You can request 4 symbols on oracle script id: 360
client_id: String -> Arbitary string for your request
oracle_script_id: Uint64, -> Please use oracle script id 360
ask_count: Uint64, -> The number of validator you want to ask (Recommend: 4 on testnet)
min_count: Uint64, -> The minimum number of validator need to answer to aggregate result (Recommend: 3 on testnet)
fee_limit: Vec<Coin>, -> Data source fee that you willing to pay (Recommend: 250000uband)
prepare_gas: Uint64, -> Gas for running prepare phrase (Recommend: 100000)
execute_gas: Uint64, -> Gas for running execute phrase (Recommend: 500000)
minimum_sources: u8, -> The minimum available sources to determine price is aggregated from at least minimum sources (for data integrity) 1 should be ok for testing
Note: In this case use wasmd if you use other wasm chains please change your cli.
You can do further optimization using rust-optimizer. rust-optimizer produces reproducible builds of CosmWasm smart contracts and does heavy optimization on the build size, using binary stripping and wasm-opt.
Binary file will be at artifacts/price_feed.wasm folder, which is more smaller than when only RUTFLAGS was used.
TX=$(wasmd tx wasm store ./artifacts/price_feed.wasm --from $DEPLOYER --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas-prices 0.1stake --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block --output json -y | jq -r '.txhash')
CODE_ID=$(wasmd query tx $TX --output json | jq -r '.logs[0].events[-1].attributes[1].value')
echo "Your contract code_id is $CODE_ID"
wasmd tx wasm instantiate $CODE_ID $INITIAL_STATE --amount 50000stake --label "Counter Contract" --from $DEPLOYER --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas-prices 0.1stake --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3 -b block -y --no-admin
CONTRACT_ADDR=$(wasmd query wasm list-contract-by-code $CODE_ID --output json | jq -r '.contracts[0]')
echo "Your contract address is $CONTRACT_ADDR"
Note: Please run a relayer before requesting data Here are the simple guides for setting up a relayer.
# Execute message
wasmd tx wasm execute $CONTRACT_ADDR '{"request":{"symbols": ["BTC"] }}' --from $DEPLOYER -y --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID -b bloc
# Query contract
wasmd query wasm contract-state smart $CONTRACT_ADDR '{"get_rate":{"symbol":"BTC"}}' --chain-id $CHAIN_ID