+**Disclaimer:** This project is still in its early stages of development and is considered a prototype. Please refrain from using it in production.
+`Falcon` is a CLI program designed for smart contract developers to relay data from the [Tunnel](https://github.com/bandprotocol/chain/tree/master/x/tunnel) on BandChain to their target blockchain seamlessly.
+# Table Of Contents
+- [Components](#components)
+- [Flow](#flow)
+- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
+## Components
+### 1. BandChain Client
+- Queries tunnel information.
+- Queries packet data and EVM signatures for verification in the TSS verifier.
+### 2. Chain Provider
+Intermediary between the relayer application and the target blockchain. It encapsulates all logic required to interact with a specific type of blockchain, such as Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-based chains, and abstracts the details of blockchain operations like transaction creation, execution, querying, and validation.
+(At this moment, only EVM chains are supported.)
+- Keys Manipulation
+ - Manages key operations such as adding, deleting, listing, and securely storing them.
+- Transaction Creation
+ - Constructs calldata for packet relaying.
+ - Dynamically calculates gas fees for both EIP-1559 and Legacy transactions.
+- Transaction Execution
+ - Signs transactions using keys from the senders pool.
+ - Broadcasts transactions to the blockchain.
+ - Verifies transaction success with a receipt check.
+### 3. Scheduler
+- Executes tasks for each `TunnelRelayer` periodically.
+- Penalizes failing tasks with an exponential backoff.
+- Synchronizes with BandChain periodically to ensure that Falcon keeps all tunnels aligned and up-to-date with BandChain.
+### 4. Tunnel Relayer
+- Fetches tunnel information and packet by `BandChain Client` and `Chain Provider`
+- Handles the packet relaying process
+ - Validates tunnel state (e.g., active status, latest sequence).
+ - Fetches unrelayed packets from BandChain.
+ - Submit packet to `Chain Provider` to continue on transaction process.
+## Flow
+### 1. Initialization
+- Initializes Tunnel Relayers
+ - Fetches tunnel information from BandChain and target chains.
+ - Validates the provider and loads keys into the sender channel.
+- Validates Passphrase
+ - Checks if the user-provided passphrase matches the stored hash to ensure security.
+- Starts Scheduler
+ - Scheduler manages periodic relaying tasks for all initialized `TunnelRelayer` instances.
+### 2. Starting Scheduler
+The Scheduler starts execution ticker and tunnel synchronization ticker based on the given configuration, and handles penalized tasks resulting from consecutive relay packet failures.
+- Periodic Execution
+ - Asynchronously triggers each `TunnelRelayer` instances to check [(3.)](#3-checking-packets) and relay [(4.)](#4-relaying-packets) the packet and confirm transaction [(5.)](#5-confirming-transaction).
+- Tunnels synchronization
+ - Updates tunnel information from BandChain to ensure that Falcon keeps all tunnels aligned and up-to-date with BandChain.
+- Handling penalty task
+ - Retries failed tasks after waiting for a penalty duration, which is calculated using exponential backoff.
+### 3. Checking Packets
+- Checks Tunnel State
+ - Queries tunnel information from BandChain and the target chain.
+ - Validates if the target chain's tunnel is active and ensures sequence consistency.
+- Determine Next Packet
+ - Compares the LatestSequence on the BandChain and the target chain.
+ - Identifies packets that have not yet been relayed.
+### 4. Relaying Packets
+- Validate Connection
+ - Ensures the chain client is connected.
+- Retry Logic
+ - Attempts to relay the packet up to `max_retry` times.
+ If all attempts fail, logs the error and move this task to penalty task.
+- #### 4.1 Create Transaction
+ - Fetch the sender's nonce to ensure transaction order.
+ - Calculate Gas Limit by using a pre-configured limit or dynamically estimate it based on transaction parameters.
+ - Set Fees by GasPrice for legacy transactions or BaseFee + PriorityFee for EIP-1559 transactions.
+- #### 4.2 Sign Transaction
+ - Sign the transactionby the sender's private key to sign the transaction with the chosen signer
+ - EIP155Signer for legacy transactions.
+ - LondonSigner for EIP-1559 transactions.
+- #### 4.3 Broadcast Transaction
+ - Send the transaction to the target chain.
+### 5. Confirming Transaction
+- Fetch the transaction receipt and check its status and block confirmations to ensure success.
+- Continuously check the transaction status within a specified duration. If the transaction remains unconfirmed for too long, mark it as unmined and handle it accordingly.
+- If the transaction fails, adjust the gas by using `GasMultiplier` and retry to relay packet again
+## Getting Started
+**Note:** This guide assumes that the program runs on a Linux environment.
