- Comprehensive Coverage: Verifies the implementation and functionality of Ethereum JSON-RPC API endpoints.
- Automated Testing: Automatically sends transactions and queries to ensure accurate and complete API responses.
- Detailed Reporting: Generates clear and structured reports highlighting any discrepancies or issues in the API implementation.
# build the project
$ go build
# run the project
$ ./ethrpc-checker -v -xlsx
flag is for verbose mode. It will print the return value on the console.
flag is for generating the xlsx report. If you don't want to generate the xlsx report, you can remove this flag.
- Update config.yaml based on your environment.
rpc_endpoint: "http://localhost:8545"
# rich_privkey: private key of the account that has enough balance to send transactions
rich_privkey: "b9d15599650f41dc705d1edf676830117d14bf41f7a06dac5d13228507cff77f" # addr: 0xb14A5cF6D0F5a3B133d3cd3F396f756E091b8f65
# timeout is a hard dead line for the transaction to be mined.
# if tx is not mined within this time, it will be considered as failed
timeout: "10s"
- Erc20 contract source code and binary are already existed in the repo. so you don't have to compile it manually.
- But, if you want to use your own contract, you can use the following commands:
$ brew update
$ brew upgrade
$ brew tap ethereum/ethereum
$ brew install solidity
$ cd /path/to/ethrpc-checker/contracts
$ solc --bin --abi --evm-version london ERC20.sol -o .
- When compile finished, change the slot index of the GetStorageAt if you have different storage variables.