并以链接形式记录在Metadata表格中; -
# 目录结构,每个实体一个目录,每个目录下放置N个Batch文件,每个Batch包含100条左右记录 |- project | |- project-2021-03-18.csv |- donor (Each file contains a project_id to be associate to the project file. 100 records/Batch) | |- donor-2021-03-18.csv (Batch 1) | |- donor-2021-03-19.csv (Batch 2)
❗ 哪些实体间可能存在多对多关系?(待讨论) ❗
❗ 如何通过TSV/CSV文件来记录多对多关系?(待讨论) ❗
)# 导入程序处理后 |- [实体子表] project.csv |- [实体子表] donor.csv |- [总表] full_metadata.csv
flowchart LR
project([Project]) -.-> donor[Donor]
project --> reference_materials[Reference Materials]
donor -.-> biospecimen
biospecimen -.-> reference_materials
reference_materials --> library[Library]
library --> sequencing[Sequencing]
sequencing --> datafile[Data File]
key | name | short | description | type | collection | from |
project_id | Project Id | Project Id | Identity of the project. | category | quartet | project |
project_name | Project Name | Project Name | Name of the project. | category | quartet | project |
project_type | Project Type | Project Type | Type of the project. | category | quartet | project |
project_description | Project Description | Project Description | Description of the project. | category | quartet | project |
investigator_name | Investigator Name | Pi Name | Name of the investigator. | category | quartet | project |
investigator_affiliation | Investigator Affiliation | Pi Aff | Affiliation of the investigator. | category | quartet | project |
support_id | Support Id | Support Id | ID of the project funded. | category | quartet | project |
support_source | Support Source | Support Source | Source of the project funded. | category | quartet | project |
date_collected | Date Collected | Date Collect | Collection date. | number | quartet | project |
availability_type | Availability Type | Avail Type | Data privacy. | category | quartet | project |
donor_id | Donor Id | Donor Id | Identity of the donor. | category | quartet | donor |
family_id | Family Id | Family Id | Identity of the family. | category | quartet | donor |
pedigree | Pedigree | Pedigree | Pedigree of the family | category | quartet | donor |
gender | Gender | Gender | Gender of the donor. | category | quartet | donor |
birth_date | Birth Date | Birthday | Birthday of the donor. | number | quartet | donor |
biospecimen_id | Biospecimen Id | Biospecimen Id | Identity of the biospecimen. | category | quartet | biospecimen |
biospecimen_name | Biospecimen Name | Biospecimen Name | Name of the biospecimen. | category | quartet | biospecimen |
biospecimen_type | Biospecimen Type | Biospecimen Type | Type of the biospecimen. | category | quartet | biospecimen |
collection_date | Collection Date | Collect Date | Sample collection date. | number | quartet | biospecimen |
rm_id | Rm Id | Rm Id | Identity of the RM. | category | quartet | reference_materials |
extraction_site | Extraction Site | Extract Site | Site of the extraction. | category | quartet | reference_materials |
lot_no | Lot No | Lot No | Number of batch. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
cell_line_passage_number | Cell Line Passage Number | Clp Number | Number of cell line passage. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
rm_type | Rm Type | Rm Type | Type of the RM. | category | quartet | reference_materials |
source | Source | Source | Source of the sample.(eg. Blood, cell, etc.) | category | quartet | reference_materials |
cell_collection_date | Cell Collection Date | Cell Collect Date | Data of cell collcollectionction. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
extraction_date | Extraction Date | Extract Date | Data of materials extraction. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
kit_cat_no | Kit Cat No | Kit Cat No | Number kit cat. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
kit_lot_no | Lot Lot No | Kit Cat | Number kit lot. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
extraction_protocol | Extraction | Extract | Protocol of extraction. | number | quartet | reference_materials |
library_id | Library Id | Library Id | Identity of the library. | number | quartet | library |
input_ng | Input Ng | Input Ng | Concentration of input. | precision | quartet | library |
enrich_kit | Enrich Kit | Enrich Kit | Kit of library enrichment. | category | quartet | library |
preparation_kit | Preparation Kit | Prep Kit | Kit of preperation. | category | quartet | library |
fragment_method | Fragment Method | Fragment Method | Method of the fragment. | category | quartet | library |
fragment_selection | Fragment Selection | Fragment Select | Selection of the fragment. | category | quartet | library |
fragment_range | Fragment Range | Fragment Range | Range of the fragment. | precision | quartet | library |
pcr_cycle | Pcr Cycle | Pcr Cycle | Cycle of PCR | number | quartet | library |
preparation_date | Preparation Date | Prep Date | Date of preperation. | number | quartet | library |
spike_in | Spike In | Spike In | Spike_in added in the library construction.PreparationpreparationPreparationpreparation | category | quartet | library |
qc_concentration | Qc Concentration | Qc Conc | Concentration of quality control. | precision | quartet | library |
qc_size | Qc Size | Qc Size | Size of quality control. | precision | quartet | library |
preparation_method | Preperation Method | Prep Method | Method of preparation. | category | quartet | library |
preparation_site | Preparation Site | Prep Site | Site of preparation | category | quartet | library |
batch | Library Batch | Lib Batch | Batch of library | category | quartet | library |
stranded | Library Type | Lib Type | Type of library | category | quartet | library |
sequencing_id | Sequencing Id | Seq Id | ID of sequencing. | number | quartet | sequencing |
site | Site | Site | Site of sequencing. | category | quartet | sequencing |
platform | Platform | Platform | Platform of sequencing. | category | quartet | sequencing |
method | Method | Method | Method of sequencing. | category | quartet | sequencing |
index_sequence | Index Sequence | Index Seq | Index of sequencing. | category | quartet | sequencing |
flowcell_id | Flowcell Id | Flowcell Id | Identity of the flowcell. | category | quartet | sequencing |
lane_no | Lane No | Lane No | Number of the lane. | number | quartet | sequencing |
run_date | Run Date | Run Date | Date of process running. | number | quartet | sequencing |
datafile_id | Datafile Id | Datafile Id | Identity of the data file. | category | quartet | datafile |
submitter_id | Submitter Id | Submitter Id | Identity of the submitter. | category | quartet | datafile |
data_type | Data Type | Data Type | Type of the data file. | category | quartet | datafile |
data_category | Data Category | Data Cat | Category of the data file. | category | quartet | datafile |
data_format | Data Format | Data Format | Format of the data file. | category | quartet | datafile |
file_name | File Name | File Name | Name of the data file. | category | quartet | datafile |
file_size | File Size | File Size | Size of the datafile. | precision | quartet | datafile |
md_5sum | Md5Sum | Md5 | The 128-bit hash value expressed as a 32 digit hexadecimal number (in lower case) used as a file's digital fingerprint. | category | quartet | datafile |
file_path | File Path | File Path | Path of the date file. | category | quartet | datafile |
node | Node Id | Node Id | Identity of the Node URL. | category | quartet | datafile |
analyses_id | Analyses Id | Analyze Id | Identity of the analyses. | category | quartet | analyses |
analyses_type | Analyses Type | Analyze Type | Type of the analyses. | category | quartet | analyses |
link | Link | Link | Link of the analyses. | category | quartet | analyses |
version | Version | Version | Version of the analyses. | category | quartet | analyses |