+### 1. Node Installation
+#### 1.1 Node Configuration
+- make, gcc, g++ (can be obtained from the build-essential package on linux)
+- wget, curl for downloading files
+``` shell
+# install required tools
+sudo apt-get update && \
+sudo apt-get upgrade -y && \
+sudo apt-get install -y build-essential curl wget jq
+- Install Go 1.22.3
+# Install Go 1.22.3
+wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
+tar xf go1.22.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
+sudo mv go /usr/local/go
+# Set Go path to $PATH variable
+echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> $HOME/.profile
+source ~/.profile
+Go binary should be at /usr/local/go/bin and any executable compiled by go install command should be at ~/go/bin
+#### 1.2: Clone & Install Falcon
+``` shell
+cd ~
+# Clone Falcon
+git clone https://github.com/bandprotocol/falcon
+cd falcon
+# Install binaries to $GOPATH/bin
+make install
+### 2. Set passphrase
+In Falcon, the passphrase serves as an **encryption key** for securing sensitive data.
+- The passphrase can be set in one of the following ways:
+ - As an environment variable via a `.env` file.
+ ``` shell
+ ```
+ - Passed inline with commands that require it.
+ ``` shell
+ PASSPHRASE=secret falcon ...
+ ```
+- Some commands require the passphrase to:
+ - Validate its correctness when performing operations like managing keys.
+ - Initialize and encrypt configuration files for the program.
+- If no passphrase is provided, it defaults to an empty string `""`.
+### 3. Initialize the configuration directory/file
+``` shell
+falcon config init
+- The passphrase will be init after this command, it will become your program's permanent passphrase and cannot be changed. Please check that you set the correct passphrase during this step.
+- Default config directory: `~/.falcon/config`
+- By default, config will be initialized in format like this
+log_level = 'info'
+checking_packet_interval = 60000000000
+max_checking_packet_penalty_duration = 3600000000000
+penalty_exponential_factor = 1.0
+rpc_endpoints = ['http://localhost:26657']
+timeout = 3000000000
+To customize the config for relaying, you can use custom config file and use the `--file` flag when initializing the configuration.
+falcon config init --file custom_config.toml
+### 4. Configure target chains you want to relay
+You need to create a chain configuration file to add it to the configuration. Currently, only EVM chains are supported.
+ Example:
+``` toml
+endpoints = ['http://localhost:8545']
+chain_type = 'evm'
+max_retry = 3
+query_timeout = 3000000000
+chain_id = 31337
+tunnel_router_address = '0xDc64a140Aa3E981100a9becA4E685f962f0cF6C9'
+block_confirmation = 5
+waiting_tx_duration = 3000000000
+checking_tx_interval = 1000000000
+gas_type = 'eip1559'
+gas_multiplier = 1.1
+execute_timeout = 3000000000
+liveliness_checking_interval = 900000000000
+The supported `gas_type` values are `legacy` and `eip1559`. Each type requires specific configuration fields.
+- `legacy`
+ - `max_gas_price` defines the maximum gas price.
+ - If `max_gas_price` is not specified, it will be retrieved from the tunnel router.
+- `eip1559`
+ - `max_base_fee` defines the maximum base fee.
+ - `max_priority_fee` defines the maximum priority fee.
+ - If `max_priority_fee` is not defined, it will also be retrieved from the tunnel router
+``` shell
+falcon chains add testnet chain_config.toml
+### 5. Check target chain's activeness
+To relay packets to the target chain, you need to ensure that the tunnel on the target chain is active. This can be checked using
+``` shell
+falcon query tunnel
+### 6. Import OR create new keys to use when signing and relaying transactions.
+>Please ensure that you are using the correct passphrase that was set during initialization for the `add`, `delete`, and `export` commands.
+If you need to generate a new key, use the `add` subcommand.
+``` shell
+falcon keys add testnet testkey
+There are 3 options for user to add key
+Choose how to add a key
+> Private key (provide an existing private key)
+ Mnemonic (recover from an existing mnemonic phrase)
+ Generate new address (no private key or mnemonic needed)
+If you already have a private key and want to retrive key from it, you can choose `Private key` option.
+Enter your private key
+If you already have a mnemonic and want to retrive key from it, you can choose `Mnemonic` option.
+Enter your mnemonic
+Enter a coin type
+Coin type number for HD derivation (default: 60; leave empty to use default)
+Enter an account
+Account number in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)
+Enter an index
+Index number for the specific address within an account in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)
+If you want to generate a new address, choose the `Generate new address` option.
+Enter a coin type
+Coin type number for HD derivation (default: 60; leave empty to use default)
+Enter an account
+Account number in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)
+Enter an index
+Index number for the specific address within an account in the HD derivation path (default: 0; leave empty to use default)
+### 7. Check that the keys for the configured chains are funded
+You can query the balance of each configured key by running:
+``` shell
+falcon q balance testkey
+### 8. Start to relay packet
+Starts all tunnels that `falcon query tunnels` can query
+``` shell
+falcon start
+> NOTE: You can choose which tunnels do you want to relay.
+``` shell
+falcon start 1 2 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/logo.svg b/logo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5de241c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@