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class: center, middle, title title: Intro to Functional Programming with Clojure

Intro to Functional
Programming with Clojure

class: center, middle, title

Intro to Clojure
(& Functional Programming)

About Me

  • Benjamin R. Haskell: Twitter @benizi, GitHub benizi Web benizi
  • Day Job: Forever™ (mostly Ruby)
  • Worked professionally with
    • Perl, .NET (C♯, VB), JavaScript, PHP, Ruby
  • Strong interests in
    • Go, Clojure, Erlang, Haskell, and Python
  • Like tools that require a lot of configuration/practice to "get":
    • Vim, Zsh, Linux, XMonad

Clojure and Me

  • Interested in Clojure for a couple of years
  • No production experience
  • I hate virtually all of my Clojure code, despite making it available
  • Solved all problems.
  • Built some toy apps:
      • really simple YouTube® link shortener
      • Running on Heroku
    • these slides
      • Ring/Compojure application
      • that parses HAML/Markdown with Ruby
      • Munges deck.js templates with enlive
      • Syntax highlighting with Pygments (in Ruby)

FP and Me

  • FP = Functional Programming
  • Haskell
    • Learned Me a Haskell at
    • Highly recommended language to learn (influential)
    • Learned it to configure XMonad (and because of my name)
    • Once wrote meaningful monadic code
  • Erlang
  • Etc.
    • Scala, F♯ - intro tutorials or a bit more

What is FP?

  • No one really agrees
  • Often: functions as first-class objects
    • Functions as values you can create/pass
    • Functions that take/return functions => (higher-order functions)
  • Simplest (what I'm running with / my bias):
    • Focus on functions, not classes

Why FP?

  • Referential Transparency
    • What you see is what you get
  • Functional Purity
    • Mathematical provability, optimizable
  • Elegant code
    • Functional = shorter
  • Not Object-Oriented
    • Modeling is hard or gets in the way
  • Actions over lists
    • The most common monad

Referential Transparency

  • Calling the same function with the same arguments will always produce the same results
## Referentially opaque
$global_counter = 0
def get_counter
  $global_counter += 1
## Referentially transparent
def next_value(counter)
  counter + 1

Referential Transparency

  • Calling the same function with the same arguments will always produce the same results
  • Makes code easier to reason about
    • Only need to know inputs to understand the output
  • Prevents action at a distance
    • Not relying on hidden state

Functional Purity

  • Referential Transparency + No side effects
## Impure function
def print_table(table)
  table.each { |row| puts "ROW: #{row}" }
## Pure function
def printable_rows(table) { |row| "ROW: #{row}" }

Functional Purity

  • Referential Transparency + No side effects
  • Allows optimizations
    • Can memoize anything
  • Makes testing/simulation easier
    • No worries about affecting the environment

Elegant Code

  • Not 100% subjective
  • Functional code tends to have less boilerplate
  • Haskell quicksort
qsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qsort []     = []
qsort (p:xs) = (qsort less) ++ [p] ++ (qsort more)
        less = filter (< p) xs
        more = filter (>= p)

Not Object-Oriented

  • Very subjective
  • Not forced to be Object-Oriented
  • Primary unit of OOP design tends to be class hierarchies
    • Object = what the things in the program are
  • Primary unit of FP design is the function
    • Function = what the program does

Actions over lists

It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures
- Alan Perlis

  • Libraries of functions tend to be better-composable
  • More things than you'd think involve actions over lists
  • (aside) List = the simplest-to-comprehend monad

Things to Keep in Mind

  • It's a spectrum. Different FP languages have different emphases
    • Haskell - strong emphasis on functional purity
    • Scala - embraces Object Oriented Programming
  • You don't have to use an FP language to practice FP techniques
  • Many FP features mutually reinforce each other
    • Immutability => Referential Transparency

Clojure in bullet points

  • Heavy emphasis on immutability
  • Built-in concurrency constructs
    • Hard: Locks, mutexes, semaphores
    • Better: Software Transactional Memory
  • A Modern Lisp
    • Homoiconicity - Code is data
    • Modern = Syntactic sugar for non-list data types
    • REPL: Read, Eval, Print, Loop
  • On the JVM (Clojure) or Node.JS/browser (ClojureScript)
    • Very easy to consume libraries
    • Embraces the host platform


  • Mutability causes bugs, action at a distance
    # Ruby
    puts data.inspect # { vital_data: 1, other: 2 }
      def evil_function(param)
      puts data.inspect # { other: 2 }
  • "But isn't immutability inefficient?"
    • Everything is "pass by value"
    • Lots of data copying

