<<<<<<< HEAD
Release Date: Dec 21, 2017 What is news:
- Add inheritance support by default. Generated class follows inhertance hierarchy of OData feed (unless switched-off by -i option)
Release Date:
What is news:
- Support Nullable Data type: DateTime (issue #3), DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan, Guid
Release Date: March 11, 2017 What is news:
- New: Coverting Property Name to camelCase/PasCase using the option -c, --case camel/pascal (issue #1).
- New: Generating JsonProperty Attribute for the property using the option -j, --Json, example: [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "email")] (issue #1)
- New: Adding the option -a, --attribute to enter all attributes separated by one or more space. Allowed values are:key required json table. (equivqlant to -k -q -j -t options )
- Change: the option metafile name changed to x (instead of m) to be different than the namespace option (m)
- New: Show the option values in the console to help review the options you typed (in verbose mode).
Release Date: February 28, 2017 What is news:
- New : add option -i, --inherit for class inheritance from BaseClass and/or interfaces (issue #2)
- New : add option -m, --namespace A namespace prefix for the OData namespace (issue #2)
- New : add option -e, --eager Add non virtual navigation Properties for Eager Loading (issue #2)
Release Date: June 27, 2016 What is news:
- New: add option -k to add KeyAttribute to the property
- New: add option -q to add RequiredAttribute to the property
- New: add option -t to add TableAttribute to the class
- New: add option - n to add Navigation properties to the class
- New: add option to generate nullable data types
- Return exitcode -1 for http exceptions errors 401, 404
- Add more unit test
Release Date: May 17, 2016
- fix : Issue: popup error screen is raised for not_found and not_authorized http Exception error. corrected: Application return exit code -1 and handling http excptions
Release Date: May 1, 2016
Available Options: -r, --url Required. URL of OData feed. -u, --user User name for authentication. -p, --password password for authentication. -f, --filename (Default: poco.cs) filename to save generated c# code. -m, --meta-file filename to save XML metadata. -v, --verbose (Default: False) Prints C# code to the standard output. -d, --header (Default: False) List http header of the service -l, --list (Default: False) List POCO classes to standard output. --help Display this help screen.