQL shell:

CREATE DATABASE wallet_storage;
SHOW DATABASES; -- optional, to verify it exists

A MySQL Client (Workbench, CLI, etc.)

  • Connect to your Cloud SQL instance (or local instance) using host, port, and credentials.
  • Run CREATE DATABASE wallet_storage;.

4. Create a Dedicated User (Optional)

For better security, create and grant privileges to a non-root user (e.g., wallet_admin).

  1. Create a user (outside the MySQL shell):

    gcloud sql users create wallet_admin \
      --instance=my-wallet-sql-instance \
  2. Grant privileges on the wallet_storage database. First connect with root:

    gcloud sql connect my-wallet-sql-instance --user=root

    Then in the MySQL shell:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wallet_storage.* TO 'wallet_admin'@'%';
  3. Use wallet_admin in your connection settings rather than root, e.g.:

      "user": "wallet_admin",
      "password": "ANOTHER_SECURE_PASSWORD",
      "database": "wallet_storage",
      "port": 3306

5. Test Your DB Connection String

Verify you can connect to your MySQL instance using the credentials you plan to provide to Cloud Run:

  • Public IP: If using a public IP for Cloud SQL, ensure any required network settings (firewall rules, SSL, etc.) are in place.
  • Private IP or Sockets: If using private IP or Unix sockets, read Cloud SQL + Cloud Run docs for the correct host or socketPath syntax.

Example valid JSON for an environment variable:

  "user": "wallet_admin",
  "database": "wallet_storage",
  "port": 3306

If you can connect via a local MySQL client (such as MySQLWorkbench) using these credentials, you should be good to go.

6. Build Your Docker Image

Install and build local dependencies (the Dockerfile will copy over node_modules):

npm install
npm run build

From your project’s root folder:

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t .

Replace PROJECT_ID with your actual Google Cloud project ID.

If you are unsure what your PROJECT_ID is, you can use the following command to list the available projects:

gcloud projects list

7. Push Your Image to Container Registry

docker push

8. Deploy to Cloud Run

Before deploying, create an env.yaml file in your local directory to store environment variables:

NODE_ENV: "production"
BSV_NETWORK: "main" # main | test
HTTP_PORT: "8080"
KNEX_DB_CONNECTION: '{"host": "<HOST>", "user": "wallet_admin", "password": "<ANOTHER_SECURE_PASS>", "database": "wallet_storage", "port": 3306}'

Update the example environment values as needed.

You may also want to include env.yaml in your .gitignore to prevent committing environment secrets.

  • NODE_ENV=production: Ensures production settings (e.g., mainnet chian).
  • ENABLE_NGINX=true: By default, GCR limits requests to 32mb. When an nginx proxy is combined with the HTTP/2 passthrough on GCR, it increases the request size allowed.
  • HTTP_PORT=8080: Cloud Run default.
  • SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY: Your server’s private key for authenticating requests (do not include quotes).
  • KNEX_DB_CONNECTION: Must be a valid JSON string (a string representation of a JSON object). When defined in env.yaml, it should be enclosed in single quotes to ensure YAML treats it as a string.

Then deploy your image using:

gcloud run deploy utxo-management-server \ \
  --region=us-west1 \
  --platform=managed \
  --allow-unauthenticated \

You can add --use-http2, if you want your container to see full HTTP/2 requests (especially relevant if you’re doing streaming gRPC or advanced HTTP/2 features in Nginx).

9. Verify Your Deployment

  1. Wait for Cloud Run to finish deploying and note the service URL.


Service [utxo-management-server] revision [utxo-management-server-00004-6n3] has been deployed and is serving 100 percent of traffic.
Service URL:
  1. Open the Cloud Run URL in your browser (or use curl).
  2. Check logs in the Cloud Run Console to confirm:
    • Service started without errors.
    • Migrations succeeded, creating the required tables in wallet_storage.

You can also confirm table creation by connecting to your DB and running:


That’s it! You have now:

  1. Created or connected to a MySQL instance (Cloud SQL or otherwise).
  2. Created a wallet_storage database.
  3. Configured environment variables in Cloud Run to point to that database.
  4. Deployed your Docker container to Cloud Run.

Your UTXO Management Server should now be ready to handle requests. If you run into any database connectivity issues, double-check your connection string, credentials, and Cloud SQL networking/security settings.

Next Steps

  • Connect your BSV wallet client to the new Cloud Run endpoint (the remote storage URL).
  • Customize monetization, mutual auth, or additional route controllers as needed.
  • Add a CI/CD pipeline for automated builds and deployments.

CI/CD with GitHub Actions (Optional)

You can automate Docker builds and GCR deployments using GitHub Actions:

  1. Add your GitHub secrets:

    • GCP_SA_KEY (service account JSON)
  2. Create a .github/workflows/deploy.yaml:

     name: Deploy to Cloud Run
         branches: [ "master" ]
         runs-on: ubuntu-latest
           - uses: actions/checkout@v3
           - name: Authenticate to Google Cloud
             uses: google-github-actions/auth@v1
               credentials_json: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}
           - name: Configure docker
             run: gcloud auth configure-docker
           - name: Build
             run: |
               docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/utxo-management-server:${{ github.sha }} .
           - name: Push Docker image
             run: |
               docker push${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/utxo-management-server:${{ github.sha }}
           - name: Deploy
             run: |
               gcloud run deploy utxo-management-server \
                 --image${{ secrets.GCP_PROJECT_ID }}/utxo-management-server:${{ github.sha }} \
                 --region=us-west1 \
                 --platform=managed \
                 --allow-unauthenticated \
                 --use-http2 \

Whenever you push to master, this workflow will build, push, and deploy automatically.

You’re All Set!

You now have a production-ready UTXO Management Server running on Cloud Run and connected to a secure MySQL database. For further customization or troubleshooting:

Enjoy building on the BSV Blockchain with a robust wallet infrastructure!