Immutability in Clojure

  • Core data structures all Hash-Array Mapped Tries
    • Elegant: Structural sharing minimizes copying
    • Clever: 5-bit indices squashed into 32-bit ints
    • Efficient: O(log32(N)) operations (effectively O(1))
  • Doesn't extend to Java objects
    • Mutability is a big concern with Java interop

Hash-Array Mapped Tries

Hash-Array Mapped Tries

Highly recommended reading: Karl Krukow blog post


<iframe src="//" style="width: 100%; min-height: 4in" scrolling="no"> </iframe>

Clojure Basics - Comments

; line-based
; everything after semicolon ignored by reader

;; function-like
(comment ...) ; => nil
[1 (comment 2) 3] ; => [1 nil 3]

; most useful for top-level forms
(comment defn somefunction ...)

;; Reader macro #_
#_(...) ; form is completely elided
[1 #_2 3] ; => [1 3]

;; #! shell compatibility
#!/usr/bin/clojure      ; not usually a thing,
                        ; but would be ignored

Clojure Basics - Data types

nil      ; equivalent to Java null      ;; nil

true                                    ;; Booleans
false    ; only nil and false
         ; are "falsey"

(map class [                            ;; Numbers
  1      ; => java.lang.Long
  1.2    ; => java.lang.Double
  1/2    ; => clojure.lang.Ratio
  1N     ; => clojure.lang.BigInt
  1M     ; => java.math.BigDecimal

Clojure Basics - Strings

(class "asdf") ; => java.lang.String    ;; Strings

;; strings are sequences of characters
(map identity "asdf") ; => (\a \s \d \f)

;; A few special names for characters
(first "\n") ; => \newline

;; Just Characters underneath
(class \newline) ; => java.lang.Character

(def item "yay")
;; str stringifies and joins
(str "a" item "b") ; => "ayayb"

Clojure Basics - Regexps

#"regular expression"
(class #"regular expressions")
; => java.util.regex.Pattern

; fewer backticks: #"\d" is like "\\d"

(re-seq #"\w" "asdf")
; => ("a" "s" "d" "f")

(re-find #"sd" "blah asdf blah")
; => "sd"
(re-find #"sd" "blah blah blah")
; => nil

Clojure Basics - Symbolics

(name :stringy)   ; => "stringy"        ;; Keywords
::resolved        ; => :user/resolve
(in-ns 'whatever)
::resolved        ; => :whatever/resolve

'some-thing       ; => some-thing       ;; Symbols
'whatever/thing   ; => whatever/thing
'questionable?    ; => questionable?
'warn-!-yay       ; => warn-!-yay

Clojure Basics - List-alikes

(list 1 2 3) ; => (1 2 3)        ;; Lists

; quote prevents evaluation
'(1 2 3) ; => (1 2 3)

[1 2 3]                          ;; Vectors
(vec '(1 2 3))  ; => [1 2 3]
(vector 1 2 3)  ; => [1 2 3]
([5 6 7] 0)     ; => 5

Clojure Basics - Indexed seqs

{:a 1 :b 2}                                 ;; Maps
(hash-map :a 1 :b 2)   ; => {:a 1, :b 2}
(sorted-map :a 1 :b 2) ; => {:a 1, :b 2}
({:a 1 :b 2} :a)       ; => 1
({:a 1 :b 2} :c)       ; => nil

#{:a :b :c}                                 ;; Sets
(hash-set :a :b :c)   ; => #{:a :b :c}
(set [:a :b :c])      ; => #{:a :b :c}
(sorted-set :a :b :c) ; => #{:a :b :c}

Clojure - Order of operations

;; 1. Read - Convert string representation to data
(read-string "(1 2 3)") ; => (1 2 3)

;; 2. Macro expansion - Recursively expand macros
(macroexpand '(defn foo [a] (+ 1 a)))
; => (def foo (clojure.core/fn ([a] (+ 1 a))))

;; 3. Evaluation - Most datatypes self-evaluate
(eval 1)        ; => 1
(eval :keyword) ; => :keyword
(eval [1 2 3])  ; => [1 2 3]


I'm being hand-wavy. The actual situation is ...more complex, especially for ClojureScript

Clojure evaluation - Lists

  • Lists (and symbols) are special
    (eval (read-string "(first-item)"))
    ; => CompilerException ...
    ; Unable to resolve symbol: first-item
  • First item is resolved to something...

