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359 lines (255 loc) · 5.73 KB

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359 lines (255 loc) · 5.73 KB



check if all elements in array meets the condition

  • array <array>
  • condition <function> | <string>
gt5() {
  (($1 > 5))

arr=(6 7 8)
Array_every arr gt5
# assert success

arr=(6 5 8)
Array_every arr '(( $1 > 5 ))'
# assert failure


filter the array by condition

  • array <array>
  • condition <function> | <string>
  • @return array <array>
arr=(6 1 8)
Array_filter arr '(( $1 > 5 ))'
# output: 6 8


check if array has element satisfy the condition

  • array <array>
  • condition <function> | <string>
arr=("foo" "bar111" "baz")
Array_find arr '[[ $1 =~ [a-z]+[0-9]+ ]]'
# assert success

arr=("foo" "bar" "baz")
Array_find arr '[[ $1 =~ [a-z]+[0-9]+ ]]'
# assert failure


return the index of the first element match the regexp

  • array <array>
  • regexp <regexp>
  • @return index <int> or -1 when not found
arr=("foo" "bar111" "baz")
Array_find arr '[[ $1 =~ [a-z]+[0-9]+ ]]'
# output: 1

arr=("foo" "bar" "baz")
Array_find arr '[[ $1 =~ [a-z]+[0-9]+ ]]'
output: -1


execute the function for each element in array

  • array <array>
  • function <function> | <string>
arr=(6 7 8)
Array_forEach arr 'echo "$2: $1"'
# output: 0: 6
# output: 1: 7
# output: 2: 8


check if array has a certain element

  • array <array>
  • element <string>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_includes arr 2
# assert success


get the first index of the element

  • array <array>
  • element <string>
  • @return index <int> or -1 when not found
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_indexOf arr 2
# output: 1


check if array is empty

  • array <array>
Array_isEmpty arr
# assert success


join array elements with a delimiter

  • array <array>
  • delimiter <string>
  • @return joined string <string>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_join arr ","
# output: 1,2,3

arr=(1 2 3)
Array_join arr
# output: 123


create a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in this array

  • array <array>
  • function <function> | <string>
  • @return array <array>
double() {
echo $(($1 * 2))

arr=(1 2 3)
Array_map arr double
# output: 2 4 6

arr=(1 2 3)
Array_map arr 'echo $(( $1 * 3 ))'
# output: 3 6 9


check if array is not empty

  • array <array>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_notEmpty arr
# assert success


remove the last element of the array

  • array <array>
  • @return removed element <string>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_pop arr
# output: 3


add one or more elements to the end of an array, and return the new length of the array

  • array <array>
  • elements <any>
  • @return length of the array <int>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_push arr 4 5 6
# output: 6
# arr: 1 2 3 4 5 6


generate a random array

  • size <int> the size of the array (default 100)
  • min <int> the min value of the random number (default 0)
  • max <int> the max value of the random number (default 100)
  • @return a random array <array>
Array_random 100 0 100


reverse the order of the elements of an array in place

  • array <array>
  • @return reversed array <array>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_reverse arr
# output: 3 2 1


remove the first element of the array

  • array <array>
  • @return removed element <string>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_shift arr
# output: 1


check if array has element meets the condition

  • array <array>
  • condition <function> | <string>
gt5() {
  (($1 > 5))

arr=(1 2 6)
Array_some arr gt5
# assert success

arr=(1 2 3)
Array_some arr '(($1 > 5))'
# assert failure


sort the elements of an array in place

  • array <array>
  • comparator <function> | <string>
  • @return sorted array <array>
arr=(7 1 5 2 5 3 5 8)
Array_sort arr
# output: 1 2 3 5 5 5 7 8

arr=(7 1 5 2 5 3 5 8)
Array_sort arr '
  local a="$1"
  local op="$2"
  local b="$3"
  if [[ "$op" == ">" ]]; then
    ((a < b))
  elif [[ "$op" == "<" ]]; then
    ((a > b))
    ((a == b))
# output: 8 7 5 5 5 5 3 2 1


change the contents of an array by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place

  • array <array>
  • start <int>
  • deleteCount <int>
  • items <string>
  • @return changed array <array>
arr=(1 2 3 4)
Array_splice arr 1 2
# output: 2 3


add one or more elements to the beginning of an array, and return the new length of the array

  • array <array>
  • elements <any>
  • @return length of the array <int>
arr=(1 2 3)
Array_unshift arr 4 5 6
# output: 6
# arr: 4 5 6 1 2 3