define command arguments options
- argName <string> - e.g.; "-h --help"
- desc <string> - description of the argument
- argType <string> - type of the argument. must be one of <any> | <int> | <float> | <number> | [choice1 choice2 ...]. use a suffix ! (i.e.; <any>!) to indicate the argument is required. can also define a custom type check function here.
- defaultValue <any> - default value of the argument
Args_define "-r --readonly" "Readonly"
Args_define "-o --output" "Output" "<any>"
Args_define "-j --job" "Running jobs" "<int>" 2
Args_define "--te" "Truncation error" "<float>" 0.00001
Args_define "-f --format" "Output format" "[json yaml toml xml csv]" "json"
Args_define "-p --pwd" "Password is required" "<any>!"
checkEqualCustom() {
if [[ "$1" != "custom" ]]; then
echo "Expected 'custom', got '$1'"
return 1
Args_define "-c --custom" "Custom" checkEqualCustom
# or use a string as lambda function
# Args_define "-c --custom" "Custom" '[[ "$1" != "custom" ]] && echo "Expected custom, got $1";return 1'
Args_define "-v -V --version" "Show version"
Args_define "-h --help" "Show help"
get command arguments value passed in
- argName <string> e.g.; "-j" or "--job"
- @return <any> value passed in
Args_get "-j"
# equivalent
Args_get "--job"
get all input text other than command arguments value
- @return <array>
# pass arguments to the ./
./ -f toml ./file1 ../file2 path/to/file3
# then get the files to process
# output: "./file1 ../file2 path/to/file3"
check if command argument is passed
- argName <string> e.g.; "-j" or "--job"
Args_has "-j"
# equivalent
Args_has "--job"
show help info based on what you have defined
- insertBefore <string> insert text before this help info
- insertAfter <string> insert text after this help info
Args_help "Usage: foo [options]" "more info here..."
parse command arguments
- argv <array> command arguments
#must be called after Args_define()
Args_parse "$@"