Clojure evaluation - ...function

  • If it's a function:
    1. Evaluate the remaining items
    2. Pass them as arguments to the function
(x (y 1) (z "a"))
; evaluate (y 1)
;   evaluate 1 => 1
;   call y with 1 => y-result
; evaluate (z "a")
;   evaluate "a" => 1
;   call z with "a" => z-result
; call x with y-result and z-result => x-result

layout: true

;; Vars
#'name ; => (var name)

;; Deref
@value ; => (deref value)

;; Metadata
#^{:doc "string"} value ; => (with-meta value {:doc "string"})

layout: true

Confusing - Namespaces

  • Collection of Vars
  • Always a "current" namespace
(ns com.benizi.project.core
  (:refer [clojure.core.async :as async]) ;; alias
  (:use [clojure.core.async]) ;; discouraged
  (:import []) ;; import Java class
  (:import [java.util.concurrent
                LinkedBlockingQueue])) ;; multiple

layout: false

Evaluation - ...special forms

  • If it's a special form, evaluate it specially
    • .special[def] interns symbol in the current namespace
      (def symbol init?)
      Special because it's very low-level
    • .special[if] evaluates a test and then one of the two branches
      (if test       ; test is evaluated first
        when-true    ; not evaluated if test is false
        when-false)  ; not evaluated if test is true
    Special because parts of the form need to remain unevaluated

Evaluation - ...special forms

  • .special[do] runs the forms it contains, discarding the results except the last
      (println "Yay") ; => prints: Yay
      1234) ; => evaluates to 1234
  • .special[quote] prevents evaluation of its arguments
    (quote (rm-rf "/"))
    ; => (rm-rf "/")
    Special because its arguments are unevaluated
  • Equivalent to the reader macro: .special[']
    (= (quote (a b c))
       '(a b c))

Functions on hash maps

(:a {:a 1 :b 2}) ; => 1   ; keywords are functions
(:a #{:a :b})    ; => :a

; longs are not
(0 [1 2 3])   ; => ClassCastException
; nor are strings
("a" {"a" 1}) ; => ClassCastException

(get {:a 1 :b 2} :a)          ; => 1
(get {:a 1 :b 2} :c)          ; => nil
(get {:a 1 :b 2} :c :default) ; => :default

(keys {:a 1 :b 2}) ; => (:a :b)
(vals {:a 1 :b 2}) ; => (1 2)

(assoc {:a 1} :b 2)     ; => {:a 1 :b 2}
(dissoc {:a 1 :b 2} :b) ; => {:a 1}

Clojure Basics - Sequences

;; (cons first rest)
;; cons[tructs] a new seq by
;; appending first to the rest
(cons 4 '(1 2 3))    ; => (4 1 2 3)
(cons 4 [1 2 3])     ; => (4 1 2 3)
(cons 4 #{1 2 3})    ; => (4 1 2 3)             ;
(cons [:b 2] {:a 1}) ; => ([:b 2] [:a 1])

Clojure Basics - Sequences

;; (conj coll item)
;; conj[oins] efficiently
(conj '(1 2 3) 4)    ; => (4 1 2 3)
(conj [1 2 3] 4)     ; => [1 2 3 4]
(conj #{1 2 3} 4)    ; => #{1 2 3 4}
(conj {:a 1} [:b 2]) ; => {:b 2, :a 1}

;; (usually same concrete type)
;; position depends on concrete type

Clojure Basics - Sequences

;; (into coll a b c ...)
;; conj[oins] the rest of its arguments
;; into the first
(into [] 1 2 3 4)       ; => [1 2 3 4]
(into #{} 1 2 3 4)      ; => #{1 3 2 4}
(into {} [:a 1] [:b 2]) ; => {:a 1, :b 2}

Clojure Let, binding forms

;; Evaluate body with local bindings as expressed by [forms]
(let [forms] body)

;; Many binding forms:

name value         ; binds value to name
(let [a (+ 1 2 3)]
  a) ; => 6

[a b ...] value    ; binds a to 1st element
                   ; binds b to 2nd element
                   ; ...
(let [[a b] '(x y)]
  (prn {:a a :b b})) ; => prints: {:a x, :b y}

Binding forms (cont.)

;; Map-like binding forms

(def req {:request-type :get, :url "/"})

{name :key}        ; pulls :key out of a map-like
(let [{x :request-type} req]
  x) ; => :get

{:keys [a b c]}    ; pull multiple keys at once,
                   ; where key is same as name
(let [{:keys [request-type url]} req]
  (str "TYPE: " request-type " for " url))
; => "TYPE: :get for /"

{:keys [...] :as name}  ; also assign whole to name
(let [{:keys [url] :as r} req]
  (= r req)) ; => true

Lazy sequences

;; generates integers starting at 0
(range) ; => returns lazy sequence: (0 1 2 3 4 ...)
(range x) ; => returns 0 to (dec x)
(range x y) ; => returns x to (dec y)

;; take, drop, and nth can limit the laziness
(take 4 (range)) ; => (0 1 2 3)
(drop 5 (range)) ; => lazy sequence: (5 6 7 8 ...)
(drop 5 (take 8 (range))) ; => (5 6 7)

(nth (range) 20) ; => 20
(nth (range) 0) ; => 0

Functional programming

;; Apply a function with seq as arguments
(apply + [1 2 3 4]) ; => 10
; same as: (+ 1 2 3 4)

;; Apply a fn with items of seqs in turn
(map f collection)
; => '((f (first collection))
;      (f (second collection))
;      ...)

(map identity [1 2 3]) ; => (1 2 3)          ;; result is list
(map identity '(1 2 3)) ; => (1 2 3)
(map identity #{1 2 3}) ; => (1 2 3)

Map (cont.)

(map str [{:a 1} [1 2] #{:a :b}])
; => ("{:a 1}" "[1 2]" "{:a :b}")

;; multiple collections stop when the shortest ends
(map vector [:a :b :c] (range))
; => ((vector :a 0) (vector :b 1) (vector :c 2))
; => ([:a 0] [:b 1] [:c 2])

Functional programming

;; Fold over a list
(reduce f initial-value? collection)
(reduce + 0 [1 2 3 4])
; => like repeatedly doing: (f value next-value)
; => (+ 0 1) => 1
; => (+ 1 2) => 3
; => (+ 3 3) => 6
; => (+ 6 4) => 10

Functional programming

;; Composition
(comp f g) ; => function that applies g, then f to the result
(comp inc -) ; => function that negates, then increments
((comp inc -) 42) ; => -41

;; Partial application
(partial f other-args...) ; => function that applies f to args and other-args

(def map-inc (partial map inc))
(map-inc [1 2 3 4]) ; => (2 3 4 5)

(def five-adder (partial + 5))
(five-adder 10 20) ; => 35

Clojure threading macros

;; passes x to form1, result to form2, etc.
;; -> = as first arg
(-> x form1 form2 ...)
(-> 1 (inc) (* 2) (/ 7)) ; => 4/7
(/ (* (inc 1) 2) 7)

;; passes x to form1, result to form2, etc.
;; ->> = as last arg
(->> x form1 form2 ...)  
(->> [:a :b] (map str) (apply str)) ; => ":a:b"
(apply str (map str [:a :b]))

layout: true

Clojure Basics - Defining functions

;; defn is a macro, which expands to def of a (fn) form
(defn entry-printer
  "This is an example of binding" ; doc-string
  [[key val]]
  (println key " => " val))

(entry-printer [:a 1])
; => prints:
; :a => 1

(dorun (map entry-printer {:a 1 :b 2}))
; => prints:
; :a => 1
; :b => 2
; => nil

layout: true

Clojure Namespaces

  • Map of symbols to vars
  • Named like Java packages (reverse domain names)
  • Example: com.benizi.superlibrary
;; ns macro
(ns some.namespace
  (:require [clojure.repl :as repl])             ;; loads and aliases
  (:require [clojure.repl])                      ;; just loads
  (:use [clojure.repl]) ; discouraged            ;; imports everything
  (:require [clojure.repl :refer (doc source)])  ;; import specific vars
  (:import [java.lang String])                   ;; String is available

layout: true

Clojure Basics - Don't forget immutability

(def a {:a 1})   ; => #'user/a
(assoc a :b 2)   ; => {:a 1 :b 2}
a                ; => {:a 1}

layout: false

Clojure evaluation - my experience

Some things that have helped me (maybe) understand what's going on

  • Don't think in "infix": think of (x y z) as "apply x to y and z"
  • (+ 1 2 3) ; "apply sum to 1, 2, and 3"
    (< 1 2)   ; "apply 'in-order' to 1 and 2     ; => true
    (< 1 2 3) ; "apply 'in-order' to 1, 2, and 3 ; => true
  • Hard to remember early on when things need to be in a list
  • If you want it to be evaluated, put it in a list
  • If you don't want evaluation, quote it, or use a vector

layout: true

Clojure Basics - Reference types - refs

  • Provides a wrapper around a normal entity
  • Coordinates access to that entity
  • Access is only available within a transaction

layout: false


More resources

Even more resources

  • Web sites for practicing
  • Web sites for reference
  • IRC
    • #clojure on freenode